WWE Smackdown results (9/13): Barnett’s review of Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa in a cage match for the WWE Championship, Kevin Owens and a partner vs. Grayson Waller and Austin Theory

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

WWE Smackdown (Episode 1,307)
Seattle, Washington at Climate Pledge Arena
Aired live September 13, 2024 on USA Network

Michael Cole welcomed the TV audience to the show. The opening featured a new song, which was Neva Play by Megan Thee Stallion. Triple H was announced and made his way to the ring to open the show. He reminisced about the first episode of Smackdown where he faced The Rock. Triple H said there was no better place to be than right here, right now sold out in Seattle, and there was no better way to start it off than with a match for the WWE Championship inside of a steel cage. He asked the crowd “Are you ready?” and proceed to welcome them to Smackdown. Some pyro went off and the cage lowering music was lowered. Corey Graves joined Michael Cole on commentary. 

They made some introductions and then called up a video package that summarized the ongoing feud between Cody Rhodes and Solo Sikoa. After the video package, Solo Sikoa was out first, and walked out alone. He was then followed by Cody Rhodes. Alicia Taylor made ring introductions. 

1. Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa in a Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship: Cody landed some strikes early, but got stuffed on an attempt to throw Solo into the cage. Solo charged back with some elbows and a running hip attack in the corner. He wound up for another one, but Cody got out of the way and tossed Cody into a couple of the steel cage walls. Cody hit the ropes, and Solo recovered enough to back body drop him into the cage. He then followed up with a body block and a hip attack and smashed Cody into the cage wall…[c]

My Take: The first hour is commercial free. A strong start to the show with a surprising new intro.

Cody ended up tied up in a tree of woe in the corner, and Solo managed to hit a flying headbutt. Cody popped up bleeding, and Solo continued the assault by tossing him head first into the cage. Solo then attacked the forehead of Rhodes with more headbutts, and taunted the crowd. Cody attempted a disaster kick after getting to his feet, but Solo caught him and powerbombed him into the cage. Solo attempted another powerbomb, but Cody managed to grab the cage and climb it a bit. He then leapt off and landed a cutter and covered for a near fall. 

Cody climbed the cage again, but Solo pulled him back into the ring. He then attempted to climb himself, but Cody met up on the top rope as they both met at the top of the cage. Cody got the advantage with some strikes and attempted an escape, but Solo grabbed him and suplexed him back into the cage with a bit of awkwardness. Thankfully both men seemed to land safely. Solo covered for a two count. Solo then pulled Solo to his feet and landed two Spinning Solos and covered again for another close near fall. 

Solo teased a Samoan Spike, but Cody blocked and started a comeback. He landed a running forearm and a disaster kick, followed by a Cody Cutter for a near fall of his own. Solo fired back with a hip attack in the corner and a Samoan Drop. He then climbed to the top, and landed a big splash for another near fall. Charles Robinson checked on Cody Rhodes to make sure he could continue. Cody was able to crawl to the corner. Solo turned his back to Cody, who tried to crawl out the door, but was eventually pulled back in. 

Cody surprised Solo with a CrossRhodes and covered, but only got a two count. Cody then climbed to the top of the cage and dove onto Solo with a Flying Cross Body, but it amounted to yet another close near fall. He then attempted to crawl out the door, but Solo closed the cage on his face. Solo then attempted a Spike, but Cody ducked and delivered another CrossRhodes and got the win. 

Cody Rhodes defeated Solo Sikoa to retain the WWE Championship at 16:34

After the match, The Bloodline surrounded the ring and began climbing their way in. Solo got to his feet and delivered a Samoan Spike. The rest of the Bloodline found their way in and continued the beat down. Fatu landed a Moonsault, and then Cody commanded him to head to the top of the cage. As he was about to leap onto Cody again, Roman Reigns’ music hit and he made his way out to the ring. Roman climbed into the cage and closed the door behind him. 

He easily demolished Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa, but was jumped from behind by Solo. The numbers advantage paid off momentarily, but Roman popped up and hit Solo with a Superman Punch. Jacob Fatu pulled Solo out of the cage door, and Roman invited Fatu in for a fight. As they were ready to square off, Solo pulled Fatu to the outside. Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa jumped Reigns again from behind, requiring Cody to jump in and make the save. Cody and Roman stared down Solo and Fatu to end the segment. 

