WWE Raw results (3/18): Powell’s live review of Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax in a Last Woman Standing match, Gunther and Sami Zayn contract signing, three WMXL tag team title ladder match qualifiers

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,608)
Raleigh, North Carolina at PNC Arena
Aired live March 18, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] A shot aired of Lincoln Financial Field while Michael Cole noted that the venue will host WrestleMania XL in 19 days. A shot aired of the exterior of PNC Arena, and then Cody Rhodes was shown walking outside the venue with his dog. Split shots were shown of The Creed Brothers and the team of Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa arriving outside the building. Cole was joined on commentary by Pat McAfee…

Jey Uso made his entrance while Cole said that Jey’s match against Jimmy Uso will be the third brother vs. brother match in WrestleMania history. Jey welcomed viewers to Raw. He said he knew his brothers were in the building and called out Jimmy.

Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa walked through the crowd and hopped the barricade, and then Jimmy entered the ring. Jey and Jimmy went face to face while an “Uso” chant broke out.

Jey said he and Jimmy always get into and snap back into it, but this felt different. Jey said that regardless of the bad blood, he misses Jimmy. Jey told Jimmy to come back to him.

Jimmy interrupted to say that he never left Jey. Jimmy said it was Jey’s idea to leave The Bloodline. Jimmy said Jey went off and become the top wrestler on the Raw brand, the top merchandise seller, and even a tag team champion without him. Jimmy said Jey forgot him. Jimmy said the biggest moment of Jey’s career is because of him.

Jey said the biggest moment of his career would be his dream match at WrestleMania 40 when he knocks the yeet out of Jimmy’s ass. Jey punched Jimmy. Sikoa climbed on the apron and then Jimmy took advantage of the distraction by superkicking Jey. Sikoa held Jey while Jimmy jawed at him.

Cody Rhodes ran out without entrance music and dressed in non-wrestling attire. Cody hit Jimmy at ringside, then entered the ring and hit Siko with a Cody Cutter. Cody helped Jey to his feet while Jimmy and Sikoa backed up the entrance aisle…

Powell’s POV: Cody and Jey vs. Solo and Jimmy are headlining this weekend’s house shows, so I perhaps we’ll get that match either tonight or next week on Raw. It was a good segment and I like the little touch of Cody running out without his entrance theme to make things feel a little more impromptu.

Cole and McAfee spoke at their desk and hyped Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax in a Last Woman Standing match as the show’s main event. Cole said the match was five years in the making. A video package spotlighted their feud… Timestamped footage aired of Becky Lynch arriving at the building…

“DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa made their entrance while being introduced by ring announcer Samantha Irvin heading into the first commercial break… [C]

Adam Pearce was on the phone when Paul Heyman interrupted him. Pearce was upset about The Bloodline attack. Heyman apologized and said it wasn’t authorized by The Rock or Roman Reigns. Heyman said Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa went into business for themselves.

Heyman said there were flight delays all day, including his own private jet. Heyman told Pearce that Jimmy and Solo were gone and he had Roman’s word. Heyman said he had official business to take care of and then he would be gone. Heyman told Pearce that when he does his official business, everyone would be caught off guard. Heyman said that wasn’t a prediction, it was a spoiler. Heyman walked away and called Reigns on his phone…

The Creed Brothers made their entrance…

1. “DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Julius Creed and Brutus Creed in a ladder match qualifier. Ivy Nile did not come out with the Creeds. Cole noted that the DIY duo have never had a WrestleMania match. The wrestlers bumped fists to start.

Cole said the venue was sold out and listed the attendance as 14,370. DIY cleared The Creeds to ringside and then dove onto them. Gargano and Ciampa sat on the apron and applauded themselves and patted themselves on the back. [C]

The Creeds performed suplexes on both opponents and then did back-to-back standing moonsaults. Julius picked up a two count on Ciampa. The match spilled over to ringside where Brutus shoved Ciampa over the broadcast table, which led to McAfee celebrating with him. [C]

Ciampa hit White Noise from the middle rope on Julius for a near fall. Ciampa and Julius traded strikes in the middle of the ring. Ciampa went for a discus shot, but Julius headbutted his chest and then applied an ankle lock. Gargano tried to break it up, but Julius released the hold and powerbombed him.

The Creeds both applied ankle locks. Ciampa teased tapping out before he and Gargano countered into their submission finishers. The Creeds escaped and then hoisted up Gargano and Ciampa and threw them at one another. Julius and Brutus hit back to back moonsaults on Ciampa, who kicked out at the last moment when Brutus covered him.

