AEW Dynamite results (7/31): Powell’s live review of Darby Allin vs. Hangman Page, CMLL Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander in an eliminator match, Will Ospreay vs. Lance Archer

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 252)
Greenville, South Carolina at Bon Secours Wellness Arena
Aired live July 31, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] AEW American Champion MJF made his entrance while Excalibur checked in on commentary with Tony Schiavone and Taz. MJF walked to the ring with a microphone in hand and was introduced by ring announcer Justin Roberts.

Excalibur said it was one week ago that MJF rechristened the AEW International Championship as the AEW American Championship. Schiavone called MJF a fraud. MJF said he knows people in the south are not very bright, which Excalibur called low hanging fruit.

MJF told the “simple minded folks” to keep their “meth addicted mouths shut.” MJF said he was going to talk to real America. MJF said there was no class in the south. MJF said he singlehandedly defeated the redcoat terrorist Will Ospreay with ease and brought gold back to our great nation.

MJF said he would walk into enemy territory on August 25 at All In in London and beat Ospreay again. MJF asked the fans to show some respect by standing up for their American hero.

Will Ospreay’s entrance music played. Ospreay rushed the ring, which led to MJF racing out of the ring and heading to the stage. Ospreay said MJF should keep running after what he said about his family last week. Ospreay said Americans love their flag just like he loves his country’s flag.

Ospreay said no one is acknowledging MJF’s title after he threw the AEW International Championship in the trash. Ospreay praised former holders of the belt Pac, Orange Cassidy, Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix, and Roderick Strong and said they would all put it on the line for the people.

There was a USA chant. Ospreay said he gets it, but MJF does not represent the American spirt or work ethic. Ospreay said he will restore honor to the AEW International Championship.

MJF referred to himself as an American hero and said he lets his actions do the talking. MJF said he will annihilate Ospreay in front of his countrymen. MJF said he didn’t think Ospreay would make it to Wembley because “everybody dies” (Lance Archer’s catchphrase).

Lance Archer made his entrance as Ospreay’s opponent for the opening match…

1. Will Ospreay vs. Lance Archer. Justin Roberts listed the time limit as 20 minutes. There was an early “Let’s go, Ospreay” chant while Archer jumped out to a quick start. Ospreay came back with a kick that cleared Archer to ringside.

Ospreay played to the crowd and then went for a flip dive, but Archer avoided him and grabbed him by the throat. Archer slammed Ospreay on the floor at ringside. Ospreay came back with a huracanrana that sent Archer into the ringside barricade.

Ospreay caught Archer with a kick when he returned to the ring and covered him for just a one count. Ospreay went up top, but Archer grabbed him by the throat and slammed him to the mat heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Ospreay went for an OsCutter, but Archer caught him and slammed him to the mat and covered him for a two count. Archer followed up with a spinebuster for another two count. Ospreay came back and hit a standing Spanish Fly or two count.

Archer came right back and went to the ropes. Ospreay pushed Archer into a seated position and joined him on the ropes. Archer grabbed Ospreay by the throat and then climbed to the top rope and went for a chokeslam, but Ospreay countered into a move that got him a two count.

Ospreay hit the OsCutter for a two count. Ospreay got back to his feet and set up for his finisher, but Archer turned him inside out with a clothesline that led to a near fall. Archer went for his Blackout finisher. Ospreay countered into a DDT and then hit the Hidden Blade. Ospreay covered Archer, who kicked out at one and then flipped him off. Ospreay hit the Hidden Blade again and scored the pin.

Will Ospreay defeated Lance Archer in 11:20.

After the match, MJF entered the ring and attacked Ospreay from behind. MJF put Ospreay down with a brainbuster. MJF put the Dynamite Diamond Ring on his finger and set up for a punch.

Kyle Fletcher ran out with Don Callis. Fletcher cleared MJF from the ring. Fletcher got a mic and told Callis that he knows he said they couldn’t get involved anymore, but Ospreay is his best friend and brother.

Fletcher called MJF a narcissistic asshole and said he wouldn’t let him terrorize the company without repercussions. Fletcher said he is MJF’s karma in coming to bite him on the ass. Fletcher said MJF doesn’t give a damn about America, he only cares about himself.

Fletcher said he was born in Australia and dreamt of moving to the United States “because this is where the best wrestle.” Fletcher said the country has given him his dream house, dream car, and dream wife and he will be forever grateful.

