NXT Level Up results (9/20): O’Connor’s review of Shiloh Hill vs. Mark Coffey, Lash Legend vs. Lainey Reid, and Brinley Reece vs. Kali Armstrong

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 136)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed September 20, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

Lash Legend accompanied by Jakara Jackson made her way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Lash Legend (w/Jakara Jackson) vs. Lainey Reid. Legend powered Reid into the ropes as the opening bell rang and quickly took her down to the canvas with an armbar. Reid rocked Legend with a punch which just angered the powerhouse. Legend charged at Reid but Reid lowered the top rope and Legend crashed to the outside.

Back in the ring, Reid took over on Legend and dropped Legend with a flipping neckbreaker for a near fall. Reid looked for a sleeper hold but Legend shrugged her off and dropped Reid with a strong clothesline and a chokeslam which gained Lash a close two count. Reid hit a floatover DDT and looked to finish but was caught coming off the ropes by Legend who dropped Reid with a kick and slammed her face first into the mat for the victory.

Lash Legend defeated Lainey Reid via pinfall in 5:54. 

The commentary team hyped Brinley Reece vs. Kali Armstrong for after the break…[c]

2. Brinley Reece vs. Kali Armstrong. Reece and Armstrong jockeyed for position early and Reece grabbed the arm. Armstrong responded with an armlock of her own. A released suplex turned the momentum in the favor of Reece who went to the top but crashed and burned as Armstrong utilized ground and pound punches before dropping Reece with a pump kick. Armstrong worked on the neck of Reece as Reece looked for an escape. Eventually Reece rocked Armstrong with forearms but was cut off by Armstrong who looked to end things. Reece however caught Armstrong with the elevated cutter for the win.

Brinley Reece defeated Kali Armstrong via pinfall in 4:45. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Shiloh Hill vs. Mark Coffey. Coffey was accompanied briefly by the other members of Gallus who returned to the back as Coffey made his entrance. Coffey applied a side headlock but was shot off by Hill who dropped Coffey with a shoulder block takedown. Hill worked on the arm but Coffey would drive his fist into the face of Hill looking to escape but Hill held on.

Hill worked on the gut of Coffey but Coffey drove Hill into the mat to take control. Coffey gained a two count and continued to wear down the youngster with a chinlock. Hill countered with a belly to back suplex and traded forearms with Coffey. Hill hit a kick for a near fall and attempted to end things but Coffey hit the sidekick and the ‘Bullhammer’ punch for the win.

Mark Coffey defeated Shiloh Hill via pinfall in 5:55. 

The post match replay showed the finish and Hill actually lost a tooth being hit with that punch. The showed a close up of Hill holding his chin, playing up to the camera as the show closed. Wow.

John’s Ramblings: Amid the rumors of it’s cancellation, this was another enjoyable effort from Level Up, which continues to highlight why this type of show should exist and gives young talent the spotlight to shine that they may not have on the main roster programming.

I recommend that you watch all of the show this week as all of the matches delivered, with the standout being Lainey Reid in the opener who looked impressive even in defeat. It’s only a matter of time before this girl chalks up the wins, I’m sure of it!


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