8/16 Moore’s Impact Wrestling TV Review: LAX vs. The OGz in a parking lot street fight, Sami Callihan vs. Fenix, Su Yung vs. Allie in a non-title match, Johnny Impact vs. Jimmy Jacobs

By John Moore, Prowrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Impact Wrestling on PopTV
Taped July 23-24 2018 in Toronto, Ontario at The Rebel Complex 

Before the teaser, Impact started off with a black screen with an “in memoriam” dedication for Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart…

The teaser was a highlight package from last week with added visual effects. The Impact Wrestling intro theme aired…

Sami Callihan and the Crist Brothers made their entrance to their new remixed theme. Josh Mathews pointed out that Dave Crist has shaved his head. Josh Mathews and Don Callis were on commentary. Sami’s opponent was Rey Fenix. Josh Mathews acted worried when the Crist Brothers approached the fans and their commentary table…

1. Sami Callihan (w/Jake Crist, Dave Crist) vs. Fenix. Callihan went right at Fenix just as the bel rang. Fenix countered and hit a slingshot huracanrana on Callihan. Fenix did his signature tightrope armdrag on Sami with a kick to Jake Crist. Fenix took out all three OVE members with a Tope Con Hilo. Fenix hit Callihan with a tightrope Swanton Bomb. Josh Mathews explained that Fenix did the added tightrope move for added elevation. Fenix hit a series of chops on Fenix. Josh and Don were talking about Sami looking uglier after the head shaving (really?).

Sami surprised Fenix with a quick snap armdrag. They showed a replay of the armdrag almost planting Fenix on his head. Sami slowed down the action with a headlock. Fenix escaped but Sami followed up with a lariat. Sami hocked a loogie into his hand and chopped Fenix. A “that was gross” chant ensued. Callihan used clubbing blows on Fenix. Fenix was attacked by Jake Crist when Sami distracted the ref. Don Callis explained Jake’s “mini draw” moniker in talking about how he idolizes Sami “The Draw” Callihan. An “Ohio sucks” chant ensued (if he were babyface, would they be chanting “Cleveland Rocks!”?)

Callihan went back to the side headlock. Callihan rained stiff ground and pound from the full mount. Fenix escaped and hit Sami with a superkick. Sami shoved Fenix off the top rope to the stage ramp. Fenix escaped a power bomb on the ramp. Fenix hit Sami Callihan with a Lethal Injection on the stage ramp. Fenix yelled “Animo!!!” and hit a cool hands-free slingshot cutter on Sami. [c]

John’s Thoughts: Can you see why I keep griping to Lucha Underground that this guy needs to be the face of the company over his brother?

Fenix and Sami had a strike exchange. Sami eluted Fenix’s signature slicing sobat. Fenix went high risk and ate the boot of Sami. Sami planted Fenix with a powerbomb for a pin attempt but converted it into a half crab liontamer. Sami converted the move into a STF. Callihan converted that move into a crossface. Don Callis talked about how Sami is showing off really good wrestling ability. Sami took off his second gauntlet and pulled up his falling pants. Callihan did his thumb thing which allowed Fenix to hit a rising palm strike.

Fenix hit Sami with a tightrope frankensteier. Fenix hit Sami with a rolling Code Red for a nearfall. Callihan ended Fenix’s momentum with a thumb to the eye. Sami got distracted by the ref and spat on his face. Fenix took advantage of this by hitting Sami with a back-hook kick. Sami responded with a pump kick. Fenix responded with a high kick combo. Sami came back with a high kick. Fenix hit Sami with a cross kick. Don Callis talked about being impressed with Fenix’s reverse tiger feint (619) to get into the kick. Josh said he didn’t expect such a great match in the opening. Jake and Dave Crist tried to anchor Fenix to the top rope while Sami distracted the ref but Pentagon ran in to take out the Crist brothers. Fenix caught Sami with the slicing Sobat and then hit Sami with his finisher, the Kinniku Buster Driver, for the win.

