Limitless Wrestling “Nine Lives” results (9/21): Vetter’s review of Channing Thomas vs. Dezmond Cole for the Limitless Championship, Donovan Dijak vs. Jake Something, Ashley Vox vs. Paris Van Dale

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Limitless Wrestling “Nine Lives”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
September 21, 2024 in Yarmouth, Maine at Yarmouth Amvets Post #2

This is the promotion’s ninth-anniversary show. The commentary was inaudible as the show began but they got it fixed before the first match started. Sam Leterna and Troy Nelson provided commentary. We have some unusual blue lighting in the building tonight but it’s working for me. This is their usual building and it is once again packed with maybe 500-600 in attendance.

* Before I forget, Limitless has posted its entire “Vacationland Cup” show from three weeks ago for free on its YouTube page. It is one of the best indy shows of the year and they drew a huge crowd. So, if you can’t see this show I’m about to review, check out that one to get to know this roster!

1. Anthony Greene vs. Aaron Rourke. Both men are babyfaces here. Basic reversals early on. Rourke hit a shotgun dropkick at 1:30, then a missile dropkick. Greene hit a dive to the floor. In the ring, Greene hit a backbreaker across the top turnbuckle at 4:00. He hit an Irish Whip into the corner with Rourke selling the back pain. Greene set up for a Styles Clash but Rourke escaped and got a rollup for a nearfall. Rouke hit a discus clothesline and a Blue Thunder Bomb at 6:00 and they were both down. This has been going at a breakneck pace.

Rourke hit a one-legged dropkick and a German Suplex and he was fired up. He hit a top-rope moonsault to the floor, then a top-rope Meteora for a nearfall in the ring. Greene couldn’t hit his second-rope Unprettier. He hit the ropes, causing Rourke to crash to the mat, with Anthony getting a nearfall at 9:00. Rourke hit a Code Red for a nearfall. Greene hit a superkick. Greene hit a second-rope Styles Clash for a believable nearfall. Greene missed a moonsault, and Rourke immediately hit a spear! Rourke hit a Split-legged Moonsault for a nearfall at 11:00. They traded rollups. Rourke flipped his body over for added leverage and scored the clean pin. What a fantastic opener.

Aaron Rourke defeated Greene at 11:23.

* Greene got on the mic but I couldn’t really understand a lot of what he said. He said, “Tonight, Aaron Rourke, you were the better man.” He noted he’s about to leave for another tour of NOAH in Japan. I believe he said something to the effect of leaving Limitless in good hands.

2. “Fresh Air” Junior Benito and Macrae Martin vs. “Tabarnak De Team” Matthieu St. Jacques and Thomas Dubois for the IWTV Tag Team Titles. Canada’s C*4 Wrestling held a show Friday and I presume both of these teams were on that event. TDT are the lumberjacks in red-and-black plaid. Fresh Air showed off their IWTV Tag Team Titles they just won last month from Miracle Generation. TDT attacked from behind and they hit some clotheslines. Macrae hit a sideslam, and he flipped Junior onto Matthieu. Dubois (longer hair) got a hot tag at 2:00. The heels began working over the smaller Benito in their corner. Matthieu (shorter black hair, thicker) tied up Benito on the mat. Benito hit a back suplex and he made the hot tag to Macrae at 5:30.

Macrae hit a fallaway slam. He hit a second-rope twisting Flatliner on Dubois for a nearfall. FA hit a team Zig-zag slam. TDT hit spears and they applied simultaneous Sharpshooters at 7:30. TDT slammed Macrae into a corner, then they slammed Benito onto Macrae! Matthieu hit a piledriver on Benito for a nearfall at 9:30, then a stunner. Benito got a rollup on Dubois for a nearfall. Macrae hit a spin kick to the head, and Fresh Air hit a team stunner for the pin. A very good match.

Junior Benito and Macrae Martin defeated Matthieu St. Jacques and Thomas Dubois to retain the IWTV Tag Team Titles at 10:33.

3. Ashley Vox vs. Paris Van Dale. Vox recently returned to wrestling after recovering from a leg injury. Paris appears an inch or two taller and is a bit thicker. They traded mat holds and Vox hit a dropkick, then a rolling cannonball into the corner for a nearfall. She hit a running summersault from the apron onto Paris on the floor. In the ring, Paris hit a Lungblower to the chest for a nearfall at 1:30, and she took over. She hit a backbreaker over her knee and a splits leg drop for a nearfall. She hit a jab to Vox’s throat and dropped her face-first on a turnbuckle. Vox went for a Lungblower; they didn’t quite land it, and they were both down at 4:00.

