Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: The System’s championship celebration, ABC vs. Mike Bailey and Trent Seven, The FBI vs. First Class, The Rascalz vs. Jake Something and Cody Deaner

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

“ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. Mike Bailey and Trent Seven: One team is teasing a breakup and I’d actually prefer to see the other team go their separate ways. Given the stipulation that the winning teammates will face one another for a shot at the X Division Title combined with the ABC split teases, I thought Austin and Bey would come out on top. Rather, Bailey and Seven won match and now I’m left hoping that whatever happens during their singles match will lead to the end of their team. Bailey is too good to be wasted in this tag team. Seven hasn’t really clicked in TNA, so whatever popularity the duo has feels like it’s due to Bailey. Here’s hoping that it’s all leading to Seven turning on Bailey. It’s not that I want to see them feud, but it would move Bailey a step closer to being back in the top singles mix where he belongs. All of that said, the match was well worked and the outcome catching me by surprise was a nice bonus.

Mike Santana sit-down interview: A good interview that recapped Santana’s history in pro wrestling, the death of his father, and his own struggle with dependency issues. The abrupt ending left me hopeful that there’s more to come. Tom Hannifan doesn’t get enough credit due to TNA’s lack of visibility compared to the big two companies. Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt are the best broadcast team in TNA history, and Hannifan also does fine work during these sit-down features. Santana came off well and continues to strike me as the wrestler who has the most long term upside of the recent additions to the TNA roster.

“The Rascalz” Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz vs. Jake Something and Cody Deaner in a tornado tag match: Really nice work from everyone involved. Miguel and Wentz worked particularly well with Something and made him look great. It was the right call to have the actual tag team go over. Deaner’s people’s choice gimmick has clicked as a nice mid-card act and he should have no problem bouncing back from the loss. Steve Maclin attacking Miguel and Wentz after the match was a logical follow-up to the duo walking out on him.

“First Class” AJ Francis and Rich Swann vs. “The FBI” Zack Clayton and Ray Jaz: A spotlight win for Francis and Swann, who continue to get good heat from the live crowds.

TNA Impact Misses

Jonathan Gresham vs. Will Ferrara: This match left me with mixed feelings regarding Gresham’s new masked persona. I’ve always felt like the Octopus name means more to him than the fans, but he’s taken it to a new level with this bizarre gimmick.The new mask looks cool once he removes the lame octopus tentacles and his new ring gear is solid. I viewed the character as a heel until he oddly started pounding on the mat out of nowhere to get the fans to clap along to the tune of “We Will Rock You.” But it was only a short time later that Gresham spat “ink” onto his hand and gave Ferrara a Mandible Claw. Not only did that not feel like a babyface move, it also seemed highly illegal, and yet the referee just watched it happen. The dark look of the new character combined with Gresham’s in-ring tenacity gives me hope that he can make this work, but there are definitely some kinks to work out.

The System’s championship celebration: Cheap tinsel over the ropes, green boas over the turnbuckle pads, and wrestlers dressed in suits while wearing sneakers. This was a discount celebration for a mediocre faction. I like The System members as individual wrestlers, but I’m just not digging them as the dominant faction that TNA is aggressively pushing as its top heels.

Ash By Elegance in-ring interview: I disagree with John Moore’s take in his TNA Impact review in that I felt Gabby LaSpisa did fine as the interviewer. She was tasked with asking the obvious questions the viewers have about Ash’s name and what her concierge’s actual name is. But the segment overstayed its welcome, especially given that the payoff was merely setting up a rubber match between Ash and Xia Brookside. The concierge typically does a solid job in his role, but he was extra hammy in this segment and it felt like he needed to turn it down a notch.


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