Prestige Wrestling “Combat Clash PDX” results (7/12): Vetter’s review of Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin, Mike Santana vs. Shelton Benjamin, Athena vs. Masha Slamovich, Timothy Thatcher vs. Roderick Strong

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Prestige Wrestling “Combat Clash PDX”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
July 12, 2024 in Portland, Oregon at Viking Pavilion Arena

This is a small arena for Portland State college, and there are perhaps 1,000 or so fans here; it’s not packed but it’s a good-sized crowd. Brian Zane and Jordan Castle provided commentary. The lights are on so we can see all the fans, and lighting overall is really good. This “looks” really top-notch.

* Note that Prestige kept advertising Athena’s match in the past two months, even as Athena had a ‘leg injury’ on ROH TV. I’m a bit surprised Tony Khan rolled with this, being as Bryan Keith was stripped of his Deadlock Pro National Title for a quite similar fake injury.

1. Amira defeated Kylie Rae at 8:48. Jordan noted that Amira has only been wrestling for about 18 months; I have always compared her looks to Raquel Rodriguez, but she’s shorter. Standing switches and a feeling-out process to open. Amira knocked her down with a shoulder tackle at 3:00. Kylie whipped Amira head-first into the ring post and was booed. Kylie bent Amira backward. Amira hit a German Suplex for a nearfall at 6:00. Kylie tied her in a crossface move on the mat. She hit a superkick for a nearfall. Amira set up for a (Mark Henry) World’s Strongest Slam but Kylie escaped. Moments later, Amira hit the Mark Henry Slam for the pin. Good action.

* Amira got on the mic and she challenged Jordynne Grace at the Sept. 29 show!

* A nice video package for the next match, which I think easily could have headlined the show.

2. Chris Sabin defeated Alex Shelley at 15:17. The Guns collide! Standing switches. Maybe it’s just the lighting, but Sabin’s hair is a light brown and almost reddish tonight. Shelley tied up the right leg, and they were having a friendly exchange, and fans chanted “both these guys!” Shelley rolled to the floor at 3:30 to regroup. Back in the ring, Shelley got a rollup for a nearfall, and now it was Sabin’s turn to go to the floor to regroup. Sabin tied Shelley in a knot in the middle of the ring at 6:30. Sabin switched to a modified Figure Four and he kept Alex tied on the mat. Shelley got an armdrag at 9:00 and now he began tying up Sabin, pulling back on Chris’ head, then he switched to a Texas Cloverleaf.

Sabin locked in a Dragon Sleeper at 11:30 but Shelley escaped, and Alex tied him in a surfboard; Sabin escaped and applied his own surfboard, and he kept Alex tied up until Shelley reached the ropes at 13:00 and we got a “this is awesome!” chant. Shelley went for a Shellshock, but Sabin blocked it. Sabin now applied a Texas Cloverleaf. Shelley tied him in the Border City Stretch! Sabin rolled him over for a nearfall. Shelley again couldn’t hit a Shellshock; Sabin rolled him up and scored the flash pin! That was fun. They hugged afterwards. Jordan Castle kept stressing that no one knows what is in store for the Guns in their future and when we may ever see them again.

3. Danhausen defeated Drexl at 8:13. Drexl is mostly bald with a long ponytail on the back of his head, and he has a long beard. His head is painted white and he’s generally been in some violent hardcore matches. The bell rang and we immediately got a “holy shit!” chant before they even tied up. Danhausen cursed Drexl; Drexl bit Danhausen’s finger! They brawled to the floor.; there is plenty of room for them to work. Danhausen shoved him into a ring post at 2:00. In the ring, Drexl gave Danhausen papercuts between his fingers and he took control. Danhausen hit a Northern Lights Suplex at 5:30.

Danhausen got his jar of teeth, but Drexl grabbed Danhausen in the groin; the ref broke the hold. Drexl hit a twisting neckbreaker for a nearfall at 7:30. Danhausen hit a stunner and he again got the jar of teeth and dumped them down Drexl’s throat, then he kicked them out. Danhausen hit the Goodnight Hausen (Go To Sleep) knee strike for the pin. Basic. Drexl forcibly kissed Danhausen after the match. “I don’t think that’s how the code of honor is traditionally applied,” Jordan said.

* Note: I watched this live and I just glanced at the YouTube data, and there were 1,100 fans watching the show live at this point in the show.

