WrestleMania XL results: Powell’s live review of night two with Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes for the WWE Universal Championship with Bloodline Rules, Seth Rollins vs. Drew McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Championship

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE WrestleMania XL Night Two
Streamed April 7, 2024 live on Peacock
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Lincoln Financial Field

Michael Cole checked in on commentary and said nobody had seen Cody Rhodes all day because he was locked up on his bus all day. Separate shots aired of Damage CTRL arriving and Bayley walking backstage. Cole said it was not so chilly in Philly for night two… A video package recapped WrestleMania XL night one…

Separate shots aired of Drew McIntyre and Seth Rollins in the backstage area. Rollins was taking a long look at the World Heavyweight Championship belt…

Ring announcer Samantha Irvin introduced The War and Treaty, who performed “God Bless America” on the stage.

Powell’s POV: Great performance. Wow.

Stephanie McMahon was introduced by Irvin. Stephanie made her entrance to a strong reaction. Cole said Stephanie is one of the reasons that he’s had the opportunity to sit behind the broadcast desk for 27 years. Pat McAfee checked in and said it was great to see Stephanie at WrestleMania.

Once in the ring, Stephanie said she sat at the entranceway for the first WrestleMania and has had the honor of being part of every WrestleMania since. She said this might be the one she is most proud of because it is the first WrestleMania of the Paul Levesque Era. Stephanie did the “Are You Ready” routine and said it was time to kick off night two of WrestleMania…

A group of bagpipe players performed on the stage while two men stood with their faces painted while holding swords. Drew McIntyre’s entrance theme played and the men held up their swords while McIntyre walked under them. There was another group of men holding up swords on the ramp and they lowered them after McIntyre walked past them.

The broadcast team of Cole, McAfee, and Corey Graves checked in on commentary. CM Punk was with them for the opening match. The Spanish broadcast team was introduced and they spoke briefly. Cole said it was 61 degrees and the wind was mild (a graphic showed the same information).

A string band performed on the stage and then Seth Rollins’ entrance music played. Rollins came out wearing a wild hat and gear while a graphic noted that he has held the title for 316 days. The band wore similar outfits and followed him down the entrance ramp and chanted his song along with the live crowd. Punk said Liberace was rolling in his grave. Funny. The band took a lap around the ring while Rollins stood in the ring with his arms held open.

Powell’s POV: Cool entrances for both wrestlers. Rhea Ripley and Becky Lynch opened night one with cool entrances last night and then most of the entrances that followed felt pretty tame in comparison. We’ll see if the wrestlers up their entrance game for night two. By the way, I didn’t catch Rollins selling his knee injury from night one, but I’m guessing it won’t take him long to do that once the match starts.

1. Seth Rollins vs. Drew McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Championship. CM Punk on commentary. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the championship match. The bell rang and McIntyre immediately dropped Rollins with a Claymore Kick and covered him for a close near fall. McIntyre set up for another Claymore Kick, but Rollins rolled to ringside.

McIntyre followed Rollins to the floor and chop blocked his bad knee. McIntyre followed up with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. McIntyre grabbed a phone at ringside and took a selfie, then went back to working over Rollins, who eventually came back and executed a Pedigree on the floor. Rollins sold his knee after executing the move and then returned to the ring.

McIntyre beat the referee’s count and was immediately hit with a Stomp from Rollins, who covered McIntyre for a near fall. Punk put over both wrestlers as badasses, then added that they are not the Best in the World. Rollins set up for another Pedigree, but McIntyre backdropped him. Rollins had athletic tape on his back. After a back and forth exchange, McIntyre executed a neckbreaker.

McIntyre kipped up and then counted down in the corner. McIntyre went for a Claymore, but Rollins caught him and powerbombed him. Rollins performed a Pedigree. Rollins hit McIntyre with another Stomp for another near fall. Both men avoided big moves from the other and then McIntyre dropped Rollins with a Future Shock DDT and got another near fall. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

McIntyre turned his attention to Punk and mocked him by signaling for the GTS. Punk said McIntyre was signaling that he was putting the crowd to sleep. McIntyre hoisted up Rollins, who countered into an inside cradle for a two count. McIntyre shot up and hit Rollins with another Claymore Kick for another close near fall. McIntyre expressed frustration over not getting the pin.

McIntyre rolled to ringside and cleared the broadcast table. Punk said doubt was creeping into the mind of McIntyre because he couldn’t get it done in the ring. McIntyre got Rollins to ringside and set up for a powerbomb, but Rollins fought out of it and ended up on top of the broadcast table. Rollins superkicked McIntyre from the table.

