NJPW “Royal Quest IV” results (10/20): Vetter’s review of Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Sanada for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, Shane Haste and Mikey Nicholls vs. Tomohiro Ishii and Hiroshi Tanahashi for the NJPW Strong Tag Titles

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

NJPW “Royal Quest IV”
October 20, 2024 in London, England at Crystal Palace National Sports Centre
Streamed on New Japan World

They’ve used this venue before and the crowd is maybe 1,200-1,500. Lighting is good. Chris Charlton and Gideon Grey provided commentary; I enjoy Grey’s heel color remarks.

1. “Young Blood” Oskar Leube and Yuto Nakashima vs. “Greedy Souls” Brendan White and Danny Jones. The Young Blood duo sure seem ready to end their excursion and return to Japan. They had two sets of tag titles; I know one is the wXw titles from Germany. Leube and Jones (think Mark Jindrak!) locked up to open. Yuto and the bald, thick White (think John Silver but taller) then entered at 1:30 and traded forearms. The GS began working over Leube. Jones put Leube in a Boston Crab at 5:30, but Oskar reached the ropes. Yuto entered and hit some roundhouse kicks on White. Brendan hit a backbreaker over his knee at 8:00, and now GS worked over Yuto.

Yuto hit a Death Valley Driver on White. Oskar tagged back in and hit some shoulder blocks on Jones, then a running Bulldog Powerslam. White hit a Black Hole Slam on Leube for a nearfall at 10:30. Yuto hit a brainbuster on Jones, then a decapitating clothesline on White. Leube hit an F5 face plant on White for the pin. Good opener. NJPW really needs these two in the regular mix.

Oskar Leube and Yuto Nakashima defeated Brendan White and Danny Jones at 11:55.

Taiji Ishimori has a mystery partner! It is Robbie X (think Alan Angels but closer to age 40; Midwest indy vet “M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross is a more accurate comparison.)

2. Taiji Ishimori and Robbie X vs. “CPF” Joe Lando and Danny Black. Lando and Black have toured the U.S. this year; Lando has red tint in his hair, while Black has dark hair and plenty of tattoos. Robbie came out wearing a Bullet Club T-shirt. Lando and Robbie traded fast-paced reversals early. Ishimori snapped Lando’s neck between his ankles and got a nearfall at 2:00. He snapped Lando’s left arm backwards. Black finally got a hot tag at 5:00 and hit a half-nelson suplex on Ishimori. He picked up Taiji as if going for a Styles Clash, but instead hit a vertical powerbomb. CPF hit some quick team moves. Lando hit a top-rope Shooting Star Press on Robbie at 7:30. Robbie hit a double Pele Kick. Ishimori hit an assisted Bloody Cross. Robbie immediately hit a top-rope corkscrew splash to pin Jones. Really entertaining. This team will be a force in the NJPW Super Junior Tag Tournament.

Taiji Ishimori and Robbie X defeated Joe Lando and Danny Black at 8:03.

3. Kanji and Mina Shirakawa vs. AZM and Dani Luna. Kanji has long dark hair and some muscle to her (think Rachael Ellering); I’ve only seen her a handful of times. She opened against the blonde AZM (Az eh mee) and they traded standing switches and fast-paced reversals and several nearfalls before a standoff at 1:00. Luna entered and battled Kanji. Mina entered and traded kicks with AZM. AZM hit a brainbuster; Mina hopped up and hit a fisherman’s suplex and they were both down at 4:00. Dani entered and hit some clotheslines on Mina, then a standing powerbomb.

Mina tied up Dani’s legs, while also hitting a DDT on AZM. All four began brawling in the ring. Mina hit a spinning back fist. Dani hit a running boot on Mina at 7:00. Mina finally tied Luna in a Figure Four, but AZM leapt off the top rope onto them to break it up. Kanji hit a plancha to the floor on AZM. In the ring, Dani and Mina traded blows, and Dani hit the Luna Landing (modified sit-out Death Valley Driver) to pin Mina! Charlton exclaimed she just beat the British champion!

AZM and Dani Luna defeated Mina Shirakawa and Kanji at 8:46.

* In a video package, the Grizzled Young Veterans spoke. An echo made it difficult to understand them. Charlton said they are challenging the winners of tonight’s main event.

4. Michael Oku (w/Amira) vs. Kosei Fujita. Quick mat reversals to open; this crowd was hot and split. These two appear to be roughly the same height; Fujita might have the weight advantage. Oku hit a Fosbury Flop to the floor at 2:00. In the ring, Fujita hit a spin kick to the jaw, and he dropped Oku with a double-handed chop. Oku hit a second-rope dropkick for a nearfall at 3:30, then a splash for a nearfall. Fujita hit a springboard dropkick for a nearfall at 5:30. Oku hit a Lionsault for a nearfall. He applied the half-crab (his signature move!) and the crowd taunted Fujita to tap, but Kosei escaped and hit a German Suplex with a bridge for a nearfall at 8:00. Oku hit a running knee to the side of the face. He got an inside cradle for a nearfall, then he hit some superkicks. However, Fujita got a forward roll into a rollup out of nowhere for the pin! That is definitely an upset!

