TNA Impact results (3/7): Moore’s review of Mustafa Ali vs. Kevin Knight in a non-title match, Josh Alexander vs. Dirty Dango, Masha Slamovich vs. Dani Luna, PCO vs. Alan Angels

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

TNA Impact (Episode 1,024)
Taped February 24, 2024 in New Orleans, Louisiana at Alario Center

Aired March 7, 2024 on AXS TV

Highlights from last week’s TNA Impact show aired…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt were on commentary. Jade Chung was the ring announcer…

1. TNA X Division Champion Mustafa Ali vs. Kevin Knight in a non-title match. Knight dominated the early collar and elbow lockup. Knight then took down Ali with a shoulder tackle and dropkick. Ali and Knight traded a chop in the corner. Knight hit Ali with a body slam and standing Frog Splash for a two count. Ali gave Knight a drop toehold, gamengiri, and neckbreaker for a two count. Ali got another two count off a DDT. Knight hit Ali with a nice looking leaping Frankensteiner when Ali did a “In Ali we trust” pose on the top rope.

Knight got a two count after a springboard crossbody. Knight leapt on the top rope. Ali reversed Knight into a Super Backstabber for a two count. Ali slapped and trash talked Knight. Knight turned Ali inside out with a lariat. Knight hit Ali and his security guards with a plancha. The Good Hands walked out to distract Knight. Chris Sabin ran out to beat down The Good Hands. Ali caught Knight with a Tornado DDT. Knight came back with a Sky High for a two count. Ali took the X Division title from Sabin and dropkicked him when Sabin was brawling with Skyler on the apron. Ali hit Knight with the title belt when the ref was distracted for the victory.

Mustafa Ali defeated Kevin Knight via pinfall in 8:39.

Skyler and Hotch held Knight in place after the match. Ali gave Knight’s left arm a 450 Splash. Alex Shelley ran out with a crutch to chase off Ali and and the Good Hands…

John’s Thoughts: Knight looks good again in defeat. No shame for taking the dirty loss to the X Division champion as Ali continues to try to get his slimy politician gimmick over. I do like that TNA has been continuing to start the show off with productive singles matches ass opposed to their old method of doing forgettable homogenous multi-person spotfests.

A Xia Bookside and Tasha Steelz promo aired where both women hyped up going against Jordynne Grace at the upcoming TNA Plus show…

Tom Hannifan hyped upcoming segments…

A medic was checking on Kevin Knight. The medic informed Knight was not cleared to wrestle at Sacrifice. Alex Shelley agreed to join Sabin and Kushida to replace Knight in their match at Sacrifice. Shelley brought up needing Sabin at ringside at No Surrender. Sabin pointed out that Shelley told him to stay in the back. Shelley said he needed Sabin because he didn’t expect Kushida to throw in the towel and cost him the match. Sabin told Shelley that this complaining was random and that nobody would want to team with someone who acts like this. Shelley brought up teaming with Sabin and Kushida for years. Shelley said he was going off to ask Santino for a Time Splitters vs. Good Hands match…

George Iceman (still unnamed in his current run) refused to introduce the woman already in the ring. He gave Ash by Elegance a personalized ring introduction. Jade Chung introduced Angel Blue after George left the ring…

2. Ash by Elegance vs. Angel Blue. Ash demanted that Angel kiss her boots, which Angel refused. Ash gave Angel a knee and clubbing strikes in the corner. Ash then stompped on Angel in the corner. Ash smothered Angel’s face in her boot. Ash then had Iceman wipe off her boot. Angel kicked out at one. Ash took down Angel and hit her with some ground and pound. Ash did her signature carthweel into an elbow. Ash hit Angel with Rareified Air (Swanton Bomb) for the victory.

Ash by Elegance defeated Angel Blue via pinfall in 2:43.

Iceman cut off Jade Chung again to announce Ash’s win…

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…

John’s Thoughts: Another good showcase win for the artist formerly known as Dana Brpple who’s doing a wonderful job reinventing herself as Ash by Elegance. I like the juxtaposition too of Ash being all “elegance” before the bell, but showing a mean streak once the bell rings. It’s quickly gaining her some credibility points.