Fletcher said he spoke for everyone when he said he’s sick of the usual MJF bull crap and then called for him to come to the ring. MJF stood on the stage and acted like he would come to the ring, then said no.

MJF told “wannabe Will Ospreay” that he calls the shots. MJF said if Fletcher wants a match, they can meet next week on Dynamite. MJF said he would Kangaroo Kick “your goddamn face off.”

MJF said he would make sure that Fletcher meets the same fate as Daniel Garcia by breaking his neck and leaving him in a pool of his own blood. MJF said he couldn’t wait to see the look on Ospreay’s face when he’s done dismantling his boy. Fletcher raised Ospreay’s arm and then they hugged…

Powell’s POV: Ospreay and Fletcher both did a really nice job of playing to the American fans despite being foreigners who are working against a heel acting like a great patriot. The Ospreay vs. Archer match was well worked and got over with the live crowd. Fletcher now feels out of place with Callis, though I suppose he could always turn on Ospreay at some point.

A video package aired on Swerve Strickland’s reign as AWE World Champion… [C] Highlights aired of Chris Jericho vs. Minoru Suzuki from last week’s show followed by Katsuyori Shibata saving Suzuki…

Backstage, Alex Marvez interviewed Chris Jericho, who was accompanied by Big Bill and Bryan Keith. Bill had a cake to celebrate Jericho holding the FTW Title for 102 days.

Jericho, who had his broken pinky wrapped and braced, said the cake would not end up in anyone’s face like it normally does in pro wrestling. Jericho said Shibata had no one left to help him and they set up Shibata vs. Keith for next week. Bill handed the cake to Marvez. Keith teased shoving it in Marvez’s face…

2. CMLL Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander (w/Stokely Hathaway) in an eliminator match. Both entrances were televised. Statlander hit Willow from the apron. The referee waited for Statlander to hit Willow with a missile dropkick and then called for the bell to start the match once both wrestlers were inside the ring.

Both wrestlers ended up at ringside. Willow tossed Statlander into the barricade. Willow tried to hit Statlander with a cannonball, but Statlander moved, causing Willow to hit the barricade going into a PIP break. [C]

Statlander got Willow in electric chair position and dropped her face first on the mat. Willow came back with a move on the apron and then grabbed Hathaway by the collar and ended up slapping the back of his head. Statlander took advantage of the distraction by hitting Willow.

Back in the ring, Statlander went for a top rope move, but Willow caught her and powerbombed her. Willow followed up with a DDT that led to a two count. Both wrestlers fought on the ropes. Statlander got the better of it and sent Willow to the mat. Statlander performed a 450 splash for a near fall.

Hathaway passed Statlander a chain and then distracted the referee. Statlander wrapped the chain around her fist and then hit a discus punch and scored the pin.

Kris Statlander defeated Willow Nightingale in 10:00 to earn a shot at the CMLL Championship.

After the match, Statlander slammed a chair over Willow’s back twice. She wound up to do it again and waited until security arrived. Statlander dropped the chair and then took down one of the security guards. She was going to hit him, but Hathaway stopped her…

Powell’s POV: A solid match. I hope the title match that Statlander earned will be the blowoff of this feud.

Footage aired of the pep talk that Jeff Jarrett gave to Bryan Danielson on last week’s show… [C]

Bryan Danielson made his entrance dressed in non-wrestling attire and headed to the ring for a promo. Danielson said it was great to be in Greenville. He said that people normally say that to get a cheap pop, but he and his wife got their engagement pictures taken in the city. A “Brie” chant broke out.

Danielson said he and Brie were just looking through those pictures and you don’t realize it’s the good old days until they’re almost gone. Danielson said he was going to talk to the fans about presence and promises.

Danielson said he’d been very lucky in his career. He said he had his career taken away from him and then he was able to be present in the good old days. He said the last three years have been incredible and the funnest time of his career.

A “Thank you, Bryan” chant broke out. Danielson said there are just some moments he will never understand and he thanked the fans. He turned the focus to promises. He recalled promising his daughter that he would stop wrestling when she was seven.

Danielson said he promised his family that his contract with AEW would be the last contract he signs. Danielson said that contract ends tomorrow. Danielson said he promised himself that he would give everything he had for the fans and for himself because they both deserve it.