Julius tagged in and then the Creeds set up for a Brutus Ball, but Ciampa rolled Julius into a pin that Brutus broke up. Gargano tossed Brutus out of the ring and then reversed a pin to put Ciampa on top of Julius for the three count. Cole noted that Gargano and Ciampa were going to WrestleMania for the first time in their ten-year WWE careers…

“DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa defeated Julius Creed and Brutus Creed in 18:35 to qualify for the ladder match for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania XL.

Powell’s POV: The best outing for the Creeds on the main roster. The match was also effective in making the WrestleMania spot feel prestigious. Gargano and Ciampa earning a spot on the WrestleMania card was a feel good moment for their longtime fans and Cole did a really nice job of putting it over.

Backstage, Rhea Ripley, Dominik Mysterio, Finn Balor, and JD McDonagh spoke with Andrade. Dom said they like his style, but he added that things had changed since he was last there and Judgment Day now runs Raw. Rhea said it’s an exclusive club, but they could make things happen if he continues to impress them.

Balor said they would be watching Andrade’s match next week. Andrade said that sounded great and then turned around and saw Damian Priest. They exchanged quick pleasantries before Andrade made his exit.

Priest mentioned the DIY win and said it was okay because he and Balor can handle them. He took issue with McDonagh failing to win the gauntlet match. Ripley said Ricochet made a fool out of McDonagh. Ripley said Dom would make things right. Dom said he and McDonagh would go talk to Pearce to make things official… [C]

Cole acknowledged the addition of Thunderbolt Patterson to the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2024…

2. Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. Neither entrance was televised. Rather, footage aired of LeRae making Mean Girl comments to Maxxine Dupri during last week’s tag team match. Chance performed a move on Hartwell in the corner.

Hartwell sent Chance up and over, and Chance sold a knee injury when she landed. Carter checked on her partner from ringside. LeRae tagged in and performed a sliding dropkick on Carter. LeRae wrenched Chance’s knee around the post and then put it in a submission hold for the win…

Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell defeated Kayden Carter and Katana Chance in roughly 2:00.

After the match, Hartwell looked surprised by LeRae’s actions. LeRae then asked Chance if she was okay before smiling…

Powell’s POV: This was more effective than last week’s Mean Girl moment between LeRae and Dupri. It remains to be seen whether Hartwell will stand up to LeRae or go along with her heel antics.

Highlights aired of The Rock’s appearance on Smackdown… Cody Rhodes was shown walking backstage while Cole said he would appear after the break… [C]

An ad aired for the Bray Wyatt documentary that will premiere on Peacock on April 1…

Powell’s POV: Get your box of tissues ready for this must see documentary.

Cody Rhodes made his entrance dressed in a suit and slapped hands with fans on his way to the ring.

[Hour Two] Cody said that in less than three weeks time, he will stand opposed for the second year in a row in the main event when the lights shine brightest. Cody said he will challenge Roman Reigns and referred to him as the greatest champion in all of sports.

Cody said he and Reigns would have a little conversation on Friday’s Smackdown. Cody said there are complications, namely The Rock. Cold called Rock’s concert entertaining, then said it’s too bad he didn’t want to be at this Raw.

Cody noted that Rock referred to himself as our favorite heel. Cody said it’s an insider term and we all know what it means. Cody ran through the list of famous heels, then said that he doesn’t think Rock is a heel, he thinks he’s an asshole.

Cody told Rock and the Seven Bucks team not to get upset. He said he knows they don’t like emotion given the way Rock mocked him for crying. Cody said Rock has been crying behind the scenes the entire time. Cody said Rock went to his buddies on the TKO board and said he would save them. Cody mocked the idea while pointing out that the house they drew for this show while saying they sure as hell needed saving.

Cody said the TKO folks are yes people and enablers who won’t tell Rock like it is. Cody said he would do that. Cody said Rock is a lot of wonderful things and he said he even has a pair of tennis shoes with Rock’s logo on them. Cody said Rock is a Mount Rushmore wrestler, but he’s also a terrible salesman and a carny succubus.

“For those who don’t know what that means, you’re a whiney bitch,” Rhodes said. Cody told Rock not to think the locker room needs him more than he needs it. Cody recalled Rock talking about his mother. Cody said he knows Rock’s mom. Cody said she’s salt of the earth and recalled her helping him by chopping Kevin Owens in a dark match. Cody said he has nothing but respect for Rock’s mom and it’s a respect that should echo back toward his mom.