4. Shelton Benjamin defeated Mike Santana at 11:46. Jordan noted that Santana has replaced Ethan Page in this match. Shelton came out to his WWE theme and got a huge pop. They shook hands and had an intense lockup and standing switches. Still hard to believe that Shelton turned 49 days ago, as he is in phenomenal shape. They sped up the mat reversals and Santana rolled to the floor to regroup at 2:30. In the ring, Santana hit some forearms, a huracanrana that sent Shelton to the floor, then a plancha to the floor onto Shelton. Back in the ring, Santana hit a suplex for a nearfall at 5:30. Jordan said these two had met in a tag match but that was nearly a decade ago.

Shelton hit a Samoan Drop and that popped the crowd. (He really snaps off the move!) Shelton hit some chops in the corner and a snap suplex at 7:00, then another. Shelton hit a big boot for a nearfall. Santana fired back with an enzuigiri, then a rolling stunner move for a nearfall. Santana hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall at 9:30 and we got a “this is awesome!” chant. Santana went to the top rope, but Shelton climbed the ropes and flipped Santana to the mat. Shelton hit a running kneestrike, and he switched to an anklelock, and the crowd taunted Santana to tap out. Shelton switched to a Texas Cloverleaf, but Santana reached the ropes at 11:00. They traded rollups, and Shelton nailed Paydirt/leaping DDT for the pin. That was a blast. They shook hands afterwards.

* NOTE: Prestige Wrestling, West Coast Pro Wrestling and Deadlock Pro Wrestling have agreed to work together. So, the next match has two wrestlers generally associated with each of those three promotions.

5. Jaiden defeated Starboy Charlie, Titus Alexander, Sonico, Labron Kozone, and BK Westbrook in a scramble at 12:20. Titus got a babyface pop; I’m used to him being a heel. Jordan said Sonico is still winless in Prestige in 2024. It appeared BK was forming an alliance with Labron, but then he turned and hit him! Labron hit a hard clothesline on BK. Charlie and Titus (team WCPW) did some quick moves on Sonico and Jaiden (team Prestige). Charlie and Titus hit team dropkicks on Kozone. Charlie hit a mid-ring Shooting Star Press for a nearfall at 2:30. Kozone hit a backbreaker over his knee on Charlie.

Sonico dove through the ropes but barely grazed Labron. In the ring, Titus and BK traded blows. BK hit a springboard back elbow at 5:00. Sonico hit a twisting second-rope headbutt on BK. Titus hit a top-rope crossbody block on Sonico at 7:00. Titus hit a Lethal Injection on Sonico. Kozone hit a senton on Titus for a nearfall. Kozone hit a double Spinebuster move; he did that last weekend too, and it got a massive pop. Sonico and Charlie traded chops and forearm strikes, and Sonico tied him in a Tarantula.

Titus nailed a flip dive to the floor, launching off that Tarantula! Nice!!!! In the ring, Titus hit a Chaos Theory, but Jaiden hit a frogsplash to break it up. Three guys went to the top ropes and hit 450s or Shooting Star Presses for simultaneous nearfalls at 10:30. Charlie hit a double Pele Kick. He hit a Pele Kick on Jaiden in the corner. Jaiden hit another frogsplash. BK missed a moonsault move. Jaiden hit a Superman’s Punch on BK, then a rolling Death Valley Driver to pin Westbrook! That was fun and nonstop action.

* A video package aired that was like a ‘mini-movie,’ showing how Lio Rush has been taken over by the Blackheart. Again, I describe this character as a mix of the Boogeyman and Papa Shango. I think Lio Rush is too talented to need a gimmick like this, but he has thrown himself into this role. This video is really impressive.

6. Amazing Red defeated “Blackheart” Lio Rush at 15:54. Red has his short red mohawk again; this is his Prestige debut. Lio came up from behind and attacked Red; he offered his heart-shaped necklace to the ref, who wisely wanted no part of it. Lio did his mis-direction offense and they traded fast-paced offense. The ref finally called for the bell at 1:30; I started my stopwatch at first contact. Red hit a superkick on the ring apron. Red tried to get a Code Red on the apron but Lio escaped it, and they fought on the floor. In the ring, Lio hit an enzuigiri for a nearfall at 4:00.