Danielson said when he came to AEW, he said he would kick people’s heads in and win the AEW World Championship. Danielson said he’s kicked a lot of heads in over the last three years, but he has not won the championship. “Yet,” Danielson added.

Danielson said this will probably be his last shot, then corrected himself and said it will be his last shot. Danielson said the doctors are telling him he shouldn’t wrestle and his family doesn’t want him to wrestle.

Danielson promised that he would go to Wembley Stadium and be present for that moment and give every single thing he has. Danielson promised that he will go all in at All In with his mind, body, and soul.

[Hour Two] AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland’s entrance music interrupted Danielson. Swerve walked to the ring while Prince Nana danced beside him. Once in the ring, Nana led the crowd in “Swerve’s House” chants. Danielson looked at the fans and provoked a “Yes” chant.

Swerve told Danielson that he respects the hell out of him. He said Danielson inspired an entire generation of wrestlers to pursue their dreams and said he was one of those wrestlers. Swerve said he would be rooting for Danielson on any other occasion, but this is his time.

Swerve said he came to AEW and said he would win the AEW World Championship and he did. He said he’s so ahead of his time that ten years from ow, people are going to want to sit back and press rewind. Danielson smiled.

Swerve said Danielson came to AEW and said he wanted to kick everyone’s head in, but he couldn’t handle it when they started kicking back. Swerve told Danielson that the title is not an achievement award. He said it’s something that shows that you’re the best in the world.

Swerve got in Danielson’s face and yelled, “And I am the best in the world.” Swerve noted that Danielson lost to Will Ospreay, whereas he bet him. He said his team won Blood & Guts, whereas Danielson’s team lost. Swerve said he wrestled in front of 80,000 people while Danielson was too broken down to even go to London.

Swerve said maybe Danielson’s body can’t handle it. Swerve said he had his own promise. “I promise you that I am the most dangerous man in AEW,” Swerve said. “I also promise you this, that you will not be walking out of All In as champion. Hell, after I’m done with you, you may never walk again.” Swerve started to leave the ring.

Danielson said he had one more promise. “I promise if I don’t win the AEW World Championship, I will never wrestle again,” Danielson said. Swerve nodded and grinned. “Your title versus my career at All In,” Danielson said before asking Swerve for his response. Danielson extended his hand.

Swerve shook Danielson’s hand and said that was very noble of Danielson, but he shouldn’t keep that promise with him, he should keep it with his family. Swerve posed with the championship while Danielson stood stone faced…

Powell’s POV: A great segment. Swerve was heavy with his comments and yet never came off unlikable. In other words, it looks like they will leave it up to the fans to choose which wrestler they want to win at Wembley Stadium rather than having one lean heel. I like that added stipulation a lot. Danielson has been dropping lines about how his doctors and family don’t want him to wrestle. Whether that’s fact or fiction, it really adds to the unpredictability of the match outcome with that new stipulation.

Renee Paquette caught up with Danielson as he returned backstage. Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal, and Sonjay Dutt applauded Danielson. Jarrett said that’s how you go all in. Danielson slapped Jarrett’s hat out of his hand and told him that if he wants to see if he’s all in, then he should face him next week…

3. Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii vs. The Beast Mortos, Roderick Strong, and Rush. The entrances for both teams were televised. A few minutes into the match, Strong set up a chair on the apron, but Briscoe tossed him to the floor. Briscoe performed a flip dive off the chair and onto Mortos and Rush going into a PIP break. [C]

Ishii had a run of offense in which he put all three opponents down with German suplexes. Cassidy hit a DDT on Strong and then Briscoe performed a top rope blow drop. Ishii performed a sliding lariat and had the pin, but it was broken up.

Mortos took out Briscoe with a dive at ringside. Cassidy dove at Mortos, who caught him and slammed his face on the apron. The three wrestler at ringside had to stand around while Rush played to the crowd and the hit them with a flip dive.

Strong performed a Tiger Driver on Ishii for a near fall. Ishii dropped Strong with a headbutt. Briscoe and Mortos tagged in. There was a series of rapid fire moves performed by all six wrestlers. Briscoe set up for a Jay Driller on Mortos, but Rush headbutted him. Mortos performed a piledriver on Briscoe and pinned him…

The Beast Mortos, Roderick Strong, and Rush beat Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii in 11:40.

