West Coast Pro “The Thing That Should Not Be” results (10/11): Vetter’s review of Takumi Iroha vs. Zara Zakher for the WCPW Women’s Title, Kevin Blackwood vs. Jake Something for the WCPW Title

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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West Coast Pro “The Thing That Should Not Be”
Streamed on YouTube.com
October 11, 2024 in San Francisco, California at Irish Cultural Center

This is the promotion’s sixth anniversary show, and it aired live and free on Youtube. They have used this venue frequently; lighting is okay and the crowd is maybe 250-300, but it’s fairly packed in this small venue.

* A reminder that Prestige, West Coast Pro, and Deadlock Pro are working together now, and just like the Prestige show two weeks ago, champions from all three promotions are here and defending belts.

1. Alan Angels vs. Ishmael Vaughn for the Prestige World Title. Vaughn has an oversized chain and a purple robe; is he trying to look like the Godfather? Angels just regained this title in Japan a few weeks ago; he is giving up a LOT of size in this one. Vaughn immediately hit some punches and he hip-tossed Angels across the ring. Vaughn went shoulder-first into the corner; he turned around and Angels caught him with the Halo Kick to the head and pinned him! Wow!

Alan Angels defeated Ishmael Vaughn to retain the Prestige World Title at 00:39.

* Angels got on the mic and said he only lost the title to Starboy Charlie because Charlie hit him in the face with a chair, but he “beat his ass” in Japan to get it back. AJ Gray appeared and the crowd popped for the appearance of the former WCPW champion! We have an impromptu match!

2. Alan Angels vs. AJ Gray for the Prestige World Title. Gray hit a decapitating clothesline and a dive to the floor in the first few seconds. Back in the ring, AJ was in charge. They fought on the top rope and Angels bit the forehead. He hit a frogsplash for a nearfall at 2:30. AJ hit some Polish Hammers to the chest. He nailed a top-rope superplex for a nearfall at 4:30. Angels hit a Halo Kick, but this time only got a nearfall. AJ hit a spinebuster and a standing powerbomb for a nearfall. Angels hit a low blow kick while the ref was out of position, then the Angels Wings (X-Factor face plants) for the cheap pin.

Alan Angels defeated AJ Gray to retain the Prestige World Title at 5:58.

3. Alec Price vs. Jiah Jewell. Price wrestled in Massachusetts 26 or so hours earlier. I always say ‘crazy Cajun’ Jewell is a mix of Lash LeRoux and Skinner. Alec yanked him to the mat by his hair. Price hit a springboard doublestomp to the upper back for a nearfall at 2:30, then a basement dropkick to the head. He hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip and a cannonball into the corner for a nearfall at 4:30, and he kept Jiah grounded. He hit a springboard back elbow and they were both down. Jiah hit some European Uppercuts and a tornado DDT for a nearfall at 6:30. He did a Gator Roll on the mat, then a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Jiah dropped him with a forearm strike. Price hit a half-nelson suplex at 8:30. Jiah hit a German Suplex with Price flipping and landing stomach-first. Jiah hit a Tiger Driver for a nearfall. Jiah leapt off the ropes but Price caught him with a stunner. Alec hit a running knee to the side of the head and scored the pin. Good action.

Alec Price defeated Jiah Jewell at 10:22. 

4. Bodhi Young Prodigy, Princess Azul, nad Leon Slater vs. Toxin, Prometeo, and Hyan. I don’t think I’ve seen Azul before; she wears a mask and her one-piece outfit is actually white, but she wore a blue robe to the ring. Bodhi is still probably only 16 or 17. Masked luchador Toxin is in red tonight. My first time seeing the masked Prometeo, who wore black. Slater and Toxin opened, but Azul tagged in and traded lucha reversals with Toxin. Bodhi and Hyan locked up at 2:30 and they are roughly the same size. He hit a hard chop to her chest and a dropkick. Finally, Slater tied up with Prometeo, trading quick lucha reversals at 4:00. Toxin tied up Slater on the mat. Slater hit a back heel kick on Hyan.

Bodhi tagged in and hit a nice top-rope huracanrana. Slater’s team hit stereo dives to the floor at 6:30. In the ring, they worked over Hyan. Azul hit a moonsault that barely grazed Hyan for a nearfall. Bodhi and Toxin traded forearm strikes. Toxin hit a Lungblower on Bodhi for a nearfall, and suddenly all six were down at 8:30. All six got up and fought, with the women pairing off and the men pairing off. Toxin’s team now all hit dives to the floor. In the ring, Slater hit a superkick on Toxin, then his Swanton 450 Splash on Toxin for the pin. What a pretty finisher! I love high-energy matches. My guess is Azul is fairly new, and Toxin helped her shine with some spots.

Bodhi Young Prodigy, Princess Azul, and Leon Slater defeated Toxin, Prometeo, and Hyan at 10:23.

