Wrestling Open “Episode 141” results (9/12): Vetter’s review of Steven Stetson vs. Dezmond Cole in a chairs are legal match, Mads “Krule” Krugger vs. Rex Lawless, Allie Catch vs. Spike

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 141”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
September 12, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appears to be in the 250+ range; it appears a bit smaller than in recent weeks. Paul Crockett and Brad Hollister provided commentary; no Brother Greatness tonight.

Tate Mayfairs defeated Johnny Rivera in a pre-show match at 6:31. Mayfairs is a British wrestler doing a quick U.S. tour, and he won with a V-Trigger.

* The main show opened with video highlight packages from recent shows.

1. Love, Doug (w/TJ Crawford) vs. Sammy Diaz (w/Lucas Chase). Sammy laid in some chops early on, then a leg lariat at 1:30, and Doug rolled to the floor to regroup. In the ring, Diaz hit a backbreaker over his knee. Doug hit a running boot and some punches. TJ choked Diaz behind the ref’s back at 4:00, and Doug stayed in charge. Sammy fired up and hit some clotheslines, then a twisting suplex, then a powerslam and a second-rope moonsault for a nearfall at 6:00. Diaz appeared to be setting up for a finisher when Victor Chase and Julio Cruz jumped in the ring and attacked Sammy, causing the DQ. TJ joined in, so it was a four-on-two beatdown, then the heels posed together.

Sammy Diaz defeated Love, Doug via DQ at 6:43.

* More backstage promos; these are quick five-second clips. A guy in a blue superhero outfit came up to RJ Rude and Rex Lawless; I have no idea what’s going on there.

2. Patrick Saint (w/JGeorge) vs. CPA. Saint is again wearing the orange (Nailz-style) prison jumpsuit; he is a BIG man, and he towers over CPA. CPA charged and hit some chops, but he couldn’t put the big man on his shoulders. CPA leapt off the second rope, but Saint knocked him down with a clubbing clothesline, then he slammed CPA to the mat for a nearfall at 1:30. Saint hit a backbreaker over his knee. JGeorge choked CPA in the ropes. CPA hit a Lungblower-style move to the chin, then a dropkick at 5:00. He again tried to put Saint on his back but couldn’t lift him. CPA hit a dropkick onto JGeorge, who had hopped on the apron. Saint hit a splash into the corner. CPA ripped off one of his shirts and hit a missile dropkick, then he got Saint on his back and hit the Numbers Cruncher (Death Valley Driver) for the pin. Fun match; CPA is so good in the comedy undercard spot.

CPA defeated Patrick Saint at 6:34.

3. Tiara James vs. Little Mean Kathleen. A feeling-out process early on. LMK is a babyface again after recently telling Sidney Bakabella she wanted a divorce. Tiara put LMK over her shoulder and dropped to her knees, then covered LMK for a nearfall at 3:00. She hit a left-arm clothesline and a dropkick for a nearfall. She put LMK across her back and did a couple of squats. Kathleen fired back with a running boot to the side of the head, then she ran up Tiara’s chest as Tiara was down in the corner. LMK then hit a top-rope crossbody block for the pin.

Little Mean Kathleen defeated Tiara James at 4:41.

4. Alec Price vs. Brett Mettro. Mettro is a recent graduate who wears a sherbet green singlet and has short blond hair. Price immediately whipped Mettro into a corner and hit a running boot. He hit a hard back elbow in the corner. Mettro hit an overhand chop. Price hit a doublestomp on the back at 1:30. He hit a roundhouse kick to the head. Mettro threw Price off the top rope to the mat, then he hit a Stinger Splash and a shoulder tackle that sent Price flying at 3:30. These guys are working at a really fast pace. Price hit some Moxley-style strikes to the side of the head, then a running knee to the side of the head. Price grabbed Mettro’s head, hit repeated kneestrikes, until the ref called for the bell, determining Mettro could no longer defend himself. That was a lot of action and Price seemed particularly vicious here.