Fenix defeated Sami Callihan via pinfall in 13:49 of TV Time.

Fenix and his brother embraced after the match (I kinda wish this were closer to LU where they hate each other, and they don’t acknowledge that they are related). Replays aired of some of Fenix and Sami’s innovative offense. Josh Mathews talked about how calling that match made him lose his voice. Jake and Dave Crist pulled Sami to the back…

John’s Thoughts: A immensely entertaining match between two of Lucha Underground’s best in-ring performers. I’ve always been impressed with Sami Callihan’s ring psychology when he’s not doing the garbage CZW stuff. Sami is really better without the crutch of weapons in my opinion. Fenix, for some strange reason, is extremely underrated by every company he works for and someone needs to cash-in on this guy’s innovation and reliability. One thing I keep hoping Impact will do is bring back Abyss’s kayfabe brother Judas Mesias because I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that he will tear the house down with Rey Fenix.

Josh Mathews and Don Callis checked in from ringside where Josh Mathews ran through the card of this episode. Josh Mathews said he was surprised to see Johnny Impact booked in a match against Jimmy Jacobs. Don Callis said he hasn’t seen Jacobs wrestle in years. Josh Mathews went into an impromptu shopimpact.com ad to sell some Impact maple leaf shirts. Don Callis said he hopes the shirt is double extra medium because he’s pretty jacked. Josh Mathews transitioned to a LAX vs. OGz recap vignette… [c]

Fenix was interviewed in the Rebel Complex hallways and told that he has a match against Brian Cage in a few weeks for the X Division Championship. Fenix said he feels great. He said his next challenge is coming, facing Brian Cage. Fenix said that Cage has never faced the “animo” of lucha libre. Cage met Fenix in the hallway and held up the title belt in the face of Fenix. Cage left and Fenix said his catchphrase “Animo”…

Josh Mathews advertised one of their themed shows in two weeks called “ReDefined”. This show got a Tron-like ’70s graphic. Josh Mathews also advertised the Chris Jericho Cruise. It was the same Jericho ad from last week…

John’s Thoughts: Hmmm… I was kinda hoping that Fenix would not be facing Lucha Underground wrestlers during his time with Impact. That said, I’ve reviewed all three, and counting, seasons of LU and I don’t think Cage and Fenix have wrestled a singles match in my recollection. Given the talent involved, this should be a killer match. Cage vs. Pentagon next week for the LU title and Cage vs. Fenix in two weeks for the X title? Cage has two good weeks of matches against the Lucha Brothers.

Josh Mathews cut to the Global Wrestling Network Flashback Match of the Week. They cut to the end of some match where Dot Net Staffer Haydn Gleed’s (alleged) favorite wrestler, Big Rob Terry, who hails from Wales, defeated Bobby Roode via pinfall. For some reason there were a lot of wrestlers on the outside. This might have been one of TNA’s weird gimmick matches because Terry won for the “British Invasion” trio of he, Doug Williams, and Nick Aldis. A bunch of aged wrestlers were brawling on the outside. Samoa Joe was angry at something. I think Daivari was there. I fast forwarded through six minutes…

Eddie Kingston was shown walking outside with a mob of random people behind him. Kingston called out LAX and bragged about how they weren’t going to show up. Kingston was banging on a liquor bottle. Josh Mathews advertised Johnny Impact vs. Jimmy Jacobs for later with a confused tone of voice…

Alicia [Atout] interviewed Allie and Kiera Hogan about Allie’s non-title match on this show. Alicia said she understands that this is about more than the title for Allie. Allie has a lot of glitter on her eyes. Allie spent a good portion of her promo talking about how she’s not going to be distracted by outside forces. Kiera said she had Allie’s back. Allie said she made a promise that nobody was going to get stuffed in the casket. Allie said the only way to do that is to put an end to Su Yung. Allie said she was dedicating this match to Madison Rayne, Rosemary, and Allie’s soul. Allie said she intends to keep her promise…

John’s Thoughts: So Madison Rayne died and gone to WWE?

