TNA Impact results (4/18): Moore’s review of the Rebellion go-home show with Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards vs. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin for the TNA Tag Titles

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

TNA Impact (Episode 1,030)
Taped March 24, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena

Aired April 18, 2024 on AXS TV

Highlights from last week’s TNA Impact aired…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt were on commentary. Jade Chung was the ring announcer…

Josh Alexander opened up the show joining the commentary table. Entrances for the opening match took place…

1. Little Guido (w/Ray Jaz, Zack Clayton) vs. Hammerstone. Hammerstone started the match with a simple shove. Hammerstone then lifted and tackled Guido into the corner. Guido rallied back a but was quickly carried around and slammed. Hammerstone hit Guido with a Fallaway Slam.

Hammerstone jawed with the FBI members and received a shove, causing the referee to eject them. Guido got a few strikes in, but was quickly shoved away. Hammerstone came back with a Belly to Belly. Hammerstone put Josh’s headgear on Guido. The referee called for the bell when Guido wouldn’t respond.

Hammerstone defeated Guido via Submission in 4:07.

Hammerstone kept the torture rack on a little bit longer after the bell. Hammerstone then put Josh’s headgear on his arm to taunt Josh, who was at the commentary table…

John’s Thoughts: Simple and effective squash for Hammerstone. Good usage of Guido, who I assume is here just for this taping due to the obligatory ECW nostalgia. If I were TNA, I’d double down on having Hammerstone beat Josh Alexander, even if it’s a dirty finish. They have the guy for the long term. He’s really talented and exceeded my expectations since I saw him start out in MLW. Why not build up a new star in the company when Josh Alexander is already a made man.

The show cut to Ash By Elegance and George Iceman (still unnamed). Iceman talked about how Santino wouldn’t grant Ash the title match at Rebellion, but they will be at ringside watching and ready to face whoever wins the Knockouts Title Match. Xia Brookside showed up and pointed out how Ash couldn’t beat her fairly. Xia said she talked to the authority figure, Santino Marella, and Santino granted her a match with Ash next week. After Xia left, Ash and Iceman yelled “Get the lawyers!”…

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

Tom Hannifan plugged the TNA action figure toys…

A replay aired of Steph De Lander putting Jordynne Grace through a table…

The show cut to a Jordynne Grace selfie promo. Grace was at an airport in Sydney, Australia. Grace talked about how Matt Cardona is out injured and won’t be able to manage ringside at Rebellion for Steph De Lander. Grace said that means she’ll have a fair fight with De Lander supposedly, but Grace knows that Steph will try to find someway to do something unfair. Grace said she’ll also have something up her sleve…

Entrances for the next match took place. As usual, Joe Hendry cut one of his usual pre-match promos. He made more Uncle Phil jokes at the expense of AJ Francis before doing his usual “we believe” promo…

2. Joe Hendry vs. LSG. Hendry escaped an early wristlock sequence. Hendry then turned the next wristlock into a shoulder tackle. Hendry put LSG in a fireman carry and press slammed him. Hendry then hit LSG with a fallaway slam. Hendry hit LSG with a Standing Ovation (delayed Uranage) for the victory.

Joe Hendry defeated LSG via pinfall in 1:48.

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Nothing wrong with a good ol’ Squash Match. That said, Joe Hendry continues to feel in cruise control with his whole “I believe” gimmick. The guy has been one of my favorite wrestlers since I first saw him in the places like WhatCulture Pro Wrestling, where he would do those fun music cover parodies. Now it’s kinda just rinse and repeat with him in terms of his tv appearances. He’s capable of more, and I go back to his first TNA stint where he was in a team with Grado. Back then he was doing the singing thing, but he also had a dark and mysterious twist to his persona where you didn’t know if he was playin’ Grado or not.

A hype package aired for The System vs. The Motor City Machine Guns, which will happen later in this week’s episode…

Entrances for the next match took place. Deaner took the mic after he and Jake Something made their entrance. Deaner pointed out that Santino gave them a choice for a partner, but he wants to make it a “people’s choice”. Deaner then asked if the crowd want a handicap match or to bring out ECW legend Rhino. The crowd changed for Rhino leading to Rhino making his entrance…

3. Mustafa Ali, James Drake, and Zack Gibson vs. Jake Something, Cody Deaner, and Rhino. Jake body slammed Gibson to start the match. Rhino tagged in leading to EC-Dub chants while he worked on Gibson. Gibson came back with a few kicks. Rhino took down Gibson and Drake with shoulder tackles. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from break, the heels cut the ring in half on Deaner for a few minutes. Deaner got a window of opportunity after turning Ali inside out with a lariat. Drake tagged in and prevented the hot tag. Gibson tagged in, but Deaner was able to escape the corner to tag in Rhino. Gibson blocked a Gore wit ha kick. Jake Something tagged in and took down both GYVs with clotheslines after picking up speed. Jake then tagged in Deaner and tossed him into Gibson into a crossbody.

