06/13 ProWrestling.net Free Podcast: The Paul “Triple H” Levesque and Shawn Michaels’ post NXT Takeover In Your House media call

06/13 ProWrestling.net Free Podcast: The Paul "Triple H" Levesque and Shawn Michaels' post NXT Takeover In Your House media call

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE executives Paul Levesque (a/k/a Triple H) and Shawn Michaels took questions from members of the pro wrestling media following Sunday’s NXT Takeover In Your House event. The topics include the unique background of Xia Li, LA Knight holding the Million Dollar Championship, Todd Pettengill’s future with the company, the challenges of going with a five-way main event, Tian Sha and similar acts, the state of the NXT brand and whether it’s in need of a spark, MSK and DX, William Regal’s future with the brand, and more (34:18)…

Click here for the June 13 Paul “Triple H” Levesque and Shawn Michaels media call.

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