Kosei Fujita defeated Michael Oku at 9:52.

5. Yota Tsuji vs. Drilla Moloney. Both men use a spear as a finisher. We have repeatedly heard that Drilla is right at the 220 pound/100 kg mark to stay as a junior, but he really isn’t much smaller than Tsuji. A feeling-out process early on. Tsuji hit a knee lift to the gut and got a nearfall at 2:30. They brawled to the floor and traded chops. Moloney got back in and made lewd gestures to the crowd. He punched at Yota’s eyes and was in charge. Moloney hit an enzuigiri. Yota hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker over his knee at 7:30. Moloney hit a superkick for a nearfall. Drilla set up for a Gore but Yota blocked it. Moments later, Drilla hit the Gore for a nearfall at 11:00. Drilla hit a piledriver for a nearfall. Yota hit a face plant and a stomp to the head. He then nailed the Gene Blaster (spear) for the pin. Good action.

Yota Tsuji defeated Drilla Moloney at 13:50.

6. Shota Umino vs. Callum Newman. The Newman comparisons to Finn Balor are becoming more clear every time I see him. Newman beat Shota in the opening night of this year’s G1 Climax, so this is a long-awaited rematch. A lockup to open. Shota avoided Callum’s sprinting Mafia Kick. He hit a series of forearm strikes in the corner at 5:00 and was in charge early on. Charlton said Umino has a prior win, so this series is tied 1-1. Shota hit a dropkick, but Callum countered with a suplex and they were both down. Newman hit a running penalty kick for a nearfall. They got up and traded forearm strikes for a minute, then Newman hit a back elbow and they were both down at 11:30.

Shota hit a Hidden Blade forearm to the back of the head, but Callum blocked a Death Rider attempt and hit a suplex. Callum hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Callum came off the ropes but Shota caught him with a stunner at 14:00. Shota hit a running swinging neckbreaker for a nearfall. Newman hit a series of kicks and a running knee to the side of the head for a nearfall. Shota hit a DDT move and he got booed! Shota hit a Bulldog Powerslam, then the Death Rider double-arm DDT for the pin. Good action.

Shota Umino defeated Callum Newman at 16:24.

7. Gedo (w/David Finlay) vs. Taka Michinoku. Finlay got on the mic and said he comes from a long line of savages, and he called the fans “English pricks.” He said he has been “killing dreams of late,” and he listed all the top guys he’s beaten recently. Finlay said he has to beat Gedo first if he wants a match with him. Finlay beat up Taka on the floor then tossed him back into the ring, where Gedo stomped on Taka. The crowd popped for Taka hitting an eyepoke. He cranked back on the head an Gedo tapped out.

Taka Michinoku defeated Gedo at 2:11.

8. David Finlay vs. Taka Michinoku. David immediately hopped in the ring and attacked Taka. Taka hit a running knee for a nearfall. Finlay nailed the Overkill pop-up kneestrike to the sternum for the pin. Short and to the point.

David Finlay defeated Taka Michinoku at 1:03.

9. Mascara Dorada and “The Mighty Don’t Kneel” Ryohei Oiwa and Robbie Eagles vs. “Los Ingobernables de Japon” Tetsuya Naito and Titan and Hiromu Takahashi. Naito and Oiwa opened, and Ryohei hit a dropkick. Eagles entered at 3:00 and he handed Hiromu a TMDK shirt; Hiromu put it on, posed, then took it off, and they traded reversals. Titan entered and stomped on Eagles’ left arm and worked it over. LIJ took turns on Eagles, with Naito hitting a Rude Awakening standing neckbreaker at 7:00. Dorada got in and traded lucha moves with Titan, and he hit a Fosbury Flop to the floor on Titan. In the ring, Dorada hit a Lumbar Check on Titan for a nearfall at 9:30. Dorada missed a Shooting Star Press, and Hiromu immediately hit a superkick on him, and Naito hit a Destino on Dorada. Titan then hit a top-rope doublestomp to Dorada’s back and pinned him. That wrapped up suddenly but was entertaining.

Tetsuya Naito and Titan and Hiromu Takahashi defeated Mascara Dorada and Ryohei Oiwa and Robbie Eagles at 11:36.

