Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling “Forged In Excellence – Night One” results: Vetter’s review of Konosuke Takeshita vs. Mike Bailey, Raj Dhesi vs. Bully Ray in a tables match, Rohan Raja vs. Jake Something in a Champions Grail match

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling “Forged In Excellence – Night One”
Replay available via Triller.TV
October 19, 2024 in Windsor, Ontario at St. Clair College

This venue is sold out with perhaps 1,500 to 2,000 fans. Mauro Ranallo and Don Callis provided commentary, with Sam Leterna doing in-ring announcing. The lighting and production is top-notch. There have been times that TNA and New Japan Strong did not have shows that looked this good. I love having the risers of fans across from the hard camera, too. (I really hate a stage/entrance across from the hard camera; I want to see the fans and their reaction to the action.)

* The show opened with a video montage with some really old wrestling footage, mixed in with short videos and newer highlights from Konosuke Takeshita, Josh Alexander, Gisele Shaw, Bully Ray and QT Marshall.

1. Josh Alexander, Stu Grayson, and El Phantasmo vs. Rocky Romero, Alex Zayne, and Trevor Lee. Not sure if Lee and Zayne ever fought during Zayne’s (very!) short NXT run. I must reiterate that since leaving WWE, Lee has trimmed his hair really short and looks nothing like the former Cameron Grimes. Alexander and Rocky opened with standing switches. Lee and Stu entered at 1:30 with more intense reversals, and Stu hit a dropkick. ELP and Zayne locked up and I am pretty sure these two fought in last year’s NJPW Tag League tournament. (Zayne teamed with Lance Archer as “Monster Sauce.”) Ranallo ran down all of ELP’s credentials, as Phantasmo hit some springboard flips. The Canadian trio put on stereo Sharpshooters at 4:00 and that popped the crowd. ELP was tripped, allowing Zayne to hit his flipping axe kick to the back of the head, and Zayne’s team began working over Phantasmo. Alexander got in and hit a forward Finlay Roll on Lee at 7:30.

Zayne hit the Baja Blast faceplant on Josh, and Rocky hit a running Penalty Kick on Josh, and they now kept Alexander in their corner. Josh hit an Exploder Suplex on Lee at 9:00. Stu now got a hot tag and hit a double clothesline, then a German Suplex on Rocky and a belly-to-belly suplex on Zayne. Stu hit a Lionsault on Rocky for a nearfall at 10:30. ELP tagged in and hit some kicks on Rocky, then he  put him on his shoulders and did an Airplane Spin to the mat for a nearfall, and we got a “this is awesome!” chant. Stu nailed a Nightfall backbreaker over his knee on Zayne. Ranallo is great here and he said it is the first match he’s called in FOUR years. Josh hit a German Suplex on Lee. Rocky avoided a C4 Spike, and he put a cross-armbreaker on Josh. However, moments later, Josh hit the C4 Spike (butterfly piledriver) to pin Romero. What an opener!

Josh Alexander, Stu Grayson, and El Phantasmo vs. Rocky Romero, Alex Zayne, and Trevor Lee at 13:28.

* Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Mike Bailey, who talked about facing Konosuke Takeshita in the main event. Bailey said Takeshita is “probably the best wrestler in the world.” (These two have faced each other at least once before, in the PWG BOLA.) Bailey said he has the home-court advantage because they are in Canada, and he will make his people proud.

* Another video package aired, narrated by Bret Hart, talking about the history of Maple Leaf Wrestling’s history with Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Dino Bravo, Andre the Giant and others.

2. Bhupinder Gujjar vs. QT Marshall (w/Harley Cameron). Cameron got on the mic and praised Sam Leterna for doing a great job, considering she has “half a brain cell.” Harley said they are “international superstars” and she was booed. Gujjar wore a red hockey jersey with a Maple Leaf on it; Ranallo said he attended this college. Standing switches to open, and Gujjar hit an enzuigiri for a nearfall at 2:00, and he clotheslined QT to the floor, then a plancha to the floor onto QT. In the ring, QT hit a hard back elbow for a nearfall and he took control. Gujjar hit a flying forearm at 5:00. Gujjar hit a spinebuster for a nearfall. QT hit a pop-up punch and a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Gujjar hit a dropkick for a nearfall at 7:00, then a jumping knee to the chin. Harley grabbed Gujjar’s ankle as he climbed the ropes! He leapt off the ropes, but QT caught him with a forearm strike, then a Diamond Cutter, for the tainted pin.

