NXT TV results (3/19): Moore’s review of Trick Williams vs. Noam Dar, Riley Osborne challenging for the NXT Heritage Cup, Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley, NXT Tag Team Title match qualifiers for Stand & Deliver

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live March 19, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer

Roxanne Perez made her entrance. She has a new “darker” version of her entrance theme to match her heel turn. Perez jumped Tatum Paxley during her entrance…

1. Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley. Paxley managed to hit Perez with clubbing blows and a modified wrecking ball dropkick. Booker was justifying the new attitude of his protege. Perez regained control and put the boots to Paxley. Perez hit Paxley with a European Uppercut and Russian Legsweep. Perez then worked on Paxley with methodical joint manipulation. Perez hit Paxley with a sacrifice armbreaker for a two count.

Perez focused her attack on the left arm of Paxley. Paxley got a two count off a Small Package. Both women traded methodical strikes. Paxley hit Perez with a few kicks into an enzuigiri. Perez dodged a shoulder tackle. Paxley hit Perez with a facebuster and Inverted Angle Slam for a two count. Perez slammed Paxley’s shoulder into the buckle. Perez used Pop Rocks to set up a Crossface for the victory.

Roxanne Perez defeated Tatum Paxley via submission in 4:02. 

Roxanne Perez took the mic after the match. Perez said it’s been one week and she can’t wait any longer. Perez demanded general manager Ava come out and award her the title she never lost. Lyra Valkyria with an arm in a sling made her entrance and brawled with Perez. Paxley’s double team attempt backfired and Perez managed to slam Paxley into a barricade and put Valkyria into a Lebell Lock. The segment ended with Perez standing tall with the title over the fallen Lyra…

John’s Thoughts: This heel turn so far has exceeded my expectations (due to Perez being a natural plucky babyface). So far she’s had two good weeks on the mic and coming off as natural as a heel. It helps that she has a very organic and justified motive for her heel turn. I still would rather have seen Lyra test out a heel turn (due to her still not connecting), but if we can get a strong heel in Perez, that’s a good alternative. Tatum Paxley is meanwhile benefiting working alongside Lyra because she gets to work with a lot of veterans. A few of her kicks in the middle missed the point, but she’s always improving and selling well. I also see potential in her obsessed stalker thing…

Noam Dar and the Meta Four were warming up backstage with Noam hyped to get his hands on Trick Williams. Lash Legend said she also can’t wait to get her hands on Trick. Noam yelled that Lash better be talking about beating up Trick. Otis, Maxxine Dupri, and Akira Tozawa showed up. Otis said he’s jealous of Trick for that kiss last week. Meta Four acted disgusted and walked off. Dupri said they didn’t come to see Meta Four. Akira Tozawa said the office was in the other direction…

Oba Femi was shown walking the hallways…[c]

Lyra was backstage refusing to be checked on by a medic. NXT General Manager showed up. Lyra demanded that Ava book the championship match so she could get her hands on Perez. Ava agreed. Lyra thanked Ava and walked off…

Vic Joseph and Booker T tried to check in on commentary, but Josh Briggs took a mic and addressed Oba Femi having a smile on his face torturing his friend Brooks Jensen. Briggs said Oba wasn’t trying to fight, but to wound. Briggs demanded that Oba try to do that to him. Oba Femi made his entrance and laughed about his title defense last week. He said Briggs has a point, Oba relishes testing a man’s limits and pushing them to the edge. Oba said when he steps through the worlds, it’s not about emotions, it’s about results.

Oba said Josh is a man of courage. Briggs cut Oba off and said that Oba is walking around thinking he’s the baddest dude here, but like everyone else they run into someone bigger. Josh introduced himself as a man of mayhem and said he is here to throw hands. Briggs demanded Oba put the title on the line to see who falls off first. Dijak interrupted with his entrance. Dijak called Oba a man of destiny, but not a man of memory. Dijak talked about talking about waiting for Oba last week after Oba won his match. Josh called Dijak wannabe Shaft. Dijak then said Josh must be blind because Dijak’s white. Oba got in between the arguing. A big man brawl ensued. Referees ran in to create a stalemate standoff…

Shawn Spears was watching the segment backstage cutting yet another melodramatic promo about darkness or something. Joe Gacy was under a bench behind Spears. Gacy chuckled and crawled under the bench….

