NXT TV results (9/10): Moore’s review of Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne in a Last Man Standing match for a shot at the NXT Title, Nathan Frazer and Axiom vs. The Street Profits for the NXT Tag Titles, Giulia vs. Chelsea Green

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live September 10, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] The show started off with a teaser which hyped up segments for this week’s NXT. They also played Ava’s announcement that The Rascalz won’t be able to compete for the tag titles and will be replaced by the Street Profits…

Separate shots of Trick Williams, Giulia, and Jordynne Grace were shown as they were arriving to the Performance Center from the parking lot…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

1. Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins for the NXT Tag Team Championships. The profits soaked in “Welcome back” and “we want the smoke” chants. Ford and Axiom started the match with chain wrestling. Ford showboated a bit by laying on the top rope in the corner. Ford reversed a armdrag into a side headlock takedown. Joseph noted that Ford has gained more muscle mass since he was last on NXT.

Dawkins and Frazer tagged in with Frazer showing off agility. Frazer dumped Dawkins to ringside with a dropkick. Dawkins blocked a dive right hand and followed up with a flying shoulder tackle. Axiom tagged in and the tag champs swarmed Dawkins with quick strikes. Frazer and Axiom hit Dawkins with stereo superkicks for a nearfall. Dawkins hit Axiom with a T Bone Suplex.

Ford tagged in and nailed Frazer with kicks Ford reversed a Slinghost move into a Book End. Ford hit Frazer with a standing moonsualt for a two count. Frazer came back with a jawbreaker. Dawkins hit Axiom with a Pounce for a two count. Axiom caught Ford with a kick. Frazer hit Ford with a Slingshot 450 for a two count. Axiom hit Ford with a High Low dropkick. Dawkins showed Frazer into Axiom to break up his pin attempt.

Axiom caught Dawkins with a Gamengiri in the corner and followed  up with a Super Spanish Fly. Ford crotched Frazer in the corner. The Profits hit Frazer with a Electric Chair Blockbuster. Tama Tonga ran out for the DQ.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. The Street Profits ended in a no contest in 7:51. 

Jacob Fatu and Tonga Loa also ran out to clean house. The segment ended with Jacob Fatu hitting Axiom with a  Swanton Bomb. The Bloodline stood tall to end the segment…

John’s Thoughts: Sucks that we couldn’t get the advertised Rascalz vs. Frazer and Axiom match as that would have been killer and extremely fast paced. That said the Profits are a great replacement. More methodical and better storytelling. Yes we got a non-finish, but The Bloodline showing up increases the profile of the developmental show. Not to mention, nobody is going to complain about a Jacob Fatu appearances because that guy’s a star.

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in on commentary and hyped up Raw moving back to 2 hours. Vic sent the show to an NXT Anonymous video. Tony D’Angelo was shown paying off a large unseen person to take care of Oba Femi for disrespecting Adriana Rizzo…

A subtitled Giulia highlight package aired which showed some of Giulia’s highlights in Japan as well as her NXT debut a few weeks ago…

Giulia made her entrance. She currently doesn’t have her hair in her usual braids…

2. Giulia vs. Chelsea Green. Green gave Giulia a slap. Giulia came back with a headbutt. Giulia caught Green with a Missile Dropkick. Giulia put Green in a Spider Web Lock. Green cowered to the apron saying she wasn’t ready. Giulia caught Green with a high knee and a forearm smash. Green came back with a arm stretch on the ropes. Green put Giulia in a sleeper. Green hit Giulia with a Saito Suplex and elevated Flatliner for a two count.

Green got another two count. Giulia escaped a butterfly stretch by getting Green’s shoulders on the mat. Both women traded mounted hands. Giulia caught Green with a Knee Plus and Saito Suplex. Giulia caught Green with a Basement Dropkick. Giulia caught Green with a draping Neckbreaker at ringside. Green rolled to the opposite side of the ring for a time out. Green then tossed Giulia into the announce table three times.

Giulia sidestepped a missile dropkick. Giulia caught Green with a knee lift. Giulia hit Green with a Northern Lights Bomb (Jackhammer Power Slam) for the pinfall win.

Giulia defeated Chelsea Green via pinfall in 6:54. 

