AEW Dynamite results (3/6): Powell’s live review of the “season premiere” with Will Ospreay vs. Kyle Fletcher, Riho vs. Kris Statlander, The Young Bucks, and what’s next for AEW World Champ Samoa Joe

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 231)
Duluth, Georgia at Gas South Arena
Aired live March 6, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] The new Dynamite opening aired and then pyro shot off on the new stage. Excalibur said it was a new era for AEW. Excalibur was joined on commentary by Taz, while Tony Schiavone was in the ring for an opening promo.

Swerve Strickland made his entrance with a dancing Prince Nana, who led the crowd in a “Whose House/Swerve’s House” chant. Schiavone said the fans love Swerve and then asked him what’s next for him. Swerve said he didn’t know if he deserved the reaction and noted that Samoa Joe was victorious in the three-way for the AEW World Championship at AEW Revolution.

Swerve recalled when he signed his AEW contract and said he would be the AEW World Champion. Swerve said he has no gold. He said maybe it’s karma for “the really terrible things” he’s done in AEW. He wondered if it was payback. The crowd started up another “Whose House/Swerve’s House” chant.

Swerve said he had some doubt and maybe he’s not supposed to be a champion. Swerve said maybe he’s meant to be a role player who gets close but can’t quite grasp it. The crowd responded with a “you deserve it” chant.

Swerve said something about Revolution felt very different. He said it seemed like people were truly rooting for him for the first time and really wanted him to win and make history. He said he heard people flew in from his home state of Washington to see him make history. Swerve said he would not let people down.

Swerve said nothing changes from this point on. Swerve said he’s coming for Samoa Joe. He said he doesn’t know when or where, but he will beat him for the AEW World Championship. “That I promise,” Swerve said before he led “Whose House/Swerve’s House” chants.

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe made his entrance and joined Swerve and Nana inside the ring. Joe said Swerve is talking funny for a man that he beat down the other day. Joe said Swerve was making promises to the people that he’ll never keep.

Joe said it was time for a reality check. Joe said they were in Swerve’s house, but that house exists in Joe’s world. Joe said that instead of the people listening to Swerve talk about how he was almost a champion, he wanted to let the fans gaze at a real world champion.

Swerve said Joe was talking spicy for a man he still hasn’t been able to beat. Swerve said they could fight later in the night, then said he didn’t want to wait that long. Swerve called for a match against Joe on the spot.

The Undisputed Kingdom crew of Adam Cole, Wardlow, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, and Roderick Strong took the stage. Cole spoke from a wheelchair and boasted that Strong is the new AEW International Champion, and claimed that Taven and Bennett are the greatest ROH Tag Team Champions of all-time.

Cole said the only reason Joe is world champion right now is that Undisputed Kingdom let it happen. Cole said no one will give a damn about Swerve six months from now. Cole said there was no way in hell that Swerve would win the world title.

Cole said Wardlow would challenge for the championship and win it very soon. Cole said Wardlow would bring the belt home to its rightful place. Swerve laughed and then asked how many times Cole failed and yet was still given repeated opportunities. Swerve mocked Cole for being a manager and claimed he had Britt Baker’s phone number in his pocket.

Cole challenged Swerve and Joe to face Taven and Bennett next week. Swerve asked why they should wait until next week. Cole said Swerve doesn’t make the rules, Undisputed Kingdom does. Cole said the match would happen next week. Schiavone said he was just informed by Tony Khan that the match would take place immediately. Schiavone called for a referee…

Powell’s POV: The new set looks good. I’m not a big fan of the two entrance chutes, but it’s what they do in AEW. I’m not sure how AEW diehards will feel about the long talking segment at the start, but I’m all for it. Swerve was likable and expressed some self doubt before he stated that he will win the championship. Joe played his part as the confident world champion, and Cole set the table for the opening match.

1. ROH Tag Team Champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. AEW World Champion Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) in a non-title match. Schiavone joined the broadcast team at their ringside desk. Joe had a chance to tag out, but he neglected to do so. Taven and Bennett got the better of him heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Swerve had a flurry of offense on both heels and then strutted. Swerve put Bennett down with a brainbuster and then looked to the cheering crowd. Swerve went to the rope and was cut off by Taven. Swerve eventually knocked Taven off the ropes and then hit Bennett with a double stop.

Swerve glared at Joe and then put Taven down before hitting him with a House Call kick. Swerve hit the JML Driver on Taven and pinned him clean.

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland defeated ROH Tag Team Champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett in a non-title match in 6:55.