QT Marshall defeated Bhupinder Gujjar at 8:23.

Kylie Rae was interviewed backstage by McKenzie. She said she’s been here for “three months” training and preparing for this match. She really got over her personality here as the plucky “just so happy to be here” babyface.

3. Kylie Rae vs. Laynie Luck vs. Taylor Rising vs. Aurora Teves. I saw Rising fight Heather Reckless once and thought they could be twins. My first time seeing Teves; she has long, dark hair to her butt. Ranallo noted that Kylie just celebrated three years of sobriety, and that she returned to wrestling in March after recovering from giving birth. Rae shook hands with Luck and Teves, but then Rising kicked Rae in the gut! We had quick rollups and a four-way standoff. Taylor rolled to the floor and was booed. Kylie put Laynie in a Crossface. Kylie and Laynie traded some fast-paced reversals that popped the crowd. Rising hit a spinebuster on Rae for a nearfall at 3:00.

“Post-partum aggression from Kylie Rae!” Ranallo shouted as she hit a clothesline. Teves hit a double Northern Lights suplex for a nearfall. Nice. On the floor, Laynie dropped Rae with a discus forearm. Taylor hit a dive through the ropes at 5:30. Laynie hit a top-rope somersault onto everyone on the floor. Rising hit a Pedigree on Rae. Luck hit a flying stunner on Teves. Rae superkicked Luck and collapsed onto Teves for the pin; she didn’t even realize she was getting a pin! Fun match.

Kylie Rae defeated Laynie Luck, Taylor Rising and Aurora Teves at 6:52.

* McKenzie interviewed Josh Alexander. Josh was pumped up about the return of Maple Leaf Wrestling.

* We saw footage of Kusida and Kevin Knight winning the NJPW Junior Tag Titles last week in Japan. They are defending their belts for the first time… right now! Ranallo assured us that everyone in this match is under the 220 pound weight limit.

4) “Jet Setters” Kushida & Kevin Knight vs. Johnny Swinger & Brent Banks vs. Rohit Raju & Sheldon Jean vs. El Reverso & Aiden Prince in a four-way for the NJPW Jr. Hvt. Tag Team Titles. I think I’ve seen Reverso before, and Prince has had a handful of TNA matches. Banks is a regular in Canada’s C*4 Wrestling so I’m familiar with him from there. Raju and Jean knocked some opponents down and immediately ducked to the floor. Banks and Knight tied up to open. Reverso (black gear and mask with gold trim) traded quick reversals with Knight. Prince (think an older Ludwig Kaiser!) hit a brainbuster on Knight at 3:00. Raju and Sheldon jumped in and began working over Prince. Kushida got in and hit some spin kicks to Raju’s thighs. Knight crotched Raju around a ring post.

Raju hit a leg sweep on Kushida at 6:30. Swinger made a blind tag to enter but realized he didn’t want any part of Kushida. Banks got in and beat down Kushida instead. Knight tagged in and began hitting clotheslines. Knight slammed Prince onto Reverso, then he splashed onto them both at 9:00. Knight hit a leaping DDT on Sheldon. Everyone was suddenly down except Swinger! Johnny got in and stomped on the opponents. They set up for a tower spot, but Raju began hitting low blows on everyone. We had some comedy where nearly everyone was hit by a low blow. (Too cartoonish for my tastes.) Prince dove through the ropes onto several guys at 11:30.

Raju hit a top-rope doublestomp on Prince in the ring, then one on Reverso, then one on Knight for a nearfall, but Kushida made the save. Banks hit a springboard back elbow on Sheldon. Banks dropkicked Raju. Sheldon hit a neckbreaker on Banks. Knight hit a double Pele Kick at 15:00. Kushida and Knight hit stereo baseball slide dropkicks, and Knight hit a springboard dive to the floor onto everyone. Swinger snuck in and rolled up Kushida for a nearfall. Knight hit a top-rope crossbody block on Swinger, and Kushida covered Swinger for the pin. A fun match; there were a few spots where guys had to awkwardly get into position to take moves that made this look more choreographed than I prefer, but the action was good.

Kushida & Kevin Knight defeated Johnny Swinger & Brent Banks and Rohit Raju & Sheldon Jean and El Reverso & Aiden Prince in a four-way to retain the NJPW Jr. Hvt. Tag Team Titles at 16:07.

