Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: Tom Lawlor explains why he turned on The Von Erichs, Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Simon Gotch and Ikuro Kwon, battle royal, Savio Vega vs. Leo Brien in a Swamp Fight

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 86)
Taped November 9, 2019 in Orlando, Florida at GILT Nightclub
Aired December 7, 2019 on beIN Sports

Footage aired of last week’s Jacob Fatu vs. Ross Von Erich match for the MLW Heavyweight Championship, which included Tom Lawlor turning on his Ross… The Fusion opening aired… The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and AJ Kirsch checked in and set up the show. They hyped a Taipei Death match between Jimmy Havoc and Mance Warner with both men dipping their hands in glue and then dip their hands in glass before the match…

1. Battle Royal. Alexander Hammerstone sat in on commentary. The entrants included Grogan, Richard Holliday, the Injustice trio, Barrington Hughes, Dominic Garrini, Savio Vega, Zenshi, Timothy Thatcher, Leo Brien, Gringo Loco, Douglas James, and Ricky Martinez. None of the entrances were televised. Barrington Hughes was the first man eliminated when a group of wrestlers ganged up on him.

Grogan and Holliday worked together. Garrini eliminated Holliday. Grogan quickly eliminated Garrini. The final four were Grogan, Thatcher, James, and Gringo Loco. Grogan eliminated Gringo Loco. Grogan no sold some offensive strikes by James and then eliminated him him. The final two were Thatcher and Grogan. Thatcher slapped Grogan. Thatcher ended up on the apron. Grogan threw a big boot at Thatcher to knock him off the apron to win the match…

Grogan won a battle royal.

Powell’s POV: It was very predictable that Grogan would go over, but it was also the right move since he was just introduced as the monster heater for the Dynasty faction.

Footage aired of Myron Reed beating Teddy Hart to win the MLW Middleweight Championship after Josef Samael threw a fireball at Hart… The broadcast team hyped the tag team match going into a break… An ad aired for MLW Zero Hour for January 11 in Dallas, Texas at NYTEX Sports Centre…

Footage aired of Tom Lawlor hitting Ross Von Erich with a chair shot during last week’s MLW Championship match…

Lawlor was interviewed “live via satellite” by the broadcast team and was asked how he could turn his back on his friends. Lawlor said the friendships he’s been in are mutually beneficial to both parties, but in this case the friendship only benefitted the Von Erichs. Lawlor said he brought in the Von Erichs to help with his war against Contra Unit and the brothers made it all about themselves when it should have been about him.

Lawlor was asked if he’s loyal to Contra. Lawlor laughed and said Contra might be the only thing he dislikes more than the Von Erichs. Lawlor said his loyalty lies with himself. Lawlor said no one else deserves his loyalty. He was asked what his plans are in MLW. Lawlor asked why he would reveal his plans. He said he can do whatever he wants and there’s nothing he can’t do. Lawlor ordered the camera to zoom in on him and said let him know how much pain you’re willing to feel…

Powell’s POV: A good promo from Lawlor with good heel logic. Lawlor was intense and believable. His heel run is off to a good start.

The broadcast team spoke about the MLW Opera Cup. It was noted that it was last one by Stu Hart and inherited by Davey Boy Smith Jr., who donated it to MLW to use as the trophy for the Opera Cup tournament, which will begin airing next week with Alex Hammerstone vs. MJF and Smith Jr. vs. Low Ki in first round matches…

Footage aired from “earlier this week” of the swamp match between

2. Savio Vega vs. “Outlaw” Leo Brien in a swamp match. The footage was billed as being filmed “earlier this week” and was done at night at an outdoor location. A referee was there to count pins. Both men used the cowbell on Brien’s bullrope as a weapon. Vega also used a tree branch. Vega threw a spin kick and scored the pin. He said it wasn’t over until he said it was, then choked Brien with the rope briefly…

Savio Vega defeated Leo Brien in a swamp match.

Powell’s POV: We really need to hear from these guys. They have had some matches, but it hasn’t felt like the heated rivalry the broadcast team made it out to be. This brawl will help, but we really need both men to explain why it’s become so personal. It also felt like it occurred a little too close to the no holds barred match that Jimmy Havoc and Mance Warner had on Fusion recently.

Kaci Lennox interviewed Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich about Lawlor’s betrayal. Ross said he’s confused and distraught. Marshall said he’s pissed off. He said he let his brother go out there alone and he was sorry. Marshall said Lawlor better hope he doesn’t see him in the ring because it’s one fight that he can’t finish…

An ACH video package aired and announced him returning soon…

Powell’s POV: ACH returned at the MLW Opera Cup taping on Thursday, so he should be appearing on Fusion soon. He’s also advertised for the Dallas event.

Several minutes of the Fatu vs. Von Erich match from last week. A crawler graphic noted that the Warner vs. Havoc match was cancelled due to a brawl that broke out backstage… An MLW merch ad aired… A video package touted AAA’s alliance with MLW…

3. Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Simon Gotch and Ikuro Kwon (w/Josef Samael). In the end, Smith hoisted up Gotch and then Pillman performed a springboard Hart Attack Clothsline. Smith rolled up Gotch and pinned him…

Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Brian Pillman Jr. beat Simon Gotch and Ikuro Kwon.

Powell’s POV: A flat match. Contra is great as a unit, but this match featured the third and fourth men on the Contra totem pole and the live crowd just didn’t seem to care. I enjoy Gotch’s work, but Fatu and Samel are such strong personalities that he’s slipped into the background, and Kwon just hasn’t been established since he joined the faction. This was a middle of the road edition of Fusion. It wasn’t a bad hour of television and I liked the Tom Lawlor follow-up, but I suspect next week’s show will be better with the Opera Cup tournament beginning. John Moore’s weekly audio reviews of MLW Fusion are available exclusively to Dot Net Members.


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