Limitless Wrestling “Seasons of Calamity” results: Vetter’s review of Channing Thomas vs. Danhausen for the Limitless Title, LSG and Ava Everett vs. Gabby Forza and Bulk Bronson

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Limitless Wrestling “Seasons of Calamity”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
June 23, 2024 in Hermon, Maine at Morgan Hill Event Center

This is a new venue for me and not the usual building for Limitless. Google Maps shows that Hermon is located just west of Bangor, Maine. The hard camera is on a second level and looks over a corner of the ring; I admittedly hate this view into the ring. We do have a camera at ringside, too. It’s a small room with lots of wood panels — maybe it’s a lodge at a resort complex? —  and the crowd is maybe 100-150. Most of these guys are northeast regulars but I see two names on the lineup new to me.

1. Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball) defeated Ray Jaz at 5:29. Jaz stalled early on. Jermaine eventually followed him to the floor and hit some loud chops. In the ring, Jaz grounded Marbury, so Benny waved the “de-fence” sign and got the crowd to rally for Marbury. Jermained fired up and hit some clotheslines, then his palm-of-the-head slam. He then hit a top-rope crossbody block for the pin. Acceptable opener.

2. Aaron Rourke defeated Charlie Hubley at 6:59. This is Charlie’s debut here and he’s new to me; he has a long bushy mullet and wore a leopard-print jacket; that hair is so ridiculous I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a wig. Rourke goes by “evil gay” and he’s pretty entertaining, and he’s a babyface here. Rourke hit a huracanrana, then a 619 at 2:00. Hubley hit an enzuigiri, then a neckbreaker over his knee and a senton for a nearfall at 4:30. Rourke hit a Helluva Kick and a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall, but he couldn’t hit a split-legged moonsault. Hubley hit a springboard tornado DDT and a swinging neckbreaker for a nearfall. Rourke nailed a spin kick to the side of the head, and this time, he hit the split-legged moonsault for the pin. Solid debut for Hubley.

* The ring announcer told the crowd that Rourke has been given a slot in the Vacationland Cup tournament, and Rourke celebrated this news like he won an Oscar.

3. Alec Price defeated Megan Bayne in a Vacationland Cup qualifier match at 12:42. I saw these two square off in the past two months, with Bayne getting the win. She is every bit as tall as he is. He stalled on the floor before locking up. In the ring, he tossed her to the mat and he was jawing nonstop. She tossed him to the mat and he regrouped in the corner at 2:00. She hit a series of shoulder thrusts to his stomach in the corner, then a butterfly suplex. He hit a springboard crossbody block for a nearfall, then a snap suplex for a nearfall at 4:30. He hit a basement dropkick to her back for a nearfall and remained in control. He hit a back suplex or a nearfall, and he began jawing at the fans, too.

Price hit a running knee in the corner. She nailed a forearm to his face and some blows in the corner. She nailed a D’Lo-style Sky High for a nearfall at 7:30. Price hit a half-nelson suplex and a top-rope Emergency flying legdrop for a nearfall. He hit his running kicks in the corner. They fought on the ropes. She hit a second-rope superplex and they were both down at 10:30. She hit a German Suplex and was fired up. She hit a flying clothesline. She set up for her Tombstone Piledriver. However, he escaped, got a forward roll, grabbed the ropes for leverage, and got the cheap pin! He celebrated in the corner; she grabbed him and hit the Tombstone Piledriver. Good match.

* Backstage, Aaron Rourke was grateful he will be in the Vacationland Cup. Alec Price had made a jab at him for not having to qualify; Rourke told Price “to stay in your lane and I’ll stay in mine.”

* Back to the venue, where Dirty Dango and Brian Black walked to ringside! “What is the meaning of this?” the commentator said. I don’t know Brian Black, but at first glance I thought it was Nigel McGuinness. They are annoyed because people always ask them if they have “ever wrestled Scotty 2 Hotty.” They are clearly jealous of the love the crowd has for Scotty. Dango had to ask where the hard camera was because it’s in such an obscure place. The “tune it up!” music came on, but someone who is rather chunky came out dressed as Scotty 2 Hotty and got in the ring. Dango knocked over the ‘fake’ Scotty 2 Hotty and stomped on him! (I just read the Wikipedia entry; Black was “Palmer Canon,” who was briefly an authority figure in WWE in 2005-06 and he quit abruptly, complaining of the hazing he was receiving from John Bradshaw Layfield. I was watching at this time but I barely remember thisI remember him more for telling Paul Burchill about his family’s history as pirates, leading to a really bad, kid-friendly gimmick for Burchill.)

4. Aiden Aggro (w/J-Heru) defeated Alexander Lee in a Queen City Street Fight at 18:22. I don’t think I’ve seen Lee before; he is bald with a beard, has several tattoos, and he’s clearly a brawler. He threw several weapons into the ring. They immediately brawled to the floor. Aggro was bleeding on the back. In the ring, Aggro hit a DDT for a nearfall at 6:00. Aggro dove through the ropes at 9:00 but crashed onto J-Heru. Lee put a trash can over Aggro’s head and slammed him into a ring post. Lee pulled out a box of LEGOS and dumped them in the ring at 14:00.