After the match, Kyle O’Reilly and Cassidy were all smiles while checking on Briscoe…

Powell’s POV: An action packed trios match. They played up Mortos pinning the ROH Champion, so I assume that will lead to a match on HonorClub at some point.

Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, and Billy Gunn delivered a promo on the backstage interview set. Gunn said they are coming to Collision. Caster said they were looking for FTR in their own home territory, but they were nowhere to be found.

Caster said he wanted to see the two guys who said he’s not a serious wrestler because he makes rap videos. He said maybe FTR are not serious wrestlers since they didn’t show up in their own hometown. Bowens said they would come to FTR by appearing on Saturday’s Collision. Bowens wondered if FTR would show up. He told them to nut up or shut up…

Powell’s POV: This put FTR in a bit of a weird spot, but we’ll see how they explain it on Saturday night. Caster labeling himself the best wrestler in the world and the recent intensity of Bowens has me wondering if The Acclaimed are going to turn heel. Oh, and Billy Gunn is still getting television time.

A pre-taped interview aired with Renee Paquette speaking with Mariah May, who spoke about how she earned Toni Storm’s trust and then sliced her open and wore her skin. Paquette asked May what Storm ever did to her. May said noting and that’s why she was perfect.

May said she loved Storm and she gave her everything she ever wanted. May recalled Storm saying the business would eat her alive. May said it’s just her time to eat. May said she was not answering more questions, which led to Paquette making an uncomfortable exit…

Toni Storm walked onto the stage while the broadcast team was talking. Storm dressed in black and had her held a heel and her title belt. Storm recalled May saying she loved her, then said she loved May too. Storm said it would be the romance of a bloody lifetime at Wembley Stadium. Storm yelled maniacally…

Footage aired of Mercedes Mone and Britt Baker being held apart during the AEW panel at the San Diego Comic Con…

Kamille made her entrance with Mercedes Mone while Kamille’s opponent was already in the ring…

4. Kamille (w/Mercedes Mone) vs. Brittany Jade. Kamille dominated the match and finished her off with an inverted slam.

Kamille defeated Brittany Jade in 1:15.

After the match, Mone entered the ring and put her foot on Jade while Kamille raised her hand. Mone said Kamille is the newest member of her corporation. Kamille tossed Jade out of the ring. Mone said you can see what Kamille is called The Brickhouse.

Mone said she was victimized by Britt Baker for weeks. Some “DMD” chants broke out. Mone said she tried to be diplomatic, but Baker took it too far and is obsessed with her. Mone said Baker’s stunt at Comic Con got her the title shot and also got her suspended by the EVPs. Mone said AEW is her house now and she will turn it into a mansion… [C]

Powell’s POV: The match was exactly what it needed to be in terms of Kamille squashing her opponent and showing off her size and power. Mone’s promo was par for the course. Baker was suspended by the EVPs? Why would the Tony Khan character allow that? By the way, they have done a terrible job of making the Darby Allin vs. Hangman Page match feel like a big deal.

Entrances for the main event took place with Hangman Page coming out first followed by Darby Allin. Excalibur hyped Allin challenging for the AEW World Championship at AEW Grand Slam while pushing tickets for the event…

5. Darby Allin vs. Hangman Page. Allin was seated in his corner when the bell rang to start the match. Page went to ringside during the opening minute. Allin went for a Coffin Drop, but Page caught him and hit him with a German suplex on the floor. Allin sold shoulder pain.

Page ran Allin into the barricade and then grabbed a chair. Allin crawled up the entrance ramp to the stage. Page and the referee followed. The referee barked at Page, who jawed back at him and dropped the chair. Allin hit Page with a Stunner.

Allin climbed onto the top of one of the entrance tunnels and then performed a Coffin Drop onto Page on the stage, which drew a “holy shit” chant. Allin put Page in a headlock and was dragging him back to ringside heading into a PIP break. [C]

Allin slipped out of a suplex and rolled up Page for a two count, then hit him with a springboard splash. The lights above the ring went out for roughly ten seconds and then turned on again. Excalibur said he thought for sure someone was going to come out from underneath the ring. Page regained control and powerbombed Allin on the apron heading into a PIP break. [C]

Page performed a fallaway slam from the top rope. Excalibur said the crowd was stunned into silence by the beating that Page had given Allin. Schiavone questioned whether Allin could take more.