My Take: A match that ended up better than their Summerslam encounter. I predicted earlier today on Dot Net Weekly that I thought Roman might return here to set up a tag match, and for once the show didn’t make an ass out of me. It feels like a big time match that could easily headline Bad Blood.

Nick Aldis was interviewed backstage by Kathy Kelly, and he said everyone has been sequestered to their locker rooms. He said Solo Sikoa reached out with a challenge, and that the night is far from over. Michin was in the along with Piper Niven, who was accompanied by Chelsea Green. 

2. Piper Niven vs. Michin: The action spilled outside immediately, where Michin landed a suicide dive onto Piper. Chelsea Green got in her face, but got kicked in the head for her trouble. Michin then hit Chelsea with a kendo stick, but Piper surprised her with a cannonball off the apron. Back in the ring, both women ended up on the turnbuckles in the corner, and Michin pulled Piper back in the ring with a suplex. She quickly followed up with Eat Defeat and covered for the win. 

Michin defeated Piper Niven at 2:20

After the match, Chelsea quickly got involved and attacked Michin from behind. Piper then hit a running senton, and Chelsea then landed an Unprettyher onto a trash can. Kevin Owens and his mystery partner was plugged for later…[c]

My Take: Piper had a nose bleed, so I’m not sure if that match got called early because of an injury or if this was the plan from the start, but it felt like it ended pretty abruptly.

Michael Cole ran down some Smackdown memories, and then showed RVD, Vickie Guerrero, Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser in the crowd. Grayson Waller and Austin Theory made their ring entrance for the next match. Kevin Owens then made his entrance. A random guy with a rug on his chest walked out. Owens grabbed a microphone and said his first choice couldn’t make it, so Ricky here is his partner. A production assistant flagged down Owens and said “he’s here”. Owens then told “Reggie” sorry and gave him a stunner. This led to Randy Orton making his ring entrance. 

3. Randy Orton and Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller: Owens and Waller started the match. They brawled and Owens got the better of it. He set up for a cannonball in the corner, but Theory pulled Waller to the outside. Orton intervened on the floor, but got shoved into the ring post for his trouble. Owens reclaimed the advantage briefly, but Waller shut it down with a lariat and used Orton’s suplex onto the announce table. He then mocked Randy on the floor…[c]

My Take: A funny bit with “Ricky”, who played the part well. Orton got a mega reaction for his Smackdown return.

Waller and Theory controlled the action during the break. Owens mounted a comeback on Theory, but Waller was able to tag in and prevent the hot tag to Orton anyways. Owens knocked Waller off the turnbuckle, but Theory quickly tagged in. Owens then dropped him in front of the turnbuckles and landed a Swanton Bomb. Owens crawled towards the corner, but Waller was able to pull Orton off the apron before he could make a tag. Theory and Waller then landed a double team suplex on Orton and got a two count. 

They continued to foil Owens from getting to his corner to make a tag. Frequent tags and double teams put a stop to his rallies. Owens eventually rolled out of the ring, circled it on the outside, and rolled in front of Orton to make a tag. Orton tagged in and started wrecking both Theory and Waller. The action spilled outside where both men were suplexed onto the announce table. Orton setup for a draping DDT. Owens then got involved and they both landed draping DDT’s on Waller and Theory. They then performed a tandem Stunner and RKO and Orton pinned Waller to get the win. 

Kevin Owens and Randy Orton defeated Grayson Waller and Austin Theory at 9:24

Owens and Orton both apologized to Ricky after the match. Backstage, Nick Aldis was interviewed about the challenge from Solo Sikoa. He challenged Cody and Roman Reigns to a tag match at Bad Blood. Cody popped into the room and told Aldis that he was done. The Bloodline was Roman Reigns’ problem, and he had no intention of signing the contract. Nick Aldis said he had to go talk to Roman Reigns. Nia Jax made her ring entrance for a promo up next…[c]

My Take: I guess Cody is going to require convincing to take the tag match. I wonder what the motivation will be? The Tag Match was fine with an obvious outcome, so not much to say.