After the match, Swerve glared at Joe while Taz said Joe wasn’t happy. Wardlow walked out, which got Swerve’s attention. Joe put Swerve in a rear naked choke until the passed out. Joe put his foot on Swerve while holding up the title and glaring at Wardlow…

Excalibur announced Samoa Joe vs. Wardlow for the AEW World Championship on next week’s Big Business themed edition of Dynamite…

Excalibur narrated highlights of the history between Hook and Brian Cage to set up their FTW Championship match. Excalibur said the match was coming up next…

Backstage, Hook was interviewed by Renee Paquette. Chris Jericho interrupted before Hook could say anything. Jericho said the first match he had as “Lionheart” in the United States was against Hook’s father Taz at the ECW Arena. Jericho said he never respected Hook until Hook dumped him on his head at AEW Revolution. Jericho called Hook the real deal and said, “Congrats on that.” Jericho held up his fist and then Hook bumped it with his own fist… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good opening match that spotlighted Swerve while creating more tension between him and Joe for their eventual singles match showdown. I also like the way they wasted no time in setting up Joe vs. Wardlow for next week. Not that I’m complaining, but I have a feeling that this isn’t going to be a good night for Ring of Honor. The ROH Tag Team Champions lost this match and I don’t think there’s any chance of ROH TV Champion Kyle Fletcher beating Will Ospreay clean later tonight.

Footage aired from AEW Revolution of Hangman Page preventing Swerve Strickland from beating Samoa Joe by beating up a referee. Excalibur said rumors have been circulating all day about the future of Page…

Backstage, “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson had big cheesy grins. “Thanks, guys,” Matthew started in Tony Khan fashion. Nicholas said they had two huge announcements. Matt cut him off and said they would make those announcements in the ring later in the show…

Ring announcer Justin Roberts introduced Hook and then Brian Cage for their match…

2. Hook vs. Brian Cage for the FTW Championship. Cage stuffed an early suplex attempt and then suplexed him. Hook ended up at ringside. Hook pulled a fire extinguisher out from underneath the ring and sprayed Cage with it. Cage came back while both wrestlers were at ringside. Cage charged Hook, who moved, causing Cage to crash through a ringside barricade heading into a PIP break. [C]

There was a piece of the barricade leaning in a corner of the ring along with a variety of weapons. Hook suplexed Cage onto the barricade and then covered him for a two count. Cage came back with an F5 move and counted with the referee before Hook kicked out of a pin attempt.

Cage rolled to ringside and brought back a bag. Cage poured thumbtacks in the middle of the ring. Hook battered Cage with a kendo stick and then suplexed him on top of the tacks. Hook went for Redrum, but Cage stood up and then dropped Hook back first onto the tacks. Hook maintained the hold and got the win…

Hook defeated Brian Cage in roughly 10:00 to retain the FTW Championship.

After the match, the “Gates of Agony” duo of Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun attacked Hook. Chris Jericho ran out and chased off the heels with his baseball bat…

Powell’s POV: I can’t say that Jericho aligning with Hook does anything for me, but hopefully this means Jericho will stay away from Will Ospreay.

A video package aired on AEW tag teams while audio played of Tony Khan stating at the Revolution press conference that there will be a tournament to crown new champions due to the retirement of Sting…

Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, and Chuck Taylor were interviewed in the backstage area by Paquette. Cassidy said he would do whatever he can to fill up his backpack with a championship now that he lost the AEW International Championship. Paquette asked if Beretta and Taylor would be entering the AEW Tag Team Title tournament. Taylor said he was still injured, but he said Cassidy and Beretta would have their first match on Rampage…

Killswitch made his entrance with Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, and Shayna Wayne. Excalibur said Cassidy and Beretta’s match on Rampage will actually be a precursor to the tournament. Matt Menard made his entrance and had his ribs wrapped…

3. Killswitch vs. Matt Menard. Christian sat in on commentary and spoke about Daniel Garcia. Cage hilariously said he would hold down all of the young lions as long as he’s in AEW. Menard went right at Killswitch, who eventually slowed him down and then hit him with a clothesline to the back of the head before pinning him.

Killswitch defeated Matt Menard in 1:30.

After the match, Killswitch picked up Menard for a chokeslam, but Daniel Garcia ran out and stopped him. Nick Wayne ran in and caused a distraction that allowed Killswitch to put Garcia down. Nick hit a cutter on Garcia while his mom was shown applauding while standing behind Cage at the broadcast table. Cage and his crew went to the stage and posed for the crowd.

Adam Copeland came out and hit Killswitch with a chair and then tossed him off the ramp. Copeland put Nick in a sleeper until he passed out. Shayna tried to low-blow Cage, who blocked her arm. Copeland chased Cage down the ramp, over the barricade, into the crowd, and into a backstage area. Cage ran out of the building and threw a man out of the driver’s seat of an SUV and then drove away.