The show cut to a Steve Maclin promo that he cut over Zoom. Maclin called out Nic Nemeth for claiming to start from the bottom in Impact, to get to the top; yet he’s ducking out from Maclin in Japan. Maclin took credit for striking the fear of God into Nic when he beat down Nic in Puerto Rico. Maclin said as a double standard he’s refusing to appear in-person at Impact this week due to Nic Nemeth refusing to appear in the US. Before Maclin could end his promo, he was attacked in his hotel room which also caused Maclin’s computer feed to glitch a bit. The feed then came back on with Nic Nemeth appearing. Nemeth left the room and put the “Later please” do not disturb door sign over the fallen Maclin…

The Good Hands made their entrance. John Skyler cut his usual pre match promo about how their opponents will lose to these good hands. Kushida and Alex Shelley made their entrance with Shelley not looking on the same page as Kushida…

3. “The Good Hands” John Skyler and Jason Hotch vs. “The Time Splitters” Alex Shelley and Kushida. Kushida used an octopus stance to get Hotch in the initial chain wrestling holds. Shelley tagged in which allowed The Time Splitters to take down both Good Hands. Shelley gave Hotch a stomp to the elbow. Kushida wrenched Hotch’s elbow on the top rope. Hotch tagged in and got the advantage over Kushida. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

`Back from break, Kushida hit both Good Hands with a handstand into an elbow, which allowed him to tag in Alex Shelley for the hot tag. Shelley hit Hotch with a few chops in the chest and one to the throat. Skyler blind tagged in to get the advantage. Hannifnan ran through upcoming TNA events. The Good Hands used quick tags to cut the ring in half on Shelley. Shelley tossed Hotch into Skyler while Hotch was running the ropes to bring in Kushida. The Time Splitters hit Hotch with their signature Muta Lock-Dropkick combo.

Shelley accidentally hit Kushida with a Gamengiri after Skyler dodged. Hotch hit Kushida with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Kushida shoved Skyler into Hotck to knock Hotch off the top rope. Shelley tripped up Hotch which allowed Kushida to put Skyler in a Hoverboard Lock. Skyler tapped out.

The Time Splitters defeated The Good Hands via submission in 11:30.

Shelley bickered with Kushida after the match…

John’s Thoughts: Expected tune up win for the babyface trio before they face Ali and the Good Hands at Sacrifice. They are teasing Shelley being a bit more heelish than usual with his recent bickering against his two long time tag partners. He has always had a bit of an edge as a babyface so it could just be him acting natural; but the spotlight on it makes me think they might be considering a Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin feud down the road, probably with slimy politician Ali stirring the pot.

The show cut to Dirty Dango’s latest docu-style interview alongside Oleg Prudius and Alpha Bravo. They were standing in the middle of a rural field. Dango wondered if they were standing in the middle of the Matt Hardy Compound? The first question was “What are your current goals”. Dango said he and Oleg will dominate the whole TNA and United States tag team scene. Dango said he and Oleg will go down in the TNA hall of fame alongside Monty Brown, Amazing Red, Jerelle Clark, and the Naturals. Dango told them “may god rest their souls”. Dango said he and Oleg are wrestling the best tag teams with less than one year experience around the country.

Dango plugged his “Zenmo”, Zelle, Western Union, and Paypal accounts for payments. The next question was “How does this affect your strategy against Josh Alexander?”. Dango talked about how indie wrestlers wish to face Josh Alexander to bring up their PWI top 500 ranking. Dango wondered why Alexander wears headgear and if he even has ears? Dango said he’s a sports entertainer. Dango said he could care less about trading chops and fighting forever.