Rollins cleared the Spanish broadcast table and then ran over it and Stomped McIntyre on the English broadcast table. Rollins sent McIntyre back inside the ring and was drilled with another Claymore Kick. McIntyre covered Rollins for another closer near fall. McIntyre seethed in the corner while waiting for Rollins to get up, then blasted him with another Claymore Kick before pinning him.

Drew McIntyre defeated Seth Rollins in 10:30 to win the World Heavyweight Championship.

Cole said McIntyre won a championship in front of fans for the first time in his life. McIntyre got emotional while sitting on the mat. He held out his hands the referee passed him the title belt. McIntyre put his head on the title belt, then looked down at Rollins, who was crying as he watched from ringside. Rollins said something to McIntyre and pointed at him before making his exit.

McIntyre went to ringside and had a moment with his wife. McIntyre turned his attention to Punk, who remained seated while McIntyre crawled onto the broadcast table in front of him. “Congratulations, have fun taking pictures on the internet with it,” Punk said. McIntyre spoke to Punk, who said he couldn’t hear a word he was saying.

McIntyre said it was his moment. Punk said it was and asked him why he was there in his face. McIntyre held the title in Punk’s face and said to get a photo because he wanted it framed on his wall. McIntyre gave Punk a one-handed crotch chop. Punk stood up and pulled McIntyre’s legs out from under him.

Punk stood up and removed the brace from his arm, then hit McIntyre with it. Punk kicked McIntyre a couple of times and then blew a kiss to his wife. Damian Priest’s entrance music played and he ran out with the Money in the Bank briefcase and hit McIntyre with it. Priest said he was cashing in.

2. Drew McIntyre vs. Damian Priest for the World Heavyweight Championship. Priest hit McIntyre with the South of Heaven chokeslam and then pinned him.

Damian Priest defeated Drew McIntyre in 0:09 to win the World Heavyweight Championship.

Priest walked to the stage while Punk sat on the broadcast table and applauded him. Priest was joined on the stage by fellow Judgment Day members Rhea Ripley, Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh. Punk sat crosslegged on the broadcast table and clapped while looking at McIntyre…

Powell’s POV: A hot opening match followed by a wild cash-in moment for Priest. McIntyre and Rollins grabbed the attention of the fans and viewers immediately with that Claymore Kick and then had a really good WrestleMania style match with a lot of close near falls. McIntyre’s emotional response to winning the title really lowered my guard for a cash-in. As much as I love McIntyre’s work, this was a really exciting cash-in that heats up the intensity of the feud between McIntyre and Punk, while also setting up Priest as a surprise champion coming out of WrestleMania.

After some advertising, entrances for the Philadelphia Street Fight took place. Samantha Irvin introduced Snoop Dogg as a guest commentator and he came out with a replica gold title belt. Bubba Ray Dudley was introduced as the guest referee. Bubba came out in referee gear and played to the crowd.

The Final Testament members came out. Graves said Ellering had never appeared at WrestleMania prior to this match. Really? Wow. The Street Profits made their entrance followed by Bobby Lashley, who was accompanied by B-Fab…

3. “The Pride” Bobby Lashley, Montez Ford, and Angelo Dawkins (w/B-Fab) vs. “The Final Testament” Karrion Kross, Akam, and Rezar (w/Paul Ellering, Scarlett) in a Philadelphia Street Fight. The match was sponsored by Snoop and Dr. Dre’s Gin & Juice drink. Special referee Bubba Ray Dudley called for the bell and all six men went at one another.

Ford and Dawkins pulled out a table. Snoop said it was a picnic table. The heel trio pulled out kendo sticks and beat Lashley with them in the middle of the ring. McAfee said Sandman used kendo stick and had a couple of beers in Philadelphia over the years. Dawkins saved Lashley from being pinned and was then beaten with kendo sticks. Ford went for a top rope dive and was hit by a kendo stick in midair.

Akam and Rezar performed their Super Collider double powerbomb and Ford was stacked on top of Dawkins. Kross went for a pin, but B-Fab broke it up. Scarlett threw B-Fab out of the ring and followed her to the floor. Akam and Rezar went for another Super Collider, but Lashley broke it up. Ford performed a dive over the ring post and then onto Akam and Rezar on the floor.

Lashley grabbed a chair and beat Kross with it in the middle of the ring. Lashley slammed Kross onto the chair and then put him in the Hurt Lock, but Scarlett hit Lashley with a kendo stick Lashley released the hold. B-Fab ran in and kicked Scarlett and then held her back before they went to the apron. B-Fab performed a Russian Leg Sweep that sent her and Scarlett through the table at ringside. B-Fab clutched her back again.

Kross set up a chair and then DDT’d Lashley on it before covering him for a two count. Kross bickered with Bubba about the count and then shoved him. Bubba pulled out his Hansen Brothers glasses and put them on. Lashley speared Kross. Ford and Lashley held Kross’s legs open. Bubba joined the group in doing the Wassup” before Dawkins performed a headbutt from the ropes to Kross’s groin.