Lio went to his necklace but set it down before drinking from it. They traded kicks and Lio tied up Red. Red hit a tornado DDT for a nearfall at 7:00. Lio hit his rebound stunner out of the ropes for a nearfall. Lio hit a stunner. Red hit an enzuigiri then a roundhouse kick in the corner, then a frogsplash for a nearfall at 9:30. Red suddenly grabbed his head and collapsed to the floor, as we are having some ‘sports entertainment’ kicking in. Red grabbed the heart-shaped necklace. Lio dove through the ropes onto Red. Lio again dove through the ropes onto Red, earning a “holy shit!” chant at 12:00.

Lio got a door from under the ring and he put it in a corner. He got the necklace again and drank from it, and spilled some liquid on his chest. He offered it to the ref! Red took the necklace. Lio put it on the referee’s neck and the ref was immediately a frozen statue! Jaiden ran into the ring and speared Lio through the door in the corner! Red pulled out a wrench; he removed the necklace from the ref’s neck and he stabbed the heart with the wrench! Red then hit a Code Red to pin Lio. Heavy on the voodoo but the crowd was totally into it. Great action before the silliness, too. Jordan wondered if we have seen the end of the Blackheart character now that the necklace was damaged. “Official time” was closer to 14:30.

* A nice video package aired for our next match! I checked and we now have about 1,400 people watching live.

7. Athena defeated Masha Slamovich at 16:05. Masha carried her TNA tag title belt. Athena wore her ROH title belt and she does appear to be a bit hobbled as she walked to the ring with a boot on her left foot. She got on the mic and said that Masha is not on her level. The bell rang but Athena rolled to the floor to stall. Jordan wondered how she would be able to compete. They tied up in the ring, with Athena hopping on one foot. Masha tied up Athena on the mat, and Athena rolled to the floor to regroup at 3:00. In the ring, they traded quick-paced rollups, and this went on for a bit.

Masha kicked her in the head and hit a clothesline, then a stiff kick to the spine, then a running Penalty Kick for a nearfall at 5:30. Masha held the boot; Masha went to check on her but Athena decked her. Athena hit a pop-up powerbomb. Jordan read a list of wrestlers Athena has beaten as ROH champion, and it’s a long list! Athena kicked Masha but sold the pain in her foot. Athena hit a Mafia Kick for a nearfall at 8:30. Athena hit some slaps to the face in the corner. Masha hit her jumping knee to the chin then a Helluva Kick and her rolling Koppo Kick for a nearfall at 10:00.

Athena tied her up in a crossface on the mat. Masha escaped and applied a crossface and cranked back on Athena’s head, but Athena reached the ropes at 12:00. Masha hit a Shining Wizard for a nearfall. They traded forearm strikes. Masha hit a spin kick. Athena hit a Tombstone Piledriver for a believable nearfall at 14:00 and they were both down, and we got another “this is awesome!” chant. Masha hit a spin kick to the head and a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Masha accidentally hit a Skull Kick on the ref! Masha hit the White Knight Driver for the visual pin but we don’t have a ref! Athena removed the boot! She clocked Masha in the head with it and scored the cheap pin! Athena laughed, as she is clearly okay.

8. Roderick Strong defeated Timothy Thatcher at 14:19. Thatcher has the height advantage and they traded standing switches. Jordan noted that Strong beat Thatcher in PWG years ago and they have fought elsewhere, too. Strong worked the left arm. Thatcher hit some European Uppercuts. Strong hit some chops and a backbreaker over his knee at 4:30. They traded chops on the floor in front of the fans. Back in the ring, Thatcher hit more European Uppercuts, and Strong hit some hard chops and punches.

Thatcher began working the fingers and wrist at 9:30. Strong raked the eyes to finally escape an armbar. Strong repeatedly stomped on Thatcher and hit a running kick for a nearfall. Strong hit some chops and an enzuigiri in the corner at 13:00, then a top-rope superplex for a nearfall. Thatcher hit a series of European Uppercuts, but Strong hit a running knee to the sternum for the pin. That was intense.

9. “Sinner & Saint” Judas Icarus & Travis Williams defeated “MxM” Mansoor & Mason Madden and “C4” Cody Chhun & Guillermo Rosas and “Midnight Heat” Ricky Gibson & Eddie Pearl in a four-way to retain the Prestige Tag Team Titles at 12:07. Midnight Heat were competing on the East Coast last week. A huge pop for MxM. Tag champs S&S came out last. Chhun and Mansoor opened; they traded some offense and Mansoor paused to ‘pose.’ Williams and Pearl traded blows. Madden slammed Icarus onto Gibson. C4 and MxM all did ‘glamour poses’ in the ring and the crowd was into this silliness. Cody hit an enzuigiri on Mansoor.

