WrestlePro “Push it to the Limit” results: Vetter’s review of Vargas vs. Danny Maff, LSG vs. Myles Hawkins for the WrestlePro Garden State Title, KC Navarro vs. Cheeseburger, Justin Corino vs. Luke Hawx

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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WrestlePro “Push it to the Limit”
March 1, 2025 in Rahway, New Jersey at the Rahway Rec Center
Replay available via YouTube.com

The ring is lit okay, while the lights were low over the crowd, but it appears the crowd was 200 or less.

* The main event was somehow edited off, and even with the show having taken place nearly two weeks ago, a new version with the final match has not been added. Just weird; did their equipment somehow turn off? Was it recorded at all?

1. Traxx vs. Tommy Invincible. Traxx is muscular and has a deep cut singlet that always makes me think of Ryback. This is Tommy’s debut here; he is bald with a lot of tattoos on his chest. Traxx attacked from behind and was in charge. Tommy hit a back suplex at 2:30. Traxx put Tommy on his shoulders but accidentally bumped the ref. Traxx got a trophy and was going to use it, but Tommy dropped to the mat and did the ‘Eddie spot,’ pretending he had been struck. The ref called for the bell as Traxx protested. (I hate when it’s done this way — Traxx was clearly going to use the weapon; he went and got it.) A meh sort of opener.

Tommy Invincible defeated Traxx via DQ at 3:36.

2. Ryan Clancy vs. Sammy Diaz vs. Eli Isom. Both Diaz and Clancy are regulars at Wrestling Open/Beyond Wrestling. Clancy left for a European tour days after this show. Diaz was flipped to the floor, leavin the other two to trade holds, and Clancy hit a leaping crossbody block. Diaz hit a top-rope crossbody block on Clancy. Isom hit an Exploder Suplex on Diaz at 2:00. Isom hit a back suplex on Diaz for a nearfall. Diaz hit an enzuigiri on Clancy.

Clancy hit a Thesz Press on Isom at 4:30, then a backslide on Diaz for a nearfall. Diaz hit a moonsault on Clancy for a nearfall. We had some rollups  and suddenly everyone was down. Isom hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Diaz for a nearfall at 6:30. Clancy hit his dropkick on Isom, sending Eli to the floor. Diaz nailed a Sabin-style Cradle Shock and pinned Clancy. That was every bit as good as I could hope for; three real talents here, and I wish this had gone longer.

Sammy Diaz defeated Ryan Clancy and Eli Isom at 7:03.

3. Yoscifer El vs. Eddie Edwards. Yoscifer El is dressed like a lost member of the Viking Raiders; he’s a savage caveman, and I hadn’t seen him before. Cagematch.net shows he’s had 52 matches. He shook Eddie’s hand but tried to bite it! Yoscifer hit a cartwheel-into-a-clothesline in the corner and was in charge; he’s much bigger and thicker than Eddie. Eddie hit some chops. Yoscifer hit a suplex at 5:00 and they were both down. He hit a splash to the mat for a nearfall. Eddie hit a Backpack Stunner for a believable nearfall. Yoscifer hit another splash for a neafall, but Eddie got a foot on the ropes at 7:00. He missed a frogsplash, and Eddie immediately hit a Boston Knee Party (Shining Wizard) for the pin. Decent match.

Eddie Edwards defeated Yoscifer El at 7:24.

4. Brandon Downey (w/Jayden Mercer) vs. Colton Charles. I’ve seen Colton before and he’s quite similar to Powerhouse Hobbs. My first time seeing Downey, who is a scrawny white kid who has to be younger than age 22. This should be a squash, just looking at them. Downey hit a Sling Blade before the bell and stomped on Colton! We got a bell at 0:22 to officially begin. Charles grabbed him by the throat and pushed him over the top rope to the floor. On the floor, he hit a running shoulder tackle. Mercer tripped Charles. In the ring, Downey hit a chop block at 2:30, and he kept Colton grounded.