Cody recalled Rock claiming that Cody’s mother would tremble when he hands her a bloody weight belt. Cody said his mother once beat up an undercover cop at a Willie Nelson concert and said she’s not afraid of The Rock.

Cody said he doesn’t know if they’ll have Bloodline Rules when he faces Reigns or whether he’ll be able to finish his story. Cody questioned how Rock could be so sure about what he’ll do in the ring when it’s been so long since he’s actually wrestled. He wondered if there would be Big Dwayne Energy or LDS – Little Dick Syndrome.

Cody said Rock calls himself The Final Boss. Cody gave props to Brian Gewirtz for coming up with the name. Cody said Rock won’t be the Final Boss, he’ll be Roman’s sidekick.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Paul Heyman said while walking onto the stage and toward the ring. Heyman did his introduction schtick and then spoke about the ideals that he and Cody share. Heyman apologized to Cody for bringing out off-duty NYPD officers. Heyman said it was pretty stupid and noted that the plan didn’t work.

Heyman walked up the ring steps and Cody stopped him. Cody assumed that Heyman was going to ask for permission to enter the ring. Cody said Heyman is a Hall of Famer and could be his guest. Heyman said he was fine on the apron and said he had a message from Roman Reigns.

Heyman told Cody that he could think anything he wants about him and it would probably be understating the obvious, whereas Reigns is a Tribal Chief of his word. Heyman said Reigns would go face-to-face with Cody on Smackdown and there would not be another member of The Bloodline in sight, aside from him and he’s not a physical threat.

Heyman said Cody had Roman’s word that he would show up alone. Cody said it was a deal. Heyman said he was jet lagged and forgot one crucial point. The fans booed. Cody told Heyman he would go full Homelander and rip his throat out if he didn’t get to the point. Nice.

Heyman said that if Roman shows at Smackdown alone, then Cody must do the same. Cody approached Heyman, who started to cower. “Deal,” Cody said before offering his hand, which Heyman shook. Cody’s music played to end the segment…

Powell’s POV: Cody cut an outstanding promo on Rock. The Rock has hit hard and Cody just hit back even harder with this promo. I continue to enjoy that there doesn’t seem to be any special treatment being given to Rock in terms of the babyfaces having to avoid saying anything that might make him look bad. I don’t know if there’s real tension or if they are all sitting around and laughing about their promos together, but it feels like there’s legitimate tension and that’s all that matters. The rest of the segment with Heyman was a very effective build to the Cody and Roman segment on Smackdown.

Nia Jax was shown looking into the camera backstage. Jax said she just realized that Becky Lynch has never beaten her and after tonight she never will. Nax said that once she breaks Lynch’s face again, she’ll take her spot at WrestleMania and become the Women’s World Champion…

Ricochet made his entrance… [C] A sponsored video focused on LA Knight talking about his favorite WrestleMania moments…

Backstage, Jey Uso applauded Cody Rhodes, then told him he knew he wasn’t going to Smackdown alone. Cody said he gave his word. Jey said he would have his back if he needed him…

Split screen footage aired of Jey Uso pumping his arms to the crowd while McAfee stood on his chair and the broadcast table and nearly fell over. McAfee mocked himself and said he nearly tore his ACL…

3. Dominik Mysterio (w/JD McDonagh) vs. Ricochet. Dom’s entrance was not televised. Dom ate a springboard elbow and then rolled to the floor. McDonagh shoved Dom out of the way when Ricochet teased a dive. Ricochet followed up with a corkscrew plancha onto Dom and then rolled him back inside the ring. When Ricochet tried to follow, McDonagh grabbed him and distracted him long enough for Dom to catch Ricochet with a sliding kick. [C]

Ricochet kicked McDonagh off the apron, but Dom took advantage of the distraction by kicking Ricochet from behind. Ricochet came right back with the Recoil and scored the pin.

Ricochet beat Dominik Mysterio in 7:20.

After the match, McDonagh went after Ricochet, who caught him with a kick and then went backwards over the top rope and landed on his feet at ringside. Cole spoke about how Ricochet has been embarrassing Judgment Day…

Backstage, Sami Zayn spotted Chad Gable in the hallway and spoke about how their match could have gone either way. Gable cut him off and said, “Yeah, it was great.” Zayn said they knew each other a long time. Gable used his “it meant more” catchphrase. Zayn said he has kids at home and they cry when he loses too. Gable said he knows all that. Zayn asked him what it’s all about. “You can’t beat Gunther,” Gable said before walking way… [C]

Cole hyped SummerSlam for August 3 at Cleveland Browns Stadium…

Raw General Manager Adam Pearce stood in the ring where a contract signing table was set up. Pearce introduced Sami Zayn, who still looked rattled by what Chad Gable said to him. Pearce introduced Gunther, who headed to the ring dressed in a suit.

