Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 42 results: Vetter’s review of “Warhorse” Jake Parnell vs. Rohit Raju for the Crown of Glory Title, and Tootie Lynn vs. Aminah Belmont

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 42)
Premiered June 30, 2024 via
Taped May 25, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at South Broadway Athletic Club

Reed Duthie was back on solo commentary. The lighting is good and the crowd is perhaps 150-200. Both matches were taped May 25, and it appears these are the last matches to air from that taping.

1. Tootie Lynn defeated Aminah Belmont at 5:38. I saw Belmont on a show from Chicago a few months ago, and I think this is only my second time seeing her. She’s really small, perhaps 5’2″ and 120 pounds. Tootie wore her karate robe, and she swung her nunchucks, and she is popular here. A feeling-out process early on. Belmont rolled to the floor and jawed at the fans.

In the ring, Belmont feigned a leg injury at 2:00, but of course she grabbed Tootie and slammed her head into the middle turnbuckle, and Aminah took control. Tootie fired back and hit a bulldog for a nearfall at 5:00. Tootie nailed the roundhouse kick to the side of the head for the pin. I enjoyed this.

* A video package aired of Mason St. Goods and Rahim De La Suede beating up Jabari King, until St. Goods had a ‘leg injury’ and hobbled to the back. We then went to a backstage segment, where Rahim doubted the veracity of the injury.

2. “Warhorse” Jake Parnell defeated Rohit Raju to retain the Crown of Glory Title at 15:38. Jake has his title belt on his shoulder and I will again reiterate he has his hair tied back in a ponytail and wore a black vest with red sunglasses; the goofball rocker gimmick is gone, as he has done a complete metamorphosis this year. An intense lockup to open. A few fans chanted “new champ,” and Reed Duthie was surprised Rohit had some supporters. Parnell hit a swinging uranage at 1:30. He hit a dropkick into the corner. They brawled to the floor, and he whipped Rohit into the guardrails. In the ring, Rohit hit a jawbreaker move at 4:30 and he took control.

Rohit hit a snap suplex. He nailed a bulldog for a nearfall at 6:30 and tied him up on the mat. Parnell hit a German Suplex and they were both down. Jake hit a running knee to the side of the head. Rohit nailed a leaping Flatliner for a nearfall at 9:30. Parnell hit a back suplex and he applied a crossface, and the fans taunted Rohit to tap out, but Raju reached the ropes. Jake grabbed Rohit’s arm and yanked him off the apron to the floor. Jake then hit a top-rope elbow drop onto a standing Rohit on the floor and they were both down on the floor at 11:30.

In the ring, Rohit hit a running knee, a rolling forearm, and a Shellshock-style swinging DDT for a believable nearfall. Parnell hit a second-rope swinging uranage, then a splash to the mat for a nearfall at 14:00. Jake came off the top rope, but Rohit caught him with a jumping knee to the sternum for a nearfall. Jake hit a hard clothesline. They hit simultaneous kicks to the chest. Parnell applied a Cobra Clutch-style sleeper on the mat, and cranked back on the head, and Raju tapped out. That was a really good match.

Zeeko (formerly known as Karam) jumped in the ring and attacked Parnell! However, Dan the Dad and Kody Lane made the save, and it appeared the three babyfaces were standing tall. But, Parnell turned and clocked Kody Lane with his title belt. He jawed at Dan (didn’t hit him) and Jake stormed to the back. “I didn’t see this coming!” Reed Duthie said.

Final Thoughts: That main event was the headliner of the 10-match May 25 taping; it was really good; they planned that out well so it never felt like it dragged over 15 minutes. I liked the post-match segment a lot too. The opener was fine; Tootie is more experienced and she’s popular here, so there wasn’t much mystery in the outcome of the match, but it was entertaining.

I believe this is the third straight week of just having two matches on the show. I do like that they put a video package and backstage segment in the middle, as that is something I’ve suggested they do more of, to extend the length of the show. As is, this was a mere 36 minutes this week.


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