Wrestling Open “Summer Stunner: Episode 130” results (6/27): Vetter’s review of Steve Stetson and Danny Miles vs. Ichiban and Tyree Taylor in the Eliminator Cup final

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Summer Stunner: Episode 130”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
June 27, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appears to be in the 200 range. Paul Crockett and Denver Colorado provided commentary. Last week featured the two semi-finals matches in the Eliminator Cup tag tournament, so this show will feature the finals. Earlier in the day, Dezmond Cole sent a Tweet that he will not be able to attend the show.

Sean Keegan walked through the curtain and said “your planet is dying.” He is TOTALLY channeling Juice Robinson’s gimmick when he was in NXT as “CJ Parker,” with his curly hair and hippy glasses. Denver had no idea who this guy was.

1. Megan Bayne defeated Sean Keegan in an intergender match at 00:26. Denver said Megan is undefeated in three years here (she was in Japan during a lot of that time.) Sean told her to “go vegan.” She hit a clothesline and a standing release powerbomb and the Tombstone Piledriver for the pin. Denver said that has to be among the quickest matches in Wrestling Open history.

* Megan got on the mic and vowed that Krule will bow down to her next week at Americanrana.

* An opening montage, designed to look like footage from the 1980s show “Miami Vice” aired. We then saw footage of last week where Paris Van Dale got annoyed with her personal ring announcer, Lauren St. James.

2. Paris Van Dale defeated Airica Demia (w/manager) at 5:22. The crowd chanted “Crappy Birthday!” at Paris. Airica lost to Nyla Rose in ROH in March; she wore all green and her robe makes me think of Robin Hood. Paris hit a hard chop in the corner at 2:00 and was in charge early on. PVD hit a stunner for a nearfall. Paris hit the male manager; Denver said he’s Airica’s father. Demia hit a spinning back fist at 4:00 and they were both down. Paris nailed her cradle DDT for the pin. Solid match; Airica’s Twitter says she’s 19, and she looked decent in her debut here.

* Paris got on the mic and berated Lauren again. Denver said Lauren is training but hasn’t had a match yet. Paris slapped her and fired her. Lauren got on the mic and was fed up with Paris and called her a “bitch!” Lauren said she brought back-up! Davienne got in ring, took the mic, and told Paris she is “going to make your life a living hell.” (Davienne also has AEW/ROH match experience.)

Gal wore two medals around his neck; he has been training for a body-building competition. CPA got in the ring and took the mic. Of course, he’s wearing a button-down shirt that hides his physique. He asked the crowd if they wanted to see his body! Gal said he thought CPA was being funny. It appears we are having a pose-down. Gal flexed; he looks tremendous. CPA peeled off a shirt; he has one on underneath. Gal attacked from behind and hit a discus clothesline. Gal left but JGeorge got in the ring and he has his electric razor again!  However, CPA punched JGeorge and hit a stunner. JGeorge scrambled out of the ring before CPA could give him a trim.

* A video package aired of Allie Katch losing to Gabby Forza and losing a shot at the match she wants.

3. Allie Katch defeated Kennedi “Copeland” Hardcastle at 5:30. (It appears she isn’t using “Copeland” anymore; she changed it as a joke referencing Adam Copeland.) Katch slapped away a handshake attempt. Kennedi hit a crossbody block into the corner at 1:00. Allie took control and whipped Kennedi into the corner. They traded forearm strikes, and Allie dropped her head-first on the bottom turnbuckle at 3:30. She hit her running buttbump for a nearfall. Kennedi hit a top-rope crossbody block and some clotheslines for a nearfall. Allie hit a Michinoku Driver for the clean pin. Good action.

* Allie continued to yell at Kennedi. Gabby Forza ran into the ring for the save. Allie attacked both Kennedi and Gabby! Denver said Allie has snapped.

* We went to a video package for “Open Door War.” I recall this from last year; it was a multi-man match and you were eliminated if you were thrown through a door, and Ryan Clancy was the winner. The match is set to return.

4. “Big Business” Julio Cruz and Love Doug (w/Victor Chase, TJ Crawford, Brad Hollister) defeated Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball) and Dustin Waller at 12:29. Hollister got on the mic and demanded more respect from the crowd; he noted that Dezmond Cole isn’t here so a six-man tag is off and this is now a regular tag match. Again, the storyline here is Julio doesn’t like Doug and didn’t want him to join their heel faction. Waller and Doug opened. Marbury entered and hit an axe kick on Doug at 3:30. Crockett noted that Cruz made no effort to jump in and save his partner. Cruz entered and hit some body blows to Marbury’s gut.