Copeland looked into the camera and said Cage ran away like a little bitch. Copeland said he wanted to finish it where it started by facing Cage for the TNT Championship in an I Quit match at AEW Dynamite on March 20 in Toronto. Excalibur announced that Khan made the match official…

Powell’s POV: An AEW World Championship match announced for next week and a TNT Title match announced for the following week. I like that they did angles to set up both matches as opposed to having Excalibur announce them along with fifteen other matches spread out over three television shows.

Kyle O’Reilly was interviewed by Paquette in the backstage area. O’Reilly said he didn’t think he would ever wrestle again. He said he has been medically cleared and has a second chance to do the only thing he’s ever been good at to support his family. Paquette asked what happened when he was in the ring with Roderick Strong at Revolution. O’Reilly said he has nothing but love for Undisputed Kingdom, but this time he has to go it alone… [C]

A video package recapped Sting and Darby Allin defeating The Young Bucks at AEW Revolution in Sting’s final match…

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and introduced The Young Bucks.

[Hour Two] The broadcast team spoke about Sting while Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson made their entrance. Schiavone congratulated them on the great entrance “after the ass kicking you took.” Nicholas pulled the mic away from Schiavone and ordered him to leave the ring. Nicholas complained about Sting’s buddies from the retirement home showing up and Sting’s sons getting involved in the match.

Nicholas announced that he and Matthew will enter the AEW Tag Team Title tournament. Matthew said they had to be unbiased. He recalled Page putting his hands on an official and said he crossed the line. Matthew said they have to suspend Page from The Elite without pay.

Matthew said it’s like Kenny Omega disappeared off the face of the planet and hasn’t made any of his dates for no good reason. Matthew fired Omega from The Elite. Matthew said he and Nicholas love Page and Omega. He said they could do a group chat.

Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston’s entrance music interrupted the Bucks and he walked intently to the ring. Kingston recalled Nicholas threatening to fine him for talking bad about the Bucks. Kingston tossed cash at Nicholas and said, “You might as well do it now, bitch.” Nicholas shoved Kingston.

Matthew intervened and put his arm around Kingston and said they could talk like gentlemen. Nicholas went after Kingston, who put him down. Matthew hit Kingston with a low blow. The Bucks set up for an EVP Trigger, but they were interrupted by entrance music.

Kazuchika Okada made his entrance while Okada bucks fell from the rafters. Okada headed to the ring dressed in a suit while the broadcast team wondered what he was doing in AEW. Okada stopped Kingston from going after the Bucks and then turned him around and hit him with a Rainmaker clothesline. Nicholas introduced Okada as the newest member of The Elite. Okada shook hands with the Bucks and then looked down at Kingston and motioned for the belt…

Powell’s POV: Well, that’s not exactly how I saw Okada’s debut going. The crowd went from being really hot for Okada’s arrival to being pretty quiet. Okada’s arrival was not a well kept secret, but they definitely threw a curveball by having him join the Bucks in the new Elite. It’s good to see the Bucks gaining confidence with their heel promo schtick.

Excalibur hyped the Big Business themed edition of Dynamite for next week in Boston…

Footage aired from Revolution of Will Ospreay defeating Konosuke Takeshita…

Kris Statlander made her entrance with Willow Nightingale and Stokely Hathaway. Nightingale headed backstage and then Riho made her entrance…

4. Riho vs. Kris Statlander (w/Stokely Hathaway). Riho tripped Statlander into the ropes and went for a 619 that Statlander avoided. Statlander put Riho down with a shoulder block and got a two count before Riho slipped away. Statlander put Riho in a bearhug and then suplexed her. Statlander had offensive control heading into a PIP break. [C]

Statlander hit Riho with three clotheslines. Statlander went for a powerbomb, but Riho countered into a hurcanrana that left Statlander on the ropes. Riho hit her with a 619, then followed up with a crossbody block. Statlander rolled through the crossbody block, but Riho countered into a dragon suplex for a near fall. Statlander came back with a powerbomb for a near fall.

Hathaway pulled a chain out of his pocket and left it in the corner of the ring. Hathaway hopped on the apron and distracted the referee. Statlander picked up the chain, but then dropped it at ringside. Statlander hit Riho with a pair of German suplexes. Riho rolled Statlander into a pin and got the three count.

Riho defeated Kris Statlander in 9:50.