Vox hit a spin kick to the head. She hit a headbutt and a fisherman’s suplex for a nearfall, then a dropkick that sent Paris to the floor. Vox dove through the ropes and barreled onto Paris at 5:30. In the ring, Vox hit a twisting Flatliner for a nearfall. Paris hit a stunner for a nearfall. Vox hit a superkick and a discus clothesline. She hit a second-rope swanton. However, Paris hooked Vox’s arms, rolled her over, and scored the flash pin! A bit of a surprise outcome. Ashley was upset at herself for losing. They got a lot of offense in for a match of this length.

Paris Van Dale defeated Ashley Vox at 7:21.

4. Aiden Aggro (w/J-Heru) vs. Ace Romero in a No Holds Barred match. I’ve really enjoyed Aiden’s heel run here. Ace is still perhaps 400 pounds, but I do think he’s trimmed down a bit; he looks healthier. Ace immediately hit some strikes and he clotheslined Aggro to the floor. Aiden grabbed a garbage can lid and struck Ace with it. He clocked him over the head with it at 1:30. Aiden dove through the ropes but Ace hit a hard back elbow to cut him off. They brawled through the crowd. Ace hit him over the head with a thin garbage can. He slid a door into the ring. He hit a massive senton on the floor at 5:00! No give on that hardwood surface!

In the ring, Ace was in control. However, J-Heru hopped in the ring, and the heels hit a team spear, sending Ace through the door in the corner. Aiden mounted Ace and hit a series of punches at 7:00. Aggro removed his own leather belt and he repeatedly whipped Romero on the back! He then put it around Romero’s neck and choked him with it. J-Heru took the belt and he also whipped Ace! Ace finally got to his feet and they traded punches. Ace dove through the ropes onto both men at 12:00, and they were down on the floor. In the ring, Ace hit a standing powerbomb on Aiden, then he clotheslined J-Heru. Aiden hit a Crucifix Driver for a nearfall.

Ace nailed a package piledriver for a believable nearfall at 13:30. He went under the ring and got a table. Aiden hit a second-rope leaping DDT for a nearfall at 15:30. He set up the table in the corner of the ring, then he hit a Shining Wizard to Ace’s jaw. However, Ace caught him and hit a Death Valley Driver onto the door in the corner but it didn’t break! Ace hit a spear against the table (it still didn’t break!) and Ace scored the pin. Good brawl; no one bled, we didn’t have light tubes or panes of glass or gusset plates or pizza cutters or forks. In other words, my kind of hardcore match.

Ace Romero defeated Aiden Aggro in a No Holds Barred match at 17:27.

Intermission. They showed Dezmond Cole vs. 2 Cold Scorpio, and I’m a big fan of showing a match rather than leaving a blank screen up.

5. Maggie Lee vs. Gabby Forza. Maggie is a Midwest talent so this is a big debut for her in the Northeast; she was just on ROH TV on Thursday in a quick loss to Rachael Ellering. She is about 6’0″ and is a former volleyball player, so she’s got a big height advantage over the short powerhouse Forza, and Maggie is the heel here. Gabby got her up for a Guerrilla Press at 1:30, then a running clothesline into the corner and she hip-tossed Maggie across the ring. She nailed a Vader Bomb for a nearfall. Maggie hit a hard kneelift and got a nearfall. She tried to tie Gabby in a Camel Clutch at 3:30 but Forza blocked it. Maggie wrapped the leg around the ring post and remained in charge.

Maggie hit a Helluva Kick for a nearfall, then a flying buttbump for a nearfall at 6:30. She did a cartwheel, but then slapped Gabby in the face! Forza hit a big backbody drop and she fired up. She hit a clothesline and a running clothesline into the corner, then a Bulldog Powerslam for a nearfall at 8:00. Maggie hit another Helluva Kick. Gabby caught her coming off the ropes and hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Maggie hit a second-rope Blockbuster for a nearfall at 10:00. Gabby nailed a German Suplex out of the corner for a nearfall. Gabby put her in the Torture Rack, then spun her to the mat for a nearfall. Maggie hit a running neckbreaker and some stomps. She went for a moonsault, but Gabby got her knees up to block it. Forza went for a delayed vertical suplex, but Maggie escaped. However, Gabby nailed a spear for the pin. Good match.

Gabby Forza defeated Maggie Lee at 12:32.

* Paris Van Dale ran into the ring and struck Gabby’s knee from behind with a weapon, and she beat up Forza. Ashley Vox ran in for the save.

