Deadlock Pro Wrestling “The Carolina Classic” results: Vetter’s review of Mike Bailey vs. Titus Alexander, Timothy Thatcher vs. LaBron Kozone, Kevin Blackwood vs. Luke Jacobs, and Jake Something vs. Mad Dog Connelly in first-round matches

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Deadlock Pro Wrestling “The Carolina Classic”
September 15, 2024 in Durham, North Carolina at Durham Convention Center
Released September 22, 2024 via  

This show was released on their website on Sunday (Sept. 22.) Lighting is good and the crowd is maybe 200-250. Rich Bocchini, Caprice Coleman and Veda Scott provided commentary. The Carolina Classic features four first-round matches then a four-way finale. Last year, Jay Malachi (Je’Von Evans) won the tournament and cashed in that night to win the DPW Title. (He vacated the belt when he signed his NXT contract.)

* The show opened with backstage videos. Jake Something talked about being 35 and he’s going to win the tournament this year after coming up short last year.

1. Jake Something vs. Mad Dog Connelly in a first-round match. I’ve seen Connelly a few times in the Tennessee-area independents; he has crazed, wild hair and he’s essentially a shorter, smaller Jake. They fought to the floor at 1:00. In the ring, Jake hit his running body block and got a nearfall. They traded forearm strikes. MDC hit a running headbutt at 3:30. Jake hit a German Suplex. Connelly hit a powerslam for a nearfall. He hit some gut-wrench suplexes and got a nearfall at 6:00. He hit a hard clothesline as Jake was on his knees, but Jake shrugged it off. They hit stereo clotheslines, and MDC finally knocked him down with another clothesline. Jake hit a Black Hole Slam for the pin. Good, hard-hitting opener.

Jake Something defeated Mad Dog Connelly to advance at 7:28.

* More quick interviews with each competitor and I LOVE these. Jacobs is a top UK wrestler and he’s just 24. Blackwood talked about how prestigious this tournament is.

2. Kevin Blackwood vs. Luke Jacobs in a first-round match. Blackwood offered a handshake; Jacobs gave him a middle finger, and they had an intense lockup to open and good mat reversals. They began trading forearm strikes at 2:00, and Jacobs hit a senton. Blackwood hit a series of kicks and a second-rope missile dropkick. He hit a back suplex at 4:00 but only got a one-count. He hit some stiff kicks to the spine. This was crisp offense. Jacobs hit a suplex for a nearfall and a running boot in the corner. Blackwood hit a Mafia Kick, then an enzuigiri at 7:00 that staggered Jacobs.

Blackwood hit five German Suplexes, then a brainbuster for a nearfall. They fought on the rope in the corner, and Jacobs applied a hammerlock and flipped Kevin to the mat. Kevin hit a doublestomp on top of the top turnbuckle at 9:30. Jacobs hit a Saito Suplex. Jacobs hit a second-rope superplex and they were both down. They got up and traded chops, and Kevin hit some roundhouse kicks to the chest. Jacobs hit a standing powerbomb for a believable nearfall at 11:30. Kevin hit a doublestomp to the back, then a running knee to the chin. Jacobs got a sleeper on the mat but Kevin escaped. Jacobs hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall. Blackwood hit a hard clothesline and a Shining Wizard. He nailed a top-rope doublestomp to the chest for a believable nearfall. Jacobs hit a Dragon Suplex, then a lariat to the back of the head. He then hit a decapitating clothesline for the pin. That was impressive.

Luke Jacobs defeated Kevin Blackwood to advance at 14:05.

* More backstage promos. Timothy Thatcher said he’s 41; I didn’t realize he was that old. LaBron Kozone talked about how winning this tournament can elevate someone (footage aired of Jay Malachi celebrating his win last year). LaBron listed off some of his recent wins.