“The Zombie Princess” Jimmy Jacobs made his entrance to his own disco-sounding theme music. Jacobs was in ring gear and wearing a tiara. Josh Mathews informed viewers that Jacobs is an actual wrestler. Josh Mathews said Jacobs also wrestled recently on their Twitch channel against Pentagon Jr. Jacobs said he knows people judge him by saying he’s a little man that hides behind a big man. Jacobs said people also think he’s soft since he’s a “princess”. Jacobs said more of his usual Jacobs things and called out Johnny Impact. Jacobs said he’s the monster…

John’s Thoughts: Jacobs confuses me these days in a bad way. I remember this guy being really good on the microphone during his run with Age of the Fall. I remember this guy doing a great job turning the flamboyant switch in Wrestling Society X where he had the “sensitive” tag team with Seth Rollins. In Impact, Jacobs is cutting weird promos that sound like he’s in a promo rehearsal. The crowd is reacting appropriately, not with hate, but with utter apathy.

Before the match could start, Kongo Kong shoved Johnny Impact as he was walking down the entrance ramp. Jacobs said this match was all a ruse. Kong followed up with a standing boot. Josh said that Jacobs is obsessed with Johnny Impact’s good looks. Josh also said that Johnny Impact was taken out for several months by the Kong attack. Callis said that Johnny had a broken orbital bone (wait? like Eddie Edwards)…

2. Johnny Impact vs. Jimmy Jacobs. For some reason because the referee may be a jerk, the referee rang for the bell when Kongo Kong beat up Johnny Impact and tossed him in the ring. What the F ref? Johnny Impact kicked out at two. Jimmy Jacobs yelled at Johnny that he was the monster. Johnny Impact no-sold Jimmy’s punches. Don Callis noted that there is a size difference. Kongo Kong hit Johnny Impact with a sitout pile driver for the DQ.

Johnny Impact defeated Jimmy Jacobs via an apparent DQ in 1:00.

The referee ran the hell away. Jacobs and Kong took the ring steps and put them on the ramp. Johnny escaped a powerbomb on the steps. Johnny landed a series of strikes. Kong blocked a Tornado DDT with a back toss. Johnny hit Kong with a running enzuigiri. Johnny then hit Kong with an ugly looking tornado DDT on the steps. Jimmy Jacobs hit Johnny with a chair in the back which Johnny no-sold. Johnny did a parkour flip in the ring. Johnny used his parkour to trap Jimmy Jacobs in the arena. Johnny did a parkour flip over Jacobs to taunt him. Johnny then hit Jacobs with his signature running stiff knee. Johnny deadlifted the steel steps and then nailed Jacobs with the head (protected) with the steps. Johnny Impact did his Johnny pose on the steps as Jacobs was knocked out and Johnny’s theme played. Austin Aries and Killer Kross were shown entering the Rebel Complex. Josh Mathews also advertised the Scarlett Bordeaux “Smoke Show” after the break…

John’s Thoughts: While I have been impressed by Johnny Impact toning down the cheesy promos (and he’s doing really good babyface work on Lucha Underground on Wednesdays), this Jimmy Jacobs feud is not doing him any favors. I keep saying they should pair Jacobs with another act because there is negative chemistry between him and Kong. Kong was a lot better when he was squashing dudes and paired with Laurel Van Ness.

KM and Fallah Bahh were shown getting ready for a date (for some reason, they go on dates in their ring gear). Fallah Bahh had a bucket of champagne with him. Through understanding Bahh’s Bahh-glish, KM figured out that they were on a date with the same person. They had a friendly brawl and KM stole Bahh’s champagne. They found Scarlett Bordeaux lying on a couch wearing skimpy clothing. KM and Bahh were hypnotized. KM shoved Bahh away and sat next to Scarlett. KM said he brought Scarlett “Cham Pag Knee”. KM claimed that it was expensive. Scarlett did a spit take with the champagne and said that Moet is for “Side Chicks” and she only does Rose.