6. Donovan Dijak vs. Jake Something. This is a heckuva big-man match! An intense lockup to open. They hit shoulder tackles with neither going down. Jake dropped him with a few shoulder tackles. Dijak hit a flying clothesline for a nearfall at 3:00. Jake hit a bodyslam for a nearfall. Jake crashed shoulder-first into the corner at 5:00. They went to the floor. Back in the ring, Dijak hip-tossed him across the ring, then tied up Jake on the mat. They hit stereo clotheslines and both men were down at 7:30. Jake hit another against the ropes but Dijak avoided flipping over. Jake hit his running body block, then a spear into the corner, and Dijak rolled to the floor at 9:00.

Jake ran on the floor and clotheslined a seated Dijak, and they pushed rows of empty chairs across the room. Jake went for a dive onto Dijak, but Dijak caught him and hit a Death Valley Driver onto the apron. In the ring, Dijak nailed a top-rope moonsault for a nearfall, and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Jake hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 11:00. Jake hit a dive over the top rope onto Dijak. Moments later, Dijak hit a flip dive over the top rope onto Jake! In the ring, Dijak nailed a sit-out chokeslam bomb for a believable nearfall. Dijak missed a second moonsault, but he hit his discus Mafia Kick for a nearfall at 13:00. Jake hit a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. Dijak nailed the Feast Your Eyes pop-up kneestrike and scored the clean pin. That was stellar.

Dijak defeated Jake Something at 13:57.

* Dijak got the mic and he put over Jake Something. The crowd chanted, “That was awesome!” He pivoted to talking about losing to Alec Price last month in his return to Limitless. He challenged Price to a rematch on Oct. 26.

7. Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) vs. Dezmond Cole for the Limitless Championship. The crowd taunted Channing with a “new champ!” chant. They finally locked up at 1:30 and had a feeling-out process. Channing knocked him down with a shoulder tackle at 3:00. He hit an elbow drop for a nearfall. Cole hit a head-scissors takedown and a springboard shoulder block, then a guillotine leg drop for a nearfall at 6:00. Channing tripped Cole in the corner, with Dezmond’s head hitting the turnbuckle. Channing took over and kept Dezmond grounded. He hit a basement dropkick for a nearfall. Cole hit a dropkick at 8:30. Cole missed a splash into the corner, and Channing immediately hit a butterfly suplex for a nearfall.

Cole hit a clothesline at 10:30. Channing flipped him with Cole doing a full rotation before crashing to the mat. Channing immediately hit a clothesline for a nearfall, then he locked in a Camel Clutch, then he switched to a Boston Crab. Cole hit a Helluva Kick at 14:00, then kicked him in the face as he was trapped in the corner. Cole hit a German Suplex and a uranage for a nearfall. Cole hit a sit-out bodyslam and they were both down. Channing hit a sliding German Suplex as Dezmond was in the ropes at 16:30.

Channing hit a flying spin kick for a nearfall,, then a powerbomb move for a nearfall, and they were both down, and this crowd was 100% behind Dezmond. Dezmond hit a spin kick into the corner. Channing pulled the ref into the way and Cole hit a running kick to knock out the ref at 19:00. Sidney got into the ring, but Cole kicked the ropes to crotch Sidney. Aiden Aggro came to ringside, but Dezmond dove onto him! In the ring, Channing hit a top-rope superplex and they were both down.

Anthony Greene hopped into the ring; he superkicked Channing but it looked like he was going for Dezmond! Dezmond hit a brainbuster on Aggro! Dezmond hit a Swanton Bomb onto Bakabella. Channing struck Cole with the title belt in the face and he revived the ref but only got a two-count at 22:00. Dezmond got a jackknife cover for a nearfall. Channing hit a piledriver for a believable nearfall, and Channing was incredulous he didn’t win there. Cole got an O’Connor Roll and scored the pin! New champion!!! The crowd chanted, “You deserve it!” Aaron Rourke and Ashley Vox ran into the ring and hugged Cole. Greene was shown on the floor, not looking happy.

Dezmond Cole defeated Channing Thomas to win the Limitless Championship at 22:44.

* Dezmond got on the mic. He talked about having the crowd support from the very first time he walked through the curtain here.

Final Thoughts: A superb show; all seven matches clicked for me. I’ll go with the main event for best match, ahead of a very good Dijak-Jake Something match. I’ll narrowly go with the Rourke-Greene opener for third, ahead of Maggie-Gabby for honorable mention. There is a lot to like here. This show should be available at IWTV on Sunday or Monday.

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