After the match, Taz said Statlander should have used the chain. Hathaway spoke to Statlander, who appeared to jaw back at him…

Highlights aired of Toni Storm beating Deonna Purrazzo to retain the AEW World Championship thanks to a distraction from Mariah May…

AEW World Champion Toni Storm was interviewed by Paquette while Mariah May and Luther. May was dressed as rocker Toni Storm. Storm announced that she would present the first ever Toni Award on AEW Collision. She also presented May with a t-shirt and said she would get a cut… [C]

Paquette interviewed Stokely Hathaway and Willow Nightingale. Hathaway said he wished that Kris Statlander would accept help from the ones who love her the most. Paquette informed Willow that she will face Riho next week. Willow said Hathaway could be at ringside, but they had to do things her way…

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and introduced Darby Allin, who brought out a baseball bat and an AEW Tag Team Title belt. Excalibur said we need to get used to Allin coming out by himself without Sting at his side. Schiavone brought up Allin’s match against Jay White for Big Business and then asked him what’s next for Allin without Sting.

Allin said he was homeless at one time up the road in Atlanta and then he just headlined Sting’s retirement match. He said he would stop at nothing to make sure Sting’s career ended with the respect it deserved and he felt like he did just that.

Allin said he was lacerated and tired. He said he had a match with Jay White next week and then would leave on March 27 to climb Mount Everest. Allin said there was no guarantee he would come back alive. Allin thanked the fans and AEW for giving him “this dream.”

Allin said if next week is his last ever match, he’ll do what he always does by going out fighting for his life. Allin said people have asked him why he doesn’t find a new partner and keep defending the titles. Allin said he can’t replace Sting. “So the next team that wins this, congratulations,” Allin said before putting down the title belt.

The Bang Bang Scissor Gang entrance music played, which stopped Allin from exiting the ring. Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn came out and headed to the ring. White congratulated Allin on an amazing night at Revolution.

White said Allin showed the world he would sacrifice himself to make sure that Sting could retire a champion. White said he found it stupid when Allin dove off a ladder and crashed through glass, which left Sting to fight the Young Bucks by himself. White said fortunately Sting prevailed.

White said Allin was by Sting’s side to enjoy the moment. White said he didn’t see it and he doesn’t really care. White said Sting is gone and now Allin is all alone. White said Allin is a lost puppy with no one to clean up after him or hold his leash.

White said Allin didn’t have to jump off the ladder and he also doesn’t have to get in the ring with him. White said no one would think less of Allin after what he’s been through. White told Allin that there’s worse things that could happen if they have a match than the scratches Allin suffered at Revolution. White said Allin could hang with the Bang Bang Scissor Gang. He said they even call him Darby Scissorhands.

Allin said White won championships all around the world and then he came to AEW to play with cardboard cutouts. Allin told White that if he’s as good as he says he is, then he should come out for their match alone. Allin spoke into White’s ear, then put the bat up to his neck. Allin told White he would see him at Big Business…

Powell’s POV: A promo exchange to set up a match a week in advance? Progress.

TBS Champion Julia Hart delivered a promo while Skye Blue stood by. Hart said she would hold an Open House on Rampage for anyone who needs reminding of who she is. A graphic listed the Dynamite main event… [C]

House of Black members Malakai Black, Brody King, Buddy Matthews, and Julia Hart delivered a promo in a dark area. They spoke about what they would do to Mark Briscoe. King told Briscoe to let them know if they should dig one grave or three. Hart sang lyrics from “Ring of Fire”…

Mark Briscoe was interviewed by Renee Paquette on the backstage set. Briscoe said he would take on all three House of Black members by himself in an Atlanta Street Fight. Jay Lethal showed up and said it was time for him to man up and have the back of his friend of twenty years. Briscoe told Lethal he better not bring Jeff Jarrett. Lethal said who better to have their back. Lethal told Briscoe to trust him…

Will Ospreay made his entrance for the main event. Kyle Fletcher wore his ROH TV Title belt and also came out alone…

5. ROH TV Champion Kyle Fletcher vs. Will Ospreay in a non-title match. Don Callis sat in on commentary for the match. Ospreay was in control to start, but Fletcher ran him into the corner aggressively heading into the PIP break. [C]

Ospreay set up for an OsCutter, but Fletcher hit him with a dragon suplex and followed up with a brainbuster for a two count. The broadcast team told the story of Ospreay coming into the match with a lower back injury suffered at Revolution.