Scarlett introduced “The Smoke Show” and interviewed KM about his troubles with Fallah Bahh. KM talked about how Bahh is not listening to his advice by doing things the Brooklyn way. KM and Bahh argued with Bahh responding everything with “Bahh”. Scarlett leaned on KM and recommended that KM do things the Bahh way. KM turned on Scarlett and said he knows manipulative hushed him and teased a kiss. KM did some creepy tongue movements. KM then became more civil and accepted Scarlett’s advice to become more like Fallah. KM told Scarlett “you’re like a female Buddha”. KM said he’s going to get matching gear and he was hyped as he walked off. Bahh then told Scarlett “Bahh” in a sensual tone. Scarlett slapped Bahh because whatever “Bahh” translated to might have been really sick…

John’s Thoughts: That was actually really funny. KM and Fallah Bahh are balls of charisma and they played well off of Scarlett. As fun as that segment was, I hope the fun antics was a one-off for Scarlett because I think there’s more money in Scarlett as an antagonist (as evidenced through her solid interaction with Alicia Atout in Scarlett’s debut). What had me worried here was them going the miracle-worker route with Scarlett not doing anything outright heelish and even turning KM true babyface for a second. Even the slap on Bahh wasn’t heelish since Bahh may have said something very perverted. I don’t speak Bahh-glish so I can’t confirm that.

A New York Bound for Glory ad aired…

Austin Aries made his entrance. Josh Mathews said the social media buzz is that people are speculating that Kross and Aries were aligned since Kross made his debut. Don Callis wondered if money was involved. Aries said it was a great day to be great. Aries talked about delivering on beating the lunatic Eddie Edwards. A majority of the crowd cheered him. Aries tried to get the crowd to turn on him by leading a “why?” and “what” chant against him. Aries said he doesn’t have to explain anything because Killer Kross can talk for himself. Austin Aries introduced Killer Kross as his personal “insurance policy”. Kross made his entrance wearing a formal dress shirt and trenchcoat. Kross said he told the world that he is the new beginning. The crowd gave Kross the “What” treatment during his promo about creating change.

John’s Thoughts: I totally understand why Aries planted the “what” seed in the crowd. They were cheering him and it was a cognizant way to turn them against him. It kinda backfired for Kross though.

Kross said people need to get hurt and this is the “hurt” business. Kross praised Aries for understanding the situation. Kross said he and Aries are different but they both thrive in wanting to create change. Kross said in the end everyone pays the toll. Aries yanked the mic and said that Anthony Carelli paid the toll as well as Eddie Edwards. Aries said if you mess with Aries you get crossed out. Aries then made fun of how Canadians pronounce “out” and “ey”. Aries said he’s changing the industry. Aries said one man can only change the world so much. Aries talked about picking the best to associate with him. Aries said he was unbeatable before but he’s unstoppable with Kross. Aries made a dick joke about Edwards’s stick and related it to Alisha. Aries said if you step up to the champ you will get “Krossed Out”…

Eddie Edwards walked out with his kendo stick. Aries mocked Edwards for coming out due to him talking about Alisha. Aries struck the tranquilo pose on the top rope hid behind Kross. An “Eddie” chant ensued. Eddie hit Kross with the kendo stick which Kross sold minimally. Eddie Edwards knocked out Kross with an RKO. Callis noted that this was the first time we’ve seen Kross knocked out on Impact Wrestling (he’s only been in one or two matches). Aries begged for mercy in the corner as Edwards threatened Aries with the stick. Callis called out Eddie for not attacking Aries. This allowed Aries to nail Edwards with the title belt when Kross held the ankle of Edwards. Kross locked Edwards in the Kross Jacket as Aries taunted Edwards. Aries stood tall with his title belt. Josh Mathews asked if Eddie Edwards was “Krossed Out”… [c]