Bubba helped lead the “Get The Tables” call. Ford and Dawkins grabbed a table and set it up inside the ring while an “ECW” chant broke out. They tried to put Kross on the table, but it collapsed. Ford and Dawkins grabbed another table and played to the crowd. Ford grabbed a kendo stick and beat Kross with hit while Snoop yelled “Whoop That Trick” repeatedly. They put Kross on the table and then Ford hit him with a frog splash. Lashley covered Kross and pinned him…

“The Pride” Bobby Lashley, Montez Ford, and Angelo Dawkins defeated “The Final Testament” Karrion Kross, Akam, and Rezar in 8:35 in a Philadelphia Street Fight.

After the match, Snoop joined The Pride and Bubba inside the ring for the post match celebration. McAfee said Snoop and Dr. Dre have been working in the studio together (nice)…

Powell’s POV: This was the match I was least looking forward to on the night two card, but it turned out to be a fun garbage brawl and a nice little tribute to ECW.

Logan Paul was shown doing pushups in his dressing room… A video package recapped the the night one main event…

Paul Heyman was interviewed by Kayla Braxton, who congratulated him on his WWE Hall of Fame induction. Braxton asked Heyman to explain Bloodline Rules. He started to talk about the rulebook, then said, “Come on.” He said it’s whatever they come up with and there will be no disqualifications or count-outs. Heyman spoke of one man winning and the other man going home to his wife Brandi…

An ad aired and then LA Knight was shown driving up to the building in a Slim Jim car… A video package recapped Knight’s feud with AJ Styles while Peacock ad-based subscribers saw commercials…

LA Knight made his entrance and handed the keys to the Slim Jim car to an older couple that won a contest. Fans at a London viewing party were shown. AJ Styles made his entrance and had a nice pyro display.

4. LA Knight vs. AJ Styles. Styles rushed to the ring and brawled with Knight to ringside, where Knight slammed Styles’ head on the broadcast table while the crowd chanted “yeah” each time. Back inside the ring, Styles took control while targeting Knight’s left knee.

Knight came back with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Knight placed Styles on the top turnbuckle and then chopped him before joining him on the ropes. Knight went for a superplex, but Styles slipped under him and tripped him, causing Knight’s head to hit the top turnbuckle pad. Styles got a two count shortly thereafter following a face first slam.

Styles went to the ropes and jawed at fans. Knight cut off Styles and then hit him several times before biting his forehead. Styles gouged the eyes of Knight, who dropped off the ropes. Knight jumped back onto the ropes and executed an avalanche German suplex for a near fall.

Styles rolled Knight into a Calf Crusher. Knight reached the ropes to break the hold. Styles went back to work on the left knee by slamming it into the post and then lowering Knight’s kneepad and kicking his knee into the post. Styles grabbed Knight’s legs and then Knight used his legs to pull Styles into the ring post.

Knight pulled the ringside mat back and then set up for a move, but Styles countered into a backdrop on the exposed floor. Styles returned to the ring and told the referee to count. Knight beat the count just before the referee was going to reach ten. Styles booted Knight with a kick.

Styles went for a springboard 450 splash, but Knight put his knees up. Both wrestlers traded punches. Knight got the better of it until Styles ducked a punch and hit him with a Pele Kick. Styles went for a springboard move that Knight avoided. Styles avoided Knight’s finisher. Knight avoided a Styles Clash attempt. Styles set up for another springboard move and was cut off by Knight, who followed up with the BFT and scored the pin…

LA Knight defeated AJ Styles in 12:25.

Powell’s POV: Good for Knight, who had a really long road to his first WrestleMania. This match exceeded my expectations. They worked in a way that matched the intensity of their feud. But here’s hoping that the creative forces will add layers to Styles’ heel character. He came back angry after a long layoff and he never explained why.

An ad aired for the May 24 Smackdown and the WWE King and Queen of the Ring for May 25 in Saudi Arabia…

A video package recapped the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. Samantha Irvin introduced Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda, who came onto the stage wearing U.S. Express jackets. They opened their jackets to reveal Bray Wyatt t-shirts. Bull Nakano, Thunderbolt Patterson (w/Gerald Brisco), and headliner Paul Heyman were introduced. Ata Johnson appeared on behalf of her late mother Lia Maivia, and Muhammad Ali was shown on the big screen. Heyman came out holding the WWE Universal Championship belt while the ECW theme played…

A U.S. Championship match video package aired while ads played for some Peacock subscribers…

Entrances for the U.S. Title match took place. Logan Paul came out with a person dressed in his hydration drink’s bottle costume. Bottle man stayed at ringside.

