AEW All In Zero Hour pre-show results: Powell’s live review of Willow Nightingale and Tomohiro Ishii vs. Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW All In Zero Hour Pre-Show
Aired live August 25, 2024 live on social media
London, England at Wembley Stadium

-The pre-show was hosted by Renee Paquette, Jeff Jarrett, and RJ City at a desk set up on the main floor of the stadium. Jarrett said Bryan Danielson would work his 1,972nd match. He asked if this would be Danielson’s final match or if he would win the title…

-The hosts ran through the pay-per-view lineup. Lio Rush, Dante Martin, Darius Martin, Action Andretti, Rocky Romero, Kyle Fletcher, Kip Sabian, and Tommy Billington vs. Marq Quen, Isiah Kassidy, John Silver, Alex Reynolds, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, Ariya Daivari, and Anthony Ogogo in an 16-man tag match was announced for the pre-show.

-Lexi Nair and Arkady Aura checked in from the stage. They mentioned that acts such as the Spice Girls and Rolling Stones performed at Wembley Stadium. They made Stones references. They explained the rules of the Casino Gauntlet match and played up that anyone could enter the match. They mentioned Taylor Swift as a possibility since she just performed at Wembley.

-Taz joined the panel to speak about the Chris Jericho vs. Hook match for the FTW Title.

-Lexi Nair checked in from backstage where a coffin was set up along with flowers and framed memorial photos of Jack Perry and Darby Allin.

-Madison Rayne joined the panel to preview the TBS Title match.

-Paquette’s sit-down interview with Will Ospreay from August 21 aired. Ospreay spoke of getting his first tattoo and working at Wembley Stadium last year for the first time. Ospreay spoke about having his parents, his wife, and son in attendance along with 42 friends. Ospreay spoke of how supportive his parents have been and recalled his father driving him eight hours one way for a show in New Castle.

-Arkady Aura interviewed Nigel McGuinness on a backstage interview set about Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson for the AEW World Championship. McGuinness said Danielson’s time will run out. He said he hopes the clouds clear and then God will look down and see the end of Danielson’s career.

-Brie Danielson (Brie Bella) was featured in a taped sit-down interview with Paquette. Brie said that if Danielson loses, there will be a huge hole in AEW, but he’s coached so many people that we’ll continue to see that influence. Paquette asked about Swerve Strickland talking about her and her children. She said she gets worked up, but she said karma is coming and she will be front row to see it. Brie also spoke about how she was with Danielson when he was frustrated, but “he’s been nothing but heard here.” Brie said she told Danielson that the family didn’t come because they think he’s going to lose. She said the end is near, but it doesn’t have to be tonight.

-Footage aired of Tony Khan signing Swerve Strickland, who was accompanied by Prince Nana.

-“Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy came out and played to the crowd as the official emcees of the event. Entrances took place for the 16-man tag match took place.

1. Lio Rush, Dante Martin, Darius Martin, Action Andretti, Rocky Romero, Kyle Fletcher, Kip Sabian, and Tommy Billington vs. Marq Quen, Isiah Kassidy, John Silver, Alex Reynolds, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, Ariya Daivari, and Anthony Ogogo (w/Evil Uno, Sonjay Dutt) in an 16-man tag match. Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Matt Menard were on commentary. Don Callis came out Fletcher and sat in on commentary. Callis acknowledged that he’d had issues with Billington and said it was wonderful they were able to come to an agreement for this match.

All sixteen wrestlers ended up in the ring and threw punches at one point. Uno had some papers in his hand and both he and Dutt hit Andretti with the papers, which the broadcast team said was a tribute to the late Brodie Lee. In the end, Dante hit a top rope splash on Daivari and scored the pin…

Lio Rush, Dante Martin, Darius Martin, Action Andretti, Rocky Romero, Kyle Fletcher, Kip Sabian, and Tommy Billington defeated Marq Quen, Isiah Kassidy, John Silver, Alex Reynolds, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, Ariya Daivari, and Anthony Ogogo in 11:35.

Powell’s POV: Hey, an all Minnesota finish in London with Dante pinning Daivari. My God, there’s actually a case to be made for those awful Raw and Smackdown t-shirts that WWE used for brand vs. brand tag team matches. Okay, screw those t-shirts, but it was tough to keep track of the teams. Obviously, this was a “get everyone on the show” style match. These matches don’t do much for me, but I’m all for having them on the pre-show so that everyone can work the stadium show. The match was a spot-fest that was laid out to give everyone involved a moment. On a side note, I hope they get rid of the “AA Arena” section sign that sits opposite the hard camera once the rest of those seats fill out. The sign is annoying for television viewers, but I feel worse for fans stuck behind it.

Entrances for the mixed tag team match took place. Four men brought out a platform that Stokely Hathaway was lying on. Hathaway had a wild outfit that Excalibur said was his attempt to recreate Michael Jackson’s “Remember The Times” music video. Hathaway introduced Kris Statlander, and then the babyface duo made their entrances…

2. Willow Nightingale and Tomohiro Ishii vs. Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway. The winning team gets to choose the stipulation for the Willow vs. Statlander match that will be held at AEW All Out. Willow and Statlander worked the first five minutes of the match. Willow put Statlander down with a Death Valley Driver and then both women tagged out.

Hathaway entered the ring and threw chops at Ishii, who no-sold them. Hathaway ran the ropes and went for shoulder blocks, but he bounced off of Ishii, who then put him down with punches. Ishii set up for a brainbuster that Statlander broke up. Statlander threw forearms or elbows at Ishii and dazed him with one. Hathaway hit a big spinebuster and celebrated, but Ishii popped right up.