Axiom and Nathan Frazer made their entrance…

John’s Thoughts: Dijak with the comedy line of the night with the “white Shaft” comment. Briggs cut it like a bad dad joke and Dijak saved it with comedic timing. Goofy line aside, I really like the three big men title picture. This is going to be NXT’s Stand and Deliver Big E meaty men match. All three big men are great athletes too so that should be a spectacular if given time. Meanwhile, while Shawn Spears is still as impressive as ever in the ring, he’s really eye rolling as a Shakespearian emperor Palpatine.

A replay aired of highlights from Trick Williams’s show closing promo…

A Sports Illustrated article was shown to hype up the Carmelo Hayes vs. Trick Williams match at Stand and Deliver…

Carmelo Hayes and his personal ski mask security were walking through the parking lot…

The No Quarter Catch Crew made their entrance. They did their “catch clause” gimmick for the next match…

2. Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. “The No Quarter Catch Crew” Charlie Dempsey and Myles Borne. Both Charlie and Axiom started the match with methodical technical wrestling. Frazer tagged in and swarmed Dempsey with kicks. Dempsey escaped a suplex and tagged in Borne. Frazer tossed around Borne with armdrags. Axiom tagged in and hit Borne with a gamengiri. Dempsey grabbed Frazer.

Axiom and Frazer then gave their opponents two suicide dives (with Axiom almost missing the point). Borne rolled through an Axiom crossbody. Axiom hit Borne with a DDT. Desmpsey reversed a wheelbarrow to hit Axiom with a deadlift German Suplex. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Dempsey blocked Axiom’s crossbody into a bridged Fallaway Slam for a two count. Axiom and Dempsey peppered each other with strong style slaps. Frazer tagged in and rev’d up to take down Borne. Frazer hit Borne with a Final Cut and standing Shooting Star for at two count. Borne dodged a Phoenix Splash. Frazer kicked Dempsey off the apron. Borne caught Axiom out of the air with a power slam for a two count.

Borne hit Frazer with a 360 power slam. Axiom shoved Dempsey into a Borne to break the pin. Axiom and Frazer traded quick tags. Axiom hit Borne with a Spanish Fly. Frazer hit Borne with a Phoenix Splash. Axiom kept Dempsey away with a Golden Ratio Superkick. Frazer pinned Borne to qualify to the number one contenders match.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer defeated Charlie Dempsey and Myles Borne via pinfall in 9:48. 

Vic Joseph reminded viewers that Axiom and Frazer qualifyed for the number one contenders tag team match…

A replay aired of Robert Stone’s loss last week with Von Wagner making the save. The show then cut to the NXT Anonymous stalker twitter account. Robert Stone was berating von Wagner for making him look less like a man last week by getting involved. Von said he just wanted to help Stone not embarrass him. Stone walked off annoyed…

Sol Ruca made her entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Borne was a bit rough early in the match, but once he settled in the tag match got really fun. Again, NXT is very consistent over the last few months in putting on really really good tag team wrestling. Some of the best current and varied tag team wrestling. Still not sold on the “Catch Clause” freebird gimmick they’re doing with No Quarter Catch Crew. So my guess is that means that you can rule to Dempsey and Borne in defending the Heritage Cup later. As for the number one contenders match, curious if they’re swerving because this looks like the Good Brothers match too lose with them coming down to NXT.

Kelly Kincaid tried to interview Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin, but they had their usual fun banter about a dinner they were just having. Akira Tozawa, Otis, and Maxxine Dupri showed up and said that Master Chad Gable sent them to NXT. Corbin said they’re too late to qualify for the number one contenders match.