Gunther placed the Intercontinental Title belt on the desk and then laughed when he looked at Zayn. Gunther interrupted Pearce and said that this was biggest contract signing for the most important match in the Intercontinental Championship’s history. Gunther questioned why the contender was dressed like any other bum in the audience.

Zayn told Gunther that the smug look on his face was starting to piss him off. Zayn said Gunther didn’t believe he could beat him. Zayn said a lot of people didn’t think he would end up in WWE or be a champion or main event WrestleMania.

Zayn said the Usos didn’t believe he would be the guy who would end the longest reigning tag team title reign of all-time but he did, and now he will end the longest Intercontinental Title reign of all-time. Zayn signed the contract.

Gunther told Zayn that he should listen to his new friend Chad Gable, who doesn’t believe Zayn can beat him. Gunther said the fans cheer for him, but they also don’t believe Zayn can beat him. Gunther said when he looks into Zayn’s eyes, he knows that Zayn doesn’t believe he can beat him.

Gunther said Zayn was standing on his doorstep and begging to receive the beating of a lifetime on the grandest stage of them all. Gunther told Zayn to keep on dreaming and believing, but at WrestleMania his dream will meet reality. Gunther signed the contract and then picked up his title belt and put it over his shoulder.

Gunther started to leave the ring, but Sami called for him to wait. Zayn turned around in his chair and said Gunther looked in his eyes and didn’t think he could win. Zayn stood up and told Gunther to look again. Zayn told Gunther to take a good long look into the eyes of the man who will take him down at WrestleMania. Zayn dropped the mic and headed to the back with a camera following him.

Zayn walked by The Miz, R-Truth, Johnny Gargano, and Tommaso Ciampa. Miz told Truth that Zayn had the mindset that they needed. Jinder Mahal and Indus Sher walked into the picture. Truth said he feels sorry for whoever has to fight those guys. Miz and Truth made their entrance. Miz started to speak over a mic, but Truth told him to follow his lead. Truth sang his song while Miz chimed in by yelling, “The Awesome Truth”… [C]

Powell’s POV: Simple and highly effective mic work from Gunther and Zayn. It was a nice touch to have the normally happy to lucky Gable tell Zayn that he can’t beat Gunther. I am looking forward to Gunther vs. Zayn as much as any match at WrestleMania XL.

The tail end of Indus Sher’s entrance was shown coming out of the break…

4. R-Truth and The Miz vs. “Indus Sher” Veer Mahaan and Sanga (w/Jinder Mahal) in a ladder match qualifier. Truth performed some early John Cena offense on Mahaan, including a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Truth was unable to perform the Attitude Adjustment, but he took Mahaan down and applied an STF that Sanga broke up.

Miz ran in and put Mahaan down with a Skull Crushing Finale. Sanga tried to throw out Miz, who caught Jinder with a kick. Miz pulled Sanga’s legs. Sanga flailed his arms and accidentally hit Truth, who fell on top of Mahaan and got the three count…

R-Truth and The Miz beat “Indus Sher” Veer Mahaan and Sanga in 3:15 to qualify for the ladder match for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania XL.

Powell’s POV: Meh. It was no surprise to see the veterans win the match to get a spot on the WrestleMania show, but that finish was a little too cutesy for this viewer.

Drew McIntyre was shown walking backstage wearing a shirt that read, “The Savior of WrestleMania”… [C] The broadcast team pushed the WWE World events for WrestleMania weekend, including Triple H’s appearance on McAfee’s show…

Sami Zayn caught up with Chad Gable backstage and demanded to know why Gable didn’t think he could beat Gunther.

[Hour Three] Gable said it’s not physical, it’s mental. Gable said Zayn has made a career out of being the underdog who crawls his way out of any hole he ends up in. Gable said Gunther is on a different level. Gable said Zayn would sit and wait for that opportunity to appear, but that doesn’t happen with Gunther. Gable told Zayn that if he doesn’t change his mentality, then he can’t beat Gunther…

Powell’s POV: More of serious Chad Gable, please.

