Wrestling Revolver “Tales From the Ring” results: Vetter’s review of Mads “Krule” Krugger vs. Rickey Shane Page vs. Crash Jaxon vs. Atticus Cogar in a Monster’s Ball, Ace Austin vs. Robbie Eagles for the Wrestling Revolver Title

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Revolver “Tales From the Ring”
Streamed on TrillerTV+
September 21, 2024 in Clive, Ohio at Horizon Events Center

The venue is a suburban Des Moines fieldhouse, they routinely use and the crowd is a legit 800-900. I’ve noted this before, but Revolver shows often feel like a TNA house show, with their vast use of current and past TNA talent. Bork Torkleson and Veda Scott provided commentary. They do a good job here of showing replays on the live feed.

1. Mike Bailey vs. Matthew Palmer for the TNA X Division Title. Again, Palmer has dropped his ‘monster hunter’ silly gimmick, and he’s looking a lot like Drew Gulak when you last saw him in NXT. Yes, they announced the title is on the line. Palmer attacked from behind. Bailey hit a Mafia Kick that sent Palmer from the apron to the floor, then Bailey hit his Triangle Moonsault to the floor at 1:30, and they brawled at ringside. Palmer held Bailey upside down and whipped him into chain link fencing near ringside. Palmer went over to commentary and seemingly threatened Veda Scott. Back in the ring, Palmer kept Bailey grounded and worked over his neck.

Bailey hit a missile dropkick and a series of kicks to the chest, then his running Shooting Star Press or a nearfall at 6:30. They traded forearm strikes, and Bailey hit his Speedball kicks to the ribs and thighs at 9:30. He set up for a Flamingo Driver, but Palmer escaped. Palmer hit a flip to the floor and turned it into a DDT on the thin mat at ringside. In the ring, Bailey hit his moonsault double kneedrop. Palmer applied a Boston Crab but Bailey reached the ropes at 13:00. Bailey got some rollups for nearfalls, but he missed the Tornado Kick, and Palmer immediately hit a standing neckbreaker. Bailey nailed the Flamingo Driver (modified One-Winged Angel) and scored the pin. A really good opener, but with the belt on the line, there was zero doubt who was winning.

Mike Bailey defeated Matthew Palmer to retain the TNA X Division Title at 14:05.

* Palmer attacked Bailey after the bell. He punched the ref and sent him flying, too. More security hit the ring, but Palmer beat them up, too. Veda left commentary to help Bailey. Palmer grabbed Veda by her hair and yanked her into the ring! Bailey reached into the ring and pulled Veda to safety. Needless to say, the crowd loudly booed Palmer. Palmer grabbed a camera man and hit a piledriver onto a table set up at ringside; the table did not break so they bounced off it to the floor.

2. Damian Chambers (w/Kayla Kassidy) vs. Brayden Lee for the NCG North American Title. Chambers is a great heel but never wins; Bork said he won this belt a day ago. Brayden is a young high-flyer I’ve seen a few times here and Chicago-based AAW. Chambers got on the mic and boasted about his girl and his title, saying, “both are mine.” Lee attacked him to begin and got cheered. Lee dove onto Chambers on the floor. They bawled at ringside, and Chambers hit a powerbomb onto the thin mat at 1:30. In the ring, Chambers was in charge and kept Lee grounded. Lee hit a superkick at 5:00 and a Grimes-style Cave-in to the chest. He climbed the ropes but Kayla distracted him, allowing Chambers to grab him, put him on his shoulders, and hit a Burning Hammer faceplant for the pin. Decent match.

Damian Chambers defeated Brayden Lee to retain the NCG North American Title at 5:59.

3. Lince Dorado vs. Jake Crist for the Revolver Remix Title. Like last month, Dorado came out with two guys who also wore his masks and robes; they could be anyone. Lince got on the mic and noted he gets to pick the stipulation, and he said it will be under “Lucha Lit rules,” which is best of three falls. Crist got a backslide and scored a pin at 0:07! Dorado shouted he wasn’t ready! Dorado got on the mic and announced the second fall is no-DQ; the two minions jumped in the ring and beat up Jake. Crist hit a top-rope Shooting Star Press while still wearing the belt, and he got a pin at 1:22. Dorado again got on the mic and said “You all cheered me but didn’t buy anything at the merch table. F— you!” He ordered the female ref out of the ring. (His English is astonishingly good; did he ever get to speak in WWE?)

Dorado finally has his robe and belt off, and he hit a DDT. One of the minions is now the referee. He hit a bodyslam for a nearfall at 4:00. A door was brought into the ring. Crist threw a chair at Dorado. They fought on the top-rope, where Crist hit a stunner through a door bridge for a nearfall, but the minion gave a slow count. They traded forearm strikes at 6:00. Crist hit a superkick that sent Dorado to the floor, so Jake hit an Asai Moonsault onto the heels. Crist hit a stunner on the floor. In the ring, he hit another move — I missed it because of a replay — for a nearfall at 8:00. Lince hit a Lethal Injection and a Lungblower to the back.