Maxxine noted that they don’t want a hand out and if they can beat Corbin and Breakker next week they can get inserted in the Stand and Deliver match. Corbin said Breakker accepts. Breakker said the result will only be the same next week with a spear and end of days, which will end Alpha Academy’s dreams of a tag team championship…

Brinley Reece, Edris Enofe, and Malik Blade made their entrance. Booker T said he’s not a fan of the bubbly Brinley…

3. Sol Ruca vs. Brinley Reece. Both women started out with some basic chain wrestling. Ruca hit Reece with an X Factor for a two count. Ruca put Reece in a cravate. Reece rolled up Ruca for a two count. Reece rallied with right hands and a body slam. Reece did a front flip into a clothesline. Reece escaped a body slam. Ruca hit Reece with a straitjacket slam. Ruca rallied back with a kick and suplex. Ruca tossed Reece into the buckle and hit Reece with the Sol Snatcher for the victory.

Sol Ruca defeated Brinley Reece via pinfall in 3:18. 

Reece gave the crowd a thumbs up after the match. Back in the ring, Blair Davenport blindsided Ruca and hit her with a Kamigoye to leave her lying….

Tony D’Angelo, Stacks, Luca Crucifino, and Adriana Rizzo were shown walking the hallways…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Basic developmental match, but we’ve seen worse, so I’m not complaining. Don’t want Ruca to rush things too coming back from her big injury so every TV rep is a productive rep.

An ad aired for the upcoming Bray Wyatt (Windham Rotunda) documentary, featuring Bo Dallas, John Cena, Jojo Offerman, Hulk Hogan, and other wrestlers….

Gigi Dolin and Wren Sinclair were chatting backstage about Gigi’s recent woman’s low blow loss. Adriana Grace showed up and said that she accidentally hit Gigi low, while Gigi was intentional. Gigi calimed Grace cheated. Grace took out a Ms. NXT in Training ribbon and put it around Gigi…

Sad Ridge Holland was cutting one of his sad promos. He’s sad and he said his current NXT run isn’t going as he hoped. Ridge said he’s just going to do what everyone wants him to do. Holland did a sigh…

John’s Thoughts: Stop crying man! I think that’s what everyone wants. And I think Ridge is a good promo now coming off that really inspired sitdown interview he did on NXT to start this new character direction. Instead of showing character development, he’s becoming eye rolling as this melodramatic sad man. On top of that, he’s losing the cheering battle against the melodramatic, but returning Shawn Spears.

[Hour Two] The Tony D’Angelo Family made their entrance to Tony D’s new epic entrance theme. Tony D said Stand and Deliver will be the biggest Stand and Deliver of all time when he goes after the NXT Championship. Tony D talked about the D’Angelo Family going through expansion. Tony D talked about bringing in a Law School Graduate in Luca Crucifino. He said the Don has a lot of power, but with that comes responsibility. Tony D told the crowd to give a hand to the D’Angelo Family consigliere Luca Crucifino. Luca thanked Tony D.

Tony D then talked about Ilja Dragunov being a unbreakable and unbeatable champion. He said he respects Ilja’s mom moving out of Russia to get a better life. He said he also respects Ilja leaving Europe to support his family. Tony D said he will show that Tony D is the man who will break the unbreakable. Ilja Dragunov then appeared on the big screen, talking about Tony D leaving him over a bridge last week. Ilja said Tony D can feel the championship so close, but the belt is out of his reach. Tony D cut off Ilja and said that Ilja has no idea and control of what Tony D can do.