Dango said the best part about being in the TNA main event is the exposure that will cause indie marks to want to join their wrestling school at $60 a head. Bravo noted their school was called “The Dirty Dango International Wrestling Academy of the Sports Entertainment Arts”. Dango said real guys don’t need a catchphrase. Oleg said he smells what Dango is cookin’…

Tom Hannifan plugged the Alexander vs. Dango match…[c]

Skyler and Hotch met up with Mustafa Ali backstage and apologized for losing. Skyler said the benefit was they scouted Kushida and Shelley for their upcoming match. Ali thanked The Good Hands for their service, but then replaced them in their upcoming match against The Machine Guns and Kushida with The Grizzled Young Veterans. After Ali left with Drake and Gibson, Hotch asked Skyler if they were just going to let that slide by? Skyler said Ali was incredible!…

Entrances for the next match took place. Apparently Masha and Kelly are tag team champions again…

4. Masha Slammovich (w/Killer Kelly) vs. Dani Luna (w/Jody Threat). Dani dominated the early chain wrestling. Dani hit Masha with a basement lariat for a two count. Dani got another tow count off a delayed vertical suplex. Kelly got a cheap shot on Dani when Masha distracted the referee. Masha got a two count off a PK. Mash then fishhooked Dani in a Camel Clutch. Masha worked on Dani with methodical offense. Dani came back with a baseball slide. Masha came right back wiht a handstand kick. Masha put Dani in a headlock while also clubbing at Dani.

Dani kicked out of a rollup at two. Dani rallied with right hands and a dropkick. Dani hit Masha with an exploder suplex. Dani hit Masha with a rope rebound Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Dani and Masha traded counters with Masha landing a DDT for a nearfall. Dani came back with a small package for a two count. Dani hit Masha with a clothesline and a fireman carry into a sitout Power Bomb for the clean win.

Dani Luna defeated Masha Slammovich via pinfall in 7:11.

Hannifan noted that Luna and Threat have singles victories over both Masha and Kelly…

Hannifan then hyped upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A bit of a shocking singles win for Dani Luna due to Masha Slammovich barely losing singles matches to anyone not named Jordynne Grace. That said a win against Masha doesn’t mean as much now as it was when she was on her dominant undefeated streak. A bit odd too because Masha was treated as special during her undefeated streak, but they’ve taken their time to make her just feel just like any other woman in the division by having her opponents being more competitive recently.

An ad aired for the TNA Plus Sacrifice show…

A replay aired of PCO attacking Big Kon last week on Alan Angels’s talk show…

Entrances for the next match took place…

5. Alan Angels vs. PCO. Angels rallied with right hands and took down PCO with a dropkick and DDT. PCO did a sit up to dodge a frog splash. BCO turned Angels inside out with a clothesline. PCO then planted Angels with a Chokeslam. PCO hit Angels with a PCO Sault for the victory.

PCO defeated Alan Angels via pinfall in 1:14.

Big Kon walked out to hit PCO with a chair. PCO ducked the chair shot and punched the chair away. Kon immediately hip tossed PCO on the chair. Angels tried to get Kon’s attention, but Kon neck snapped Angels. Kon and PCO then had a bit of a chair duel. After the chairs were dropped, Kon and PCO brawled to the back…

Hannifan hyped an Eric Young promo for after the break…[c]

A replay of Crazzy Steve defeating Rhino during an episode of XPlosion was shown…

A Crazzy Steve promo aired where he hyped up himself as Digital Media Champion…

Eric Young made his entrance wearing a hawaiian shirt. Young said Sacrifice isn’t just a name of an event to him, but a way of life. Young said he’s given his blood, soul, and tears to this company. He said he’d give a thousand lifetimes just to stand where he is right now. Young said Moose is holding on to one of the things he values the most. He said guarantees he will keep moving forward. Young said Moose may be bigger or stronger than him, maybe one of the best. Young said you may stomp and kick him into the earth. Young said the death don’t get deader and at Sacrifice he’s playing for keeps.

TNA Champion Moose made his entrance. Moose said Young is truly a world class maniac. Moose said he’s laughing at Young making the stupid idiot fans believing all the bull crap coming out of his mouth. Moose said Young has been in TNA for a long time, and at Sacrifice Young’s time is over. Moose said Young can bring all his determination, but the outcome will still be the same, Moose as “still TNA Heavyweight Champion”. Moose said he knows Young likes a good fight, and he likes a good fight as well. Moose said they shouldn’t wait for tomorrow and give the crowd a good ol’ New Orleans street fight.