Gibson beat up Rosas on the floor and pushed him into the ring post at 6:00. MH worked over Rosas in the ring. Sinner & Saint then began working over Rosas and kept him grounded. Guillermo hit a hard clothesline on Judas at 9:00. Mansoor got in and superkicked Judas. Cody entered and hit a DDT on Gibson. Madden hit a double shoulder tackle; he is just massive and he hit a hard kneestrike in the corner on Judas. Judas hit a stunner on Madden. Madden and Mansoor hit stereo spears on MH. Rosas bodyslammed Madden! However, Judas snuck up behind Rosas, rolled him up, and scored the flash pin. Good action.

* A video package aired to highlight our main event.

10. Alan Angels defeated Evil Uno in a street fight to retain the Prestige Heavyweight Title at 24:47. Uno came out first in a white button-down shirt and tie (making me think of Mankind), and he had a garbage can filled with weapons. They charged at each other at the bell, and Angels hit some forearm strikes. They fought to the floor. Uno pulled out a door that literally fell to pieces in his hands as it was so cheap and thin. Uno hit him in the head with a chair and he tossed Angels into the rows of empty chairs. They brawled up into the lower tier seating, and up onto a balcony. They fought back down a staircase to the main floor. They brawled over to the commentary table, and Uno accidentally kicked Zane at 5:30!

They got back in the ring. Castle was solo on commentary now, as Zane was groggy from being kicked. Angels somehow ripped off both a shoe AND sock of Uno. Uno put the sock on his hand! He has a Mr. Socko, which he shoved into Angels’ mouth at 8:00, but Angels hit a low blow punt kick. Angels ripped open Uno’s mask and hit some chairshots to the back, then a DDT onto a folded chair for a nearfall. Angels pulled a barbed-wire board from under the ring and slid it in. Angels wiped Uno’s blood onto Alan’s chest and was booed. Angels jabbed a ladder into Uno’s forehead at 12:00. Angels got a staple gun and used it on Uno’s exposed forehead, as that hole on the mask is pretty big.

Angels hit a splash onto Uno, who was lying on a horizontal ladder, for a nearfall. Uno hit a back body drop; Angels barely grazed the ladder, so Uno slammed Alan forcefully onto it. Uno slammed Angels onto a garbage can for a nearfall at 15:30. Uno shoved Angels, who collided with the ref! Uno slammed Angels across an open chair. Uno grabbed the staple gun and used it on Angels’ butt. He hit a face plant onto a board bridge for a nearfall at 18:30. Uno shoved the ref, so the ref shoved Uno! Uno threw the ref into the barbed wire board in the corner! Uno ripped off the button-down shirt and tie, then his T-shirt, too!

Evil Uno got a cutter and began cutting all the ring ropes that hold the mat down. Uno took off his belt and whipped Angels with it at 21:30. He kept removing the canvas mat and foam padding to reveal the wood boards underneath. He hit a low blow punt kick. He hit a piledriver onto the exposed wood for a believable nearfall. Uno dumped a bag of thumbtacks on the mat. However, Angels pushed Uno’s bare foot onto the tacks! Angels hit a pair of roundhouse kicks to the head. He got a barbed-wire chair and hit Uno across the back with it. He then kicked the barbed-wire chair into Uno’s head and scored the pin. That was violent; not my preferred style but the crowd was into it.

Final Thoughts: This was a great show. I already noted the high production values. The building looked great; it was well lit and well shot. I personally liked Shelton-Santana for best match, ahead of Lio-Red. Even with the voodoo silliness, they had some great back-and-forth exchanges, and the crowd got into the voodoo stuff at the end. I’ll take the fun scramble for third, ahead of a very good Masha-Athena match. But there are so many good choices here. I fully expect others would have Shelley-Sabin or Thatcher-Strong to be in their “best match of the night” conversation. So many good options here. This was a long show, clocking in at 3:30, so for me, ending just after 12:30 a.m. CST. I love what Prestige is doing, and I’m looking forward to seeing how this collaboration with West Coast Pro and Deadlock Pro plays out.


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