John’s Thoughts: The promo was delivered well, but I’m not a fan of Killer Kross cutting a traditional pro wrestling promo. Impact did a great job building up the mystique of the guy and he came off well in those backstage mysterious vignettes. Here he was being a bit to romantic in his speech patterns and was losing the crowd a bit. I also wouldn’t have minded if they kept a layer of mystery behind their relationship rather than laying their mission statement and plot all out there at once. They also made Kross look a bit weak compared to that masterful job they did with Kross in the Petey Williams match. This wasn’t a horrible segment, but I feel that they aren’t heading in a favorable direction despite my high hopes for this all-star pairing.

Josh Mathews recapped the Killer Kross and Austin Aries segment. Eddie Edwards was shown having a conversation with himself backstage. Alisha Edwards walked to Eddie and said she came to check on Eddie. Alisha then calmly told Eddie “you’re so crazy”. Eddie yelled “why is everyone saying I’m crazy!!!”…

Eli Drake made his entrance and was flanked by Trevor Lee and Caleb Konley. Josh Mathews advertised the Impact Wrestling “Night of the Dummies” One Night Only show. Joe Hendry did one of his custom entrance themes for The Cult of Lee. I couldn’t tell if this was an original or custom cover. Joe Hendry then transitioned to doing his own entrance theme as he made his entrance Joe Hendry led the crowd in doing an arm wave to his entrance. Grado was off-sync as usual.

John’s Thoughts: Not Hendry’s best work, and after going down the Hendry YouTube rabbit hole I’ve seen a lot of his great work (I’ll post one below). The problem with this one is I’m not sure what song he was going for, or if he was even going for a custom cover. Via fair use laws, I think it’s fine for him to do a parody of a song as long as it isn’t a carbon copy of the source material. I do really like is regular entrance though if that’s anything. It helps that he hast a good singing voice.

3. Eli Drake (w/Trevor Lee and Caleb Konley) vs. Joe Hendry (w/Grado and Katarina). A crawler ad aired for the Chris Jericho Cruise. Josh Mathews ran through Hendry’s amateur wrestling background. Hendry took down Drake with a series of armdrag takedowns. Hendry went for a backslide. Hendry took down Drake with a shoulder block. Drake shoved Hendry into the top turnbuckle and hit him with a neckbreaker. Drake dominated Hendry for a sequence. Hendry made a comeback with a lariat and a neckbreaker of his own. Hendry eluded Drake’s strikes and DDT’s Drake. Grado hit Caleb Konley with a lariat. Grado unintentionally distracted Joe Hendry which allowed Drake to roll up Hendry for the win.

Eli Drake defeated Joe Hendry via pinfall in 4:27.

Katarina went to check on Hendry. Katarina then yelled at poor ol’ Grado for costing Hendry the match. Grado looked awkward trying to shrug it off. Hendry shrugged it off and even hugged Grado on his way up the ramp… [c]

John’s Thoughts: I’m a huge proponent of the Joe Hendry and Grado act. They’re very fun. Eli Drake’s place in all of this is very awkward. They signed Drake to a new deal, but here I feel like he’s just a plot device to move things forward when he should be in a meaningful program. Impact also continues to tank the promising careers of Trevor Lee and Caleb Konley by relegating them to being Drake’s faceless mooks. They’re putty patrollers now.

Matt Sydal was shown meditating in his boxers at a waterfront. This was a vignette showing Sydal’s many losses in recent weeks getting to him. Indian music was playing in the background. As images of Sydal’s failures flashed on the screen, Sydal broke his meditation and was shaking. We then saw what may be Sydal’s drug trip as we saw space, a baby, jellyfish, New York, and other random things. We even saw Sydal with a third eye materialize on his head…

An ad aired for an Impact Twitch show aired. Joey Ryan and AR Fox were featured in the ad. This was for the NGW promotion in Nashville, Tennessee…

John’s Thoughts: Speaking of outside promotions, how awesome is it that Impact stopped airing bootleg indie footage with no context on their television. Impact has become a better product because of it.