Ali broke up Deaner’s pin on Gibson. All three heels took Jake down with consecutove Siocode Doves. They then knocked out Jake by tossing him into the ringpost. The heels then put the boots to Deaner. Rhino hit Drake with a Gore. Ali caught Rhino with a superkick to send him to ringside. Deaner caught Ali with a neckbreaker. Ali came back with a Gamengiri. Ali hit Deaner with a Sunset Flip Bomb. Ali hit Deaner with a 450 for the victory.

Mustafa Ali, James Drake, and Zack Gibson defeated Deaner, Jake Something, and Rhino via pinfall in 12:14,

John’s Thoughts: Expected win to put heat on the heels heading into the PPV. While heels currently have the tag titles, I do hope they move the Grizzled Young Veterans into the tag division because I don’t want to seem them simply as Ali’s goons (at least it’s an upgrade over being Joe Gacy’s bathrobe cult ninjas).

Steve Maclin cut a promo about how he’s going to make his presence felt at Rebellion…

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

Eric Young was walking backstage. They were using the cinematic camera. He was talking to “himself” wearing a hockey mask. Young told masked Young that he needs him to come back. Mask Young said he’s like a virus, always there under the surface. Young said Frakine Kazarian has lost it, and he needs to lose it too. Young then hyped up his upcoming Full Metal Meyhem match. Masked Young said “you are me and I am you”.

Young said he’s afraid of what might happen, and who he’ll become. Masked Young said EY has adapted like he always has done. Young said he’ll see the Masked Young at Rebellion. Young said sometimes violence can open your eyes and make you see the truth. Oni masks flashed on the screen and the regular EY disappeared. Masked EY took off his mask and he said that he’ll baptise Kazarian in the waters of change…

John’s Thoughts: Not sure why they are going overly dramatic and stylized with Eric Young. Covering NXT, at least Young delivers these poetic lines better than Shawn Spears.

Entrances for the next match took place…

4. Rosemary (w/Havok) vs. Jody Threat (w/Dani Luna). Threat dominated the match early on with a few strikes and a couple of body slams. Threat worked on Rosemary in the corner with clotheslines and a suplex for a two count. Rosemary came back with a Single leg dropkick and mounted punches. Rosemary bit Jody’s face in the corner. Rosemary then put Threat in the Terantura.

Rosemary hit Jody with a Stinger Splash and Exploder Suplex. Threat draped Rosemary on the ropes. Rosemary recovered and hit Jody with a German Suplex. Rosemary put Jody in a Muta Lock. Jody got a rope break. Jody rallied back with clubbing blows and a pump kick. Theat hit Rosemary with a draping Meteora and German Suplex. Jody got a two count after a clothesline.

Rosemary hit Jody with a springboard forearm for a two count. Jody reversed Rosemary into a shortarm clothesline. Rosemary did a Undertaker situp. Jody gave Rosemary a crossbody. Havok got on the apron and Luna told Havok to stand down. Rosemary took advantage of the distraction by hitting Threat with a spear for the win.

Rosemary defeated Jody Threat via pinfall in 7:38.

John’s Thoughts: Eh, fine enough match. I’m kinda just tired of distraction finishes in pro wrestling because it feels cheap and lazy. Odd to see Rosemary and Havok use the distraction finish as well as they’ve been presented as babyfaces. On the other side, Luna and Threat feel a bit undercooked in terms of character development. I still don’t know much about Jody Threat other than her fame before Impact as that lady that got whooped by Athena agressively on AEW Dark.

Separate shots of The Motor City Machine Guns and The System walking backstage were shown…

Part III of the Jonathan Gresham therapy sessions aired. Gresham was sitting on a park bench where like Eric Young he was approached by a masked metaphorical clone of himself. They then cut to the group therapy table where the therapist told “John” that he was concerned at Gresham hiding behind his third mask, which he hides from the people that care for him. Gresham said it’s necessary. He said he’s been embarrassed. Gresham said he’s been unheard for years.

He said he realizes that life is a costume party, but he’s been showing up with his real face. The zoomed in grills mouth of Gresham said that being open and vulnerable was humiliating to him, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The scene then cut to Gresham sitting on the bench with his spiritual octopus masked clone who slowly turned his head to Gresham…

John’s Thoughts: Cheesy and vague, yes; but these cinematics have me intrigued. I’m also intrigued that Gresham is trying to develop a character for himself past just being the “pure wrestling guy”. I think these cinematics have been well produced and don’t mind seeing some of this used for other wrestlers. A huge upgrade over the cheapo Undead Ream cinematics from a few years ago.

A tale of the tape aired for The System vs. MCMG match. Hannifan noted that all four men are tag team specialists, even being in other tag teams. Entrances for the next match took place…

5. “The System” Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers (w/Alisha Edwards) vs. “The Motor City Machine Guns” Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley for the TNA Tag Team Championships. Eddie dragged Shelley down with a headlock. Shelley came back with a shoulder tackle and tag to Sabin. Myers tagged in. Both Guns swarmed both opponents with kicks. The show cut to regular break.[c]

The heels cut the ring in half on the Machine Guns. Shelley hit Eddie with a jawbreaker. Both Guns hit Eddie with Dragon Screws and dropkicks against the corner ropes. Sabin tagged in and held Eddie for Shelley’s Dragon Screw. The Machine Guns used quick tags to cut the ring in half on Eddie. The Machine Guns put both opponents in Figure Fours. Eddie to the rope for the break.