The heels began working over Waller in their corner, but they are ‘not on the same page,’ which the commentators quickly pointed out. Cruz hit a snap suplex for a nearfall at 8:00. He bodyslammed Doug onto Waller to get a nearfall! Marbury made the hot tag and hit his ‘Euro Step neckbreaker.’ Doug nailed a Rebound Lariat on Marbury at 10:00 and he was fired up. Marbury hit a D’Lo-style Sky High for a nearfall. Waller hit a Lethal Injection on Cruz for a nearfall. Doug was thrown to the floor. Waller hit a top-rope crossbody block to the floor on several heels. Marbury hit his palm-the-head slam on Doug, as Doug had ‘saved’ Cruz by pushing him out of the way. Cruz hit a back suplex on Marbury for the pin! Hey, they got along!

* We saw footage of Bryce Donavan’s recent angry matches, storming in and out of the building. It culminated last week with a brawl with Ryan Clancy.

5. Bryce Donovan defeated Ryan Clancy at 10:41. Donovan stomped on Ryan as Ryan got into the ring, and they immediately brawled. Clancy leapt off the ropes but Donovan caught him and hit a Black Hole Slam, then a chokeslam for a believable nearfall at 1:00! He whipped Donovan into a corner and paused to put tape on his wrists. He hip-tossed Clancy across the ring at 3:00. Bryce hit a Mafia Kick and was in complete control; he made a cocky one-foot cover for a nearfall. Clancy hit a running boot and they were both down at 7:00.

Clancy hit a bodyslam and snapped Bryce’s neck between his ankles. Bryce hit a standing powerbomb for a nearfall and a decapitating clothesline for a believable nearfall. They traded rollups, and Clancy hit a Rude Awakening neckbreaker, and he tied Bryce in a Sharpshooter at 10:00, but Bryce reached the ropes. Bryce hit Clancy with a weapon in his hand and scored the pin. The commentators weren’t sure what it was. He quickly shoved it back into his bag and headed out the door. Really good action here.

* We saw backstage videos from last week where Brother Greatness pumped up Sammy Diaz.

6. Sammy Diaz defeated Channing Thomas at 13:22. Standing switches to open. Diaz hit a head-scissors takedown and a dropkick at 2:00. He hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. They traded chops, and Sammy tied up Channing’s legs and he applied a Muta Lock, but Channing reached the ropes at 4:00. Channing tied up Sammy on the mat, then he hit a back suplex for a nearfall at 6:00. Channing hit a suplex for a nearfall. He applied a half-crab and kept Sammy grounded. Diaz butterflied the arms and hit a twisting suplex at 9:00. Diaz hit a Frankensteiner and a frogsplash for a nearfall. Bakabella and Channing began arguing! It allowed Sammy to hit a Sabin-style Cradleshock for the pin!

7. “Church of Greatness” Ichiban and Tyree Taylor defeated “Stetson Ranch” Steve Stetson and Danny Miles (w/Hammer Tunis) to win the Eliminator Cup tournament at 15:30. No Brother Greatness tonight to lead his team. The crowd chanted profanities at the SR. A large trophy was on the floor; it might be six feet tall! Ichiban and Tyree attacked, and all four brawled. Apparently, the Ranch are allowed to compete under “Freebird Rules” as Tunis was in prior tournament matches. Ichiban hit a dive to the floor onto the heels. In the ring, Tyree slammed Ichiban onto Miles at 1:00. Tyree hit a shoulder block on Miles into the corner.

Stetson got in and stomped on Ichiban and kept him grounded, and the Ranch began working over Ichiban in their corner. Stetson hit a bodyslam at 4:30 and some knee strikes into the lower back. Miles hit a back suplex. Ichiban hit an enziguri and made the hot tag to Tyree at 7:00. Tyree hit running Stinger Splashes in the corner. The heels began working Tyree over. Tunis hopped on the ring apron to provide a distraction. Stetson hit a low blow and a clothesline to the back of the head for a nearfall at 11:00.

Ichiban hit a top-rope double dropkick and running elbows onto each heel in opposite corners. Ichiban hit a Tornado DDT for a nearfall at 12:30. Ichiban hit a stunner on Stetson. Miles hit a mid-air spear on Ichiban for a nearfall, but Tyree made the save. Tyree hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 14:00. The ref ejected Tunis! Tyree clotheslined Stetson to the floor. Ichiban hit his leaping Flatliner on Miles! They both covered Miles for the pin! Good match, and the crowd was pleased that the babyfaces won. The trophy was placed in the ring as the CoGreatness celebrated.

Final Thoughts: A very good main event although I never really thought Stetson Ranch was winning this one, but I’ll still give it best match. Diaz-Channing was really good and takes second. That Donovan-Clancy match was really good for third. I really enjoy these Wrestling Open shows.


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