The broadcast team set up footage of CM Punk doing his physical therapy. Punk asked if he would be at WrestleMania. He asked what the first four letters in Philadelphia are. “You can’t have WrestleMania in Philadelphia without Phil,” Punk said. Punk said it didn’t matter if he was invited or uninvited…

The broadcast team hyped Punk’s appearance on next week’s Raw in Chicago…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance with a smirk on his face. As he was walking to the ring, Seth Rollins’ entrance music played and he danced his way onto the stage with the World Heavyweight Championship belt around his waist.

McIntyre stood and watched as Rollins walked past him and slapped hands with fans. Rollins entered the ring and then McIntyre followed him. Rollins said he was too busy soaking up the spotlight to have noticed McIntyre was there. McIntyre said the spotlight would be all his after WrestleMania.

Rollins said he wanted to admit that one thing McIntyre said was actually true. Rollins said the first step on the road to recovery is the hardest. “My name is Seth ”Freakin” Rollins and I am a spotlight junkie,” Rollins declared.

McIntyre said everything is just a joke to Rollins and said he’s now a parody of himself. Some fans did the “What” bit. McIntyre thanked them for reminding him that he took out Punk. McIntyre said the punchline is when he beats Rollins for the title at WrestleMania.

A CM Punk chant started. McIntyre said Punk would be there next week, but he would never show up some place like Raleigh. When fans booed, McIntyre looked into the camera and said the fans were booing Punk, who would leave his couch in Chicago to justify his big contract.

Rollins cut McIntyre off and said it wasn’t a joke to him when he said he’s a spotlight junkie. Rollins said he’s been doing this for twenty years and going through the curtain is his fix that gets better every single time. Rollins said the same of when he leaves it all in the ring and when the fans chant his song so long he can hardly speak.

Rollins said that’s his fix and the spotlight he craves. Rollins said he knows McIntyre has been busy on Twitter and hasn’t been listening to him. Rollins said that on night one of WrestleMania, he would take the biggest star in the Hollywood “and his sidekick” and make them his bitches, and then the spotlight would be on him and McIntyre.

McIntyre said this is the Rollins he wanted. McIntyre said Rollins made the title the workhorse championship and the wrestler’s title. McIntyre said Rollins had him until he mentioned the spotlight. He asked why the hard work can’t be the reason they are getting the spotlight.

McIntyre said all he cares about is Rollins making it to the ring at WrestleMania. He said he would carry him down to the ring if he can’t get there. McIntyre said he wouldn’t get the moment that he deserves, he’ll be the moment “that I’ve bloody earned.”

Rollins said McIntyre wants the spotlight just as bad as he does. He said McIntyre has been getting for it since he won the title in 2020 in an empty warehouse. He said McIntyre has been whining and complaining that he deserved better.

Rollins said the problem is that when everyone came back around and the lights got bright again, McIntyre fumbled the ball. Rollins said that’s the difference between them because he shines bright in this situations. Rollins said McIntyre will find out when the lights shine brightest that he’s not as good as he thinks he is. Rollins dropped the mic and exited the ring…

Becky Lynch delivered a backstage promo while seated in an undisclosed area. She said all she knows is fighting and taking risks and would be the last woman standing…

New Day made their entrance for the third qualifying match…

The Rock was advertised for the April 1 edition of Raw in Brooklyn… [C]

The D’Angelo Family won the upgraded tickets contest. Cole noted that it was a real family, not the crew from NXT. Funny… Otis and Akira Tozawa made their entrance…

5. “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. Otis and Akira Tozawa in a ladder match qualifier. A “New Day Rocks” chant broke out once the bell rang. Otis used his stomach as a weapon by pulling Woods’ head into it early on. Tozawa hit both opponents with a suicide dive. [C]

Otis performed the Caterpillar on Kingston for a two count. Otis tagged out and then went for a middle rope splash that Kingston avoided. Woods tagged in and put Tozawa down with a tornado DDT.

A short time later, Tozawa executed a huracanrana off the ropes on Woods and then hit him with a top rope senton splash. Tozawa had Woods pinned, but Kingston broke it up. Kingston took out Otis with a DDT on the floor. Tozawa kicked Kingston off the apron, but then Woods hit Tozawa with a sit-out powerbomb. Woods went up top and pointed at the WrestleMania sign before performing an elbow drop and then scored the pin…

“New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods defeated Otis and Akira Tozawa in 9:30 to qualify for the ladder match for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania XL.