Aggro jabbed cooking skewers into the top of Lee’s head. Yuck. There was a superplex with them both landing on the pile of LEGOs; the commentator agreed he wasn’t sure who got the worst of it. Lee hit an elbow drop from the ring apron onto Aggro, who was lying on a table at ringside at 17:00, and the table shattered, and we got a “this is awesome!” chant. In the ring, Aggro hit a Shining Wizard onto a buoy in Lee’s hands, pushing it into Lee, for the pin. That finish came out of nowhere. Decent brawl; not my preferred style but they kept the crowd engaged.

Acey Romero came to the ring to save Lee from a further beatdown. Romero speared J-Heru through a table in the corner of the ring. Aiden had FLED the ring and was hiding in the upstairs of this venue.

* Backstage, Alec Price said he was working as ring crew when he started and he worked hard to get his spot. He was livid that Aaron Rourke was just “handed” a spot in the Vacationland Cup, calling Rourke a “flash in the pan.” Whether he has the title here or not, “I’m still THE guy.” A very good, intense promo.

* Intermission was edited out; they had a lot of LEGOS and debris to clean up!

5. TJ Crawford defeated Zak Patterson at 6:52. I just saw Patterson fight Kenta in a show from near Montreal, and I compared him to EC3, and he attacked TJ before the bell and stomped on him. TJ is a babyface here; he’s a heel virtually everywhere else. Zak hit some kneestrikes to the lower back at 2:30 and remained in charge. Zak hit a gutwrench suplex. They got up and traded forearm strikes; Zak’s muscle mass and overall size advantage was really noticeable.

They traded German Suplexes. TJ hit a springboard stunner and a superkick, then a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall at 5:00. (TJ’s hair seems darker today; maybe he colored out the silver.) Zak put TJ on his shoulders, spun him and tossed him to the mat for a nearfall. TJ hit a flying kick to the ear. TJ put Zak on his shoulders, tossed him forward, kicked him in the back, and scored the pin. Really good for the time given; I definitely want to see more of Patterson.

* Backstage, Aggro was icing his back. He said he’s put DangerKid behind him, and now he’ll do the same to Acey Romero.

6. Gabby Forza and Bulk Bronson defeated “Cosmic Cuties” LSG and Ava Everett at 15:29. These are two real-life couples; LSG just was on AEW TV a week ago. With her raw power, Gabby is getting booked everywhere. The men opened; the crowd chanted “Titty City!” and LSG berated them, noting there were kids in the crowd. They opened and were tied in a knucklelock. Bronson teased rubbing his chest on LSG. LSG tagged in Ava at 3:30, so Bronson tagged in Forza. Gabby easily tossed Ava to the mat. She hit a Giant Swing on Everett, and that popped the crowd.

They did comedy where Bronson’s face was pushed into Gabby’s chest, but of course, he liked that and didn’t stop. So, LSG wanted to do the same to Ava. However, Gabby shoved LSG into Bronson’s chest, then Gabby shoved AVa into Bronson’s chest. Fun PG-13 comedy. Bronson and Gabby hit stereo bodyslams at 7:00. LSG hit a flying clothesline on Bronson for a nearfall. The heels began working over Bronson. Ava tried to bodyslam him and couldn’t budge him; he wound up collapsing on her and getting a nearfall at 9:00.

LSG and Ava began kissing, and Bronson nearly got a hot tag but they cut him off. Ava hit a Lungblower to the chest and LSG got a nearfall. Bronson hit a Black Hole Slam and they were both down. Gabby got the hot tag at 12:00 and clotheslined Ava twice, then she hit a fallaway slam on Everett, then a Gnome Bomb (Vader Bomb) for a nearfall. The guys tagged back in, but Ava hopped on Bronson’s back. LSG hit a kick to Bronson’s face, then a DDT for a nearfall. The guys traded punches. Bronson caught Ava and hit a piledriver, dropping her onto LSG’s chest. Gabby speared LSG for the pin. That was fun.

7. Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeated Danhausen to retain the Limitless Title at 13:39. Danhausen competed at Wrestling Revolver in Iowa maybe 20 hours earlier. Danhausen told the crowd he would be back on July 20, so yes, if he wins the match, he’ll be back to defend it. He cursed Channing  in the opening minute. He hit a splash into the corner and a series of punches, then a bulldog. They brawled to the floor, and Channing was shoved into a ring post at 3:30. They got back in the ring with Danhausen in charge and hitting some punches. Channing hit a kneedrop to the forehead and took control. He hit a backbreaker over his knee and a suplex for a nearfall at 6:30.

Danhausen hit a clothesline and a suplex and he was fired up. He hit a running European Uppercut in the corner at 9:00. He hit a German Suplex with a bridge for a nearfall, then a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Danhausen hit a DDT for a nearfall at 11:00. Sidney handed Channing the jar of teeth! However, Danhausen hit a low blow uppercut, and he poured the teeth into Channing’s mouth, kicked them out, and scored a nearfall. Danhausen hit a Go To Sleep, but Channing rolled to the floor. Danhausen dragged him in and got a nearfall, but Sidney put Channing’s foot on the ropes. Channing nailed a running boot and a piledriver for the pin. Entertaining but exactly as you’d expect it to play out.

* Danhausen pulled off Sidney’s wig, revealing his bald head, then he punched Sidney in the groin and celebrated with one foot on a prone Bakabella.

Final Thoughts: An entertaining show, but nothing must-see here, either. Even with the cheating finish, Price-Bayne earns best match. Bayne is one of the few women who I think looks believable against men, just with her sheer size and power. The couples mixed tag takes second, and the main event third. I enjoyed the commentary, and the event was well lit. The crowd definitely was happy with what they saw.


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