Wrestling Open “Episode 153” results (12/5): Vetter’s review of Bryce Donovan and Jerial Rivera vs. Dezmond Cole and Jermaine Marbury, Sam Holloway vs. Sammy Diaz, Miracle Generation vs. Post Game

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 153”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
December 5, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

Paul Crockett, Brother Greatness, and ref Scott Robinson provided commentary. It appears there are maybe 150-200 fans tonight, which is a bit below-average for here.

1. Jake Gray vs. Nick Batee in the spotlight match. My first time seeing Batee; at first glance I thought it was Max Caster (but no mustache) and a bit like Action Andretti. Scott Robinson said Batee is a graduate of the Monster Factory. He has a good physique and he tossed Gray gut-first onto the top rope and kept him grounded. Gray hit a Sliced Bread out of the corner for the pin. Solid spotlight match; I liked what I saw of Batee.

Jake Gray defeated Nick Batee at 3:55. 

* The main show again opened with Dustin Waller saying “Swipe Right does things the wrong way,” but Miracle Generation does things the right way.

2. “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller vs. “Post Game” Mike Walker and Vinny Talotta. MG came out first; PG attacked them before they got in the ring. The bell rang to officially begin at 1:00, with Talotta working over Kylon. Waller made a hot tag at 3:00. Talotta hit a uranage on Dustin. King got back in and hit a tornado DDT and an Exploder Suplex, and he was fired up. He hit a spinebuster on Walker. MG hit stereo superkicks on Vinny, then they each hit running knees and pinned Talotta. Shorter than it should have been; Post Game are pretty good but they got ran over here.

Kylon King and Dustin Waller defeated Vinny Talotta and Mike Walker at 5:56/official time of about 4:50. 

* Kylon got on the mic and called out Swipe Right; they want their belts! Waller said they will have a No. 1 contender’s match next week against Rex Lawless and RJ Rude.

3. Little Mean Kathleen vs. Tina San Antonio. Tina has wrestled maybe four times here the past year; she’s an aging veteran with long blonde hair, and she has the height and weight advantage. LMK kept her grounded early; Tina rolled to the floor at 3:00 and headed to the exits! LMK ran out the door and dragged her back in. In the ring, LMK missed a Vader Bomb, and it allowed Tina to take control and ground Kathleen. LMK finally hit a Vader Bomb for a nearfall at 7:30. Tina hit a DDT for the pin. A mild upset. Not particularly good, either.

Tina San Antonio defeated Little Mean Kathleen at 8:21.

4. “Stetson Ranch” Steven Stetson, Hammer Tunis, and Danny Miles vs. Haddy, London Lightning, and Junior Benito. I have Lightning on my list of guys who should get WWE ID contracts; this might be his first U.S. match. I’ve seen all these guys in Canada’s C*4 Wrestling. Haddy and Tunis opened. Benito hit some deep armdrags on Miles at 2:00. London entered and hit a backbreaker over his knee on Danny. Tunis hit a spinebuster on Lightning at 5:00 and the heels took turns working over London. Miles hit a senton. Stetson hit an elbow drop. Benito finally got a hot tag and hit a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall at 10:00. Stetson hit a Mafia Kick to Haddy’s chest, then a hard clothesline to the back of London’s head. Tunis hit a running flipping neckbreaker on Haddy and pinned him. Decent match. I presume this means Lightning can take U.S. bookings now, which means he should be in high demand.

Steven Stetson, Hammer Tunis, and Danny Miles defeated Haddy, London Lightning, and Junior Benito at 11:07.

* Miles got on the mic and said they do what they want, when they want. He announced that WWE ID prospect Sam Holloway is going to take on Sammy Diaz for them!

5. Sam Holloway vs. Sammy Diaz (w/Lucas Chase & Brother Greatness). I’ll reiterate that Sam Holloway is a beast at about 6’7″ or so and he’s similar to Julius Creed. “This guy is a monster!” Crockett said. “I can see why William Regal walked into that locker room and handed this man a contract.” Stetson said he’s already sent Holloway some money, but if takes out Diaz, there will be even more coming his way. Diaz hit a chop that had no effect, so he tried some spin kicks to the thighs. He hit a dropkick on the legs. Holloway hit a massive shotgun dropkick at 2:00. The Stetson Ranch were hanging out by the entrance and they celebrated that move!

Holloway hit a powerslam for a nearfall. Crockett said Holloway and all the other WWE ID prospects have targets on their backs now because everyone steps up when facing them. Holloway hit a twisting uranage for a nearfall at 4:30. Diaz dove through the ropes onto Holloway. He went for a plancha, but Holloway caught him and slammed him on the apron. In the ring, Diaz hit a Pele Kick at 6:30, then an enzuigiri. Diaz hit a Sunset Flip Powerbomb out of the corner and got the pin! Really good for the time given. The Stetson Ranch looked shocked at the sudden loss.

Sammy Diaz defeated Sam Holloway at 7:02. 

