2/21 WWE Friday Night Smackdown results: Powell’s review of Goldberg’s appearance,  Naomi vs. Carmella for a shot at the Smackdown Women’s Championship at WWE Super ShowDown, eight-man tag match, The Bellas on A Moment of Bliss

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown on Fox
Aired live on February 21, 2020 from Glendale, Arizona at Gila River Arena

[Hour One] A brief Goldberg video package opened the show… The AC/DC themed opening aired and then pyro shot off on the stage. The broadcast team of Michael Cole and Corey Graves checked in and hyped previously advertised matches segments, then added Braun Strowman and Elias vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro in a Symphony of Destruction match…

The Usos headed to the ring for the eight-man tag match. They said they couldn’t be on Smackdown last week and it was tough because of The Miz and John Morrison disrespecting them on the show and then on social media. They did the “who?” bit while questioning who their tag partners would be, which led to New Day making their entrance.

Once Kofi Kingston and Big E were in the ring, the Usos praised them and then said they hope they kept the titles warm for them. Kingston and E returned the favor of praising the Usos and noted that they are six-time tag champions. Big E got serious and said it’s one less tag title reign than New Day, “which makes us better than you.” The teams laughed and then jawed until Miz’s entrance them cut them off.

The Miz and John Morrison walked out with mics in hand and cut a promo about beating New Day to win the Smackdown Tag Titles at WWE Super ShowDown. They introduced Bobby Roode and Dolph Ziggler, who came out to Ziggler’s sorry ass entrance theme. One of the Usos said they didn’t have to wait to start the party. The heels surrounded the ring by climbing onto all sides of the apron. When the babyfaces charged, they dropped to ringside and laughed heading into the first commercial break… [C]

Powell’s POV: I’d be down with another New Day vs. Usos tag title match. It’s been a long rivalry, but the creative forces have been good about putting distance between their matches rather than running the rivalry into the ground. There wasn’t much to all that walking and talking aside from that tease.

1. Big E, Kofi Kingston, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso vs. The Miz, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode in an eight-man tag match. The match was joined in progress. At 4:30, Kingston headbutted Morrison off the ropes and then had to fight off interference from his partners. Morrison took advantage of the distraction and threw a kick at Kingston that knocked him to ringside. [C]

An ad aired for John Cena’s appearance on next week’s Smackdown in Boston. In the ring, Big E performed some of his signature offense on Miz, who avoided The Big Ending. Morrison tagged himself in. Big E tried to spear him off the apron, but Morrison caught him with a knee instead. Big E came right back with a uranage that resulted in a two count.

The static sound and imagery was shown briefly. A short time later, Roode and Ziggler hit their spinebuster and Zigzag combo move on one of the Usos for a near fall. The Usos threw a bunch of superkicks, including one that hit Roode and led to the pinfall…

Big E, Kofi Kingston, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso vs. The Miz, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode in 11:45 of television time.

Powell’s POV: I’m surprised we didn’t see Miz and Morrison go over heading into their tag title match on Thursday. Meanwhile, I thought the static gimmick they did last week was connected to Bray Wyatt’s NWO spoof, but I guess that’s not the idea unless he’s doing another one tonight.

Backstage, Drew Gulak approached Daniel Bryan and said Bryan has some holes in his game. Gulak said he prepared a powerpoint presentation for him. Bryan was surprised that Gulak thought he could teach him something. Heath Slater showed and demanded a rematch. Bryan said that since he has holes in his game, maybe Gulak can help Slater prepare for the re match…

The broadcast team hyped Goldberg appearing and fallout from the Valentine’s Day date between Mandy Rose and Otis… [C]

Cole and Graves set up a video package on Mandy and Otis.Rose was shown talking backstage with Sonya Deville when Tucker interrupted. Tucker told Rose that she hurt his boy. He assumed Rose invited Dolph Ziggler. Rose said she ran into Ziggler when Otis didn’t show up. Tucker asked why she texted him that she was running late. Tucker said Otis sees the best in everyone. There was a loud “Otis” chant. Deville said Rose may have dodged a bullet and she had a good time with Ziggler, who is more her typical type. Rose said she did have a nice time. Deville told her not to worry about it…

Powell’s POV: I thought last week that perhaps Dolph Ziggler somehow stole Rose’s phone and posed as her while telling Otis that she would be running late. Sonya Deville makes a lot more sense because she has more access to Rose.