5. Rohan Raja vs. Jake Something for the PWA Champions Grail. The winner will be the inaugural champion. Rohan was introduced as from Australia. Raja slapped him in the face at the bell! Jake knocked him down with his running body block. Raja snapped Jake’s arm across the top rope at 2:00 and began focusing on the damaged limb. He choked Jake in the ropes and kept him grounded. He hit a neckbreaker at 6:00 and remained in charge. He came off the ropes, but Jake nailed a forearm that dropped Raja.

Raja hit some forearm strikes but it just fired Jake up. Jake hit a hard clothesline at 8:30. He hit a chokeslam for a nearfall. Jake clocked him with a forearm that dropped him. Jake then hit a Tiger Drive (butterfly powerbomb) for a believable nearfall at 11:00; he has been selling the shoulder injury the whole match. Raja hit a Lungblower to the back, followed by a brainbuster for a nearfall. Jake hit another running body block. Raja hit a leaping Flatliner faceplant and scored the pin! I didn’t expect that!

Rohan Raja defeated Jake Something to win the PWA Champions Grail at 13:28.

* McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Raja on top of the stage. He said he knew he was going to be champion because it was his destiny.

* In a backstage promo, Bully Ray said he is the reason this show sold out, and the reason we are all watching this now. “I am responsible for all the success of tonight. I’m a two-time Hall-of-Famer. I’m the best at what I do.” He said he has no idea why Dhesi would ever want to face him in a tables match. He guaranteed Dhesi will never, ever put him through a table.

6. Raj Dhesi (f/k/a Jinder Mahal) vs. Bully Ray in a tables match. This is a first-ever meeting. Ray got in Sam Leterna’s face and was hostile. Ray said that if the fans keep chanting for Dhesi “I swear to god, I will get back in my car and go back to the United States.” They traded punches at the bell, and Dhesi tossed him to the floor. They traded punches at ringside. In the ring, Bully Ray hit Dhesi with a kendo stick at 3:30. Ray knocked the ref to the mat. Raj got the kendo stick and hit Ray a few times, then he hit a bodyslam at 6:00. Raj insisted the referee climb the ropes and do the ‘Wassup!’ flying headbutt to Ray’s groin! Ray shouted “my balls!” The ref then led the crowd in the “Get the tables!” chant.

Ray pushed Dhesi into the ref, and the ref was down. Dhesi chokeslammed Ray through a table! But the ref was down. QT Marshall hopped in the ring and hit Raj with a chain! QT moved Bully’s body into a corner, and QT put Raj’s prone body onto the broken table! The ref stood up, saw Raj lying on the broken table, and called for the bell. Creative finish. These guys held the crowd even by taking very few bumps.

Bully Ray defeated Raj Dhesi in a tables match at 8:55. 

* Ray was about to hit Dhesi with a chairshot when some music played. Gujjar ran in to make the save.

* A commercial aired for TNA’s “Bound For Glory.” Ranallo then ran down the lineup for AEW Dynamite on Wednesday. I love these promotions all working together to make this show possible.

* Outside and earlier in the day, McKenzie interviewed Gisele. She is ready for her match later with Miyu Yamashita! If Miyu wins… the match on Sunday will become a three-way.

7. Miyu Yamashita vs. Gisele Shaw. Mat reversals and a feeling-out process to begin. Miyu hit a running kick in the corner at 2:30 that sent Shaw to the floor, and they brawled at ringside. Miyu hit a running Penalty Kick on the apron to Gisele’s face. In the ring, Shaw hit a series of chops in the corner and was in charge. Gisele hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 6:30, and they were both down. Miyu hit a springboard spin kick to the head and they were both down. Shaw hit a backbreaker over her knee for a nearfall at 9:00. Yamashita hit a German Suplex for a nearfall. She hit some kicks; Gisele fired back with some forearms, and they traded blows, and the crowd was really into this. Shaw hit a superkick; Miyu hit her own superkick. They hit stereo spin kicks to the head and were both down at 12:00. They got up and Shaw hit a headbutt then a running knee for the pin. That was stiff and fun.

Gisele Shaw defeated Miyu Yamashita at 12:34.

* A video package aired for Athena, where she talked about being the “forever ROH champion.” We then headed to a video package that highlighted Mike Bailey and Konosuke Takeshita.

8. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Mike Bailey. Again, Bailey beat Takeshita at the PWG BOLA in the past. Bailey wore a blue karate outfit to the ring. The crowd chanted “holy shit!” at the bell, and they shook hands. Takeshita knocked him down with a shoulder tackle. Bailey hit a head-scissors takedown that sent Konosuke to the floor. Bailey hit a head-scissors takedown on the floor, then the Triangle Moonsault at 2:30. They brawled at ringside, with Bailey hitting a spin kick to the chest. In the ring, Bailey hit his Speedball kicks to the thighs and ribs. Takeshita hit a Death Valley Driver onto the ring apron at 4:30 and we got a “momma mia!” from Ranallo. Ranallo said this is their SIXTH singles matchup, and noted their last match was in the 2023 BOLA I already mentioned. Takeshita hit a flying clothesline and was in charge.

Takeshita grounded Bailey, and he hit a DDT for a nearfall at 6:30. Bailey hit a huracanrana that sent Takeshita into a corner. Bailey hit a series of kicks, then his running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall at 8:30. He went for a standing moonsault but Takeshita kicked him away. Takeshita hit a release German Suplex with Bailey going across the ring. He applied a belly-to-belly bearhug; he hit another German release suplex but Bailey rotated and landed on his feet. Bailey nailed the moonsault double kneedrop to the chest at 11:00. He hit some kicks. Takeshita hit a stiff forearm that dropped Bailey. Takeshita missed a knee strike in the corner and crashed to the floor. Bailey hit a double-jump springboard corkscrew press to the floor at 13:00, rightfully earning a “holy shit!” chant, then “this is awesome!”

Back in the ring, Bailey missed the Ultima Weapon. Takeshita swung Bailey overhead, with Mike’s face slamming into the middle turnbuckle! Bailey hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 15:00. Bailey hit a top-rope Shooting Star Legdrop for a nearfall! Bailey nailed a Canadian Destroyer, but Takeshita rolled to the floor. In the ring, Takeshita hit another LOUD forearm that knocked Bailey to the floor! In the ring, Takeshita set up for a brainbuster on the top turnbuckle, but Bailey escaped, and Mike hit a Frankensteiner at 19:00. However, Takeshita hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a believable nearfall, and we got a “Fight forever!” chant. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees, then while standing.

Bailey caught him with some kicks to the face. He hit the Green Tea Plunge (mid-ring Spanish Fly), but Takeshita rolled out and hit a wheelbarrow German Suplex and they were both down. Bailey hit another kick to the head and a Poison Rana, and another superkick, then the Tornado Kick. Bailey got just a bit of the Ultima Weapon and got a nearfall at 22:30. Bailey set up for the Flamingo Driver, but Takeshita escaped and hit a modified piledriver for a nearfall. They traded open-hand slaps, and Takeshita knocked Bailey down with another forearm strike, then he hit two kneestrikes for a believable nearfall. Takeshita hit a Falcon Arrow for the pin. WOW, that was incredible.

Konosuke Takeshita defeated Mike Bailey at 24:37.

* Josh Alexander walked to the ring, got in, and stood across from Takeshita. They glared at each other, with no punches thrown, as the show faded to black.

Final Thoughts: I don’t think I can add anything about Takeshita-Bailey above what has already been written. Two guys on top of their game, who know each other well, delivering one of the best matches of the year. Bailey has competed in more than 100 matches this year and he always brings it. Takeshita was the star of the G1 Climax B Block; I would argue that seven of his nine opponents in Block action had their best match of the tournament against him. I really enjoyed the opening six-man tag and I’ll go with that for second. Yamashita is always good, and this is the best I’ve seen Shaw look, and that takes third.

Not enough could possibly be written here about the quality of the production. The lighting, the sound, and a hot crowd. Ranallo was on top of his game. I smiled when he called Bailey’s “Green Tea Plunge,” showing he watches the product and knows the names Bailey calls some of his non-finishing moves. There isn’t a promotion who wouldn’t want Ranallo calling their action, because his love and passion is so evident.

Very few complaints here. The women’s four-way was built around Kylie Rae (as it should be!) but there was no doubt she was winning here, as the other three women were just background characters to her star role. Likewise, the four-way tag match was built around Knight and Kushida, and with the titles on the line, there was no doubt they were winning, too. The surprise good match was Raja-Something. I think so highly of Jake, but I guess I haven’t seen enough of Raja to expect the match to be so good.


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