* Brother Greatness got on the mic and said he wants a four-on-four match between The Stetson Ranch and The Church of Greatness, on Dec. 26… in steel cage warfare!!! Steven Stetson agreed.

* We went to clips of Joe Ocasio hanging out at Ray Jaz’s beach house, as Joe (who is the babyface here!) stole the key and is basically being goldilocks, going through the house. He’s damaging the home as he walks through it, too. (Only in pro wrestling is the guy who stole the key and invaded the house is the good guy in the story!)

6. Paris Van Dale vs. Liviyah (w/Lauren St. James). This is technically Liviyah’s Wrestling Open debut; again, she might still be a teen but she’s already had a couple AEW/ROH matches. Paris attacked her from behind, mounted her, and repeatedly punched her. She hit a DDT and the splits onto Liviyah’s stomach at 1:30, and choked her in the ropes. Liviyah hit a snap suplex, a clothesline and a dropkick, then a running forearm and a Lungblower to the back! However, she missed a splash off the ropes. Lauren St James reached into the ring and slapped Paris! Liviyah immediately got a schoolboy rollup for the pin! (Debuting wrestlers almost never win here!)

Liviyah defeated Paris Van Dale at 4:25. 

* Footage aired of the Brad Hollister-Ryan Clancy feud. Back to the venue, Brad Hollister and Love, Doug got in the ring. Doug is dressed to wrestle but Brad is not. Doug got on the mic and congratulated Brad on reaching one full year as Wrestling Open champion. The crowd immediately chanted, “new champ!” Brad said he will be defending his title in the cage against Clancy on Dec. 26. (So at least two cage matches on that show.) Brad said Clancy has picked Doug’s opponent tonight! Clancy walked out from the back; he isn’t dressed to wrestle, either. Lucas Chase got in the ring behind them and the match is on!

7. Lucas Chase vs. Love, Doug (w/Brad Hollister). They immediately traded punches. Doug went to the floor to regroup with Brad. In the ring, Chase hit some Sheamus-style blows to the chest in the ropes at 2:00. Doug went under the ring, snuck up behind Lucas, and hit a Mafia Kick, and he began stomping on Chase in the corner. He hit a dropkick at 3:30 for a nearfall and kept Lucas grounded. Lucas finally hit a back suplex at 7:00 and some punches and a running shoulder tackle, then a big spear! Lucas hit a spinebuster for a believable nearfall. Brad hopped in the ring and struck Chase in the head with the title belt, right in front of the ref, causing the DQ.

Lucas Chase defeated Love, Doug via DQ at 8:28.

* Next week will feature TJ Crawford vs. Bobby Orlando and a preview match from the Steel Cage Warfare teams.

* It’s time for the main event tag match! Bryce Donovan came out first. Dezmond Cole got into the ring and demanded to know where Jermaine Marbury was. Jerial Rivera dragged Marbury out of the back, with Marbury clearly beaten up. Bryce told Dezmond it looks like this will have to be a handicap match!

8. Bryce Donovan and Jerial Rivera vs. Dezmond Cole in a handicap match. Jerial and Dezmond traded blows. It’s great to see Jerial connecting so quickly here; he’s got a good look. Bryce hit a Black Hole Slam at 2:00. Crockett said he just got word that Marbury is not going to make it back to this match. Dezmond hit a dropkick. The heels took turns working over Cole. Cole hit a Lionsault Press on a standing Rivera, then a Shining Wizard at 8:00. He dove through the ropes onto Bryce! In the ring, he hit the splits stunner on Rivera, then a Helluva Kick. He trapped Jerial’s head in the corner and kicked him in the face, then he hit the German Suplex out of the corner for a nearfall, but Bryce made the save.

Cole hit a Helluva Kick on Bryce, then another! He got a Crucifix Driver for a nearfall and an enzuigiri. Bryce hit a chokeslam and got a believable nearfall at 10:00. Cole hit a top-rope corkscrew moonsault on both heels and all three were down. The masked Polish luchador Stanley Dragowski hopped on the ring apron! He wants a hot tag! (I presume he is the mysterious benefactor). Cole tried to make the hot tag but Bryce cut him off. Dragowski tagged in, and yep, he turned and hit a Polish Hammer on Cole! Bryce hit his twisting Death Valley Driver and pinned Dezmond. The crowd booed this (clearly obvious) heel turn.

Bryce Donovan and Jerial Rivera defeated Dezmond Cole and Stanley Dragowski at 13:18.

* Bryce got on the mic and thanked “his sponsor.” Stanley took off his mask and it is Smart Mark Sterling! The crowd chanted “You still suck!” at Sterling. He’s the mysterious benefactor.

Final Thoughts: A decent episode that built nicely toward the Dec. 26 show. Diaz-Holloway was good for the time given and I’ll go with that for best match, ahead of the main event. Even though it was short, Miracle Generation vs. Post Game takes third. Nice to see Liviyah, Haddy and London Lightning all debut here. (Benito has been here before maybe a few times.)


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