Maxxine Dupri on her first WWE main roster match, being in the Royal Rumble, her career goals

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Insight With Chris Van Vliet with guest Maxxine Dupri
Host: Chris Van Vliet
Podcast available via

On her first main roster match: “So our first one was a six-man with The Viking Raiders. And it was amazing because I had the comfortability of being with the boys and I had them as my safety net to fall back on. I was extremely nervous as I am every single Monday, just because you want to be great, but I’m also so new. I haven’t performed in front of a crowd like that ever. So it was scary. The thing that I was grateful for in that moment was I had done a little bit of physicality. We had done the arm drag on the outside, the suplex on the outside and shout out Valhalla for just taking bumps from me on the outside all the time. I love her for that. I think having those interactions helped a lot for that first match. I was way more nervous for the first singles, because just, you know, it’s us, we’re out there.”

On the Royal Rumble: “Back to being prepared. I didn’t know if I was gonna be in or not. I found out a week before. But you best believe I had gear coming in four months prior for the Rumble. But I didn’t know if I was [in the match]. And I was very nervous just because I’m like, it’s obviously a huge platform. There’s only so many spots so you want to like to represent well and do well. And it’s always nerve-wracking. As much as I feel like for some people maybe it’s less nerve-wracking when there’s a lot of people in there. I think because I’m so green it’s more nerve-wracking for me when there’s that many people in there because I’m like, Am I in the way? What do I do? I don’t want to step on anyone’s thing. There’s so many moving parts. And I’m not quite to the headspace yet where I can just like be calm.”

On her WWE goals: “My goal is, honestly, I want to do this as long as I can, as long as they will employ me I want to be in WWE. I have so much fun and I am happy to do whatever they want me to do. I just love going to work. I love performing. I love the people I work with. I just feel so lucky to be in this position. Of course, I would love to win some gold or something fun like that and I really want to improve in the ring and just continue to prove myself there and even with promo skills, everything. I think my goal for this year is I want to have a match or something in December, where I look back at January and what I did and be like, Oh, it’s not even the same person. That’s my goal.”


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