Wrestling Revolver “Heat Em Up” results: Vetter’s review of Jake Crist vs. Matt Cardona for the WR Title, Konosuke Takeshita vs. Gringo Loco, Masha Slamovich vs. Chris Sabin, Zachary Wentz vs. Myron Reed

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Revolver “Heat Em Up”
Replay available via FITE.TV
August 3, 2023 in Dayton, Ohio at The Calumet Center

This show aired live of Fite+. Unfortunately, the lineup has been changed in recent days, as both JT Dunn and Jon Moxley pulled out of the show in recent days, and Lio Rush suffered a shoulder injury at the MCW “Shamrock Cup” a week ago. This small gym is always jam-packed with about 400-600 fans, and I’m sure this is a sellout. Matt Rehwoldt and Bork Torkelson provided commentary.

* We saw a quick video of Matt Cardona belittling Dayton, Ohio.
1. Chris Sabin defeated Masha Slamovich in an intergender match at 10:39. This was supposed to be Masha-Dunn, but Sabin is a great late replacement. Sabin was loudly booed, and this is a first-ever singles meeting. She hit a running penalty kick for a nearfall at 2:30. Sabin hit a backbreaker over his knee and was booed, then an elbowdrop to her lower back, and he tied her up on the mat. Masha hit a running knee to the chin in the corner at 6:00. Sabin hit a superkick that staggered her, then a Mafia Kick that dropped her, then a clothesline for a nearfall, then he applied an STF.

Sabin hit a fisherman’s bomb for a nearfall at 8:00. She fired back with a German Suplex, then a doublestomp to his chest for a nearfall. She hit a pumphandle back suplex for a believable nearfall at 9:30. Neat move. Sabin nailed a piledriver; he went for the Cradleshock but she rolled through and got a nearfall. He got his own rollup for the pin; I’m fairly sure he had a handful of tights to score the win. Despite my objections to intergender matches, this was a good battle, as she’s at least close to his height.
2. Allie Katch (w/Phil Stamper) defeated Rachel Armstrong at 8:25. I’ve seen Armstrong here and in nearby Black Label Pro, and while she’s smaller and shorter than Allie, she’s looked good in the ring. As they traded standing switches, Rehwoldt and Bork talked about how well Armstrong did last month in a losing effort against Marina Shafir. The ref ejected Stamper just 1:30 into the match; Sami Callihan dragged Stamper to the back.

Meanwhile, Alie hit a bodyslam and was in control early on. Katch hit a mid-ring kick to the chest for a nearfall at 4:00. Rachel dove through the ropes; from the hard camera angle, I’m not sure if she actually hit Katch or just crashed. In the ring, Katch hit a Falcon Arrow driver for a nearfall at 7:00. Rachel nailed a top-rope 450 Splash, but Katch grabbed the bottom rope to avoid the pin. Katch immediately hit a mid-ring piledriver for the pin. Okay match; Rachel seemed tentative at times and some punches showed too much air. I think a rematch will look far better as they become more familiar opponents.

* The next match was slated to be Lio Rush vs. Myron Reed. Zachary Wentz came to the ring and talked about Lio Rush getting injured, and Reed put out an open challenge for a new opponent. Wentz said he normally wouldn’t fight his partner, but he accused Myron of “stealing his stash” from the clubhouse. Funny pretense for a match.
3. Zachary Wentz defeated Myron Reed at 6:28. Wentz shoved him before the bell; Myron looks like an innocent man falsely accused. They traded some mat holds, but then Wentz patted down Reed, trying to find the missing stash. Reed hit a dropkick at 1:30 that rocked Wentz, then a Lungblower that sent Wentz to the floor to regroup. However, as Reed sent for a dive, Wentz caught him with a stunner. They brawled on the floor.

Back in the ring, Wentz hit a Mafia Kick for a nearfall at 3:00. Reed put Wentz’ feet on the top rope and hit a Flatliner, then he hit an impressive dive over the top rope. In the ring, Wentz hit a German Suplex and a swinging sideslam for a nearfall at 5:30. Reed came off the ropes, but Wentz hit a German Suplex, then a springboard stunner for the pin. Really fast-paced and I sensed it was going short, based on their pacing.

*  In a funny post-match angle, it turned out the referee had the missing stash of drugs in his pants pocket, so Wentz retreived it and he chopped the ref in the crotch.
4. “Second Gear Crew” 1 Called Manders, Mance Warner, and Matthew Justice defeated “Alpha Sigma Sigma” to retain the Pro Wrestling Revolver Tag Titles at 13:51. The ASS boys are scrawny and remind me of Shane McMahon’s Mean Street Posse. This is billed as a tag title match, but all three SGC guys have belts, and they beat up the rookies with chair shots. Mance hit a running knee at 5:30. Justice hit a Van Terminator coast-to-coast missile dropkick for a nearfall, but the ref was pulled from the ring. The SGC hit German Suplexes through three different tables set up in the corners for simultaneous nearfalls at 8:30, and this crowd is really rallying for these scrawny kids. The ASS hit low blow uppercuts.