Powell’s POV: A nice match. New Day winning felt like a slam dunk going in, but they did their best to create some suspense by giving Otis and Tozawa some solid near falls.

Becky Lynch was stretching backstage when Liv Morgan entered the room. Lynch asked Morgan if she would have to watch out for her. Morgan said Lynch should always watch her, but tonight is all hers. “Make sure you kick her ass,” Morgan said before making her exit… [C]

Cody Rhodes was shown walking backstage with his dog. Seth Rollins approached Cody and said, “Friday, one-on-one?” Cody confirmed it and then walked away. “Love the bandana Pharaoh,” Rollins added…

Powell’s POV: I forgot to mention earlier that Pharaoh wore a bandana around his neck that read, “The Rock Is A Cat”. Cute.

The broadcast team hyped The Rock’s appearance for two weeks in Brooklyn. They also hyped CM Punk’s appearance for next week in Chicago, as well as Ricochet vs. JD McDonagh…

Becky Lynch made her entrance and Cole plugged her book and also mentioned that she was at the White House on Sunday. Cole added that Lynch passed her test to become a U.S. citizen. Nia Jax’s entrance followed…

6. Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax in a Last Woman Standing match. Lynch threw a dropkick to start that hit Jax’s arm, yet she stumbled back into the corner anyway. Lynch cleared Jax to ringside and hit her with a sliding kick. Jax avoided a move from the apron and then hoisted up Lynch on her shoulders and slammed her into the ring post and then the barricade. Lynch and Jax traded punches heading into a break. [C]

Jax tossed several chairs inside the ring. She eventually caught Lynch coming off the ropes with a chair shot and then worked her over with it. Jax followed up by hitting Lynch with a kendo stick and then slammed her onto one of the chairs. Jax performed a leg drop and told the referee to count. Lynch started to get up, so Jax hit her with more chair shots.

Jax placed the chair over Lynch’s body and then sat down on it. Lynch grabbed a kendo stick and beat Jax with it until she stood up and fled to ringside. Lynch followed and was caught by a shot from Jax, who picked up the top piece of the ring steps and hit Lynch with it. Jax draped Lynch over the apron and went for a leg drop that Lynch avoided.

Lynch DDT’d Jax on the bottom piece of the ring steps. The referee counted while Jax was down, but she got back to her feet while Lynch pulled a table out from underneath the ring. [C]

Lynch pulled a fire extinguisher from underneath the ring and sprayed it in Jax’s face. There was a table leaning in a corner of the ring. Both women returned to the ring and Lynch charged at Jax, who used a Samoan Drop to put her through the table.

Jax performed an Annihilator on Lynch and played to the crowd while the referee counted. Lynch rolled out of the ring and onto her feet to avoid being counted down. Jax followed her to the floor and then hoisted Lynch up on her shoulders and returned to the apron in front of a ladder and a table that were set up on the floor.

Lynch fought back and performed a Manhandle Slam that drove Jax through the table. The crowd’s “holy shit” chant was censored. Jax got to her feet at nine to keep the match alive and then fell down again. Lynch climbed the ladder. Jax stumbled around behind the broadcast table and ended up draped over it. Lynch performed a leg drop off the ladder and put Jax through the table. Jax was counted out by the referee.

Becky Lynch defeated Nia Jax in 18:35 in a Last Woman Standing match.

Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley made her entrance dressed in black jeans and a Dominik Mysterio t-shirt. Lynch was seated in the middle of the ring when Ripley entered it. Ripley leaned down and talked smack. Lynch got upset and stood up and they jawed at one another to end the show…

Powell’s POV: An enjoyable hardcore style match with the expected Lynch win followed by the brief Lynch and Ripley confrontation to close the show. Overall, this was a filler-free episode thanks in large part to the three ladder match qualifiers. Even the random women’s tag team match of the night served a purpose in terms of establishing Candice LeRae as a heel. More importantly, the segments involving the bigger names delivered and it all combined to make a strong road to WrestleMania show. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading the show below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the March 18 edition

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Readers Comments (7)

  1. I loved that main event match between Becky Lynch and Nia Jax, one of the best Raw main event matches in a while for me.

  2. I think they still have time to establish Gable as the kingmaker.

    Everyone joking about Alpha Academy, but can you imagine the pop if Zayn catches fire, beats Gunther, then credits something that Gable showed him? Hell, maybe even winning with an ankle lock.

    That would get Gable over more than anything, and guarantee him a match with Sami down the road.

  3. “Side bitch”

    Not “side chick”

    Both times.


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