Kevin Owens was shown walking through the backstage area. New Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn was waiting in front of the Gorilla Position area holding his title belt. “It’s your turn now,” Zayn said. “Go get him! Go get him!” Owens walked onto the stage and then headed back behind the “L” of the XL logo and returned with a KO golf cart that he drove down the ramp.

Randy Orton’s entrance theme played. Owens backed up the ramp and invited Orton to join him. Orton hopped on the back and stood while Owens drove the cart to the ring. McAfee said it didn’t seem fair that two of the three match entrants were riding in a golf cart together. Fans were shown watching at a viewing party in Cologne, Germany…

5. Logan Paul vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens for the U.S. Championship. Cole said it was Orton’s 19th WrestleMania match and also recalled that his father Bob Orton Jr. was involved in the original WrestleMania. Paul rolled to ringside once the bell rang. Orton and Owens rolled to the floor and stopped him from returning to the ring, then took turns punching him.

Orton dumped Paul on the Spanish broadcast table. Owens trashed the sponsored hydration station at ringside. Once they were inside the ring, Paul shoved Owens into Orton, but they both blew it off and went back to beating up Paul together. Orton and Owens eventually got Paul down and both tried to cover him.

Owens said they weren’t going to do this now and indicated they should go back to beating up Paul. Orton went for an RKO on Owens, who blocked it. Owens asked Orton if he wanted to do it now and then said okay. Paul rolled to ringside while Orton and Owens graded punches. Paul returned and took out both men with a springboard double clothesline.

Owens superkicked Paul, who ended up seated in front of Orton in a corner of the ring. Owens hit them both with a cannonball. Owens went up top and went for a Swanton, but Paul put his knees up. Paul went up top and hit Owens with a Swanton into Rollins Thunder (the broadcast team called it a standing frog splash). Paul covered Orton for two, then covered Owens for two.

Paul dropped Orton with a punch. The fans booed loudly, which Paul played into. Orton cleared Paul from the ring and then hit Owens with two clotheslines and a powerslam. Orton set up for a Draping DDT on Owens, but Paul returned and punched Orton. Paul went for a springboard move, but Orton countered into a powerslam. Orton hit Paul and Owens with a double Draping DDT.

Orton went for an RKO, but Paul shoved him into a superkick from Owens, who then dropped Paul with a superkick. Owens performed a Codebreaker on Orton and landed on Paul with a senton. A short time later, Owens slammed Paul from the middle rope and then hit him with a top rope moonsault for a near fall. Orton went for an RKO, but Owens stuffed it and rolled him up for two.

Owens went for a Stunner on Orton, who blocked it and then put Owens down with an RKO that resulted in a near fall. Owens rolled under the ropes and then to the floor to avoid Orton. Paul put on a pair of brass knuckles and took a swing at Orton, who ducked the punch. Orton tried to take the brass knuckles away, but Paul raked his eyes and then dropped him with a brass knuckles punch and covered him for a near fall. The broadcast team attributed Orton kicking out to muscle memory.

Owens went after Paul, who hit him with the brass knuckles twice. Paul picked up Orton and wound up for another brass knuckles punch, but Orton dropped him with an RKO. Orton was too woozy to go for the cover. Orton recovered and picked up Paul’s brass knuckles, which he handed to the referee. Orton backed into the corner. “Randy Orton didn’t want to use the weapon because Randy Orton is the weapon,” Graves said.

Orton set up for a punt kick, but the bottle mascot pulled Paul to ringside. The bottle man revealed himself to be a YouTube personality named IShowSpeed. Orton ended up hitting the mascot with an RKO on the broadcast table. Paul shoved Orton into the ring post and then back inside the ring.

Paul went for a top rope move that Orton avoided. Owens hit Paul with a Popup Powerbomb and then dropped Orton with a Stunner and covered him for a near fall. Owens went for a Popup Powerbomb on Orton, who countered into an RKO. Paul threw Orton out of the ring and then hit Owens with a top rope frog splash and pinned him…

Logan Paul defeated Kevin Owens and Randy Orton in a Triple Threat in 17:40 to retain the U.S. Championship.

After the match, Paul celebrated by having one of his drinks and then rubbed the drink’s logo that’s in the middle of the ring. Paul went to ringside and said he was sorry to Orton. Paul said he told Orton, then said he likes him…

Powell’s POV: Good work from the wrestlers, but I just never bought into the idea of Paul losing his title in this scenario. As such, the match lacked suspense despite the near fall attempts.