Lince hit a huracanrana for a nearfall. Jake accidentally hit a spin kick on the minion ref, then a spin kick to Dorado’s head, then a top-rope bulldog. The other minion counted to two, but he literally shoved Jake off of Lince!  So, Jake superkicked this ref, too. The female ref returned! She started stomping on the minion ref and that got a pop. Crist hit a spin kick on Dorado and the female ref counted a nearfall at 12:00. This has been humorous. Dorado sprayed mist into his face, then hit a top-rope Shooting Star Press for the tainted pin. Decent match.

Lince Dorado defeated Jake Crist to retain the Revolver Remix Title at 13:02.

4. “RED” Alex Colon & “Dark Pledge” Nick Myers vs. “Dub Club” Ryan Matthias & KJ Reynolds vs. “The Rascalz” Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz vs. Brent Oakley & KC Jacobs in a four-way for the vacant Revolver Tag Team Titles. Dorado and Samuray Del Sol were champions; I don’t know why SDS isn’t coming back to defend the belts. All eight brawled at the bell. Matthews and Reynolds wore pink-and-light blue, very much like the Outrunners, and are apparently trainees of the Rascalz, and those two teams fought early on. Colon and Myers hit stereo planchas to the floor at 5:00. Matthias hit a top-rope moonsault onto everyone on the floor; he has long hair and the sides of his head are shaved.

Suddenly there were nearly a dozen cans of beer in the ring; they all got back into the ring and started drinking, and they all sprayed onto the ref. RED brawled in the ring with Oakley and Jacobs. The Rascalz hit stereo superkicks on RED at 7:30, sprayed beer (a la HHH) then they hit stereo Pedigrees for nearfalls. The Dub Club hit a frogsplash for a nearfall. Myers hit a dive to the floor. A door was shoved into the ring. Colon hit a second-rope Styles Clash through a door for a believable nearfall at 10:30. Colon and KC Jacobs traded blows to the head with the door debris. Dark Pledge hit a low blow kick and a rollup for the cheap pin. The match was a bit of a mess; I think five of those eight have almost no matches under their belts.

“RED” Alex Colon & “Dark Pledge” Nick Myers defeated “Dub Club” Ryan Matthias & KJ Reynolds and “The Rascalz” Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz and Brent Oakley & KC Jacobs to win the vacant Revolver Tag Team Titles at 10:52.

* Miguel got on the mic and put over the youngsters, saying that was them just a few years ago.

* The intermission match was Mike Bailey vs. Josh Alexander from the most recent Revolver show.

5. Dante Leon vs. Victor Iniestra vs. Jessicka Havok vs. Vincent Nothing vs. Matt Diesel vs. Ozzy Kilmeister vs. JJ Garrett in a scramble. Vincent is making his debut here; he’s bald with a good physique (think Giovanni Vinci.) Diesel is a Black man of average size and he’s a babyface. Kilmeister is clearly a rock music fan and has a young Sami Callihan vibe to him. Garrett used to look like a dead-ringer for a young Scott Steiner; he’s changed his haircut so he doesn’t have that late 1980s mullet anymore. I’ve seen Iniestra in some of the Chicago indies and he wore pink.

Havok got on the mic and said she’s the only star in this match, and she didn’t know who half the guys in the ring are. (Me too!) So, all six guys attacked her to begin! Diesel and Garrett traded some offense. Garrett hit a cannonball. Ozzy hit a flying shoulder tackle at 1:30. Leon hit a Swanton Bomb. Havok hit a clothesline on Iniestra. Havok and Vincent argued in the ring; all the guys piled onto her again. Diesel hit a Team 3D. Dante Leon hit a stunner, then a dive to the floor at 5:00.

JJ hit a top-rope summersault onto all the guys on the floor. In the ring, Havok hit a spear on Vincent Nothing. She hit a rolling dive through the ropes onto all the guys. She slid a door into the ring. Havok and Ozzy traded headbutts at 7:30. Garrett hit a senton on Diesel. Leon hit a spinning slam on Garrett; it was cool. Vincent hit a Michinoku Driver. Havok speared Ozzy through a door in the corner. Iniestra hit a top-rope crossbody block. Vincent powerbombed Iniestra through a door in the corner. Vincent then hit a powerbomb on Diesel for the pin. Messy.

Vincent Nothing defeated Dante Leon, Victor Iniestra, Jessicka Havok, Matt Diesel, Ozzy Kilmeister and JJ Garrett in a scramble at 9:40.

6. Myron Reed vs. Elijah. This is the former Elias, and he came out with his guitar over his shoulder. Elijah easily tossed the smaller Reed across the ring. Elijah applied a headlock and swung Reed’s body in the air at 2:00. Elijah did an Undertaker-style tight-rope walk and chopped across the shoulder blade. Reed went for a plancha but Elijah caught him and threw him head-first into the guardrail at 4:00, and they fought at ringside. They got back into the ring, where Reed hit a superkick. Elijah hit a jumping knee to the face. Reed hit a Stundog Millionaire at 6:30.