Sami Callihan and the Crist Brothers cut one of their camcorder promos. Sami Callihan said it was all Pentagon’s fault that Sami lost to Fenix, Dave lost his hair, and Sami lost his hair. Sami Callihan said next week they will end this once and for all “Pentagon Jr. Style” in Pentagon’s own match. Sami then challenged Pentagon Jr. to a “Mexican Death Match” next week. Sami then ended his promo by saying that they are for Ohio, by Ohio, and will take over Everything… Everything… Everything…

Josh and Don checked back in from the commentary table and hyped up matches for upcoming weeks. Josh also said that Brian Cage was finally going to speak next week…

John’s Thoughts: What makes a Mexican Death Match different from a 5150 Street Fight, hardcore match, House of Hardcore match, Monster’s Ball, etc.? Weird logic aside, Pentagon Jr. vs. Sami Callihan (another Lucha Underground pairing) at Slammiversary was Impact Wrestling’s best match in a long time so I’m not complaining about a rematch. It should be very fun if they are given the time.

Su Yung made her entrance with the undead bridesmaids. Allie came out with Kiera Hogan. Josh Mathews noted that Yung wants to put all the Knockouts in coffins. Josh talked about how she put Rosemary in one and burned it. Josh said that Allie and Madison Rayne were also put in coffins. Allie made her entrance high fiving the fans… [c]

John’s Thoughts: Hearing Josh Mathews calmly talking about his (kayfabe) potentially dead wife is unintentional metta humor.

4. Su Yung (w/The Undead Bridesmaids) vs. Allie (w/Kiera Hogan) in a non-title match. Allie was distracted by the KC Spinelli zombie which allowed Su Yung to beat up Allie. Allie countered and dominated Allie for a sequence. Allie caught Su Yung with a basement forearm. Josh Mathews and Don Callis argued over whether the Mandible Claw is a legitimate wrestling move. Allie was then stunned by the glare of the motionless undead bridesmaids. This allowed Su Yung to rake Allie over the top rope. Su Yung took off her shirt revealing her bra.

Josh Mathews said that Su Yung was convulsing on the apron but to me it looked like she was hyping up the crowd. That’s weird for the heel. Su Yung hit Allie on the outside with a cannonball senton. Su Yung dominated Allie in the ring. Allie blocked the Mandible Claw. Josh Mathews went into his mandatory Swedish Dicks plug. Don Callis said they can have a Swedish Dicks party afterward.

Allie blocked the Mandible Claw and gave Su Yung a chop to the chest. Su Yung powered through with a palm strike. Su Yung then hit flailing blows on Allie. Allie came back with axe handle strikes and a neckbreaker. Allie caught Su Yung with a running senton. Allie caught Su Yung with a second rope STO. Allie dropkicked Su Yung into the second turnbuckle. The Undead Bridesmaids tried to distract Allie. Kiera took out two with a crossbody. The Undead Maid of Honor knocked down Kiera. Allie escaped the Panic Switch and hit Yung with a lungblower. Su Yung pulled out her bloody glove. Tessa Blanchard ran in for the DQ.

Allie defeated Su Yung via an apparent DQ in 5:35.

Tessa laid in punches on Allie. Su Yung prevented Tessa from hitting the hammerlock DDT by putting the bloody glove in her mouth. Allie took down Tessa with a superkick and took down Su Yung with a codebreaker. Allie was hyped up and stood tall in the end. Josh Mathews wondered if Allie is going to be the next Knockouts Champion. Josh then hyped up the LAX vs. OGz Street Fight… [c]

John’s Thoughts: A well worked women’s match and one of Allie’s better in-ring performances. What I’m not a huge fan of is Su Yung looking weak all of a sudden. This reminds me a bit of how they pushed Taya Valkyrie to the moon and then she was made to look weak in a matter of weeks. I’m not 100% sold on Allie playing the Super Gail Kim character.