Vic plugged Perez vs. Giulia for the Women’s title on the Chicago CW debut show…

John’s Thoughts: A decent debut for Giulia. I’m a bit surprised Giulia sold so much against Green who’s never afraid to make her opponents look good. I do hope that Green gets a serious run down the road because she’s one of the most consistent and reliable women in WWE’s women’s roster. Giulia might have to tone down her stiff style to fit in WWE, but that shouldn’t be too hard. I do like WWE’s presentation of her as she has a very cool entrance, theme, and I think shifting to straight hair over the braids is a good look for her (she can always alternate back to braids when she wants).

Blake Howard interviewed Trick Williams in the locker room. which was surrounded by security. Trick talked about never being in a last man standing match anymore, but that’s not going to stop him from getting the NXT Championship back. Trick said Dunne is a class one butch. Trick hyped up how he’ll face Ethan Page on the CW debut…

Clips from twitter were shown of Jordynne Grace pumping iron in the Performance center. Grace then cut a promo about her open challenge. She said the more formidable opponents she faces, the more prestigious the Knockouts Title becomes….

Je’von Evans and Cedric Alexander made their entrance…[c]

Vic Joseph plugged CM Punk and Randy Orton appearing on the first two CW shows for NXT…

Lexis King was shown in a barber shop getting his beard done. He then called his fans “Intellexuals” and showed some Tik Tok clips of his highlights. He said he’s Oro Mensah’s daddy now and is the king. He then bragged about his beard. On-Sight Oro Mensah showed up and jumped Lexis while he was on the barber chair…

Kelani Jordan was psyching up Lola Vice in the locker room. Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jasmyn Nyx showed up to talk trash. Vice and Jayne had to be pulled apart…

3. Charlie Dempsey (w/Wren Sinclair, Myles Borne) vs. Je’von Evans (w/Cedric Alexander) for the NXT Heritage Cup. Dempsey started the match wit a few suplexes. Evans escaped a wristhold with some flips. Dempsey used a bridge to escape a wristhold. Dempsey went for a monkey flip, but Evans kept the wristlock locked in. Evans kept the wristhold in for a few minutes. Dempsey finally escaped with a single leg monkey flip. Evans used a bridge to block a pinfall. Both men traded shortarm moves. Evans closed the round with a huracanrana. [End of Round 1]

Dempsey dodged a knee in the corner. Evans hit a Sunset Flip for a nearfall. Dempsey blocked a backslide. Dempsey escaped a hold by slamming Evans into the turnbuckle. Dempsey picked up a pinfall after a Dragon  Suplex. [End of Round 2]

Charlie Dempsey picked up a pinfall 1:00 into round 2 to go up 1-0.

The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

As the clock winded down, Evans picked up a pinfall after a Corkscrew Mero Sault.

Je’von Evans pinned Charlie Dempsey during Round 3 to tie the match 1-1. 

Evans dumped Dempsey to ringside with a dropkick. Dempsey blocked a dive with a right hand and hyperextended Je’von’s arm on the 2nd rope. Dempsey got a two count. Dempsey caught Evans with a few neckbreakers. Dempsey worked on Evans with overhead elbow strikes. Dempsey put Evans in a Front Chancery which he turned into a Guillotine Choke.

Evans deadlifted himself and reversed Dempsey with a Snap Suplex. Both men traded European Uppercuts. Dempsey hit Evans with a throat strike. Dempsey held a submission after the bell and had to be pulled off. [End of Round 4]

Evans started the match with Sunset Flip and Superman Punch. Both men traded stiff chops. Evans was swatted out of the air off a springboard. Evans rolled up Dempsey for a two count. Evans hit Dempsey with a flip into  a kick. Evans caught Dempsey with a high springboard Crossbody Block. The referee caught Bourne putting Dempsey’s leg on the rope. Cedric hit Bourne with a Flip Dive.

Evans reversed a suplex by landing on his feet. Evans dumped Dempsey to ringside. Evans cleared the ringpost off a dive to ringside. Tavion Heights made his return from Japan to hit Evans with a Belly to Belly suplex. Dempsey picked up the final pinfall.

Charlie Dempsey defeated Je’von Evans via pinfall 2:09 into round 5 to retain the NXT Heritage Cup (2-1). 

