Fight Life “Vicious Cycle” results: Vetter’s review of Richard Holliday vs. Ricky Smokes for the Fight Life Title, Alec Price vs. DJ Powers, four team tournament for a shot at the Fight Life Tag Titles

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Fight Life “Vicious Cycle”
Streamed on the TrillerTV+
September 18, 2024 in Rehoboth, Massachusetts at Hillside Country Club

This show was released on Sunday on Triller+. Sadly, the crowd was maybe 50-70. The venue is a ballroom with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, but none directly over the ring. They’ve used this venue several times. This is the ring that is maybe 18-24 inches tall, so it really affects dives to the floor.

* The show opened with a four-team tournament, with the winner getting a title shot against tag champs “The Unit” Trigga the OG and Danny Miles.

1. “Waves & Curls” Traevon Jordan and Jaylen Brandyn vs. “Perfect Strangers” AJP and Steven Lust in a semifinal match. I’ve noted that Lust looks like a shorter Damian Sandow. AP and the shorter Brandyn opened. Traevon got  in and they did the Hardys spot of Brandyn launching off Jordan’s back for a splash in the corner. W&C worked over Lust. PS hit a team flapjack faceplant on Brandyn at 5:30 and they took over. PS hit stereo kicks to Jordan’s head for a nearfall at 7:30. W&C hit a Team 3D stunner for the pin on AJP. Decent match.

“Waves & Curls” Traevon Jordan and Jaylen Brandyn defeated “Perfect Strangers” AJP and Steven Lust to advance at 8:13.

2. “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller vs. BMT and Ariel in a semifinal match. BMT and Ariel are married; I don’t find her offense against men to be believable at all. Waller and BMT opened; the MG worked BMT’s left arm; he ran on his knees over to Ariel to hug her and tag her in at 3:00. Kylon slammed Waller onto her. Waller hit a plancha to the floor on BMT. The heels began working over Waller in their corner. Kylon got a hot tag at 7:30 and he cleared the ring. He hit an enzuigiri on BMT. Kylon hit a German Suplex, and suddenly everyone was down. Waller hit a Lethal Injection on BMT. Ariel hit a half-nelson suplex on Waller. Kylon hit a brainbuster on Ariel. BMT hit a stunner on Kylon, and they were all down again at 11:00. Kylon hit a frogsplash. BMT rolled up Waller with his feet on the ropes and scored the cheap pin.

BMT and Ariel defeated “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller to advance at 11:47.

* It appears that Waller is angry at King at the way that match ended! Lucas Chase came from the back and whispered to Waller; is he recruiting him??

3. Trigga the OG vs. Seabass Finn vs. Delmi Exo in a three-way. Trigga wore his FL Tag Team Title belt; Danny Miles isn’t here tonight. Finn wore his fishing hat and vest. Delmi wore her tiara. She’s tall and may actually be as big as Finn. Finn hit a leg lariat on the bigger Trigga. Trigga pushed Delmi into Finn, then he suplexed Delmi at 3:30. Finn and Exo took turns hitting Trigga in the corner, and Delmi hit an Exploder Suplex on Trigga at 6:30. Delmi superkicked Finn; Finn hit a hard clothesline on her for a nearfall at 8:00. She hit a piledriver on Finn! However, Trigga jumped in the ring, threw Delmi to the floor, and he stole the cover and pinned Finn. Adequate.

Trigga the OG defeated Seabass Finn and Delmi Exo at 8:24.

4. “The Parliament” Jay Onyx and Shawn Knyte (w/Lucas Chase) vs. Rip Byson and Mike Graca. The Parliament, formerly known as “The Haven,” recently turned heel. Graca always reminds me of AEW original Jimmy Havoc. Graca opened and punched the thinner Knyte (think Kofi). Byson (think a shorter Brodie Lee) got in and also punched him, and they hit a team Mafia Kick at 2:00. Onyx got in and they began working over Graca  in their corner. Knyte hit a splash on Graca’s knee at 5:00. He accidentally superkicked Onyx. Byson got the hot tag and cleared the ring. He nailed a Spinebuster on Onyx at 6:30. The Parliament hit stereo frogsplashes. Graca hit a slam and went for a pin, but Lucas Chase jumped in the ring and made the save, causing the DQ. The three heels beat down the two babyfaces.

Rip Byson and Mike Graca defeated Jay Onyx and Shawn Knyte via disqualification at 8:49.

Sammy Chaos, a massive woman, got in the ring. We’ve seen her here before and size-wise, she’s comparable to Nia Jax. She hit a double clothesline on The Parliament and some bodyslams. She chokeslammed Chase, too. The heels left. Byson and Graca raised her arms.

* The next two matches are ‘Pick your Poison’ matches. DJ Powers picked Eric Chacha to face Mortar, while Chacha picked Alec Price to face Powers.

5. Mortar vs. Eric Chacha. I’ve routinely compared Mortar to Rhino; he’s thicker with long black hair. Chacha is much smaller; I have compared his facial features to TJP. DJ Powers (think NXT’s Kale Dixon) joined commentary and he’s a heel here. Standing switches early on. Graca hit a huracanrana at 2:00, then a basement dropkick for a nearfall. Chacha hit a plancha. Back in the ring, Mortar blocked a sunset flip and dropped all his weight onto Chacha’s chest, then he hit a senton at 3:30, and he kept Eric grounded.