Josh Mathews advertised the “ReDefined” themed show for two weeks. He hyped up Cage vs. Fenix for the X Division Championship and said there will be more updates to come which you can find on their website. Josh advertised Sami Callihan vs. Pentagon Jr. for next week in a Mexican Street Fight were everyone is banned from ringside…

The show went into cinematic mode with the LAX and OGz street fight which happened in a parking lot. Konnan and Kingston led their teams to a standoff. The OGz and LAX each had their own nameless mob members behind them. Kingston said he was surprised of Konnan having an army. Konnan talked about teaching Kingston and the OGz everything they knew. Kingston and Konnan agreed to let Santana and Ortiz battle Hernandez and Homicide while everyone else watches from the side. The OGz laid the Tag Titles on the ground and a brawl ensued. Weapons were used. Kingston sent in a random black dude and Konnan sent out a nameless mook to cancel him out. Homicide threatened to jab Santana with a fork which Santana was able to fight off. Santana escaped a Gringo Killer on the concrete.

Ortiz beat up homicide with a broom. King handed Homicide his rocks in a sock (which looked more like tennis balls in a sock based on the shape and the way they bounce when they contact someone). Ortiz took control of the sock rocks and knocked out Homicide. Hernandez grabbed Santana and gave him the border toss on Konnan’s mob. Hernandez tried to choke out Ortiz with a rope. Hernandez tried to jab a tent spike into Ortiz. Santana saved Ortiz and wailed on him with the rock sock. Santana took off his shirt and stood tall over Hernandez with the title belt. Santana told Ortiz that this was over. Kingston ran in and said “It’s not over yet!” (so Kingston is Liquid Snake now?).

Kingston tried to plead with Santana and Ortiz by saying that he gave them the titles, not Konnan. Kingston then yelled at Konnan and called him an old dog, a bitch. Kingston said that LAX is being led to the grave. Kingston’s next sentence was censored. Kingston said he spits on Konnan’s soul and family. Kingston asked Santana to give Konnan the sock. Kingston then emotionally dared Konnan to bludgeon him with the sock. Kingston called Konnan an old bastard. Konnan said “with pleasure mother fu….” as the screen went blank after Konnan bludgeoned Kingston…

John’s Thoughts: Remember when Eddie Kingston was a part of that dorky Jabbawockeez-looking DCC faction with James Storm? This was great. Not for everyone due to the cinematic camera angles, but this was well done. Konnan and Kingston are two very good actors and did a good job with this street ballad. I can’t sell Santana and Ortiz short too because these two have carried their ends of the act very well too. Everyone was good here. Even Hernandez who is extremely limited these days, looked violent with his short and effective offense sequences. This LAX universe continues to look like a different show from the main Impact show, but that’s not a bad thing. Impact’s good now and we get some bonus Lucha Underground on the side. All is well.

This was a pretty good episode of Impact at the beginning and end. The show was pretty dry around the middle, but the show bookended very well. The show started off with a hot Fenix and Sami Callihan match and ended with a unique LAX cinematic. Jason Powell will be by with his thoughts later today with his Impact Wrestling Hit List and a members’ exclusive audio review.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. Someone needs to polish up on their wrestling knowledge if you dont know the difference between a deathmatch and a street fight.

    • well… the rules change from promotion to promotion, and even year to year. So it’s hard to keep up with every death match being different.

      I know Fenix has lost a death match in Lucha Underground which meant he died (but he has extra lives so he didn’t stay dead)

      • True. But in the traditional sense isn’t it a 10 second count for a pin?

        LU is special, a death match actually means a DEATH match haha 🙂

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