John’s Thoughts: A good heritage cup match with Je’von Evans showing he can switch things up to be more methodical when the match-type calls for it. The Heritage Cup still has an uphill climb to be relevant due to Noam Dar treating it like a comedy prop during his long run, but I think Tony D’Angelo did a pretty decent job rebuilding the cup with his no nonsense sports matches. It might be too late though, but it doesn’t hurt to establish their version of a “pure” title.

A Rosemary promo aired. The camera focused on some Five Nights at Freddy looking toys, dollhouse, and bed. Rosemary talked about Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley have made their bed, but they didn’t bother to look under it. Random scenes were shown of Rosemary and Wendy Choo acting creepy and destroying the toy house…

Oba Femi was shown walking through the hallways…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A few weeks too late, but better late than never. Rosemary is one of the best talkers in the biz and it was wrong to introduce her to NXT with two quick losses and no mic time.

Ethan Page was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber. He welcomed people to NX-Me. He then plugged the NXT CW debut. Sarah asked him for his number one contender prediction. He said a lot of people are afraid of Dunne, but he’s figured him out. Page said Trick is chasing ghosts, but he’s not going to catch lightning in a bottle twice. Sarah asked him for his prediction. He said he is picking himself because he’ll just have to pick up the scraps of whoever wins…

[Hour Two] Tweets were shown revealing Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair will be at the CW debut show…

NXT North American Champion Oba Femi made his entrance. Alexander Hammerstone was the man showed to be paid off by Tony D’Angelo. Vic and Booker talked about a lot of meat being in the ring now…

4. NXT North American Champion Oba Femi vs. Alexander Hammerstone in a non-title match. Hammerstone started the match with a right hand. Oba blocked a hip toss and gave Hammerstone a knee. Hammerstone managed to hit Femi with a hip toss. Hammerstone hit Oba with a missile dropkick and then dumped Oba to ringside. Oba swatted Hammerstone off the apron. Oba caught Hammerstone with a Northern Lariat.

Oba worked on Hammerstone with strikes. Vic noted that Oba won his first championship in WWE in only five televised matches. Oba put Hammerstone in a cravate. Oba hit Hammerstone with an impressive Press Slam for a nearfall. Hammerstone blocked a boot. Both men choked each other with right hands. Hammerstone sent Oba into a ringpost. Hammerstone caught Oba with a flying clothesline and Belly to Belly. Hammerstone hit Oba with a Chokeslam for a two count.

Oba escaped a Nightmare Pendulum and then tossed Hammerstone around like a boulder. Oba picked up the win after a power bomb.

Oba Femi defeated Hammerstone via pinfall in 5:26.

Hank and Tank were shown hyping each other up and chatting with Robert Stone and Stevie Turner. The camera then panned over to Duke Hudson, Riley Osborne, and Thea Hail. Hudson talked about how he was going to give Ridge Holland an Andre Chase University sized ass whooping…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Wowzers. That was a nice surprise to see Hammerstone finally step foot in a WWE ring. He’s someone I continue to be shocked isn’t signed to WWE or AEW. He has friends like MJF in AEW and his overall skillset is tailor made for WWE with his size, in-ring ability, and underrated talking ability. While I think TNA could do a little bit of a better job protecting him, he doesn’t lose much against NXT’s version of Gunther, in Oba Femi. Oba continues to impress so young into his wrestling career. I also like that he wins with simple but effective moves like a power bomb.

The women’s locker room was getting ready for Jordynne Grace’s open challenge. Wren Sinclair showed up and tried to convince Kelani Jordan to put her title on the line. Jaida Parker showed up with a baseball bat looking for Fatal Influence. Lola Vice talked about how they both have common enemies. Jaida walked away refusing help. Jordan said that she Vice, and Parker should team up to take down their common enemy….

A Instagram post was shown of CM Punk wanting to chat with GM Ava about something in regards to Giulia…

Entrances for the next match took place…

5. Duke Hudson (w/Thea Hail, Riley Osborne) vs. Ridge Holland. Ridge sent Hudson into the corner with uppercuts. Hudson slammed Holland into the announce table and cleared it. Hudson planted Holland with a suplex. Hail prevented Hudson from using the MVP trophy as a  weapon which allowed Holland to blindside Hudson . Riley Osborne was selling a gut injury after Holland’s shove. Holland hit Hudson with a few clotheslines.

