Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 49 results: Vetter’s review of Jake Something vs. Moses the Deliverer, Maggie Lee vs. Nixi XS, and Myung-Jae Lee vs. Chris Hendrix

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 49)
Taped July 28, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at Casa Loma Ballroom
Premiered September 1, 2024 via

Episode release has been sporadic, as they didn’t release an episode the weekend of Aug. 25. Reed Duthie is back on solo commentary. This is the fourth episode from this recent taping in suburban St. Louis in late July, and it’s indoors before a crowd of perhaps 250.

1. Myung-Jae Lee vs. Chris Hendrix. Lee is a regular in Canada and I’ve seen him in Black Label Pro in Indiana/Illinois as well, but I think this is his debut here. Quick reversals and a standoff early on. Lee hit a dropkick in the corner. He hit a brainbuster for a nearfall at 3:30. Hendrix hit a Lungblower to the chest in the ropes, then a top-rope 450 Splash for the pin. Solid, short match. Not a surprise the local guy won.

Chris Hendrix defeated Myung-Jae Lee at 5:35.

2. Maggie Lee vs. Nixi XS. Lee is a 5’11” former volleyball player with long, curly red hair. Nixi is a fashionista in a pink fur jacket; I saw her on an all-women’s show recently from Chicago. Nixi hit a running double knees. Maggie hit a flipping axe kick for a nearfall. She hit a snap Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. She hit a Helluva Kick for a nearfall at 3:00. Nixi hit a bulldog for a nearfall and she threw a temper tantrum. Lee hit a modified piledriver move for the pin. Solid, and the right woman won.

Maggie Lee defeated Nixi XS at 5:02.

3. Jake Something vs. Moses the Deliverer. As per usual, Jake has a significant height and weight advantage, and he easily shoved Moses to the mat. Jake hit his running body block at 3:00, and he tied up Moses on the mat. Moses hit an enzuigiri, then a diving back elbow at 6:00. Jake nailed a sit-out powerbomb for a believable nearfall. Moses hit a Chaos Theory (rolling German Suplex) and they were both down. Moses came off the top rope, but Jake clocked him with a forearm strike. Moses hit an enzuigiri, then a dive through the ropes onto Jake, then a second dive, sending Jake crashing into the guardrail. In the ring, Jake caught him out of nowhere with a Black Hole Slam for the pin. Really good, short match.

Jake Something defeated Moses the Deliverer at 9:34.

Final Thoughts: This episode clocked in at a mere 35 minutes, even with having three matches. I’ve suggested this before, but I recommend some highlight videos, backstage interviews, etc. Give me a quick reminder of what is going on with Jake Parnell-Dan the Dad-Kody Lane, or the recent PME heel turn, for example. Find a way to highlight your top stars on the weeks they don’t have matches.


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