10. “The Mighty Don’t Kneel” Shane Haste and Mikey Nicholls vs. Tomohiro Ishii and Hiroshi Tanahashi for the New Japan Strong Tag Team Titles. Tanahashi and Haste opened. Mikey and Ishii entered and traded loud chops at 2:30. Tanahashi hit a bodyslam on Shane, then his second-rope somersault senton for a nearfall at 5:00. Haste hit a dropkick on Tanahashi and tagged in Nicholls. Tanahashi tied Nicholls in a Texas Cloverleaf, so Ishii tied Haste in a Sharpshooter! Tanahashi hit a top-rope crossbody block on Nicholls. He went for the High Fly Flow, but Mikey got his knees up to block it at 8:30. Shane and Ishii tagged in, and Ishii immediately hit a Brainbuster.

They got up and traded forearm strikes. Haste hit a back suplex with Ishii rotating and landing on his stomach. Haste hit a running knee for a nearfall at 10:30. TMDK hit a team neckbreaker on Ishii for a nearfall. Ishii hit a German Suplex on Haste and suddenly everyone was down at 12:30. Haste hit a sit-out powerbomb on Ishii for a nearfall. Ishii hit a clothesline for a nearfall. TMDK hit the Tankbuster (team DDT move) on Ishii for a believable nearfall. They hit a team powerbomb on Tanahashi at 15:00 (the clock has been spot-on all night). They hit a second Tankbuster for a believable nearfall, and the place went nuts when Ishii kicked out. (I presumed that was it!) Haste leapt off the second rope and they hit a THIRD Tankbuster on Ishii for the pin. A really good match.

Shane Haste and Mikey Nicholls defeated Tomohiro Ishii and Hiroshi Tanahashi to retain the New Japan Strong Tag Team Titles at 15:57.

11. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Sanada for the IWGP World Title. These two have feuded for years, and Sanada recently pinned Sabre in a tag match. A feeling-out process early on and the crowd is fully behind their British champ. Sabre applied a leglock around the neck at 2:30. Sanada went for the Paradise Lock but Sabre blocked it. They went to the floor at 7:00, where Sanada tied Sabre’s leg in the guardrail and kicked it, and he was LOUDLY booed. Sanada really soaked in the boos, too. In the ring, Sabre hit a hard clothesline at 10:30 and that popped the crowd.

Sabre hit a tornado DDT for a nearfall. Sanada hit a dropkick that sent Sabre to the floor, so Sanada hit a plancha on him at 13:30. In the ring, Sabre hit a basement dropkick to the back. Sanada hit the Magic Screw twisting neckbreaker off the ropes! He hit a Shining Wizard and was booed. He set up for Deadfall but Sabre blocked it. Sanada locked in the Skull End dragon sleeper! He went for a moonsault, but Sabre got his knees up to block it at 17:00. Sabre immediately tied Sanada’s arms behind the back, and he switched to a cross-armbreaker, but Sanada reached the ropes. They got up and Zack hit some European Uppercuts; Sanada hit some of his own and we hit the 20:00 mark with them trading blows.

Sabre hit the Zack Driver out of nowhere for a believable nearfall. They traded reversals and Sanada got a nearfall. Sabre applied an Octopus Stretch. Sanada hit a TKO and they were both down at 22:00. Sabre hit a Pele Kick to the left shoulder, but Sanada immediately hit a running knee to the back of the head. He hit a Shining Wizard to the jaw, then the top-rope moonsault for a nearfall. Sabre got a rollup, leaned back for pressure, and got a nearfall at 24:00. Sabre went for a running Penalty Kick, but Sanada caught the leg and hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip! Sanada went for another Shining Wizard, but Sabre ducked it and tied up Sanada on the mat. He tied up both the arms and legs, and Sanada submitted. Every bit as good as I hoped.

Zack Sabre Jr. defeated Sanada to retaint he IWGP World Heavyweight Championship at 25:32.

* Sabre got on the mic and the crowd chanted “You deserve it.” He said that pro wrestling owes him nothing. He showed off the title and said holding this has been his dream since he was a kid. He isn’t the first British man to hold the IWGP Title, “but I am the first to bring the bloody thing home!” and that got cheers. He added this isn’t a ‘lifetime achievement award,’ as he is just getting started. His TMDK teammates got in the ring, and he introduced them. He said anyone coming after them is going to get tangled. The six of them posed together and draped themselves in a TMDK flag.

Final Thoughts: A very good main event; these two have battled each other so many times but they always click in the ring. That said, I never once thought Sanada was winning here. It’s the only thing that kept this from being a really great match, because there was never that sense the title was in danger of changing hands. The rest of the show was really good, too. I liked Shota-Callum for second-best, with the Fujita upset over Oku taking third. The tag team title match was fine, but again, I never sensed that Ishii and Tanahashi were a real threat to take TMDK’s tag titles.


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  1. Robbie X is 29

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