Chacha hit a Frankensteiner at 6:30. He applied a sleeper, but Mortar backed into a corner to escape. Mortar hit a chokeslam at 9:00, then a Lionsault for a nearfall, and he applied a Crippler Crossface on the mat. Chacha hit a Canadian Destroyer then a running kick. Powers yanked the ref from the ring, and the ref jawed at him. Chacha hit a plancha onto Powers and threw him through the curtain to the back. In the ring, Mortar hit a clothesline and an F5 Slam to pin Chacha.

Mortar defeated Eric Chaca at 10:54.

Powers immediately returned and beat on Chaca. This brought out Alec Price and our next match was immediately underway.

6. Alec Price vs. DJ Powers. They brawled on the floor. Powers pushed Price head-first into the ring apron, then he slammed Alec onto the ring apron. In the ring, Powers hit a suplex for a nearfall, then a Rude Awakening standing neckbreaker. Price got a backslide for a nearfall at 4:30. He hit his flying leg lariat for a nearfall. Powers hit a neckbreaker over his knee at 7:00. Powers kept jawing at Chacha, who was now on commentary. Price hit his dive to the floor. He brought Powers back into the ring and hit the Surprise Kick/step-up mule kick for the pin. Good action.

Alec Price defeated DJ Powers at 8:52.

* BMT and Ariel came to the ring. However, Powers and Chacha got back into the ring and kept brawling. BMT and Ariel stood on the apron, unsure of what to do.

7. BMT and Ariel vs. “Waves & Curls” Traevon Jordan and Jaylen Brandyn (w/Benny the Basketball) in a tournament final. Why is Benny here? No one knows. All four brawled at the bell. Brandyn hit a dive to the floor on the heels. They all brawled on the floor, and Traevon let kids in the crowd chop BMT as he held BMT’s arms. In the ring, the heels worked over the smaller Jaylen, and I will reiterate that I find Ariel to just not be believable at all against men. Traevon got in and he hit a side slam on BMT at 8:00, then one on Ariel. He dropped Ariel head-first into BMT’s groin. W&C hit a Team 3D on BMT, but Ariel made the save. Ariel hit a low blow punt kick on Traevon. However, BMT accidentally caught Ariel with a stunner. W&C immediately hit their team chokeslam move on BMT and pinned him. (I really thought that Benny would cheat and cost W&C the match, and be revealed as a heel.)

Traevon Jordan and Jaylen Brandyn defeated BMT and Ariel to earn a tag team title shot at 10:05. 

* BMT and Ariel beat up Jermaine Marbury until Benny the Basketball re-emerged from the back to make the save.

8. Richard Holliday vs. Ricky Smokes for the Fight Life Title. I am NOT used to seeing Smokes in the babyface role. Holliday came out second; he won the title recently from Masha Slamovich. Holliday has the height/size advantage and he immediately twisted Smokes’ left arm, and they traded mat reversals early on with neither really getting an advantage. Smokes hit a dropkick at 7:30 and was fired up. They brawled to the floor, where Holliday hit some hard chops. In the ring, Holliday hit a chop block to the back of Smokes’ left knee and he went to work on the leg. He hit a running back elbow into the corner at 10:30. Smokes fired up and hit some punches to the stomach. Holliday hit a clothesline for a nearfall.

Smokes hit an enzuigiri at 13:00. He hit a spear for a nearfall. Holliday accidentally crashed into the ref. Smokes hit a low blow uppercut! He hit a swinging neckbreaker for a nearfall at 15:30, and they were both down. Holliday grabbed his belt and left and vanished through the curtain. However, Smokes got him and dragged him back into the ring. Smokes hit a back suplex for a nearfall. Holliday shook the ropes, causing Smokes to fall in the corner and be crotched. Holliday immediately hit a standing powerbomb with a jackknife cover for a nearfall at 17:30. They traded rollups. Smokes got a nearfall but Holliday put his foot on the ropes. Holliday hit the 2008 swinging suplex for the pin. Good match.

Richard Holliday defeated Ricky Smokes to retain the Fight Life Heavyweight Title at 19:13.

* Holliday got on the mic and boasted that he beat Smokes without hitting a low blow. (Falling in the corner was an accident, more or less!) Alec Price came from the back and got into the ring to confront Holliday. However, Holliday hit a low blow uppercut on Price. “You are just like everyone else; you are going to be the next to give me my flowers,” Holliday said on the mic, and he left. Price got up and thanked the crowd for coming out on a Wednesday. He said Holliday always takes shortcuts to win. He challenged Holliday to a title match at the next show.

Final Thoughts: A good main event; it started slowly with very little to describe, and it gave me the sense we were going to be close to 20 minutes. Price-Powers was pretty good for the time given and earns second. I’ll go with the Waves & Curls show opener for third. The rest of the show was merely okay. No new faces here; nothing was neither really good nor bad. Miracle Generation should be at or near the main event, not losing to BMT and Ariel.


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