5. Calvin Tankman vs. Shigehiro Irie for the Deadlock Pro Title. Irie has been competing in Germany; I just reviewed one of his matches from last weekend. I will reiterate that he has a bigger, wide body, similar to EVIL or Shingo Takagi. Of course, Tankman has the size advantage. Tankman has his Deadlock Pro Title. They locked up and Tankman shoved him into the corner. Irie tried a shoulder tackle that didn’t budge Calvin. Irie hit a top-rope flying shoulder tackle that staggered Calvin but didn’t drop him at 2:00. Calvin hit a powerslam on the ring apron. They fought on the floor, and Tankman whipped Irie into the ring post. They traded chops in front of the fans at ringside. In the ring, Tankman stood behind Irie and hit some crossface blows at 5:00.

Tankman applied a chinlock and cranked on Irie’s neck, keeping him grounded. He hit a splash to the mat for a nearfall at 7:00. Irie tried to put Calvin on his back but couldn’t get him up. They traded forearm strikes. Irie hit a Samoan Drop, and even he looked shocked he got the big man up. Irie hit a rolling cannonball in the corner for a nearfall at 9:00. Tankman hit a backbreaker over his knee and a short-arm clothesline for a nearfall. Tankman set up for a spinning back fist, but Irie applied a rear-naked choke and they fell to the mat. Back on their feet, Tankman backed Irie into the corner to escape at 11:00. They traded clotheslines. Irie ran the ropes and hit a clothesline that dropped Tankman and he got a nearfall. Tankman hit the spinning back fist and the Rikishi Driver (sit-out piledriver) for the pin. That was really, really good.

Calvin Tankman defeated Shigehiro Irie to retain the Deadlock Pro Title at 12:08.

6. Johnnie Robbie vs. Sandra Moone. Robbie just came back from an injury that has sidelined her most of 2024. She stalled on the floor at the bell, so Moone dove onto her and they traded forearms in front of the fans. They got in the ring, with Sandra hitting some overhand chops to the chest. Johnnie hit some kicks and she stomped on Moone on the mat. Robbie tied her in a leglock at 3:00. She snapped Moone’s neck and got a nearfall. Moone hit her mule kick to the face for a nearfall at 5:30. Robbie hit a running back elbow into the corner. Moone hit a high back suplex for a nearfall. Robbie hit a superkick and they were both down at 7:30. They got up and traded forearm strikes, and Johnnie fell to the mat.

Robbie hit a short-arm clothesline for a believable nearfall. She hit a hard running knee to the jaw for another believable nearfall. She applied a Camel Clutch and hit some crossface blows. Moone hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a believable nearfall at 10:00, and she argued with the ref. Moone hit a diving forearm, then a gut-wrench side slam for the pin. That was really intense.

Sandra Moone defeated Johnny Robbie at 10:54.

7. “Los Suavicitos” Ricky Gee and Danny Rose (w/Adrian Quest) vs. Starboy Charlie and Titus Alexander for the WCPW Tag Team Titles. LS wore their LA Dodger jerseys for cheap heat in San Francisco. Charlie hit some punches on Quest while Titus dove through the ropes onto LS. They all brawled at ringside and over to a bar; I really can’t see well this far from ringside. In the ring, the babyfaces beat up Quest some more. Gee and Rose got back in the ring, but the babyfaces hit stereo huracanranas, then stereo dropkicks at 4:00. Titus and Gee fought in the ring. Quest hit Titus from behind. The heels were making this a 3-on-2 match, with Quest helping beat up Charlie at ringside. In the ring, LS worked over Titus and kept him grounded. Rose hit a garbage can lid over Charlie’s head at 6:30.

Titus clotheslined himself and Gee to the floor. Charlie got in and hit some kicks on Rose and he was fired up, peeling down his straps of his bib overalls. He hit a corkscrew senton for a nearfall. Charlie hit a grazing Pele Kick at 9:00. Charlie hit his handspring-back-Poison Rana for a believable nearfall. Quest shoved Charlie off the top rope to the floor. Rose and Titus traded quick kicks and pinfall attempts. Rose hit a Crucifix Takedown at 10:30. LS hit a team crossbody block move on Charlie for a nearfall. Quest slid some doors into the ring, as the three heels beat up Titus. LS hit front-and-back kicks on Titus at 12:30, and they set up a door bridge. LS hit a team back suplex-and-doublestomp combo on Titus, dropping him through the door bridge for a nearfall, but Charlie made the save.

Charlie hit a spinning heel kick. Rose threw a chair at Charlie’s head and I really hate that. He hit a chairshot over the top of Charlie’s head, then another. (Charlie may have blocked those a bit, but not by much.) Charlie had a cut on his forehead and was spitting up blood, too. Titus hit a stunner for a nearfall at 16:00, and they were all down. Gee hit a spinebuster on Charlie. Titus hit a Chaos Theory (rolling German Suplex) for a believable nearfall. Charlie hit a top-rope Shooting Star Press, but Quest pulled the ref from the ring. Agayo pulled Quest from the ring and hit him with a bat! In the ring, Charlie hit a top-rope Shooting Star Press onto one of the heels lying on a door bridge and scored the pin! New champions! That was fun.