Colton tied him in the Tree of Woe and repeatedly kicked Downey in the gut. (Colton likes to pause and dance. I just don’t think a guy his size and clear strength should be doing that.) Colton hit a Vader Bomb for a nearfall, but Mercer put Downey’s foot on the ropes at 5:00. Colton tossed Downey onto Mercer. He hit a devastating clothesline on Downey. He went to the floor so he could spear Mercer. Back in the ring, Colton hit an F5 Slam and pinned the kid. That went exactly the way it should have.

Colton Charles defeated Brandon Downey at 6:21.

* The heels jumped Colton, and LSG ran in to make the save. It allowed Colton to hit a spear on Downey, too. On the floor, Colton and LSG danced with a lot of kids, who were having a blast. (I am a sucker for a good family-friendly show.)

5. Ken Dixon vs. Crowbar. Dixon is bald with a long beard and a good physique (think Luke Gallows with a longer beard). Both men wore denim jeans and were dressed for a fight. The commentator said he believes this is a first-ever singles matchup. Basic brawling early on. Crowbar choked him in the ropes at 3:00 and hit an axe kick to the back of the head for a nearfall. He hit some clotheslines and flying back elbows. Dixon hit a powerslam for a nearfall at 6:00. Crowbar hit a D’Lo-style Sky High powerbomb for the pin. Decent big-man match.

Crowbar defeated Ken Dixon at 7:12.

6. Rebecca Scott vs. Ava Everett. Rebecca is a decent talent and I’ve compared her to former TNA wrestler Taylor Wilde in the past; her long blonde hair goes halfway down her back. Ava wore shiny pink, waved at the crowd, and she’s a babyface tonight. Ava has a slight height and size advantage. Rebecca hit a flying dropkick to open and she’s a heel. Ava hit a superkick and repeatedly rammed Rebecca’s head into the top turnbuckle. Scott hit a dropkick that sent Ava flying off the apron to the floor at 2:00, and she hit a somersault off the apron and crashed onto Eva on the floor.

In the ring, Rebecca choked her in the ropes. Ava hit a bulldog. Scott missed a Swanton Bomb. Eva hit a Blue Thunder Bomb. Rebecca hit a Samoan Drop, and this time, she nailed the Swanton Bomb at 6:00 but only got a nearfall. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Ava hit a stunner than sent Scott to the floor. In the ring, Scott hit a Stomp for the pin. I really liked that; these are two very good talents.

Rebecca Scott defeated Ava Everett at 7:43.

7. Dark Fallah Bahh and Dark STG vs. Rhino and Heath Slater. Bahh wears scary white ghost paint on his face now; I was such a big fan of him in his TNA run but he’s so heavy right now, he is just unhealthy. STG is quite muscular and has a similar ghost face look; I’ve seen him a few times now. Heath and STG opened and I must reiterate the massive size of STG. Rhino entered, so Fallah entered at 2:00 to lock up with Rhino. Rhino hit a shoulder tackle but Bahh didn’t budge, and he wagged his finger at Rhino. Bahh backed Heath into their corner at 5:00, and the heels began working him over.

Bahh hit a massive splash to the mat on Heath! Don’t do that; he’s got kids! Bahh went for a buttdrop to the chest, but Heath moved. Rhino got the hot tag at 7:30 and hit some clotheslines. He whipped Bahh into the corner on STG. Rhino nailed a Gore on STG for the pin. Exactly how you’d imagine this one would play out.

Rhino and Heath Slater defeated Dark Fallah Bahh and Dark STG at 8:08.

* We have a graphic for an eight-man tag and I don’t recognize a single one of these youngsters…

8. Alex Reiman, Anthony, Tyler Mann, and Adam Kirkland vs. El Magnifico, Brian Rosario, Salvador Salsero, and Juan Hernandez Jr. I paused the screen to carefully jot down everyone’s names, but I won’t know who is whom. Yes, one guy’s on-screen name was just “Anthony” with no last name. I just saw El Magnifico (think Psicosis) on Thursday in a spotlight match at Wrestling Open. Mann is the kid who looks like indy commentator Jordan Castle; I saw him on the January show. (I just glanced at my review of the January show and Mann was the only one of these guys who wrestled on that event.) Magnifico’s team worked over Mann. Mann’s team are the heels and they bickered. They backed one of the smaller babyfaces into their corner. Magnifico hit a bulldog. Reimann (Think Balls Mahoney but thin) hit some blows Mann made a blind tag and rolled up and pinned Magnifico. This was a mess but they all tried hard.