3. LaBron Kozone vs. Timothy Thatcher in a first-round match. Standing switches and this was intense, too. Thatcher tied him in a bow-and-arrow. Kozone escaped and Thatcher went to the floor to regroup. Back in the ring, Thatcher tied him up on the mat. Kozone hit a bodyslam at 7:00 and an elbow drop for a nearfall. He hit a decapitating clothesline. They went to the floor and fought at ringside, and Kozone suplexed him onto the thin carpet at 9:00. Back in the ring, Thatcher hit some European Uppercuts and got a nearfall, and he took charge. He hit a Divorce Court armbreaker at 11:30 for a nearfall. Kozone hit an enzuigiri and a spinebuster. He nailed the “Ballgame” clothesline for the pin.

LaBron Kozone defeated Timothy Thatcher to advance at 13:42.

* Titus Alexander called himself the “king of the West Coast,” but corrected himself to say he’s the king of all of wrestling. He noted he’s just 23. He is frustrated with how many times he’s had to face Mike Bailey.

4. Mike Bailey vs. Titus Alexander. Bailey came through the curtain and Titus ran up behind him and attacked; I start my stopwatch at first contact. Titus hit a brainbuster across an open (non-folding) chair. They got in the ring and the ref called for the bell at 2:16 to officially begin. Titus hit a German Suplex for a nearfall. Bailey hit a Triangle Moonsault to the floor and they fought at ringside. Bailey now hit a brainbuster onto the open chair. In the ring, Titus hit a uranage and a top-rope doublestomp. He hit a stiff kick to Bailey’s spine at 5:30. Titus nailed a dropkick to Bailey’s chin and he celebrated and was booed. Bailey hit a running kick at 7:30. Bailey hit a series of kicks but he missed his running Shooting Star Press. However, Bailey nailed his top-rope Shooting Star Press for a nearfall.

Titus blocked a Tornado Kick. Bailey nailed a Frankensteiner at 9:30. Titus hit a dropkick as Bailey was seated on the top turnbuckle, and Bailey fell to the floor. Titus immediately hit an impressive flip dive to the floor on Bailey. In the ring, Bailey hit his moonsault double kneedrop at 11:00. Titus hit a Lethal Injection for a nearfall. Titus went for the Sweet Time Driver but Bailey blocked it. They traded rollups. Bailey nailed a Poison Rana, then the Tornado Kick, but he missed the Ultima Weapon. The ref got bumped and Titus immediately hit a low blow punt kick! However, Bailey grabbed Titus’ head, rolled up Titus, and scored the pin! That was excellent. Bocchini noted that Bailey has reached the finals of the Carolina Classic for the third consecutive year.

Mike Bailey defeated Titus Alexander to advance at 12:43.

* LaBron Kozone spoke backstage and he was excited about reaching the finals.

Adam Priest had travel issues and missed the show. Robbie Eagles came to the ring and made a challenge for his PWA Title, and he offered it to Jackson Drake. (I presume this is a promotion in Australia.)

5. Robbie Eagles vs. Jackson Drake for the PWA Title. Drake is probably just into his early 20s and has a good physique. Robbie tied him up on the mat early on. He hit a huracanrana at 2:30. Drake hit a roundhouse kick to the chest in the corner and took control. Eagles hit a kneedrop on the back of Drake’s knee. Eagles nailed a flip dive through the ropes at 4:30 and landed on his feet. In the ring, Eagles twisted the left leg and kept Drake grounded. He hit a running elbow to the back of the head at 7:00. Drake nailed a standing powerbomb for a nearfall, then a top-rope Swanton Bomb for a nearfall at 8:30. Drake hit a huracanrana but Eagles rolled through and got a nearfall.
They traded rollups. They hit stereo Mafia Kicks and were both down at 10:00.

Eagles hit a 619 to the back of the leg, then a top-rope missile dropkick on the damaged knee. Jackson hit a running knee to the side of the head and they were both down, and we got a “both these guys!” chant. Eagles hit a series of roundhouse kicks to the chest; Jackson hit some back. Jackson hit an enzuigiri at 13:00. Eagles applied the Ron Miller Special (a Trailer Hitch leglock), but Drake reached the ropes. Drake put him on his shoulders but his knee buckled and Jackson collapsed to the mat. Eagles nailed the Turbo Backpack for a nearfall at 15:00. He hit a top-rope 450 Splash onto the damaged knee, and he re-applied the Ron Miller Special, and this time Drake tapped out. The winner was never in doubt but that was really good.