Booker T and Sharmell were shown in the crowd, along with Sheamus and Michael Hayes. Nia Jax was in the ring and recounted her accomplishments since returning to WWE. She then said she was told by Nick Aldis that she was to defend her title at Bad Blood. Nia talked about winning Queen of the Ring and the WWE Women’s Championship, and said she didn’t care who her opponent was at Bad Blood, because she would annihilate them. Cue Bayley, who walked to the ring. She complimented Nia on having the best year of her career, but cracked that the bar was low. 

She demanded her rematch at Bad Blood, but Nia said she was not in a place to make demands. Nia joked that she didn’t need a posse like Bayley did with DMG CTRL, and Bayley responded that she didn’t need them to win the title at WrestleMania. Bayley wondered if whatever she had going on with Tiffany was a posse, which was Tiffany’s cue to come out to the ring. Bayley cracked that she had beaten Tiffany last week, to which Tiffany replied that it was only due to Nia’s involvement. 

This irritated Nia, who sniffed out Bayley’s scheme. She threatened Bayley with a beatdown from both of them, at which point Naomi made her way to the ring. She said if they wanted a fight, let’s glow. Nia ended up proposing a tag match between the four of them next week, and if one of them wins they get a title shot against Nia. They accepted the match. Nia then added that if they lose, the woman that gets pinned leaves Smackdown forever.

Backstage, Nick Aldis confirmed Roman Reigns wants to address the tag match situation after the next match in the ring…[c]

My Take: A solid segment, but I can’t say I’m personally excited about Naomi or Bayley challenging for the title. I’m sure it will end up being a fine match, but I don’t think it creates much mystery around the outcome.

Carmelo Hayes made his ring entrance, followed by Andrade El Idolo. Before Andrade could get his jacket off, Carmelo assaulted him. The referee got them apart and checked on Andrade before starting the match. 

4. Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes: Andrade recovered quickly and sent Hayes to the floor. He then delivered a moonsault from the second turnbuckle to the floor from the apron. They continued to brawl on the floor with Andrade getting the best of it. Both men ended up standing on the barricade near the timekeeper’s area. Andrada performed a Spanish Fly, but both men landed awkwardly in the process…[c]

Both men traded quick reversals and pinning combinations. Hayes landed a First 48, and then Andrade landed a feint back elbow for a close near fall. Andrade attempted a double jump moonsault, but Hayes was able to get his knees up. Hayes then landed a facebuster, and climbed to the top rope. He went for Nothing but Net, but Andrade avoided it and ended up landing a Destroyer. He followed up with a double knee strike in the corner. Andrade covered, but Hayes got his hand on the rope to break the pin. 

Andrade went back to the top rope and attempted a split legged moonsault. Hayes managed to avoid it and placed Andrade back on the ropes. Andrade stuffed a head scissors attempt, and landed his “The Message” spinning neckbreaker from the second rope to get the win. 

Andrade defeated Carmelo Hayes at 9:58

After the match, LA Knight walked out onto the stage with a microphone. Andrade invited him into the ring. He addressed Andrade and told him he was the next contestant to get dropped on his head by the Megastar. That match will take place next week on Smackdown. Bayley and Naomi vs. Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton was confirmed for next week. 

Backstage, Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill were interviewed by Byron Saxton. They said they were giving out work, and whoever wanted it could come apply. Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton then appeared. Nia said if Naomi continues to stick her nose in her business, something very bad would happen to her. She then declared Smackdown her Kingdom, and reminded them that she defeated them both to become Queen of the Ring. 

Roman Reigns’ music then hit and he made his way back out to the ring…[c]

My Take: Good match from Hayes and Andrade. That feud elevated them both. I’m curious if they set up a Triple Threat next week.

Roman Reigns held up his finger and the crowd followed along with him. Nick Aldis was in the ring and started to address the crowd, but Roman motioned for him to stop and asked for the microphone. Roman said he didn’t want to confuse anybody. Some things change, but not him. He said he didn’t need the contract or Nick Aldis, because this is family business. Roman said he didn’t need the help of Cody Rhodes, and said that even if he didn’t have the Ulafala he was still the original and only tribal chief. He then said it was his ring, his show and his WWE, which brought out Cody Rhodes. 