Alec Price defeated Brett Mettro at 4:33.

Draeger got in the ring and attacked the prone Mettro. Draeger (another recent graduate!) had just turned heel on Mettro.

Brad Baylor came to the ring for an interview. He is wearing his street clothes; he isn’t dressed to wrestle. The crowd chanted “Swipe Left!” at him. He got on the mic and boasted about the success of Swipe Right. The crowd responded “No one cares!” He proclaimed they are the “greatest tag team of all time, but don’t worry, it hasn’t gone to our heads one bit.” He called out “The Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller! (I know MG has scored at least two victories over SR during their 17-month-long tag title reign.) Crockett was thrilled, but he wasn’t sure Miracle Generation are back.

* A video package aired of the Gabby Forza-Allie Katch feud.

5. Allie Katch vs. Spike. Spike wears basic black top and bottom that makes her look like a legit fighter; she’s had 3-4 matches here now over the past two months. A lockup to open, and Allie knocked her down with a shoulder tackle. Spike hit some hard chops to Allie’s chest. Allie slammed Spike’s head on the top turnbuckle at 4:00 and was in charge, and she jawed at the fans. She snapped Spike’s left arm across her shoulder, then Allie hit a clothesline for a nearfall. Spike hit a springboard clothesline and a few more clotheslines, and she was fired up. She got a jackknife rollup for a nearfall. Katch choked Spike in the ropes; she didn’t stop doing it as the ref counted, and finally the ref disqualified her.

* Gabby Forza ran in for the save. Gabby got on the mic and said she wants a rematch with Katch. Allie said no. Allie said she isn’t scared “of the person who is always hurt.” Gabby asked her if there is anyone she can beat without cheating. Katch told Forza she’s “not a real wrestler.” Gabby said that Spike would beat Allie in a rematch. She further said that if Spike wins her match against Allie, then Forza gets her rematch, but she won’t ask for another match if Allie beats Spike.

Spike defeated Allie Katch via DQ at 8:05.

* A video package aired of the Gal vs. Pedro Dones feud.

6. Pedro Dones vs. Gal. Gal wore his body-building medals around his neck as he came to the ring. Gal hit a Mafia Kick at the bell and immediately worked Pedro over in the corner. Pedro knocked him down with some shoulder tackles. Pedro hit some Stinger Splashes. Gal hit a release German Suplex at 2:00, then a couple more. Gal hit a delayed vertical suplex for a nearfall and he was fully in charge. He put Dones in a Full Nelson, but Pedro broke free, so Gal hit a uranage for a nearfall at 5:30.

Gal applied a belly-to-belly bearhug and lifted Dones off the mat, with Pedro’s legs flailing. They fought onto the ring apron and traded kicks. Back in the ring, Pedro hit a spear onto Gal’s left knee at 8:30. Gal began kicking at the damaged left knee, then a spinning leg lariat to the jaw. He applied a half-crab and the crowd taunted Gal to tap out, but he fought free. Pedro hit a standing powerbomb for a nearfall at 11:00. Pedro leapt off the ropes, but Gal caught him with a spear for a nearfall. Pedro hit a flying back elbow and scored the pin. Good match; easily best of the night so far.

Pedro Dones defeated Gal at 12:03.

Brad Hollister (in his street clothes and carrying his Wrestling Open title) got in the ring and said Pedro made a mistake by getting into Big Business’ affairs. Brad challenged Pedro to a title match in two weeks because he’s so sick of Pedro and wants to kick his butt. Brad said to the crowd, “I’m the reason all of you are here!”

7. Mads “Krule” Krugger vs. Rex Lawless (w/RJ Rude.) RJ sang Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It” on the way to the ring and was loudly booed. Rex is a BIG man but even he is smaller than the tall Krule. Rex kicked him in the stomach; Krule hit a shoulder tackle but it barely budged Rex. Rex knocked him down with his own shoulder tackle. Krule grabbed him by the throat and pushed him over the top rope to the floor at 1:00. RJ tried to block Krule; it allowed Rex to knock Krule down.