The ASS beat up the SGC with door shards. The ASS set up several open chairs in the rin and placed a guardrail across it, and they hit a team slam, sending Justice crashing onto it for a nearfall at 12:00. The SGC beat up the ASS with more chairshots, put them in a pile, and scored the pin. This didn’t do much for me at all, but at least it didn’t devolve further, as no one bled, and there was no use of glass, light tubes, pizza cutters, gusset plates, cooking skewers, etc.

* Intermission. They replayed Lance Archer destroying Matthew Palmer. This is one of my favorite squash matches of the year. Quite frankly, indy promotions just don’t do enough squashes! I will be a broken record and repeat that I love when promotions show a match during intermission rather than leave up a blank screen.
5. Jessicka Havok defeated Max the Impaler at 7:58. These two appear to be roughly the same height and weight. Bork said that Havok was a mentor for Max. They immediately traded stiff forearm shots and brawled to the floor, and Jessicka was thrown into the guardrail at 3:00. In the ring, Jessicka hit some jabs. She hit a diving headbutt, and they were both down at 7:00. Havok hit a sit-out piledriver out of nowhere for the pin. Solid match.
6. Konosuke Takeshita defeated Gringo Loco at 14:40. This was supposed to be Moxley-Loco, and this is a first-time-ever meeting. Takeshita “represents the Don Callis family,” the ring announcer said, and Konosuke had an air of arrogance as he walked to the ring. Quick reversals early and a standoff at 2:30. Loco went for a twisting dive to the floor; in an awkward spot, Takeshita didn’t catch him and Gringo crashed to the ground. In the ring, Loco missed a top-rope moonsault at 7:30, and Konosuke immediately hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Loco nailed a top-rope Spanish Fly for a believable nearfall. They traded rollups.

Takeshita hit a forearm that dropped Loco at 10:00. Loco fired back with a top-rope, twisting Canadian Destroyer! Takeshita popped up and hit a German Suplex. They got up and traded chops and forearm shots. Loco hit an enziguri at 12:30 but Takeshita responded with a Helluva Kick. Loco nailed his spinning powerbomb for a believable nearfall. (He usually does that off the top rope for his finisher.) Right as I type that, Loco set up for the finisher, but Takeshita hit a second-rope Poison Rana and a running knee to the jaw for a believable nearfall at 14:00. This crowd is hot now. Takeshita hit a Moxley-style Death Rider (which Rehwoldt acknowledged), then a top-rope senton splash for the clean pin. That was really good. “You can’t ask for better than that,” Rehwoldt said.

* Gringo Loco got on the mic and asked everyone to Tweet out, “Mox fears Gringo!” He definitely wants that match to happen!

7. Alex Shelley defeated Ace Austin (w/Gia Miller), Crash Jaxon, Billie Starkz, Jordan Oliver, and Damian Chambers (w/John E Bravo)  in a six-way scramble to retain the Revolver Remix Title at 17:20. Oliver didn’t bring his GCW tag title or his JCW title, but he was wearing a GCW shirt, which angered Bork. The remix champion gets to pick stipulations for his match, but I doubt he wanted to defend against five competitors! Shelley also wore his Prestige Wrestling title belt; keep in mind, Prestige and Revolver have been ‘feuding on Twitter’ since Wrestlemania weekend. “Is that any kind of way to treat a world champion” Shelley said in response to a chorus of boos. Shelley began listing off the match lineup for an upcoming Prestige Wrestling show. Funny. Shelley began swearing at a fan, so Billie attacked Shelley to start the match!

Chambers hit a Flatliner. Jaxon hit some shoulder tackles. Bork speculated that Shelley was about to make a stipulation but Billie started the match before he could. Oliver hit a dropkick on Jaxon at 2:00. Billie hit a spin kick on Oliver’s chin, then she hit a German Suplex on Oliver. Ace and Billie traded quick mat reversals. Shelley hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip on Ace, then one on Oliver at 4:00, then one on Chambers, then one on Crash. It is suddenly just Shelley and Billie in the ring; he went for another Dragonscrew, but she hit an eniziguri. Shelley finally hit a Dragonscrew on her at 5:30, and he applied a Figure Four Leglock on her. Ace hopped in the ring; suddenly everyone was doing submission spots. Crash flattened Billie in the corner with a Stinger Splash, then a running splash on her!

