Beyond Wrestling “Stones Throw” results (9/14): Vetter’s review of Anthony Greene vs. Dezmond Cole, Drew Gulak vs. Tyree Taylor, Allie Katch vs. Armani Kayos

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Beyond Wrestling “Stones Throw”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
September 14, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

This venue has drawn an average of 250-300 fans for their Thursday shows in recent months, so it was a bit shocking to see a crowd of only perhaps 80 in attendance for this Saturday show. (Wouldn’t you think a Saturday event would draw more than a Thursday event?) Drew “Denver Colorado” Cordeiro provided commentary.

1. Bobby Orlando and 50 Cal vs. Paris Van Dale and Davienne in an intergender match. This was listed as a singles match in the pre-show lineup. Davienne and Bobby opened with some comedy. Cal and Paris locked up at 2:00, and she hit some hard chops. Davienne hit a suplex on Cal for a nearfall at 6:00 and she kept Cal grounded. Bobby got a hot tag at 8:00 and hit bodyslams on each woman. He hit a dropkick on Paris. Davienne hit a legdrop. Orlando pushed the women into each other. The women shoved each other! Davienne shoved Paris; Bobby rolled up Paris and scored the flash pin. Okay match.

Bobby Orlando and 50 Cal defeated Paris Van Dale and Davienne at 9:58.

Brad Hollister hit the ring, holding his Wrestling Open title. Seeing the fans makes him sick. He said no one “can fix it,” and on cue, the handyman Jake Gray hit the ring, toolbox in hand. Gray is a recent graduate and looks like he’s still a teen. He got on the mic and challenged Hollister to a match!

2. Brad Hollister vs. Jake Gray. Hollister charged at Gray at the bell, tackled him and stomped on him, and he dominated early. Gray hit a tornado DDT at 2:30. Hollister dropped him with a hard clothesline. Brad nailed a standing powerbomb at 4:30, then his twisting suplex for the pin. He made that look easy; I have absolutely no problem with the champ getting a complete squash win over a recent graduate.

Brad Hollister defeated Jake Gray at 4:44.

3. Allie Katch vs. Armani Kayos in an intergender match. I’ve only seen the flamboyant Kayos a few times; I’ve seen fewer of his matches than anyone else on this show. Armani tied her in the ropes and he gave her a quick swat on the butt, which ticked her off. She slapped him in the face. Kayos tackled her and they fought on the mat. She hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall at 3:30. Kayos hit some kicks to the gut, then a spin kick to the forehead. (His blows look really light.) He hit a doublestomp for a nearfall. She hit a stunner out of the ropes for a nearfall at 6:00. She hit an X-Factor face plant. Kayos hit a flying buttbump and a Rough Rider in the corner. He missed a Best Moonsault Ever, and she slammed him for a nearfall at 8:00. She kicked the ropes to cause it to hit him in the groin. She immediately hit a piledriver for the tainted pin.

Allie Katch defeated Armani Kayos at 8:50.

4. Slade vs. Bryce Donovan. Slade has the scary ex-convict look to him; think bald Karrion Kross. Donovan has the height and overall size advantage. The cameras show Bryce entering from the parking lot, as per usual. However, Slade attacked him at the door and they immediately began brawling on the floor. Bryce shoved Slade into the guardrail; they got into the ring at 1:00 and the ref called for the bell to officially begin. Slade immediately hit a chokeslam and some bodyblows.

Bryce hit a standing powerbomb. Slade hit a chokeslam for a nearfall. Bryce went to the floor and went to exit at 3:00, but Slade grabbed him and brought him back into the building. Bryce chokeslammed Slade onto the ring apron. Slade applied a sleeper in the ropes, and Bryce collapsed to the mat at 6:00. Slade leapt off the ropes, but Bryce caught him and hit a chokeslam for a nearfall. Slade hit his own chokeslam. Bryce hit a chokeslam from the second rope for the pin. Good brawl.  Bryce went to leave and was about to get in his car. However, Slade attacked him, hopped behind the wheel and drove off in Bryce’s vehicle!

Bryce Donovan defeated Slade at 8:29/ “official time” is 7:27. 