Allin ended up at ringside with his face resting on the ring steps, which had been moved. Page climbed onto the steps and was tripped by Allin, who gouged his eyes before returning to the ring. Allin ran the ropes and hit Page with a suicide dive that knocked him off the ring steps. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Back in the ring, Allin removed his belt and whipped Page with it until the referee intervened.

[Overrun] Allin hit Code Red for a two count. Allin went up top and attempted a Coffin Drop, but Page caught him in a sleeper. Allin rolled onto Page and got a two count to break the hold.

Allin kicked Page and then went to the apron and attempted a Buckshot Lariat, but Page cut him off and turned him inside out with a clothesline that led to a two count.

Excalibur mentioned the early start time for Collision, then hyped MJF vs. Kyle Fletcher, and Bryan Danielson vs. Jeff Jarrett for next week’s Dynamite.

Page powerbombed Allin and covered him for another two count. Page hit the Deadeye on Allin, then held on and performed the move a second time. Taz said the match was over. Excalibur said he should cover Allin because it was done. Schiavone questioned what was going on with Page.

Page went to the apron and looked to the crowd, then turned back and waited for Allin to get up. Page went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Allin fell down. Excalibur said Page could just cover Allin. Page popped Allin to his feet and went for a discus lariat, but Allin avoided it and rolled him into a pin and got the three count.

Darby Allin beat Hangman Page in 17:45.

After the match, Page was livid and barked at the referee while Allin headed to ringside. Page went to ringside and pulled several chairs out from underneath the ring and tossed them in the ring. Allin, who was seated on bottom of the entrance ramp, flipped off Page with both hands.

A graphic plugged the early 4CT/5ET start time for Collision and then the graphic showed Allin, Mark Briscoe, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler vs. The Beast Mortos, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, and Roderick Strong in an eight-man tag match for Saturday’s show. They also hyped the previously advertised Dynamite matches while Page stood in the ring and yelled at Allin, who headed backstage to end the show…

Powell’s POV: A good match. The announcers laid it on too thick when it came to the punishment that Allin took. Regular viewers have seen Allin take far worse beatings and go on to win. I just can’t get over how poorly the match was presented. Allin and Page are two of the top stars in AEW, this was their first singles match together, and the company did nothing to set up the match aside from announcing it on Collision.

So, um, no Shane-O-Mac? I enjoyed the overall show. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review of Dynamite for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of this episode by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the July 31 edition free polls


Readers Comments (4)

  1. The American Title stuff seems way more trouble than it’s worth. I mean, he’s feuding with guys who aren’t from the U.S. MJF chose to change the title’s name,to Ospreay’s chagrin. But MJF’s the one bashing the U.S while Ospreay/Fletcher praise the U.S. What’s the big payoff for all this mess? Ospreay wins it at Wembley, for fans who would be heavily favoring him anyway! And the American part will be removed and the title name restored? Idt British fans care that deeply about the title itself or the name “American” vs “International.” And MJF hates 99.9% of the U.S, so restoring the name spites him in some way? Just do a regular MJF-Ospreay feud. Crowd got quiet during Ospreay’s promo, other than chanting “USA!”

  2. The whole USA vs UK thing added to MJF/Ospreay seems to unnecessarily convolute things.

    And lol, Max Caster has to be turning heel. “Best wrestler in the world”? No face can get away with being that delusional. Bro isn’t even one of the 10 best wrestlers appearing on this episode of Dynamite. Hell, he’s not even the best wrestler in his own tag team!

  3. I already see the usual “hits and misses” that will be coming, but I enjoyed the show. I think the Darby-Page match was average, but the rest of the show was enjoyable.
    I don’t think too much into the “American” storyline, as ITS WRESTLING, but I totally understand why, since its AEW, “certain” people NEED to find some way to take it as if it’s a true story. Always enjoy people who watch programming that include a “dead man”, guys like Darby beating guys 5 times his size, ect. then complain because “that doesn’t seem like it makes sense”.

    • Joey, I already know you’re not the drawer’s sharpest knife and all, but come on man. When your MEGA HEEL is getting positive chants against one of your top faces, SOLELY due to the stupid US vs UK thing, surely even YOU should be smart enough to see that being a problem.

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