Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy vs. Moose and JDC, PCO, Rhino, and Xia Brookside vs. Big Kon, Madman Fulton, and Steph De Lander, Ultimate X qualifiers

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy vs. Moose and JDC: A simple tag team match that got over with the live crowd, primarily thanks to the popularity of the Hardys. The live crowd popped big during their entrance and stayed engaged throughout the match. The Hardys performed their greatest hits and the fans ate it up. The post match angle with Joe Hendry and Mike Santana saving the Hardys from a System attack was nicely done.

PCO, Rhino, and Xia Brookside vs. Big Kon, Madman Fulton, and Steph De Lander: A bait and switch with Matt Cardona being advertised only to state before the match that he was not medically cleared. Kon and Fulton serving as the mystery partners screamed that the babyfaces would be going over, especially since De Lander wanted nothing to do with her teammates. Ultimately, though, all of this worked in that it gave the PCO and SDL a measure of revenge coming off the wedding angle while also making viewers wait for the PCO vs. Cardona showdown match.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Kushida vs. Hammerstone in an Ultimate X qualifier: An enjoyable three-way match. They got around the odd dynamic of having two heels in the match by having Kazarian play the snake role in that he ticked off fellow heel Hammerstone. I’m never crazy about the “no limits” of the X Division leading to heavyweight wrestlers competing for the X Division Title. Hammerstone should serve as a good base in the Ultimate X match, but I hope he gets in the heavyweight title mix.

TNA Impact Misses

Jonathan Gresham vs. Charlie Dempsey: Although the mat based style was really enjoyable, it was tough to tell which wrestler the company wanted viewers to side with. Has Gresham given up on his weird octopus ink drooling heel persona? If so, great, but they still need to establish what happened and how they want viewers to think of him when he’s not wearing the Great Muta inspired mask.

Laredo Kid vs. Bhupinder Gujar vs. Jai Vidal in an Ultimate X qualifier: The match was fine, but it felt like they ran out of meaningful acts for the final qualifier. If nothing else, at least Kid went over strong, as he should add something to the Ultimate X match.

Rosemary vs. Alisha Edwards: A soft Miss. This turned out to be more about the tired Edwards and Masha Slamovich vs. Spitfire feud over the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. No one can say they haven’t tried to get this feud over, nor can anyone say with a straight face that they’ve succeeded.


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