5. Ryan Clancy vs. Tate Mayfairs. UK wrestler Mayfairs is on a quick U.S. tour; he wrestled in a dark match at Thursday’s Wrestling Open. He strutted to the ring and he’s cocky. Clancy immediately rolled him up for a nearfall just seconds in, and Tate rolled to the floor to regroup. Back in the ring, Clancy tied up the left arm and worked Tate over. Tate hit an Exploder Suplex at 3:30 and celebrated. He tied up Clancy on the mat and twisted his wrist and fingers. Clancy set up for his Russian Leg Sweep, but Tate blocked it. Moments later, Clancy hit it at 8:00. Tate shoved the ref, and the ref disqualified him. Clancy got on the mic and challenged Mayfairs to a rematch on Thursday. (No stipulation to ensure that doesn’t happen again?)

Ryan Clancy defeated Tate Mayfairs via disqualification at 9:11.

6. Drew Gulak vs. Tyree Taylor. Drew is now bald with a short beard. Tyree has the massive size advantage; I always describe him as a mix of Shane Taylor and Willie Mack. Standing switches early on and Drew tied up Tyree’s left arm. Tyree hit some massive hip-tosses at 4:30, whipping Drew across the ring. Drew hit a top-rope flying clothesline for a nearfall at 6:00. He grounded Tyree and ripped at his lips. Tyree missed a splash in the corner and crashed. Drew tied him in a crossface on the mat. He hit a DDT for a nearfall at 10:30 and went back to a crossface, but Tyree reached the ropes.

Drew hit a baseball slide dropkick, sending Tyree to the floor. Back in the ring, Drew kept stomping on Tyree and kept him on the mat. Tyree hit a Pounce at 13:00, then a Stinger Splash and an enzuigiri for a nearfall. Tyree hit a running knee for a nearfall. Drew hit a Rude Awakening standing neckbreaker, then a running knee for a nearfall at 15:00. They went to the floor and brawled in front of the fans. In the ring, Drew tied him in a sleeper. Drew shoved Tyree shoulder-first into the corner, and he immediately applied a Dragon Sleeper on the mat, and Tyree passed out.

Drew Gulak defeated Tyree Taylor at 18:37.

7. Dezmond Cole vs. Anthony Greene. Greene has toured extensively for NOAH in Japan since he was released from NXT. He immediately applied a headlock and grounded Cole. Cole hit a huracanrana at 3:00 and a dropkick. Greene hit an Irish Whip and regained control. He hit a basement dropkick for a nearfall at 5:30. Dezmond hit a clothesline. Greene nailed a buzzsaw kick and they were both down. Greene missed a springboard splash. Cole nailed a Lionsault Press at 8:00 and they were both down. Cole hit a suplex and popped up. Cole hit a rolling guillotine leg drop for a nearfall. He went for another, but Greene caught him and hit a stunner for a nearfall at 10:30.

Greene suplexed him with Cole landing on his stomach. Cole hit a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall. He hit a running boot in the corner. Greene hit a swinging sideslam and immediately switched to a half-crab at 12:00. Cole escaped and hit an enzuigiri and a Helluva Kick. He trapped Greene’s head in the corner and kicked him, then hit a German Suplex. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees, then while standing. Cole nailed a flip dive to the floor onto Greene at 15:00. Back in the ring, Cole missed a Swanton Bomb, and Greene immediately hit a clothesline. Greene hit a “Feast Your Eyes” knee strike. (He has fought with Dijak lately!) Cole hit an enzuigiri and a Poison Rana. Greene went for his second-rope Unprettier, but Cole blocked it. Cole hit a stunner, a rolling Koppo Kick, and he nailed the Swanton Bomb for the pin. That was really, really good.

Dezmond Cole defeated Anthony Greene at 18:05.

Final Thoughts: A strong main event is easily best match of the show and well worth checking out. Gulak-Tyree was fought at Drew’s pace and that earns second place. I liked how Mayfairs-Clancy started; the underwhelming finish came out of nowhere but they clearly were setting up for the rematch. I hope they have a good stipulation in mind for Thursday. The first half of the show was acceptable. Slade-Bryce was a good brawl. Kayos has been wrestling for a few years, and frankly, the blows should be a bit more crisp at this point. Maybe Kayos was being cautious while wrestling a woman, but it felt like that should have been tighter.


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