Hathaway took Ishii down with a drop toe hold in the corner. Hathaway splashed Ishii in the corner and then mounted him on the ropes and threw ten punches. Ishii powerbombed Hathaway and had him beat, but Statlander broke it up. Willow hit the Pounce on Statlander to clear her from the ring. Ishii blasted Hathaway with a sliding lariat and then pinned him…

Willow Nightingale and Tomohiro Ishii defeated Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway in 8:10.

Powell’s POV: An enjoyable match with the women handling the grunt work before Ishii and Hathaway tagged in for the lopsided fun.

Tony Schiavone stood on the stage and introduced Tony Khan and Martha Hart. Khan played to the London crowd before introducing Hart, who said she came all the way from “beautiful Canada” to be there, which drew some jeers. She said they are neighbors with the United States, which was booed, and then she was cheered when she said they were proud to be part of the British Commonwealth. Hart wished good luck to the wrestlers in the title matches, especially the two who won the Owen Hart Cup tournaments…

Powell’s POV: Well, that happened.

A video package aired for AEW Forbidden Door coming to London, England on August 24, 2025… Entrances for the ten-man tag match took place…

3. Dustin Rhodes, Katsuyori Shibata, Sammy Guevara, Ross Von Erich, and Marshall Von Erich (w/Kevin Von Erich) vs. Toa Liona, Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett. The wrestlers fought at ringside prior to the match. Guevara was isolated by the heels until he made a hot tag to Dustin, who worked over Taven with his signature offense.

Dustin hit powerslams on Bennett and Taven. Dustin set up Taven for CrossRhodes, but Bennett punched him to break it up. There was a series of rapid fire big spots involving all of the wrestlers, which included Taven flipping off the crowd before performing a big dive onto a pile of wrestlers at ringside. Dustin teased a dive of his own, then dropped down and did a Spinaroonie for a pop.

Cage picked up Dustin and tossed him over the top rope and onto the pile of wrestlers below. Cage followed up with a flip dive and it looked like no one bothered to catch him. Ouch. Sami Guevara hit a shooting star press onto the wrestlers at ringside. In the ring, Dustin got a near fall on Taven. Guevara went up top, but Cage shoved him down. The Von Erichs caught Cage on the ropes, which led to a big tower of doom spot with Liona and Kaun underneath.

Shibata caught Bennett in a sleeper, which Bennett broke by backing into the corner. Bennett and Taven took out Shibata, but Dustin hit Taven with CrossRhodes and had him pinned until Liona and Kaun broke it up. There was a lousy spot with Liona and Kaun trying to toss Shibata into a Cage powerbomb, but Shibata was dropped on his head and rolled out of the ring. Dustin took the toss into the powerbomb spot for a near fall.

The heels tried the same move on Guevara, but he took Cage down with a huracanrana. Bennett performed a spinebuster on Guevara. Shibata returned and threw rapid fire punches at Bennett before dropkicking him in a corner of the ring. Marshall performed a top rope moonsault on Bennett. Dustin put Taven down and then Guevara executed a senton move from the top rope. Dustin covered Taven and got the pin…

Dustin Rhodes, Katsuyori Shibata, Sammy Guevara, Ross Von Erich, and Marshall Von Erich defeated Toa Liona, Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett in 11:10.

After the match, the heels attacked the babyfaces while they were celebrating. Kevin entered the ring and put Taven in the Iron Claw. The other babyfaces used the Iron Claw and then stood tall…

Powell’s POV: Another “get everyone on the show” spot-fest. It’s fine and I get why they do it, but I’m more than ready for a singles match.

-Saraya’s entrance theme interrupted the pre-show hosts. Saraya came out with Harley Cameron, Zak Knight, and other members of her family. Cameron took the mic and told the fans to keep it down because Saraya was pissed. The fans responded with a “shut the f— up” chant. “How dare you?” Saraya barked. She said it’s her country and she is the queen of England. Saraya insisted that the fans respect her.

Saraya said she won the AEW Women’s Title at All In last year and isn’t on this year’s show. She said she is the best female wrestler to come out of England. She said the show would not continue until she gets the respect that she deserves.

Jamie Hayter made her entrance to a big pop and she headed to the ring. Hayter plowed through Saraya’s family members and Cameron at ringside. Hayter entered the ring and squared off with Saraya, whose mother hit Hayter with a cheap shot. Hayter took out Saraya’s mom. Saraya exited the ring. Hayter pulled Cameron in the ring and drilled her with a big clothesline…

Powell’s POV: Finally. Hayter’s last match was on May 28, 2023 at Double Or Nothing. That was a long recovery from shoulder surgery. By the way, that annoying floor section sign opposite the hard camera was moved.

-Paquette and City spoke at their desk. Unfortunately, the Spanish broadcast team could also be heard at a slightly lower volume.

-Entrances for the AEW Trios Title match took place and the wrestlers were introduced by ring announcer Justin Roberts…

Powell’s POV: It looks like the entrances will close out the pre-show, so I am jumping over to our report on the main card, which is available in a separate story via the main page.


Readers Comments (4)

  1. Wait.
    Nick Aldis was on the show?

    • Fixed. I was up late and woke up early. All Brits look the same to me when I’m light on sleep. I look at the crowd and all I see are 50,000 versions of Nick Aldis and Saraya (probably 25-1 Aldis)! I’ll wake up before the start of the main card… maybe.

      • “I was up late and woke up early”

        Busy celebrating that big Vikings preseason win on the road over the hated Eagles?

        Well we gotta have something….

  2. How many people total were on the pre-show?

    Jason, is this still a contractual thing? Do the wrestlers still get paid extra for being on PPVs/PLEs?

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