Renee Young interviewed Lacey Evans on a backstage set. Evans was still dressed in Sassy Southern Belle attire. Young recalled that Evans was the bully not long ago and called people nasties. Evans said the term can mean different things, but she was a bully until she came to Smackdown. She said the moment they tormented her child is when things changed. She recalled her grandfather saying that if your pen stinks then you’re probably the pig. Young asked her what’s next. She spoke about going through five women in the Elimination Chamber match to earn a title hot…

Powell’s POV: The Smackdown creative team is backtracking and trying to explain the new direction for Evans when they could have simply booked an actual babyface turn prior to her feud with Bayley. I still view her attire as part of the issue with her not connecting as a babyface. It was perfect for the heel Sassy Southern Belle character, but it just doesn’t mesh with what they are doing with her now as a babyface.

The production crew was shown setting up musical instruments at ringside. Ring announcer Greg Hamilton noted that there were no disqualifications or count-outs in the symphony of destruction match, then introduced Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura going into a break… [C]

Elias made his entrance with a guitar in his hand and played a song called “Sweet, Sweet Symphony” that set up Braun Strowman’s entrance…

2. Braun Strowman and Elias vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro (w/Sami Zayn) in a Symphony of Destruction match. Cole recalled that Strowman and Elias were opponents in the first Symphony match. There was a piano at ringside along with the other musical weapons. Zayn carried a ukulele and hit Strowman with it. Strowman no-solid it and chased after Zayn, only to run into a shot from Nakamura. [C]

Another hype video aired for John Cena returning next week. In the ring, Elias took a cowbell from Cesaro and hit him with it. Elias tried to suplex Cesaro to ringside, but Zayn grabbed his legs. Nakamura ended up knocking Elias off the apron and through a table below. Strowman worked over Nakamura and Cesaro at ringside. Strowman chokeslammed Cesaro onto the apron and went for the standup bass, but Zayn hit him from behind before he could grab it.

[Hour Two] Cesaro and Nakamura performed a double team suplex on Strowman to drive him through the standup bass on the floor. Falls count anywhere rules were in play, but Strowman was able to kick out when he was covered. Elias had a small cut and some blood on his lower back as he went at the heels.

A short time later, Elias placed Cesaro on a table at ringside. Elias went to the ropes. Nakamura tried to cut him off, but Strowman stopped him. Elias dropped an elbow on Cesaro to put him through a table, then Strowman stopped powerslammed Nakamura from a broadcast table and onto the piano at ringside before pinning him…

Braun Strowman and Elias beat Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro in 10:40 in a Symphony of Destruction match.

Powell’s POV: This was over the top fun. I got a kick out of Nakamura using tied together musical mallets (is that the right term?) as nunchucks at one point. The outcome of the match was never in question because Nakamura and Cesaro are inexplicably booked to be losers, but the wrestlers tried hard and the live crowd had fun with the musical instruments being used as weapons.

The broadcast team hyped Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin in a cage match at Super ShowDown the final battle between them. A video package recapped their feud…

Kayla Braxton interviewed King Corbin, who cut an all too familiar promo about Reigns on the backstage interview set…

The broadcast team hyped the Goldberg appearance and the other upcoming segments… [C] An ad for Raw hyped Brock Lesnar as appearing and focused on Randy Orton and Edge, and Becky Lynch and Shayna Baszler…

Alexa Bliss hosted the “A Moment of Bliss” talkshow segment from its usual spot on the stage. Bliss spoke of the WWE Hall of Fame and ran through the announced names of Batista and The NWO, then announced the Bella Twins as the newest entrants. The pregnant Bellas came out wearing red dresses. Nikki spoke of being in their hometown and breaking barriers.

Brie congratulated Bliss on being the first female talkshow host. They shifted the focus to both Bellas being pregnant briefly, then closed by saying they wanted to see the Bella Army at WrestleMania. Daniel Bryan made his entrance. He brought his daughter Birdie onto the stage and handed her to mother Brie before heading to the ring… [C]

3. Daniel Bryan vs. Heath Slater. Drew Gulak sat in on commentary. Cole mistakenly said that Slater was joining him and Graves on commentary, which Gulak and Graves jeered him over. Slater went up top. Gulak stood up and told him to get down. Slater went for a move from the top rope and Bryan moved. Bryan went on the offensive and led the crowd in Yes chants before going through a running knee, only Slater rolled him up for a near fall. Bryan came right back with a running knee that connected and he scored the pin…

Daniel Bryan beat Heath Slater in 2:40.

Powell’s POV: Bryan seems to be killing time since he’s not going to Saudi Arabia, and his next regular dance partner is likely tied up in another program at the moment.