Tony D talked about how he got Ava to book Ilja in an exhibition match against the Underboss Stacks. Tony D then talked about wondering what condition Ilja will be in at Stand and Deliver. Tony D then said that Ilja better not make a wrong move or else Stand and Deliver will be a burial for Ilja…

Vic Joseph plugged the Ilja vs. Tony D match at Stand and Deliver. Vic and Booker then checked in on commentary about Ava making the Lyra Valkyria vs. Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women’s Championship being made official too…

Thea Hail met up and apologized to Riley Osborne for not being herself the last few months. She said growing up is really hard. Hail said she hopes they can still be friends. Riley said he’s happy the old Thea is back. Chase U then joined Riley Osborne in his entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: I’m totally happy and hoping to see Tony D’Angelo as a potential main protagonist of NXT. The guy is solid in the ring and really embraces his gimmick. This promo segment felt a big directionless though. None of the wrestlers fault. They just sorta rushed to the Tony D vs. Ilja title match with short build. I wonder if they made a recent pivot in recent weeks (Trick or Ilja getting called up soon or something?). I just assume callup every time I see abrupt pivoting in NXT. What I do like is them not just going with yet another Italian Restaurant segment that they overdo with Tony D skits.

A instagram promo of Lola Vice claiming her Tae Kwon Do kicks are better than Karmen Petrovic’s

Vic Joseph ran through the Heritage Cup rules and said that those rules don’t change with the Catch Clause in effect…

4. Drew Gulak (w/Myles Borne, Damon Kemp, Charlie Dempsey) vs. Riley Osborne (w/Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail) for the NXT Heritage Cup. Both men started the first round with technical chain wrestling. BOth men then did some flips while in a Test of Strength. Gulak peppered Osborne with a slap. Osborne came back with a switch knee. Osborne hit Gulak with a Shooting Star Press to pick up the first fall. [End of Round 1]

Riley Osborne pinned Drew Gulak 2:37 into Round 1 to go up (0-1)

Gulak quickly rolled to ringside to duck out. Osborne hit Gulak with a Fosbury Flop. Gulak reversed Osborne’s High Fly Flow for a two count. Osborne hit Gulak with a standing corkscrew moonsault for a two count. Osborne got a two count off a Sunset Flip. Gulak sued a rollup to get the first pinfall on Riley. [End of Round 2]

Drew Gulak pinned Riley Osborne 1:25 into Round 2 to tie things up (1-1)

Gulak gave Osborne a cheap shot after the bell. Chase U and NQCC faced off in the center of the ring. The show cut to regular commercial. The show cut back 2:15 into Round 3. Riley caught Drew with a kick. Gulak reversed a flip into the Gu Lock. Riley ran down the clock to survive the round. [End of Round 3]

Jacy Jayne and Jasmyn Nyx showed up to taunt Thea Hail at ringside. Riley reversed a Gu Lock into a one count. Riley hit Osborne with a Frankendriver. Both men traded rollups and jackknifes for a bunch of nearfalls. Osborne got a two count off a cradle. Gulak turned Riley inside out with a clothesline. Riley dragged Gulak to the top rope. Hudson and Chase held Hail from attacking Jacy Jayne. Nyx tripped up Osborne to turn the superplex into a crossbody by Gulak for the victory.

Drew Gulak defeated Riley Osborne via pinfall (2-1) 2:14 into Round 4 to retain the NXT Heritage Cup for No Quarter Catch Crew. 

The Catch Crew did their Catch Point pose in the center of the ring…

John’s Thoughts: A really good match, with a weak finish. They probably should have done something more creative instead of that weak looking trip. I still think that they shouldn’t be complicating things with this contrived “Catch Clause” thing, but at least we got a better quality match out of it due to it not being carried by Noam Dar’s sports entertainment (which he’s good at) antics. I think they tried a bit too hard with adding Nyx and Jayne to the overbooked finish. Meanwhile, I continue to be impressed by Riley Osborne, who has the potential of being a top guy in NXT. Guy showed good technical stuff in addition to his good flip stuff. I continue to wonder if they’ll turn him heel after teasing a thing between him and his real life fiance (Blair Davenport) a few weeks ago.

Fallon Henley met up with Brooks Jensen in the parking lot to see if he’s ok. Brooks said he’s done after last week. Henley told Brooks to not be like that. Jensen told Fallon to not worry about him. Brooks said things are okay for Fallon and Josh now, and he doesn’t know what he wants, which isn’t in this parking lot. Jensen left.