He looked somber as he limped a little to the ring. He grabbed a microphone There was an OTC chant as Cody began to speak. Cody said “his ring, his WWE”, and said well it was, and it hasn’t been since WrestleMania. The Bloodline’s music hit which brought Jacob Fatu and Solo Sikoa to the ring. Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa attacked Cody and Solo from behind, but were quickly repelled. Cody landed a Cody Cutter and Roman landed an emphatic Uranage. 

Roman picked up the contract off the ground and signed it. The crowd roared. Cody thought about it and stuck his hand out. Roman handed him the contract and he signed it. Cody and Roman exchanged a stare as Solo and Jacob Fatu jawed at them to close the show.

My Take: I guess all it took to overcome Cody’s objections was one more attack from Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa. What a pushover. In all seriousness, this was a solid episode of Smackdown, and I think the tag match puts Bad Blood over the top in terms of fan anticipation. It’ll be Roman’s first match since WrestleMania and a chance to see Jacob Fatu get in the ring with some Main Event talent. I’ll be back later tonight with my audio review.


Readers Comments (8)

  1. Cole actually said “it would be a 30 minute commercial-free first hour”. Which is confusing. Just say commercial free first 30 mins. He also said “series premiere, then said “season premiere”. Not sure what was up with Cole tonight.

  2. Just how much more are they gonna squeeze out of this Bloodline business. Solo doesn’t beat anyone. The tag champs look like jobbers. The only member who is over is Fatu. Unless you get the Rock back no one is going to care about War Games. HHH is usually on top of this stuff it’s time to end it

  3. I was at Smackdown and bro, Cody is screwed as long as he’s in the orbit of Roman. Is lack of charisma when he speaks, his silly “serious face,” it’s slow-motion wanna-be high spot style… terrible next to a cool, believable ass-kicker.
    And… I’m not even a big Roman fan.
    Next, everyone in the building was expecting at least one of these folks to appear for this “momentous occasion.”: Cena, Rock, Heyman or, you know, the biggest star on the regular roster, Rhea. 0 for 4.
    RVD was in attendance and got a monstrous pop.
    Sheamus is less fat.
    Nia Jax isn’t. (Come at me) Holy hell, she talks slower than she moves. Not more than a hundred people in sold-out building gave two shits about her, Tiffany, Naomi… brutal.
    Nick Aldis is a stud.
    Ricky first had everyone in my section trying to be “smart” and say who it was (more than one Adam Pierce) guess, then had us dying by getting stunned by KO. (Now THAT’S how you borrow from a gimmick! DTA)
    Lastly, omg is LA Knight terrible. I count three gimmicks he’s directly taken from, which would be OK if he actually came up with something on his own, too.
    1. “Let talk to you (or whatever stupid way he starts EVERY promo)- Cody Rhodes
    2. All the 1999 references like “hit it and forget it,” along with his annoying cadence (since he sure as hell ain’t The Rock)
    3. The way he changes his voice to sound like Austin, along with the most obvious: leaving out the “oh hell” before yeah- a direct impersonation. Did I mention I hope he copies Sid, too, and takes an ill-advised jump off the top rope?
    You asked for none of it, but you still get it all.
    And no, I didn’t buy @ler an “I Was There” T-shirt. Weird ask, dude.

    • I agree with the Cody stuff. Not so much LA but I think it’s how you look at him.

      I see him as a nostalgia act with a ceiling more so than him trying to be something new.

      That being said, you’re still a jabroni.

    • Cody is who indie fans think Johnny Gargano is. He’s got enough size, a good look, he can talk a bit, and he knows how to engage a crowd during a match.

      With that said, he’s a B/B+ guy as a face and using his dad’s story to get the title is the biggest reason the chase worked. He’s got to lean into the idea that he’s finally done it and turn himself into an arrogant heel soon.

      Heel Cody vs face Roman freshens that up and allows for more options with the Bloodline as well. It even lets that first RKO from Randy get the pop it deserves instead of trying to get heat with it.

  4. Why Am I Watching This? September 14, 2024 @ 9:51 pm

    Did anyone catch the Executive Producers credit at the end? Or have I missed that before this episode?

  5. Hopefully it read “Virgil Runnels?”

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