Robbie Eagles defeated Jackson Drake to retain the PWA Title at 15:15.

* A commercial aired for the next DPW show on Oct. 13 in Charlotte. Masato Tanaka is lined up.

* Titus Alexander paced back and forth backstage, saying Bailey is a cheater, and we need to get him out of the States.

6. Hyan vs. Dani Luna in a women’s semifinal match. They locked up but Hyan rolled to the floor to stall. They brawled at ringside, and Hyan whipped Dani into the side of the ring. In the ring, Hyan got a nearfall at 3:00. She hit a Mafia Kick for a nearfall. She tied a leg lock around Dani’s waist and kept Luna grounded. Luna hit a hard chop that dropped Hyan at 7:00, then a running kick. Dani nailed a standing powerbomb for a nearfall. Hyan hit a sunset flip bomb out of the corner at 9:00, then a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall.

They traded chops on the ring apron. Dani hit a second-rope modified deadlift German Suplex and a clothesline for a believable nearfall at 12:00, and the crowd chanted “holy shit!” The commentators were in awe of the move and Dani’s strength. Hyan went for “Beauty Sleep” (the implant buster faceplant), but Dani rolled through and got the pin. Hyan shouted that she kicked out and she threw a temper tantrum in the ring.

Dani Luna defeated Hyan to advance at 13:02.

* Backstage, Robbie Eagles thanked Jackson Drake for stepping up and facing him. He showed off his PWA title. He called out Adam Priest and taunted him for missing the show. “I think you’re scared. I think you are a f—-en p—-y.”

7. Jada Stone vs. Shoko Nakajima in a women’s semifinal match. Shoko is short and has a tail on her furry costume; I’ve seen her in GCW and a few other times. Standing switches to open. Veda talked about how Jada has been training at the NJPW Academy and “upping her game,” as Jada went for a crossarm breaker. Shoko did a slingshot, sending Jada throat-first on the bottom rope at 3:30, and she kept Jada grounded. Shoko hit a swinging neckbreaker, then a Rude Awakening standing neckbreaker. Shoko hit a flying back elbow for a nearfall at 6:00 and she remained in charge.

Jada hit a Northern Lights Suplex, then a faceplant for a nearfall. Shoko hit a Frankensteiner at 7:30, but Jada rolled to the floor. Shoko dove through the ropes and barreled onto Jada; in the ring, Shoko got a nearfall. Shoko went for a 619 but Jada blocked it. Shoko hit a flying one-legged dropkick, then she finally hit the 619 at 9:30. Jada hit a Buzzsaw Kick and a hard back elbow to the back for a nearfall. Shoko hit two Northern Lights suplexes for a nearfall, then a DDT at 11:00. She hit a top-rope senton for the pin. Good action. Shoko will now face Dani Luna on Oct. 13.

Shoko Nakajima defeated Jada Stone to advance at 11:21.

* Backstage, Dani Luna boasted about winning her match. She is now focused on winning in Charlotte in October. Hyan came up to her and said “that should have been mine!” Security held Hyan back.

8. Mike Bailey vs. Jake Something vs. LaBron Kozone vs. Luke Jacobs for the Carolina Classic Title. The trophy, perhaps four feet tall (or a bit more!) was in the ring as everyone made their way to the ring. Jake and Bailey both wore matching orange (Nailz-style) prison jumpsuits and they wore their tag title belts. The commentators speculated on if they would be working together in this match. HOWEVER, Bailey charged at Jake at the bell and hit several quick kicks! LaBron and Jacobs also brawled. Jake repeatedly knocked Luke down with shoulder tackles. Jake hit a dive over the top rope onto the other three at 1:30. In the ring, Jacobs stomped on Kozone and focused on his arm. They did a Tower Spot out of the corner, with Jake on the bottom.

