Jersey Championship Wrestling “After Hours 4” results: Vetter’s review of Kasey Catal vs. Jimmy Lloyd, Jordan Oliver vs. Griffin McCoy in a dog collar match, Matt Tremont vs. Marcus Mathers

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Jersey Championship Wrestling “After Hours 4”
Replay available via
June 2, 2024 in Atlantic City, New Jersey at The Showboat

This show aired live and free on the JCW Youtube page; JCW is a sister promotion of Game Changer Wrestling. (This show took place after the GCW death match tournament that I have zero interest in watching.) The crowd is perhaps 150-200, which is not bad considering the time. Veda Scott and Nick Knowledge provided commentary.

1. Marcus Mathers defeated Matt Tremont at 10:28. I’ve noted before that Tremont is looking more and more like Big Van Vader every time I see him. I’m fairly certain I’ve seen these two wrestle each other before. Tremont used a fork on Mathers’ forehead in the first minute and Marcus was already bleeding from his forehead. They brawled to the floor, where Tremont was pulled head-first into the ring post at 4:00. In the ring, Tremont hit Mathers in the stomach with a keyboard. Mathers hit Tremont unprotected over the head with the keyboard at 5:30. Tremont slammed him for a nearfall. Both men were covered in blood and I lost interest. Marcus shoved a gusset plate into Tremont’s forehead, then he hit an unprotected chairshot across the forehead at 10:00; I really hate that. Mathers hit a Death Valley Driver and a top-rope 450 Splash for the pin. I’m such a big fan of Mathers but wow I hated this.

2. Jordan Oliver defeated Griffin McCoy in a dog collar match at 20:29. The chain appears to be about 15 feet and tied around their necks. This is the third time I’ve seen these two in one-on-one matches since Mania weekend. Oliver hit a Helluva Kick and repeatedly stomped on McCoy at the bell. Griffin was quickly bleeding from his forehead, too; I guess we are going to continue the death match theme. The chain is off both of their necks already. They rolled to the floor where Oliver choked Griffin with the chain at 3:30. McCoy got the chain and whipped Oliver with it.

In the ring, Griffin wrapped the chain around Oliver’s mouth at 6:30. They put the dog collars back on! McCoy dominated the action and kept Oliver grounded. Oliver hit an F5 for a nearfall at 11:30 and the crowd began to rally for Jordan. Griffin came off the ropes but Oliver caught him with a stunner for a nearfall at 14:00. Oliver hit a superkick. McCoy hit a hard clothesline and he wrapped the chain around Oliver’s body and hit some Yes Kicks to the chest. They traded forearm strikes, but then McCoy dropped down and hit a low blow uppercut at 20:00. Oliver then used the chain to crotch McCoy! Oliver hit a Clout Cutter! He put a foot in McCoy’s back and pulled back on the chain until Griffin tapped out. Good brawl.

3. Matt Makowski defeated Jay Lyon at 6:31. No Midas Black with Lyon tonight. Lyon was replacing Jimmy Lloyd, who was originally announced as Matt’s opponent. Matt yanked Lyon off the ring apron, and they brawled on the floor in front of the fans. Matt ran the length of the room and hit a rolling cannonball onto a seated Lyon at 3:00. Lyon dove through the ropes onto Matt. In the ring, Lyon hit a handspring-back-spin kick, then hit a tornado bulldog for a nearfall. Lyon missed a Lionsault, and Matt immediately hit a variety of kicks, then a double-underhook suplex. Lyon hit a standing powerbomb. This time, Lyon hit the Lionsault for a nearfall at 5:30. They came off the ropes and Matt applied a crossarm breaker as they landed on the mat, and Lyon quickly tapped out. Good action.

4. Brayden Toon defeated “The Mecca” Brian Johnson, Jay Lucas and Charlie Tiger at 7:10. Toon just Tweeted some photos showing how much weight he’s lost; I have compared him to a young Kevin Steen because of his agility despite a (quickly vanishing!) gut. I have never seen Lucas before; he’s Black and he’s giving off the vibes and swagger of Lio Rush, but he’s taller than Lio. Toon and Lucas traded reversals in the ring as the others brawled on the floor. Toon hit his running Shooting Star Press, then a second-rope moonsault on Tiger at 1:30.

Mecca suplexed Toon. Tiger hit a Death Valley Driver into the corner on Mecca. Lucas hit a DDT on Toon for a nearfall at 4:30. Toon hit a tower spot out of the corner on Tiger and Lucas. All four brawled in the ring. This crowd is quiet; I love wrestling but it is now about 1:13 a.m. for them. Lucas hit a flip dive to the floor, then a top-rope doublestomp on Toon. Tiger speared Lucas, then he hit a flying headbutt on Lucas for a nearfall. Toon hit a modified Tiger Driver on Lucas for the pin. Good action despite a dead crowd. A good showing by the debuting Lucas.

* Jimmy Lloyd came to the ring; again he was supposed to fight Makowski earlier. He got the mic but the crowd chanted profanities at him. He demanded they show him some respect. He said he doesn’t want to be here. “There is like 50 f—en people here!” The only reason he’s here is to help out the “developmental talent,” and if he wasn’t here, there would only be five fans in the building.

5. Kasey Catal vs. Jimmy Lloyd at 8:17. Again, Kasey is undersized but she routinely fights men, and also does a lot of death matches. She put a Batman-style facemask on. They locked up and he has a serious height and weight advantage on her. She hit a tornado DDT for a nearfall. He hit a running piledriver, but she rolled to the floor at 1:00 to avoid being pinned. He tossed her into the rows of hard (NOT folding!) chairs. He struck her with a chair across the back, and they got back in the ring, as he jabbed a chair into her throat.

She slammed him through a series of open chairs for a nearfall at 5:30, then she hit a Canadian Destroyer for a nearfall. Lloyd speared her through a door in the corner, then he hit a Fameasser leg lariat for a nearfall. She leapt off a ladder in the ring and hit a chairshot elbow-drop on Lloy for the pin. Okay brawl; I just don’t find her believable at all against bigger, stronger men.

Final Thoughts: This is a big room; 150 fans feels like it’s fairly empty. Oliver-Griffin was a good brawl and takes best match. I think highly of the winners of the other matches. Give me Makowski vs. Mathers next time. The first match was just too bloody for my taste; I’ve seen Mathers do those before and I just think he’s too talented to wade into that style. Not a bad show, but the crowd was just dead; I’m sure nearly all of them sat through the death match tournament earlier in the night and the energy from the fans was just lacking.


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