A video package set up the Women’s World Championship match…

Bayley was carried onto the stage on the shoulders of four masked men in Egyptian garb. They removed the decorative wings that Bayley wore and then she headed to the ring and played to the crowd as she walked down the ramp. Women’s World Champion Iyo Sky was accompanied onto the stage by Asuka, Kairi Sane, and Dakota Kai. Sky went to the ring by herself…

6. Iyo Sky vs. Bayley for the WWE Women’s Championship. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the championship match. Some fans sang the “Hey Bailey” song. Bayley performed an early suicide dive on Sky. Bayley came up selling her knee and then rolled Sky back inside the ring and covered her for a two count. Sky went back to ringside and was kicked through the ropes with a baseball slide.

Bayley tried to dropkick Sky under the bottom rope in the corner, but Sky avoided it and then slammed Bayley’s knee into the post and put her in a leg lock briefly. Bayley sold her knee while Sky targeted once they were back inside the ring. Sky performed a nice dragon screw leg whip. Sky hit Bayley with a standing double stomp and covered her for a two count.

Both wrestlers ended up at ringside. Bayley tossed Sky into the timekeepers area. Sky came back with a punch and then jumped off the barricade, but Bayley countered into a spinebuster. Back in the ring, Bayley took offensive control, yet continued to sell her knee. Bayley performed a side slam for a near fall.

Later, Sky executed back to back bridging suplexes and got a two count. Graves said that sequence probably made Bull Nakano blush. Sky went for her moonsault finisher, but Bayley put her knees up. A “Bayley” chant broke out. Bayley climbed the ropes slowly to sell her knee and went for an elbow drop, but Sky caught her in a crossface on the way down. Bayley rolled her into a pin for a two count to break the hold.

Bayley hit Sky with a running elbow, then Sky took her down and applied a crossface and transitioned into an STF and then back into a crossface. Bayley escaped and hit the Bayley To Belly for a near fall. Graves said it may have been the best shot that Bayley would get all night. Bayley set up for a Rose Plant, but Sky blocked it and dropped her with a forearm to the face. Sky laughed.

Bayley stood up and slapped Sky across the face. Sky dropped Bayley with a punch. Bayley stood up and threw several forearms at Sky and went for a Bayley to Belly, but Sky countered into a suplex for a near fall. Sky performed a nice backbreaker and then hit her Over The Moonsault finisher, but Bayley kicked out of the pin attempt. Sky acted shocked.

Sky showed frustration, then hit a standing moonsault and a middle rope moonsault. Sky went up top and went for her finisher, but Bayley avoided it. Bayley went for a Rose Plant, but Sky blocked it and then charged Bayley, who dropped her with a clothesline.

Bayley used the ropes to pull herself to her feet and the crowd came to life. Bayley executed a back suplex and then went up top and hit an elbow drop. Bayley put Sky down with the Rose Plant and got the 1-2-3…

Bayley defeated Iyo Sky in 14:20 to win the WWE Women’s Championship.

Footage aired of San Francisco 49ers tight end George Kittle popping when Bayley won the match (the broadcast team spent a lot of time talking about Bayley’s fandom of the Niners). Bayley celebrated her win…

Powell’s POV: A very good match. It felt like a bit of a sleeper if only because Sky’s title reign was so awful. As I’ve mentioned, she had one televised title defense all year and like three title defenses at live events. I have no idea why they didn’t do more with Sky while she was champion, but she and Bayley really rose to the occasion with a strong performance. The live crowd was really hot for Bayley’s title win.

The broadcast team hyped WWE Backlash for Saturday, May 4 in France…

Comedian Michael Che from Saturday Night Live was shown in the crowd next to The War And Treaty. George Kittle was shown and the fans booed due to the rivalry between the Niners and the Eagles. Rapper T-Pain was shown. Actresses Vanessa Hudgens and Lilly Singh were seated next to one another…

Snoop Dogg was in the ring with the Philadelphia Eagles cheerleaders and the team mascot. Snoop announced the attendance of 72,755. Snoop announced the two-night attendance and a graphic listed it as 145,298. Pyro shot off… A graphic listed the temp as 49 degrees…

A video package set up the main event…

Cody Rhodes made his entrance via the Codyvator and wore a white American Nightmare mask. Brandi Rhodes joined Cody and helped him remove the mask before head headed to the ring alone. Cody stopped at ringside and hugged Mama Rhodes and then greeted his father-in-law, his sister, and a young man (perhaps Brodie Lee Jr.?).

Roman Reigns made his entrance with Paul Heyman while an orchestra played his theme song…

Powell’s POV: Great entrances. Thanks to “Anon A. Mouse” in our comment section for pointing out that Paul Ellering was at WrestleMania 8. I’m not sure if I misunderstood Graves earlier or if he misspoke, buy my apologies if I got it wrong.

7. Roman Reigns (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Cody Rhodes for the WWE Universal Championship in a Bloodline Rules match. Samantha Irvin delivered the in-ring introductions for the championship match. Charles Robinson was the referee. Cole declared that it was the ninth inning and a must win for Cody. Cole said Cody would never receive another opportunity if he failed to win.