Alex Reiman, Anthony, Tyler Mann, and Adam Kirkland defeated El Magnifico, Brian Rosario, Salvador Salsero, and Juan Hernandez Jr. at 6:22.

9. Justin Corino vs. Luke Hawx. Justin has a certain Robert Roode presence and style to him. Luke, who is bald with tattoos on his chest, has been wrestling for two decades and he was Steve Austin in the “Young Rock” TV show. Luke hit a backbody drop that sent Justin to the floor. In the ring, Justin stomped on Luke. He hit a clothesline at 3:00 and celebrated. Luke hit a second-rope Exploder Suplex and they were both down. Corino hit a pump-handle powerbomb for a nearfall. Luke hit a standing neckbreaker for a nearfall at 6:00. Luke nailed a stiff spinning back elbow and scored the pin.

Luke Hawx defeated Justin Corino at 6:42.

10. KC Navarro vs. Cheeseburger. These two are roughly the same height and overall size. Cheeseburger seems to take pride in not putting on any muscle mass or size in his entire career. They shook hands and traded standing switches. KC hit an enzuigiri, then a doublestomp to the chest for a nearfall at 3:30. They traded forearm strikes. Cheeseburger hit a Dragon Suplex at 6:00. KC hit a Sabin-style Cradle Shock for a nearfall. They traded rollups. KC nailed a mid-ring Sliced Bread for the pin. Decent action.

KC Navarro defeated Cheeseburger at 7:54. 

11. LSG vs. Myles Hawkins for the WrestlePro Garden State Title. Myles attacked to open and unloaded some punches. He hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. He hit a suplex for a nearfall at 1:30 and he kept LSG grounded. LSG hit a back suplex and they were both down at 4:00. LSG hit a second-rope flying clothesline. Myles hit a froggy bow elbow drop for a nearfall at 5:30. LSG hit a twisting springboard forearm. LSG hit a double-underhook swinging slam and scored the pin. Good match.

LSG defeated Myles Hawkins to retain the WrestlePro Garden State Title at 7:13.

12. Vargas vs. Danny Maff. Puerto Rican star Vargas has the size and build of Umaga. Maff is an ROH original from 2002 and yet he looks almost unchanged in two decades. They immediately brawled, and Maff dove through the ropes onto him. They brawled at ringside. Maff slammed Vargas’ leg against the ring post. Maff peeled off Vargas’ boot and bit his bare foot at 4:00! Gross. They continued brawling. Maff leapt off the ropes but Vargas caught him and slammed him for a nearfall at 6:00. Vargas hit a big buttbump in the corner. He hit a chokeslam for a nearfall. Maff got Vargas on his shoulders and hit a Burning Hammer for a nearfall at 9:00, and the commentator was shocked at the kickout. Maff hit a Canadian Destroyer, then a German Suplex, then a pair of clotheslines for the pin. Good brawl.

Danny Maff defeated Vargas at 10:33.

13. CPA defeated Homicide to retain the WrestlePro Gold Title. Again, this was not shown for some reason. The WrestlePro Twitter page doesn’t indicate any reason it was cut off and not shown.

Final Thoughts: A merely okay show. I personally liked the Isom-Diaz-Clancy three-way for best, followed by LSG-Hawkins, and the Rebecca Scott-Ava match takes third. Maff-Vargas was a decent brawl and takes honorable mention. The eight-man tag was a mess and it really needed a steady hand to guide them. While that is the only match that I would describe as ‘bad,’ I would only describe the four matches I just listed as good, above-average matches. While I generally steer away from giving star ratings, I’d say everything else was in the 1.5 to 2.0 star rating. And if I have Eddie Edwards on my show, I’m finding a top-tier opponent for him to face.

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