Kozone hit a senton on Jake at 4:00. Bailey hit his Speedball Kicks on Kozone. Jacobs got in the ring and peppered Bailey with forearm strikes. Jake hit his running body block on Jacobs. Jacobs hit a uranage on Jake. Jacobs leapt off the top rope, but Jake caught him with a forearm, and they were both down at 6:00. In a cool spot, Kozone put Bailey on Jacobs’ shoulders, and he hit a spinebuster on Jacobs, dropping both of them! Kozone hit a bodyslam on Jake. Kozone and Jacobs traded punches, and Kozone nailed the Ball Game clothesline but was in so much pain he couldn’t make the cover. Jacobs clotheslined Kozone and pinned him at 8:06, and the crowd booed. The match continued with Jacobs hitting punches on both opponents. Jake hit a Thesz Press on Jacobs. Bailey hit a Triangle Moonsault to the floor on Jacobs.

Bailey hit his moonsault double kneedrop on Jake on the ring apron at 10:30. Jake put Bailey in a Torture Rack and dropped to the mat, getting a nearfall. Bailey hit his running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall but Jacobs broke it up. (WHY???) Jacobs headbutted Jake. He slammed Bailey onto Jake at 13:00. Jacobs hit a standing powerbomb on Jake, and he was shocked when Jake kicked out. Bailey hit his Ultima Weapon on Jacobs — as Jake held him in place — and Mike pinned him at 14:09. So, we’re down to the tag champs facing each other. They traded forearm strikes and Bailey hit a superkick. Bailey hit his moonsault kneedrop. Jake hit a diving forearm and they were both down, and the crowd chanted “both these guys!”

Jake dropped him with another hard forearm. He hit a spear into the corner. Bailey hit a corkscrew Asai Moonsault to the floor, and they were both down at 18:30. Bailey went for a huracanrana, but Jake caught him and powerbombed him onto the edge of the ring, earning a “holy shit!” chant. They fought on the ropes; Bailey dropped underneath him and hit a standing powerbomb for a nearfall at 20:30. Jake — facing away from the ring — hit a top-rope powerbomb for a believable nearfall. He clotheslined Mike over the top rope to the floor. However, Bailey hit a moonsault double kneedrop to the chest on the floor! They rolled back into the ring before being counted out. Bailey hit a Canadian Destroyer at 23:00. He nailed the Ultima Weapon for a believable nearfall, and the crowd popped for the kickout. Bailey nailed a superkick. He set up for a Tornado Kick, but Jake cut him off with a forearm strike. Jake then hit the Into The Void (Black Hole Slam) for the pin. What a match!

Jake Something defeated Mike Bailey, Luke Jacobs, and LaBron Kozone to win the Carolina Classic at 24:03.

* Jake got on the mic, calling out Calvin Tankman for his DPW Title next month. It appeared the show was ending, but Calvin emerged through the curtain. “You thought you were gonna talk shit, like I wasn’t here?” He got in the ring and they started brawling! The locker room emptied to separate them as the show went off the air.

* We have a bonus scene backstage, where Jake Something celebrated backstage with his trophy. He vowed he would beat Calvin Tankman next month.

Final Thoughts: What a stellar show. A great main event but everything here was top-notch. I cringe at Luke breaking up a pin in an elimination match — he should know better — but that is one small flaw in an otherwise stellar match. Bailey-Titus was tremendous for second-best, and Jacobs-Blackwood takes third.

Obviously, I’m a huge fan of DPW. Not only do they have great wrestling, but they have stellar production and a great commentary trio. Sure, GCW does more shows per month, but DPW’s monthly events are the best thing in indy wrestling in the United States. Check out some of their free stuff on the DPW YouTube Page to see what I’m talking about.

The Oct. 13 show will feature FTR, Kenta and Masato Tanaka in action, as well as Dani Luna vs. Shoko Nakajima as well as Jake Something vs. Calvin Tankman.


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