A Cody chant broke out after the bell rang. Reigns smirked as he walked to the middle of the ring and then he and Cody went face to face. Reigns spoke and then backed off. Cody played to the crowd and then went after Reigns, who went to the ropes.

Reigns sent Cody to the mat and then acted annoyed by the crowd cheering for Cody. Cody put Reigns in a headlock. Reigns shot him into the ropes. Cody dropped down and kicked Reigns, then hit him with an uppercut from the mat. Cody avoided a charging Reigns and sent him through the ropes and into the ring post. Reigns tumbled to the floor.

Cody joined Reigns at ringside and pulled a table out from underneath the ring. Once Cody placed the table in the ring, Reigns hit him with a Dive By kick. Reigns grabbed the chair and slid it back under the ring, which drew boos from the crowd. Funny.

Reigns tried to run Cody into the ring steps, but Cody reversed it. Cody returned to the ring and then reached out to grab Reigns, who hit him with a kendo stick from the floor. Reigns returned to the ring and worked over Cody with the kendo stick. Cody battled back and got some shots in with the kendo stick.

Both wrestlers ended up back at ringside and the sponsored hydration station was dumped again. Reigns was getting the better of Cody as they headed over the barricade and both men ended up on top of a platform. Reigns indicated that he was going to toss Cody off it, but Cody blocked his suplex attempt and then suplexed Reigns onto the platform. Cody sat up and smiled and then the crowd chanted his name.

Cody brought Reigns back to the ring and went for a Disaster Kick, but Reigns caught him and powerbombed him. Reigns suplexed Cody and covered him for a one count. Reigns choked Cody over the bottom rope. “I’m doing to send you to Hollywood with the rest of them,” Reigns said. “This is my company, you little bitch.”

Reigns performed a fisherman’s suplex for a two count. McAfee recognized the move as the Perfect Plex. Reigns worked over Cody with punches and then hit him with clotheslines in the corner. Cody came back with a kick. Reigns and Cody traded kicks and then threw simultaneous clotheslines that put both men down temporarily.

Once they got to their feet, Cody got the better of an exchange of punches and then powerslammed Reigns. Cody fired up and the crowd was with him. Cody hit Reigns with a Disaster Kick and covered him for a two count. Cody went for a Cody Cutter, but Reigns caught him and hit him with his own CrossRhodes move for a near fall.

“That move sucks,” Reigns told Heyman regarding CrossRhodes. “That move don’t beat nobody.” Funny. Reigns did his locked and loaded bit and went for a Superman Punch that Cody avoided. Cody fired back with a series of jabs and then hit the Bionic Elbow. Reigns rolled to ringside and then Cody followed. Cody looked down at Reigns, who was on the ground, and then looked to the broadcast table.

Cody cleared the English broadcast table and then went back to get Reigns, who hit him with a low blow. Reigns smiled when he got back to his feet. Reigns powerbombed Cody through the broadcast table. Reigns threw Cody back inside the ring and then rushed behind him and hit him with a Superman Punch, which led to a near fall. Another Cody chant broke out.

Reigns let out a war cry and charged for a spear, but Cody caught him with a kick and then hit a Cody Cutter for a near fall. Cody set up for CrossRhodes, but Reigns hit him with his knee to break it. but Reigns stuffed it. Reigns went for a uranage slam, but Cody countered into an armdrag. Cody speared Reigns and covered him for a near fall.

Cody hit CrossRhodes and then set up to hit the move again. Jimmy Uso appeared in the ring and superkicked Cody. Reigns hit Cody with a Superman Punch.

Jey Uso’s entrance theme played. Jimmy ran to the stage and ended up eating a superkick from his brother. Jey speared Jimmy off the stage and through tables below. In the ring, Cody speared Reigns and covered him for a near fall. Reigns came right back with a spear for a close near fall.

A short time later, Solo Sikoa showed up and saved Reigns. Sikoa performed the Samoan Spike while Reigns speared Cody, which led to a near fall.

John Cena’s entrance theme played and he ran down the ramp and threw punches at Sikoa. Cena clotheslined Sikoa to the floor, then hit Reigns with an Attitude Adjustment. Cena put Siloa through a broadcast table with an Attitude Adjustment.

The Rock made his entrance and joined Cena in the ring. Cena removed his t-shirt and they went face to face. Cena did the “You Can’t See Me.” Rock put Cena down with a Rock Bottom. Rock removed his weight belt that had “Mama Rhodes” written on it.

The Shield entrance theme played. The Rock looked around while the broadcast team said this was impossible. Seth Rollins showed up dressed in his Shield gear and had a chair in his hand, but Reigns returned to the ring and took out Rollins with a Superman Punch. Rock was censored for whatever he jawed. Rock was about to whip Cody with the belt.