Kelani Jordan was randomly throwing a fit looking for Kiana James and Izzi Dame for attacking her last week. Henley told Kelani to calm down. Kelani thanked Henley for helping Thea Hail last week after she was laid out. Henley asked how she can help and walked off with Jordan…

Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows made their entrance…[c]

Duke Hudson and Thea Hail argued to Ava about Nyx and Jayne cheating in the last match. Ava said she booked Nyx in her debut match next week. Hail said that sounds like a reward. Ava said she booked Nyx against Hail. Hail was happy, excited, and walked off. Ava then said she’s been paying attention she’s been looking at Duke Hudson and wants to give him a chance to getin the Stand and Deliver North American Title Match. Duke said he think’s that sounds nice…

John’s Thoughts: Ok! Is HBK trying to beat Tony Khan to the punch in booking his version of Meat Madness? Beecause these big men can also flip, do we call it a Burger Bash? Because burgers flip? Sorry for god awful dad joke.

The match was joined in progress…

5.  “The Good Brothers” Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Hank and Tank dumped Gallows and Anderson to ringside and hit them with stereo Asai Vader Bombs. Hank and Tank then cut the ring in half on Anderson in the center of the ring. Hank and Tank did a sandwich slam in the center of the ring on Anderson. Hank worked on Anderson with strikes in the corner. Hank then gave Gallows a taste of Luke’s boxing punches. Gallows dumped Hank to ringside for a breather.

Gallows hit Hank with a big boot. Anderson and Gallows cut the ring in half on Hank with tags and methodical offense. Hank milked a hot tag and managed to get an opportunity after giving Anderson a enzuigiri. hank hit Gallows with a headbutt. Tank came in for the hot tag. Tank hit Anderson with an Atomic Drop and springboard shoulder. Hank tagged in and hit Anderson with a back suplex. Gallows broke up Hank’s pin.

Hank and Tank hit Gallows with a double shoulder tackle. Anderson used an eye rake to escape a power slam. Gallows tossed Hank into the steps. Anderson hit Tank with a signature spinebuster. Gallows tagged in and the Good Brothers hit Tank with a Magic Killer for the victory.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson defeated Tank Ledge and Hank Walker via pinfall in 7:55 of TV time. 

Vic Joseph and Booker T ran through the advertised NXT Stand and Deliver card. Vic also plugged the Trick Williams ..

Kelly Kincaid interviewed Trick Williams and told him he’s on fire after last week. Kelly then asked what Trick is thinking  about his first match after Melo betrayed him. Trick said he’s traveling light these days, but he likes it that way. Trick said he’s going to look good taking down Noam Dar of the Meta Four. Kelly said that Melo is in the building tonight. Trick said if Melo gets involved, Trick gonna whoop dat ass…

Meta Four made their entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Decent enhancement win for the Good Brothers who allowed the plucky and lovable Hank and Tank team to look decent in defeat. They’re developmental types, so it helps for them to work with veterans like Gallows and Anderson. Gallows goes way back in WWE developmental back in the early 2000s so that’s kinda cool (we also have Shawn Spears here too, who was also there back then). I continue to hope we get the inspired Gallows and Anderson, which were solid when they first showed back in Impact early 2020 (as opposed to the goofy Bullet Club Lite Gallows and Anderson we get most of the time). Tama Tonga is roaming around as a free agent. Don’t think they put him in NXT, but that’s always a possibility.

The unseen interviewer caught up with Roxanne Perez about being booked into the NXT Women’s Title match at Stand and Deliver. Perez said if Lyra won’t do the right thing by relinquishing the title, Perez is just going to have to rip the title off Lyra’s injured shoulder…

Kiana James and Izzi Dame chatted with Jacy Jayne and Jasmyn Nyx. They trash talked Thea Hail. After Jayne and Nyx left, Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan jumped James and Dame…

Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin vs. Tozawa and Otis, Ilja Dragunov vs. Stacks in a non-title match, Thea Hail vs. Jasmyn Nyx were announced for next week. Josh Briggs vs. Duke Hudson and Shawn Spears vs. Dijak were also announced for next week and Vic noted that they might have implications for Stand and Deliver…

John’s Thoughts: Ah, so it looks like it’s still a triple threat meat match because my guess is that Spears gets canceled out somehow by sad dad Ridge Holland. Either that, or we don’t get the teased Triple Meat Match. Former member of the Double Meat Tag Team Bryan Danielson would probably be disappointed.