Reed hit a dive over the top rope onto Elijah. Elijah went for another tight-rope walk, but Reed avoided the chop to the shoulder and Reed hit a stunner. They fought on the ring apron, and Elijah slammed him onto the apron at 10:00. Elijah got his guitar and swung but it hit the ring post. Reed hit his dive over the ropes, caught Elijah’s head, and hit a stunner to the floor. In the ring, Reed hit a 450 Splash for a nearfall. However, Elijah hit a Tombstone Piledriver and scored the pin. This felt like a mismatch on paper but they made it work. Reed sold being upset with himself after the loss.

Elijah defeated Myron Reed at 11:23.

7. Ace Austin (w/Gia Miller) vs. Robbie Eagles for the Wrestling Revolver Title. Australia native Eagles is continuing his whirlwind U.S. summer tour, and this is a rematch from the last show in Ohio. Ace beat Alex Shelley in an impromptu match when Mike Bailey missed a show. Basic reversals early on and a standoff. They went to the floor at 3:00, where Robbie hit a roundhouse kick to the chest. In the ring, Eagles tied up Ace’s legs and cranked on them. Eagles hit some Yes Kicks at 7:00, then a running penalty kick for a nearfall.

Ace hit a top-rope crossbody block. He slammed Eagles’ head into the mat and got a nearfall at 9:00. Eagles kicked at the legs and kept Ace grounded. They went to the floor and traded blows. Eagles hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip as Ace was seated on the apron at 12:30. Eagles then hit a top-rope missile dropkick on the damaged knee, and he locked in the Ron Miller Special (Trailer Hitch) leglock, but Ace reached the ropes. Eagles shoved Gia; Gia grabbed his ankle, so he pulled her into the ring. However, Gia hit a Canadian Destroyer on Eagles!

Ace hit a spin kick to the jaw for a believable nearfall at 14:00. Ace set up for The Fold, but his knee gave out; he struggled to stay on his feet. Eagles got a folding press for a nearfall. He went for a Figure Four Leglock but Ace kicked him away. Eagles hit a 619 on the damaged knee. Ace hit The Fold (flipping overhead neckbreaker) out of nowhere for the pin. Good match that built nicely.

Ace Austin defeated Robbie Eagles to retain the Wrestling Revolver World Title at 16:07.

Sami Callihan came to the ring and weapons were set up.

8. Mads “Krule” Krugger vs. Rickey Shane Page vs. Crash Jaxon vs. Atticus Cogar in a Monster’s Ball. There are weapons all around the ring. This is Krule’s Revolver debut. Krule hit a swinging chokeslam on Cogar at the bell, with Atticus actually landing on his stomach. Crash speared Krule through a door in the corner at 3:30. RSP and Crash hit unprotected blows with weapons across the top of Krule’s head, and they did a con-chair-to on him at 5:30. Krule sat up, Undertaker style, and that shocked RSP. Krule beat up Page and Jaxon. Cogar was nowhere to be seen.

Crash was bleeding from his forehead. Cogar got back into the ring and he stabbed Krule in the chest with cooking skewers. Gross. So, someone stabbed Krule in the head with the skewers. Krule chokeslammed two guys while holding another guy in his arms! Krule dove over the top rope onto all three on the floor at 12:00. RSP hit a Twist of Fate on Crash, then a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall. More weapons were brought into the ring. RSP hit a top-rope superplex on Cogar through a barbed-wire-covered board on the floor at 15:30.

Meanwhile, Crash and Kule traded blows in the ring, and Crash hit a belly-to-belly suplex. Crash dumped a bucket of thumbtacks onto the mat. Crash shoved a gusset plate into Krule’s chest and Krule was bleeding. Krule ripped it out and he chokeslammed Crash onto barbed wire for the pin. This was gross and just not my speed.

Mads “Krule” Krugger defeated Rickey Shane Page, Crash Jaxon and Atticus Cogar in a Monster’s Ball at 17:55.

Final Thoughts: A solid show; there wasn’t a single must-see match but it was all passable, with a few more unknown names and rookies than a typical Revolver show. Ace Austin-Robbie Eagles takes best match, Bailey-Palmer earns second, and I’ll go with Crist-Dorado for third. I don’t like the rapid-fire pins early in the bout, but they told a fun story. Elijah vs. Myron Reed worked for honorable mention.

I watched a hardcore match in Limitless Wrestling the same night that I praised because it wasn’t this — it didn’t have dangerous blows to the head, it didn’t have gusset plates or cooking skewers and the blood loss. This main event was just too much of that for my tastes. This has to be my least favorite Rascalz match ever; the match was just a bit too chaotic with too many new faces and it just lacked flow. I wish it had just been two separate tag team matches, with Rascalz taking on their students, so they could have walked them through a good match.


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