The gong sounded. Rock’s eyes bugged. They cut to a shot of the crowd. When they went back to the ring, Undertaker was in the ring behind him behind The Rock. Taker was dressed in all black and put Rock down with a chokeslam. The gong sounded and Taker was gone and Rock was no longer inside the ring.

Reigns picked up a chair and looked at Cody and Rollins. Reigns slammed the chair over the back of Rollins, just as Rollins did when he turned on Reigns. Roman let out a war cry, but Cody caught him with a kick. Cody hit Reigns with three CrossRhodes and then pinned him.

Cody Rhodes defeated Roman Reigns in 33:25 to win the WWE Universal Championship.

An emotional Samantha Irvin introduced Cody as the winner. Robinson presented Cody with the title belt. Cody dropped to his knees and then Brandi joined him inside the ring. Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, CM Punk, Sami Zayn, and LA Knight joined Cena, Rollins, and Jey in the ring with Cody and Brandi. Cody was raised onto the shoulders of the babyfaces. Cody and Punk had a moment.

Mama Rhodes entered the ring and hugged Cody. “Dammit, I love professional wrestling,” Cole said. Cody presented the title belt to his mother. Other members of the Rhodes family joined Cody inside the ring.

Cody took the mic and said he knew it had been a long night. He said there were a couple of people he wanted to come out because he wouldn’t be there without them. Rhodes said one of those men was Bruce Prichard. He said the other was kicking and screaming and didn’t want to come out, but it’s the beginning of a new era, and he asked Triple H to come out.

Paul “Triple H” Levesque and Bruce Prichard came out and joined the victory party. Prichard hugged Cody and spoke with him. Levesque looked at the belt around Cody’s waist and then shook his hand. They put their foreheads together and then hugged. Levesque spoke to Cody, who smiled and tightened his hug. Levesque raised Cody’s arm.

Orton and Zayn put Cody on their shoulders again. Cody raised his arms and yelled before they set him down in the ring. Cody hugged Brandi. Cody left the ring and approached a choked up Cole and then they embraced. Cody shook hands with Graves and then McAfee and returned to the ring and played to the crowd. Cody’s sister Teil hugged him. Brandi hugged her father. Cody looked down at Rollins at ringside and reached through the ropes and shook his hand. Cody shook hands with Levesque again.

Cody was left alone in the ring. Cole hyped that Cody would appear on NBC’s “The Today Show” during the 9ET hour. “Sometimes this business just gets you right in the heart,” Cole said before adding that he’s been doing it a long time. “It doesn’t get any sweeter than this.”

Cody went to ringside and hugged various people, including Nick Khan, who spoke to him while Cole started to wrap up the show. Cole said he and McAfee get to do it again tomorrow. “Pro wrestling is back,” Graves said. McAfee added, “Pro wrestling is beautiful.”

A video package recapped WrestleMania night two…

Powell’s POV: That was great. I was worried that having the run-ins occur late could distracted from Cody winning the title, but that wasn’t an issue. I was hoping Steve Austin would be among those legends, but no luck. The emotion showed by so many people after Cody won was fantastic. I love how much talk there is about the return of pro wrestling.

So was the one-year wait for Cody worth it? I absolutely feel it was. This was a hell of a moment. It clearly meant the world to Cody. Congratulations to him. And respect for Roman’s legendary title reign. I can’t wait to see what comes next. Overall, night two of WrestleMania delivered in a big way.

I will have a lot more to say about WMXL night two during tonight’s Dot Net Triple Threat audio review with my co-hosts Jake Barnett and Will Pruett. The show will be available exclusively for our Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). I hope you’ll consider joining us. Either way, thank you to everyone who made ProWrestling.net a part of their WrestleMania weekend. Let us know what you thought of night two by voting for the best match and grading the overall event below.

WrestleMania XL Night Two Poll: Grade the overall show

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WrestleMania XL Night Two Poll: Vote for the best match

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Readers Comments (27)

  1. TheGreatestOne April 7, 2024 @ 6:25 pm

    Do they have Priest interfere or do they have Drew go over and recreate the Punk angle about leaving the company as champ just to have Punk’s return match be against him for the title?

    Does Jacob Fatu interfere in every match tonight?

  2. What if Priest goes after Reigns or Rhodes?

    • TheGreatestOne April 7, 2024 @ 6:37 pm

      Cody finishes his story, walks over to his mom with the belt in hand, and Priest spears him out of nowhere. Priest rolls him back in the ring, cashes in, wins the belt and closes the show with mic in hand, “story time is over bitch.”

  3. Despite what the fans were chanting, that first match was NOT awesome.

  4. TheGreatestOne April 7, 2024 @ 6:39 pm

    Well, hot damn, I didn’t see Priest coming at all there. That was excellent.