Trick Williams made his entrance…

6. Trick Williams vs. Noam Dar (w/Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson, Oro Mensah). Trick started the match with a few body slams. Noam reversed an Eddy Gordo Kick. Trick blocked a Juji Gatame. Trick hit Noam with a dropkick. Trick floored Dar with alternating boxing hands. Noam hit Trick with a basement dropkick. The picture in picture showed Melo’s security knocking on Melo’s personal locker room, saying “it’s time”.

John’s Thoughts: What in the Bill Gold Berg!?! (hol up! Another unintentional Big E meat reference)

Trick caught Noam with a pop up punch. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

[Overrun] Trick hit Noam with a deadlift spinebuster for a nearfall. Dar and Trick traded strong style strikes in the ring. Dar hit Trick with a superman punch. Trick came back with a flying clothesline. Noam reversed a slam into a DDT (Vic also didn’t see what the move actually was). Noam put Trick in an Ankle Lock and grapevine. Trick got to the bottom rope for the break.

Dar gave Trick a few boots. Trick came back with a desperation Book End. Trick hit Noam with some Booker T crescent kicks and a flapjack. Lash Legend got on the apron to seduce Trick. Vic said “Shuky Ducky Quack Quack”. Trick blocked a slap from Lash. Noam clubbed Trick from behind and gave him a Judas Effect for a two count. Trick blocked a Noam Roller with the Trick Shot Tiger Knee for the win.

Trick Williams defeated Noam Dar via pinfall in 12:11. 

Trick took a mic and said he needs to get something off his chest. Trick said this don’t have to wait til Stand and Deliver and Melo can bring his punk ass to the ring now. Melo’s personal security walked out to surround the ring. The guards blocked off all the apron corners. “Carmelo Hayes” made his entrance.

But it wasn’t Carmelo Hayes, just a random dude with a hoodie. Melo actually took off his ski mask to reveal he was one of the riot guards. Melo beat down Trick to his knees. Melo then left Trick lying with a switch knee strike. Carmelo Hayes yelled at the fallen Trick that he was going to take him out to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: Solid tune up match for Trick Williams, the current protagonist and rising star of NXT. Match wasn’t in question, but they got the most out of it. The post match disguise actually fooled me a bit. I figured it out the moment that dude milked taking off his hoodie, but they had me misdirected with the ring surround. Thumbs up to whoever produced that misdirection, because that’s one someone should use down the road. I kinda hope they put more heat on Melo next week too, maybe have him put Trick in an injury angle.

Props to Trick too. I always thought someone should be throwing Sagat Tiger Knees as a finisher. Trick has the hops and length to pull it off. Decent episode of NXT this week as it was focused on setting up the Stand and Deliver card. Sorry for all the unintentional meat references. Blame HBK for booking more meat on NXT than usual. Looking forward to Stand and Deliver which has the potential for a few youngers shining in good matches (though last years, which I attended struggled a bit because they felt like they had to “get everyone on the show”).

(Random jump scare after NXT: I was getting hyped up after NXT due to En Vogue’s Never Gonna Get It playing random on USA. Only to get naked booty fat suit Rock in the shower jiggling. Ew! No! Damn you Dwayne!!! Cody? Where u at!?! Kick his ass! I kid, I kid. The Rock and Kevin Hart Central Intelligence aired after NXT for the random jump scare)



Readers Comments (1)

  1. I’m sorry, but this review was bad in my opinion. I do like coming here for the reviews and the writer’s thoughts. It makes it a little different compared to other sites, but this just read as “trying too hard to be funny” commentary.

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