Mandy Rose was backstage texting when the static thing happened again and part of some graphic was shown. Dolph Ziggler showed up and offered her a ride, which she accepted. Otis walked around the corner looking upset…

Naomi made her entrance for the No. 1 contenders match… [C] Cole hyped that the Bella Twins and Daniel Bryan will be on WWE Backstage on Tuesday…

A Sheamus video aired. He said he exterminated Shorty G and Apollo Crews like the vermin that they are. He said it’s time for him to start hunting bigger prey until he rids the locker room of rats. He said he would do this in the Elimination Chamber…

Backstage, Shorty G vented to Crews about Sheamus being a bully. Crews said he didn’t need G’s pep talk. “You handle business your way, I’ll handle business my way,” Crews said before walking away…

Carmella made her entrance and then a video package recapped the recent developments involving her, Naomi, and Bayley…

4. Naomi vs. Carmella for a shot at the Smackdown Women’s Championship at WWE Super ShowDown. Bayley sat at ringside for the match. Cole spoke about Bayley making history by becoming the first women’s champion to defend her title in the entire Middle East.

Naomi performed a cross body block from the top rope for a near fall. Naomi went to the ropes again, but was distracted by Bayley on the apron. Carmella took advantage of the distraction and ended up getting a two count. The referee ejected Bayley from ringside. Carmella performed a suicide dive on Naomi going into a break. [C]

Carmella performed a cross body block for a near fall. The broadcast team questioned whether it was actually a three count. Carmella applied a Code of Silence, but Naomi reached the ropes to break it. Naomi hit a Rearview and got a near fall of her own.

Naomi went to the ropes, but Carmella pulled her down and then kicked her before covering her for a two count. Naomi kicked Carmella and then performed a Blockbuster. Naomi followed up with a split legged moonsault for a clean win.

Naomi beat Carmella in 12:45 to earn a Smackdown Women’s Championship match at Super ShowDown.

Cole played up the idea that Bayley has never beaten Naomi in a singles match. Carmella rolled to ringside and showed respect for Naomi by applauding her briefly…

A shot aired of security standing outside Goldberg’s locker room… [C]

Powell’s POV: I’m surprised we got a clean finish to that match instead of both women advancing to challenge Bayley in a Triple Threat. You could audibly hear what may have been the referee say “Blockbuster now” before the move was executed.

Another John Cena teaser video aired to promote his Smackdown return on next week’s show…

Goldberg’s entrance music played. A security member knocked on his door. The door flung open without the usual headbutt and then Goldberg headed through the backstage area and eventually made his entrance to a good ovation. Once Goldberg was in the ring, there were loud “Goldberg” chants.

“Damn, it’s good to be back,” Goldberg started. He said it’s been a long time since he’s been in the ring on Smackdown so he was going to take his sweet time and enjoy it. Goldberg addressed “The Fiend” by saying “whoever and whatever you are, I’m ready.”

The Firefly Funhouse theme interrupted Goldberg. Bray Wyatt appeared on the big screen. Goldberg said he knows what Wyatt is all about and he’s not playing his games, he’s taking his title. Wyatt said Goldberg doesn’t know him at all. He said they should get to know each other a little better. Wyatt introduced his usual puppets.

Ramblin’ Rabbitt said something that upset Wyatt, who pulled out a giant mallet, which led to the rabbit puppet leaving the platform. Wyatt said there’s someone who has been dying to meet him. The lighting in the building changed. “Fiend, and you’re right behind me,” Goldberg said.

Goldberg turned and glared at The Fiend, who was in the ring. Goldberg speared The Fiend, who slowly got up. “Come on, let’s go,” Goldberg said. The lights went out and The Fiend was gone when the lights turned on again. The Wyatt laugh track played briefly, then Goldberg’s music played. Goldberg played to the crowd while Cole hyped The Fiend vs. Goldberg for Super ShowDown to close the show…

Powell’s POV: This was good hype for The Fiend vs. Goldberg and they were wise to keep it short and sweet. I will be doing live coverage of Super ShowDown on Thursday. Dot Net Members will hear my audio review of Smackdown later tonight and of Super ShowDown on Thursday. Let me know what you thought of tonight’s show by giving it a letter grade in our weekly post show poll on the main page. Have a great weekend.


Readers Comments (4)

  1. I didn’t see that part of the segment but Jason, I think you mean Batista and not Randy Orton going to The HOF.

  2. During the Namoi/Carmella match you could hear somebody say “Blockbuster, blockbuster” before Namoi hit the blockbuster. I don’t know who said it, whether it was Namoi, Carmella or referee Jessika Carr.

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