Holland hit Hudson with a Belly to Belly and Body Slam. Hudson rallied back with an elbow and rollup for a one count. Holland lowered his weight to block a power bomb. Holland caught Hudson with a crossbody block. Holland hit Hudson with a Jackhammer. Holland hit Hudson with the Redeemer DDT for the win.

Ridge Holland defeated Duke Hudson via pinfall in 4:12. 

Holland beat up Hudson after the bell with Thea Hail begging him to stop. Holland tossed Hudson through the barricade. Holland took a piece of the barricade and slammed it over the back of Hudson. Holland gave Hudson another Redeemer DDT on top of the piece of barricade while Thea Hail was sobbing…

Jordynne Grace was shown walking backstage where she cross paths with Giulia…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Ridge Holland is up there for one of the most improved wrestlers in WWE in 2024. All that was holding him back was that sappy Sad Dad story, but as everything Chase U touches turns into gold, he was able to move past that odd part of his career. While in that weird storyline, the silver lining was Holland showed this talking ability that nobody saw coming. His time having matches alongside Chase U showed that he can turn on the switch in the ring too and I’m enjoying his one-man-vendetta against the fake university.

Pete Dunne was shown sitting down alone in the locker room. He said it all started when he told Trick to figure it out. He said this is the face of someone who has figured it out. He showed scars around his left eye. He hyped up how he’s going to become the last man standing. He said he’s the bruiserweight, NXT’s last man standing…

MizTV was plugged for NXT’s Chicago show…

A replay aired of the Bloodline crashing the opening match. Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in on commentary. Vic was about to recap how the opening match was supposed to be with the Rascalz. Wes Lee showed up and took away Vic’s headset, saying he took out Trey Miguel. Wes challenged Zachary Wentz to a street fight at the Chicago CW show…

TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace made her entrance. Sol Ruca took up Grace on her open challenge…

6. Jordynne Grace vs. Sol Ruca for the TNA Knockouts Championship. The crowd chanted for both TNA and NXT. Both women started the match at a stalemate. Grace hit Sol with an Inside-Out Suplex. Grace caught Sol with a tackle in the corner and a spinebuster. Ruca lowered her weight to block Grace’s finisher. Sol used a body scissors to flip Grace to ringside. Sol caught Grace with a running Triangle Moonsault.

Sol hit Grace with a slingshot Splash for a two count. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Grace dragged Ruca to the top rope. Sol escaped a Kinniku Buster attempt. Grace tripped Sol off the top rope. Sol escaped a Vertebreaker attempt and gave Grace alternating hands. Sol caught Grace with a few springboard crossbodies. Grace reversed and rolled through a crossbody. Sol countered Grace with a Tornado DDT. Grace hit Sol with a World’s Strongest Slam and Vader Bomb for a nearfall.

Sol used a small package to escape a Juggernaut Driver. Grace crotched Sol in the corner. Grace hit Sol with a Kinniku Buster. The lights then went out. When the lights turned on, Rosemary appeared in the ring. Wendy Choo showed up and choked out Grace with a Rear Naked Choke. Sol Ruca was nowhere to be found.

Jordynne Grace vs. Sol Ruca ended in an apparent no-contest in 8:49. 

John’s Thoughts: A bit rough at points, but Sol Ruca continues to show improvement and insane athleticism. Due to a handful of injuries and departures, TNA’s knockouts division is a bit thin at the moment. NXT’s involvement with TNA has allowed Grace to tear through fresh opponents while boosting her own title accolades. TNA meanwhile has replaced NXT UK as HBK’s excursion destination to get these developmental wrestlers working with new crowds. NXT has also done a better job this week at finally giving Wendy Choo character development while also doing a better job with Rosemary by giving her some character work (as opposed to the last two weeks where she just kinda showed up).

Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley were chatting backstage. Tatum showed Lyra her doll collection which were WWE action figures. Lyra said this looked like a coping mechanism and they need to focus on Wendy Choo and Rosemary. Tatum started to cry because one of her dolls lost it’s head. Lyra said they need to show Rosemary and Choo not to mess with them…

Ava was chatting with Giulia with Funaki as the translator. Roxanne Perez showed up to mock Giulia, saying that they are just handing Giulia a title shot out of nowhere. Perez said she doesn’t care what Ava, Giulia, or HBK wants, Giulia isn’t messing up her division. Giulia told Funaki to let her talk herself and that it looks like Perez is just scared…

Brooks Jensen showed up to ask Dion Lennox what he meant about gaslighting. Dion said it’s exactly like he said. Shawn Spears showed up and told Brooks not to listen to him. After Dion left, Spears told Jensen to only trust in himself. Spears said Dion is just acting like Fallon and Briggs…

Ashanti the Adonis ran into Eddy Thorpe, who was surrounded by developmental women wrestlers. Ashani called Eddy “DJ Platonic”. Adonis then scoffed and walked off….

A tweet showed that Tyreese Halliburton of the Indiana Pacers will show up to NXT next week. Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley vs. Wendy Choo and Rosemary as well as a NXT Championship contract signing were plugged for next week…

Entrances for the next match took place. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in-ring introductions…

7. Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne in a Last Man Standing Match for a shot at the NXT Championship. Trick started the match with a flying clothesline. Dunne dumped Trick to ringside and hit him with a Plancha. Dunne worked on Trick with hands and tossed him around at ringside. Dunne backdropped Trick on the apron heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Trick planted Dunne with a Flapjack. Trick swatted a chair away and hit Dunne with a neckbreaker. Dunne beat the ten count. Dunne hit Trick with a German Suplex. Dunne set up a chair in the corner and tossed Trick face first into it. Dunne stomped on Trick next to some steel steps. Dunne then pulled the tarp to expose the floor. Trick lowered his weight to block a double underhook. Dunne hit Trick with a DDT on the exposed floor.

[Overrun] Trick beat the ten count at nine. Dunne gave Trick shortarm boots. Trick beat the ten count and caught Dunne with a pop up hook. Dunne hit Trick with a Bitter End. Trick beat the ten count, but then collapsed again. Trick avoided a chair and gave Dunne a cyclone boot into the chair. Trick caught Dunne with the Trick Shot when Dunne got to his feet. Dunne beat the count at nine.

Trick cleared the announce table. Dunne grabbed Trick and power bombed him through the Announce Table covering. A censored Holy Shit chant ensued. Dunne carried Trick to the bleachers and then to the top of the crow’s nest area. Trick blocked being suplexed off the crow’s nest. Dunne replicated the spot from last week where both men when through a table on the floor after a Russian Legsweep. Ethan Page showed up coaching Pete Dunne to get up. Trick backdropped Page through the announce table while Dunne couldn’t beat the ten count.

Trick Williams defeated Pete Dunne in a last man standing match in 14:11 to become number one contender to the NXT Championship.

Ava, Robert Stone, and Stevie Turner were in the GMs office. Ava told Stone and Turner that CM Punk will be appearing on NXT next week. Vic also announced the Ethan Page and Trick Williams contract signing. Vic plugged Perez vs. Giulia for the Chicago show in a few weeks. Trick Williams celebrated his win to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: A really good last man standing match that really kicked into another gear by the end of that match. Dunne has been taking a handful of losses while doing double duty, but he continues to look strong (and even had that clean win on Trick a few weeks ago). Trick Williams really gets to show off his versatility in whatever situation creative puts him in and he adds to that with some good selling and facial expressions. I’m curious to see how they run back Page vs. Trick this other go-around.

A very packed episode of NXT this week with their roster continuing to be boosted by all the TNA crossovers. They are also really stacking that Chicago show for the debut on CW, but they aren’t in lame duck mode either as they are still developing characters while stacking that Chicago card. Curious to see how they do the St. Louis card because all the focus seems to be on the Chicago show?

NXT TV Poll: Grade the September 10 edition

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Readers Comments (3)

  1. Not to nitpick but I will anyway.Fatu should’ve been the first one out there and then the other guys.Guilia probably should’ve squashed Chelsea and the Rascals weren’t able to compete but why?

  2. I really enjoyed Giulia’s match. Chelsea was the right opponent – she is a great worker with a the right experience to be able to handle Giulia’s offense.

    The idea of needing a 2 min squash in this case would defeat the purpose of showing off Giulia’s abilities. She isn’t Jade (or Goldberg). I think this is the same way AEW’s best wrestler (Ospreay) doesn’t burn thru his matches in a few min, the idea is to showcase the athleticism.

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