Ospreay rallied and set up for an OsCutter, but Fletcher caught him. Ospreay countered into a DDT. Ospreay went to the corner and went for a Hidden Blade, but Fletcher ducked it. Fletcher lawn darted Ospreay into the middle turnbuckle. Ospreay dropped Fletcher with a cutter on the apron heading into a PIP break. [C]

The following matches were listed in graphics earlier in the match for Friday’s AEW Rampage: Julia Hart vs. Robyn Renegade for the TBS Title, Action Andretti vs. Penta El Zero Miedo, Private Party vs. Top Flight vs. Bryan Keith and Komander (I think), Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta vs. Kip Sabian and The Butcher.

[Overrun] Fletcher set up for a tombstone piledriver, but Ospreay countered into a Poison Rana. Ospreay went to the ropes and was cut off by Fletcher. Fletcher went for a dragon suplex, but Ospreay landed on his feet and smiled. Ospreay hit a Liger Bomb for a near fall. Fletcher came back with a wicked slam for a near fall. Fletcher executed a Last Ride style powerbomb for another near fall.

Excalibur announced Chris Jericho vs. Titan for Saturday’s AEW Collision. Graphics listed Mariah May in action, the debut of “The Elite” Matthew Jackson Nicholas Jackson, and Kazuchika Okada, Bryan Danielson vs. Shane Taylor, and House of Black vs. Mark Briscoe, Jay Lethal, and Jeff Jarrett in an Atlanta Street Fight.

Ospreay performed a Poison Rana from the ropes and it was only good for a near fall (absurd). Ospreay threw kicks at Fletcher, who got up and fired elbow strikes. Ospreay caught Fletcher with a kick. Ospreay executed a standing Spanish Fly. Ospreay hit the OsCutter, but it was only good for a near fall. Fletcher got to his knees and indicated he knew what was coming next. Ospreay hit the Hidden Blade and finally scored the pin.

Will Ospreay defeated ROH TV Champion Kyle Fletcher in 19:10 in a non-title match.

Don Callis entered the ring while Ospreay and Fletcher had a moment. Bryan Danielson’s entrance music played and he walked to the ring with a smile on his face. Danielson entered the ring and looked at Ospreay while the show went off the air…

Powell’s POV: The main event was a really well worked spot fest and I know there are fans who loved every second of it. As much as I enjoy the athleticism, I would have preferred more of a showcase for Ospreay’s first Dynamite match as a full-time AEW wrestler. I just didn’t need to see Fletcher kick out of a Poison Rana or the OsCutter. It was one thing to have a banger at Revolution for the pay-per-view crowd, but I question the approach of doing it on Dynamite this early in Ospreay’s run with zero promo support.

Overall, though, this was a very encouraging season premiere. Okay, so I don’t really buy into the “season premiere” billing from AEW or WWE, but AEW made this episode feel like a fresh start with a new look and a more balanced approach between in-ring action and mic work prior to the main event. This was a good episode and I hope this approach is here to stay. I will have a lot more to say during my weekly same night audio review of Dynamite for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Dynamite by grading the show below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the March 6 season premiere edition free polls


Readers Comments (10)

  1. New intro! New graphics! New set! Same shitty booking! You can’t polish a turd

  2. The talking segment came across like a bunch of people who got handed the script about 7:45 PM. Felt very forced. The match was not good. This new undisputed grouping is bland as dry toast

    The new set and logo look great and I personally like the chutes

  3. TheGreatestOne March 6, 2024 @ 7:46 pm

    Squash a couple of “champs” and follow it up with a shitty garbage match. Nothing is ever going to change.

    • Yet you keep coming here and making negative comments, instead of doing what the rest of us do and just not watching or reading about shows we don’t like.
      Then again, we have lives, so….I get why you do it. Pathetic, but funny.

  4. Heel okada? No thanks, man

  5. TheGreatestOne March 6, 2024 @ 8:42 pm

    “It’s good to see the Bucks gaining confidence with their heel promo schtick.”

    Sucking confidently is still sucking.

  6. They shouldve fed a different team to Swerve/Joe. That match further watered down UK.

    They seem to think Cage vs Copeland is the only way they can sell any tix in Canada.

    • The two tunnels makes it feel like such an amateur show. And the NXT color splash isn’t doing them any favors.

      Does anything really care for the undisputed era or bullet club scissor party? Just so much garbage all around.

      • TheGreatestOne March 7, 2024 @ 8:58 am

        Clearly not. They sold tickets for Sting retiring in Greensboro and that’s it. They had 3k in a 13k building last night and have 7k sold for “Big” Business next week. The company is dead and buried except for the fact that the coked out trust fund twat keeps putting his dad’s money into it.

  7. Good show, and announcing title matches a week and two weeks in advance is a great move. However, Tony HAS to get some storylines going that last awhile, and hopefully, since we have seen a little of that the past few months, that keeps happening more and more.

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