Moose teased entering the ring and walked away. Moose said “that’s not how the system works. Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards, in grey business suits, attacked Young from behind and beat him down. They then held Young in place to allow Moose to hit him with a spear. Alisha Edwards walked out with a steel chain. Moose wrapped the chain along his shoulder and hit Young with a chain assisted spear to leave Young lying. Moose was about to hit Young with another spear, but Ace Austin and Chris Bey ran out to chase the heels away. Moose posed with his title at ringside…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Standard babyface challenger promo from Young, who I don’t see taking the title off Moose anytime soon (due to the formula two week match build). Good to see Moose finally get some promo time, and upgrade to Eddie and Myers for wearing suits instead of Eddie’s green attire; but Moose and the System still continue to feel mid-card as a unit while Moose feels like a weak world champion. In fact, Mustafa Ali and Steve Maclin feel like stronger heels on the show than the weak world champion.

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in on commentary right before the main event of the show….

Entrances for the next match took place. Dirty Dango did his usual “man do I hate pro wrestling” pre match line…

6. Dirty Dango (w/Oleg Prudius, Alpha Bravo) vs. Josh Alexander. Dango put Alexander in a armbar early on. Dango actually dominated the early chain wrestling sequence. Alexander came back with a side headlock takedown. Alexander hit Dango with a shoulder tackle. Alexander hit Dango with a Northern Lights for a two count. Alexander reversed a dive quickly into an ankle lock. Dango got the ropes for the break heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Alexander was selling a leg injury back from the break. Dango hit Alexander with a few Dragon Screws. Dango focused his attack on the injrued leg of Alexander in the ring. Alexander fought out of a deathlock. Dango tripped Alwexander and slammed the injured knee into the ringpost a few times. Alexander turned the tide by yanking Dnago into the ringpost. Dango came back with a chop block on Alexander. Alexander recovered and hit Dango with a Missile Dropkick. Alexander and Dango traded forearms.

Alexander hit Dango with a rolling senton and diving knee for a two count. Dango put Alexander in a tree of woe and hit Alexander with a slingshot leg drop and falcon arrow for a nearfall. Alexander recovered and hit Dango with three chained german suplexes for a nearfall. Alexander dumped Dango on top of Bravo at ringside. Alexander hit Dango, Oleg, and Bravo with a top rope cannonball at ringside. Oleg held on to Alexander’s leg which allowed Dango to hit Alexander with a tornado DDT. Alexander caught Dango’s leg during a leg drop attempt and made Dango tap out from a ankle lock.

Josh Alexander defeated Dirty Dango via submission in 14:47.

A TNA Sacrifice ad aired to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: A solid main event to send Alexander into his next match against Hammerstone with a lingering injury. Good to see Dango elevate his game too as the announcers talked about how this was the most inspired match Dango has had while in Impact. I’m curious if now that Hammerstone is signed  and they laid it on thick with the injury angle here if Hammerstone will go over Alexander to even up their feud. Would make sense if they are thinking of having Hammerstone be a big player in the company.

Two week’s post -D’Amore and another solid business-as-usual episode of Impact Wrestling. Happy to see TNA hasn’t fallen back into any old TNA follies back in the pre-D’Amore days. I had a little bit of fear since I lived through TNA having that strong 2016 only for Anthem to give the book back to Jeff Jarrett who loaded the show up with ref bumps, overbooked finishes, authority figures, and overpushed Karen Jarrett in quick order. Weak point about this week is them having to quickly build towards their next TNA Plus special. It confuses me a bit why they keep booking big shows close to each other? They might benefit more if these shows were more spaced out.





Readers Comments (1)

  1. “I do like that TNA has been continuing to start the show off with productive singles matches ass opposed to their old method of doing forgettable homogenous multi-person spotfests.”

    Gotta get that a** in!

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