    • I predicted that exact scenario, minus McIntyre antagonizing Punk, on another wrestling board

      • TheGreatestOne April 7, 2024 @ 9:42 pm

        The Punk interaction is what had me convinced he wasn’t coming out. They did a good job of hiding it after the match was over.

  5. That Priest cash in was 10/10

  6. Snoop Dogg making Booker T look like Gordon Solie on commentary!

    • Original Jabroni April 7, 2024 @ 8:55 pm

      The two kids from Dixie Khan’s vanity project can thank Cody Rhodes for putting more eyes on them then at any other time in they’re lives. Granted, it’s just at a “who are those two middle-schoolers pictured with Cody in the pre-match video piece” level, but it’s still better than nothing.

  7. TheGreatestOne April 7, 2024 @ 7:16 pm

    Best part of the first two matches was how short they were. Told the story they should, got the finish they needed, and got the hell out of there.

  8. TheGreatestOne April 7, 2024 @ 7:32 pm

    “But here’s hoping that the creative forces will add layers to Styles’ heel character. He came back angry after a long layoff and he never explained why.”

    Roid rage would work. He’s so juiced right now they should call him Breville.

    • Original Jabroni April 7, 2024 @ 10:21 pm

      Or, his Dr. has him on a supervised and completely legitimate testosterone replacement therapy program that’s designed to simply get his testosterone levels back to where they were at around 30 years old. It’s possible that everything everyone who’s known him for the last 20 years is right and he’d never do anything illegal since he won’t even curse.

  9. Whomever fed the fact about Ellering to Graves was wrong. Ellering appeared (and made his WWF debut) at WM 8 with The Road Warriors

    • TheGreatestOne April 7, 2024 @ 8:53 pm

      He may have worded it wrong. Ellering and the LOD were at WM8, but only in an interview segment.

  10. TheGreatestOne April 7, 2024 @ 8:51 pm

    The triple threat was fun. Bayley and Iyo needed to be 5 minutes less. Bayley’s knees just aren’t in good enough shape for that kind of match anymore and Iyo just isn’t a main eventer.

    Cody probably just teased his eventual heel turn with Brandy showing up on TV.

  11. End of main event was over produced and silly. If anything, ether HHH or Austin should have stopped the Rock. Made Seth look like a chump too.

    • Original Jabroni April 7, 2024 @ 10:31 pm

      Samantha Irvin is tremendous. If she wasn’t genuine, I’d hate her technique. Instead, I damn near think “Howard Who?”
      I kind of but not totally disagree with JP with the legends run ins. Cena facing off with Rock came really close to stealing the moment. Speaking of…. why the F was Cena involved? I’d have Taker, Austin and Sting/DDP run in- guys who could be associated with Dusty.

    • I agree with Jon Jones. There’s a certain someone on here blowing their load over everything in this show over the last two days, that if TK or AEW booked a main event like this, they’d be on here with every kind of Cornette insult trashing the show. The hypocrisy is so lost on the dumb.
      That said, night two was way better than night one. I just don’t get that with “Bloodline Rules,” the Bloodline was barely involved – Sat. night was more “Bloodline rules” than last night.

  12. THe War and Treaty are amazing; i have worked with them. THey are true babyface musicians! Yay Michael and Tanya!!!

  13. Why Am I Watching This? April 7, 2024 @ 11:00 pm

    As I mentioned last night, this now finally frees up the bloodline members (esp Solo) to become great solo acts with bigger personalities, and lets Heyman be more than Roman’s mic butler. Looking forward with what they do with these guys next.

  14. Night 2 was better than Night 1 to me.

    Bayley vs. Iyo was my match of the weekend as Iyo was doing some amazing stuff in there and that Philly crowd was fully behind Bayley from start to finish. It topped Rhea vs. Becky for me, although Rhea vs. Becky was really good.

    Damian Priest’s cash in was amazing as I’m so ready to see him as champion starting tomorrow night.

    Scarlett through the table was amazing and funny at the same time.

    The triple threat was one of the funniest matches that I’ve ever seen. Orton barking at IShowSpeed was funny.

    Solo going to be interesting going forward, that dude going to be running wild from here.

    All in all, solid WrestleMania, but now I can’t wait for Raw tomorrow and Dynamite on Wednesday for that Punk expose video.

  15. My favorite part of the night honestly was that moment between McIntyre and Rollins. Absolutely wonderful! One of the reasons I love this stuff so much!

  16. Damien Priest? Logan Paul? Seriously?

    And as I predicted, OF COURSE Brandi had to stick herself into Cody’s biggest moment in a long time, maybe in his career.

    • Tell us about how those evil women hurt you, Angry Mike. Do you really think she walked into the stadium and demanded to be part of Cody’s entrance? Good lord.

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