Chambers nailed a superkick on Billie for a believable nearfall at 8:00. Gia Miller on the floor was yelling at the men for hitting Billie. Chambers applied a sleeper on Billie, so we got a six-way submission spot; Billie dropped to her butt, causing a domino of jawbreakers. BIllie hit a few German Suplexes, including one on Crash that POPPED the crowd at 10:00. “Billie Starks is stronger than God!” Bork said. They did a six-person tower spot out of the corner, with Billie on top and crashing hard to the mat. Shelley got the Border City Stretch on Chambers, but Oliver made the save. Shelley applied a double BCS on Damian and Oliver! Crash made the save.

Crash nailed a decapitating clothesline on Ace for a nearfall at 13:00. Chambers hit an X-Factor faceplant on Crash, then a Death Valley Driver on Crash for a believable nearfall. Oliver hit a superkick and a Helluva Kick on Chambers, and a face-first Blackout for a believable nearfall. Billie hit a Swanton Bomb on Oliver for a believable nearfall at 15:00. Ace hit a legdrop on Billie’s throat for a nearfall. Ace hit a springboard spin kick on Chambers, then a Fosbury Flop to the floor! Ace hit The Fold on Chambers for a believable nearfall at 16:30. Shelley grabbed two men by the groin, then he hit a low blow mule kick on Chambers. He hit a low blow mule kick on Starkz, who no-sold it. Rehwoldt said “he sure doesnt’ know a lot about anatomy.” Shelley got a quick rollup on Starkz out of nowhere for the pin! That was really good. While I didn’t think Oliver was winning (he’s not a regular here), I really saw potential wins for everyone else in this match.
8. Jake Crist (w/Bobby Olson) defeated Matt Cardona to retain the Wrestling Revolver Heavyweight Title at 14:12. Cardona hit the ring solo (no Steph De Lander tonight!) and he was dressed in his Indiana Jones outfit. Crist has suddenly gotten himself in his best shape in a decade and just won the WR title. Cardona got on the mic and said “Dayton, Ohio, f**king sucks!” The crowd booed at him and he demanded they show him some respect. He said he is here to win the WR title. The bell finally sounded, but Cardona got back on the mic and he told Crist to avoid embarassment and just lay down. Crist laid down on the mat; Cardona made the lazy cover, and Crist rolled him over for a nearfall, so Matt rolled to the floor to regroup.

Back in the ring, Crist hit a running neckbreaker and a spin kick, sending Cardona back to the floor. Crist hit an Asai Moonosault at 4:00 onto Cardona and he got a nearfall in the ring. Cardona again rolled to the floor and called for a timeout. Crist followed him and they brawled on the floor. Cardona hit a suplex onto the thin mat at ringside. Cardona did a see-saw slingshot under the ring, causing Crist’s shoulder to hit the underside of the ring. In the ring, Cardona was fully in charge and the crowd loudly booed him. He shoved Crist off the ring apron, with Jake crashing hard into the guardrail at 6:30. Back in the ring, Cardona choked Crist with his T-shirt and was in charge.

Crist hit a second-rope flying forearm and he was fired up. He hit a second-rope crossbody block for a nearfall at 9:00, then a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Cardona hit a running boot in the corner, then a Tiger Driver powerbomb for a nearfall. Jake hit a DDT onto one of Cardona’s belts, and he applied a Sharpshooter at 11:00, but Cardona quickly reached the ropes. The ref got bumped. Cardona hit his flying leg lariat for a visual pin but we had no ref. A female ref hopped in the ring and made a two-count; when Crist kicked out, Cardona punched the female ref and got loudly booed. Bobby Olson hopped in the ring and hit a stunner. Crist made a jackknife cover for a nearfall at 13:00. Cardona nailed Radio Silence fame-asser legdrop, but Crist got a foot on the ropes! Cardona shoved this ref, too. Crist got a backslide for the pin. Enteraining match and what you’d expect from a Cardona match this year.

* Crist got on the mic and said, “Dayton, we did it again!” He said he’s proof that if you get knocked down, you get back up.

Final Thoughts: I really enjoy the Wrestling Revolver shows. I’ll go with Takeshita-Loco for best match, the wild six-way scramble for second place, and the main event for third. Wentz-Myron was fun and notable for honorable mention. I really like when WR runs these Thursday shows because they have their pick of available wrestlers, as there are just so few indy shows that day.

Their last show in suburban Des Moines got a bit too bloody, with Mance Warner hitting Trey Miguel over the head so hard that Trey was rushed to the hospital. So, I’m glad to report this was a blood-free show and outside of chairs and a few tables, was garbage match-free. Check out all Wrestling Revolver shows on Fite+.


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