Shelley quickly went back to working on Eddie’s left leg. Alisha tripped Shelley. Shelley grabbed Alisha’s hair and ate a slap from Alisha. Alisha got a cheap shot on Shelley when Myers distracted the referee. Eddie tagged back in. The System then cut the ring in half on Shelley with Alisha also running interference.[c]

Back from break, the heels still had control over the match, cutting the ring in half on Shelley. Shelley got a window of opportunity after hitting Myers with a Flatliner. Sabin got the hot tag where he gave both opponents hands. Sabin ran off Eddie to hit Myers with a Tornado DDT. Sabin hit Eddie with a leg lariat for a nearfall. The Machine Guns hit both opponents with stereo baseball slides. Shelley held open the ropes for Sabin to hit The System with a Suicide Dive.

Shelley put Myers on the shoulders of Eddie to hit an improvised combo Flatliner and Doomsday Device on both opponents. Sabin got a nearfall on Eddie. Sabin accidentally hit Shelley with a superkick with Myers flying in with a kick to take out Sabin and leave all four men on the mat. Sabin hit Myers with a Yakuza Kick in the corner. Eddie hit Sabin with a backpack Stunner and Myers quickly flew in with a diving clothesline for a two count.

Sabin reversed a Roster cut into a crucifix pin for a two count. Sabin hit Myers with a cutter. The Guns hit Eddie with their signature Muta Lock Dropkick combo. Alisha held on Shelley’s leg and dumped him to ringside. Myers hit Sabin with a Roster Cut. Eddie hit Sabin with a Boston Knee Party for the win.

The System defeated The Motor City Machine Guns via pinfall in 15:09 of on-air time.

Hannifan sent the show to a plug for TNA Plus…

John’s Thoughts: As you would expect with all four tag team specialists, we got a good tag team match. A bit bittersweet in real life as it’s expected that this was Sabin and Shelley’s last match in TNA. A part of me wishes they did a ceremonial sendoff to these two, given how they have royalty status in the company. Here’s hoping they do well where ever they end up (I assume AEW is their best fit?). I would have let someone beat them clean and not use the distraction finish because why protect them when they are leaving and you can use their credibility to build up another team?

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in on commentary and plugged the upcoming Rebellion PPV…

“The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth made his entrance in street clothes. His entrance actually cut into picture-in-picture with Nemeth high fiving fans in the crowd and even doing a Sandman beer and kendo stick routine during the break…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Did they need to do a picture-in-picture with here where you just watch Dolph killing time?

Back from Break, Nic took a mic to hype his upcoming match at Rebellion. He was quickly interrupted by TNA Champion Moose making his entrance to The System’s entrance theme. Moose said he knows that Nic has a story to tell the idiots in the crowd, and he knows that the idiots will buy into that story. Moose said Nic will lose at Rebellion because Nic has never been able to beat the system throughout his career.

Nic said he sees Moose’s headgames, trying to bring up the past. Nic asked Moose if Nic wins, would the roster get behind him? Nic soaked in “Nic” chants. Nic then asked if management and the crowd will get behind him? The crowd cheered and showered him in “Nic” chants. Nic talked about making his TNA debut in Las Vegas and how he ripped off his Motley Crue shirt to reveal where his intentions lie, TNA.

Nic said he’s here to stay. Moose said he’s sure everyone wants to see Nic beat him at Rebellion so they can hand Nic the ball and make him the face of TNA. Moose talked about how Nic has been handed the ball before, run a few yards with it, but ultimately fumbled. Moose called Nic a choke artist. Nic said he can choke Moose’s ass right now. Moose asked if he striked a nerve?

Nic said he did and he’s heard the doubts from critics and fans before. Nic said he even doubted himself. Nic said he’s in his best shape mentally and physically. Nic said Moose thinks he’s going in the ring with the old “Dolph Ziggler”. Nic said Moose is wrong in that case becase at Rebellion Moose will not be meeting Dolph Ziggler, but instead the man who’s going the burn the place to the ground. The Wanted Man, Nic Nemeth! Moose then held up his title to Stare down with Nic to end the segment…

The show closed with a hype segment to hype up the TNA Rebellion PPV…

John’s Thoughts: Solid show closing segment to hype up the TNA Title match at Rebellion. To be fair to Moose, he’s been doing solid mic work and putting in good in-ring performances as champion. The problem lies in his heel faction being so undercooked and put together (Not his fault, TNA went on that multi month break before his title win and didn’t film anything to develop The System). All that said, I hope they rush the title onto Nic Nemeth because he meanwhile has been developing a great reputation after leaving WWE as a plucky top guy.

Solid edition of Impact this week as usual. We saw some matches, and a handful of talking segments to plug the upcoming TNA PPV. This is the first TNA PPV after the Scott D’Amore departure right? I don’t have too much to fear that this will be a good PPV because they’ve taken the show production template that was in motion while D’Amore was still there, and just continued to roll with it.







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