Starboy Charlie and Titus Alexander defeated Ricky Gee and Danny Rose to win the WCPW Tag Team Titles at 19:09. 

* 24-minute intermission

8. Mad Dog Connelly vs. Alpha Zo. Connelly also wrestled in Germany last week; he has the whole Bruiser Brody look with a chain and plain black trunks and wild hair. I again am just astonished at how thin Zo is now; he lost a lot in a short period but looks healthy. They immediately traded fast-paced mat reversals. Zo hit a T-Bone suplex, and Connelly rolled to the floor to regroup at 1:30. Connelly whipped him head-first into the ring post. They fought more at ringside, and Connelly hit a gut-wrench suplex on the floor. In the ring, Connelly raked the face and kept Zo grounded. Zo hit diving back elbows in the corner and got a nearfall at 5:00. Connelly hit some clotheslines in the corner. Connelly hit a pair of gut-wrench suplexes. Zo hit a gut-wrench powerbomb and they were both down. Connelly hit some slaps to the face, but Zo hit a hard clothesline for the pin. Connelly hit a post-match clothesline and was booed.

Alpha Zo defeated Mad Dog Connelly at 8:21.

Vinnie Massaro came to the ring for a “major announcement,” and he is dressed in street clothes. WCPW matchmaker Chis Hero hopped in the ring and took the mic before Vinnie could say a word. Hero displayed the “Golden Gate Championship,” a new title belt. He said they’ll crown the inaugural champion soon, then Hero left. Massaro got on the mic; he didn’t even get to pretend to give a retirement speech; Aaron Solo got in the ring, grabbed the mic, and told Massaro he should retire. Solo said Massaro isn’t the same guy he used to be. “There is a saying that Father Time is undefeated, and Father Time has been kicking your ass the last two years,” Solo said to Massaro. He asked Vinnie if he thinks he could win a fight between them. Massaro left the ring. “Go ahead and leave, like your wife left you, you f—en loser,” Solo said, and the crowd gasped. Massaro turned around, got back in the ring, and tackled Solo, and they brawled on the mat. Security stepped in to separate them.

9. Kevin Blackwood vs. Jake Something for the WCPW Title.  Jake tossed him across the ring, and Kevin immediately rolled to the floor to regroup. In the ring, Jake overpowered Kevin, and he hit a series of shoulder tackles at 2:00, then a splash into the corner. Kevin kicked him to the floor. Jake hit a running crossbody block in the ropes. Back in the ring, Jake hit a spear into the corner. Kevin hit a doublestomp on the back at 4:30, then a DDT for a nearfall. Kevin hit some Yes Kicks but it just woke up and fired up Jake. Kevin hit another doublestomp to the chest at 6:30, then a German Suplex. Jake hit a clothesline and they were both down.

Jake hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Jake dropped him with a hard forearm and got a nearfall at 10:00. Jake nailed a Burning Hammer for a believable nearfall. They fought to the floor, where Jake slammed him on the apron. In the ring, Kevin hit a top-rope doublestomp to the chest for a believable nearfall. Kevin hit a knee to the side of the head, then a brainbuster for a believable nearfall at 13:00. They fought on the ropes, and Jake hit a second-rope powerbomb for a nearfall. They again fought on the ropes, but this time, Kevin hit a top-rope doublestomp onto Jake’s chest for the pin. A hard-hitting match.

Kevin Blackwood defeated Jake Something to retain the WCPW Title at 15:34.

10. Takumi Iroha vs. Zara Zakher for the WCPW Women’s Title. Zara has really impressed me this year but she’s still fairly green; her hair is now in red braids. Iroha has been champion for 429 days. An intense lockup to open, and Zara has the clear power/strength advantage. They sat cross-legged on the mat and tied up, and they had a standoff at 2:00. Some basic offense between them, and Iroha hit a running penalty kick at 6:00, and she tied Zara in a Camel Clutch. Zara hit a German Suplex and they were both down. Zara hit a basement dropkick to the back for a nearfall at 8:00. Iroha hit a German Suplex and a spinning heel kick.

Zara hit a European Uppercut and a spinebuster for a nearfall at 10:00. She hit a clothesline and the crowd rallied for her, as Zara peeled down the straps of her singlet. They traded rollups. Iroha hit a superkick and a Shining Wizard for a nearfall. Zara hit a suplex, then a Cradle Shock slam for a nearall at 14:00. Iroha hit a superkick. Zara hit a stunner and scored the pin! New champion! “History has been made!” the commentator shouted. Good match and definitely a surprising outcome.

Zara Zakher defeated Takumi Iroha to win the WCPW Women’s Title at 15:07. 

Final Thoughts: A very good show. I personally liked Irie-Tankman for best match, the tag title match for second, and I’ll narrowly give the main event third, ahead of Blackwood-Something. That is a tremendous top four matches to carry this show. I loved how the commentators listed off all the top talent Iroha has beaten over the past year, only to fall short here against this rising star. The rest of the show was solid. Again, this is a free event and well worth checking out, particularly the top four I mentioned.


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