Rex tried to slingshot it; I think Krule was supposed to punch him but they didn’t quite land it. They shrugged it off, got up and traded forearms, and Rex hit a fallaway slam. Krule hit a superplex, and they were both down at 4:30. Rex hit a huracanrana. Krule chokeslammed RJ Rude. However, it allowed Rex to hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Krule hit a powerbomb for a nearfall at 6:00. They hit simultaneous Mafia Kicks, and Rex hit a spear for a nearfall. Krule hit a chokeslam. Rex caught him and hit the Implant Buster faceplant for the pin. That was a really good big-man matchup.

Krule defeated Rex Lawless at 7:22.

8. Dezmond Cole vs. Steven Stetson in a “chairs are legal” match. Stetson came out solo, but he did last week, too, before his ranch hands interfered. Cole came out in blue jeans; he’s dressed for a fight. They traded chops to open. Cole hit a huracanrana at 1:00, then a Lionsault Press. Cole hit a triangle dropkick onto Stetson on the apron, and they fought on the floor. Cole hit a superkick at 3:00; he went under the ring and pulled out a chair. Stetson whipped him into the ring post. Steve put the chair back under the ring. Cole hit a flip dive to the floor onto Cole at 4:30. Cole got the chair back out and tried to enter the ring, but Stetson hit a kneestrike and took the chair… and again tossed it to the floor.

Stetson beat down Cole in the corner and was in charge. He hit a bodyslam at 7:00 and celebrated. Cole hit a Splits Stunner. Stetson slammed Cole across an open chair and got a nearfall at 8:30. Stetson jabbed the end of a chair into Cole’s back. Stetson went for a clothesline to the back of the neck, but Dezmond blocked it with a chair. Dezmond hit repeated chairshots to the back and jabbed him in the belly. He hit a guillotine legdrop onto a chair over Stetson’s throat and got a nearfall at 12:00. He hit a Helluva Kick, then trapped Steven’s head in the corner and kicked him in the face. Hammer Tunis ran in and hit a German Suplex on Cole. Jermaine Marbury ran in and beat up Tunis.

It was back to just Stetson vs. Cole. Stetson hit a Mafia Kick at 14:30. Cole went for a Lionsault Press but Stetson caught him and threw him like a lawn dart into a chair wedged in the corner for a believable nearfall. Nice spot. Steve hit more chairshots to the back. He swung; Cole moved; the chair bounced off the ropes and back onto Stetson’s head. Cole immediately hit a Michinoku Driver. Cole hit a shotgun dropkick. Cole hit a coast-to-coast missile dropkick onto a chair over Stetson’s face at 18:00. He then nailed a Swanton Bomb for a believable nearfall. Cole hit more chairshots to the back. Danny Miles came out of nowhere and struck Cole in the back with a chair, and Stetson immediately rolled up Dezmond for the tainted pin. A really good match.

Steven Stetson defeated Dezmond Cole at 19:23.

Final Thoughts: There were a LOT of chairshots in that match, but I want to point out they were all to the back. No blows, not a single one, to the head. And the match was hard-hitting without risking brain injuries. A note to wrestlers that THIS IS HOW YOU DO a chairs match! Easily best match of the show, and that feud had built nicely. Dones-Gal was really good for second, and I’ll go with Rex-Krule for third. This show really pointed out how “PG-13” Wrestling Open is. Sure, there is some swearing (more from the crowd than from the wrestlers!) but you don’t see unnecessary blows to the head, or exploding light tubes, or massive blood loss here. It really hit home to me while watching that main event. Check out this promotion at IWTV.

Next week features Vipress vs. Allie Katch and the face-to-face meeting of Swipe Right and Miracle Generation. I know it is often difficult to find quality female athletes, but I want to point out and applaud that we had two women’s matches here.


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