NXT TV results (1/30): Moore’s review of Ilja Dragunov and Trick Williams meet face to face before Vengeance Day, Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams vs. Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro in a Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic semifinal match

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Live from Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired January 30, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Highlights from last week’s NXT aired…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

1. Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams vs. “The Latino World Order” Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro in a semi-final match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Melo and Wilde had a prolonged collar and elbow and chain sequence with Melo landing the armdrag. Trick tagged in and took down Wilde. Wilde hit Trick with a jawbreaker. Del Toro tagged in and gave Wilde a hip toss on Melo. Del Toro hit Trick with a Lionsault for a nearfall. Del Toro gave Trick a loud chest chop.

Trick caught a crossbody and gave Del Toro a spinning body slam followed by another. Del Toro escaped a body slam and gave Trick a basement dropkick to the calf. Trick caught Del Toro with a pop up right hook. Melo tagged in and gave Del Toro machine gun chops in the corner and boots. Del Toro sent Melo to ringside. WIlde hit Melo with a sweet looking top rope flip dive to ringside. Del Toro hit Trick with a corkscrew plancha heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from break, LWO cut the ring in half on Melo. Melo backdropped Del Toro and tagged in Trick. Wilde also got in. Trick hit Wilde with a crescent kick and body slam. Trick hit both LWO members with a double Book End for a nearfall. Trick hit Wilde with a cyclone boot and tagged in Melo. Trick hip tossed Melo onto wilde for a nearfall. Wilde put Melo i n a Tree of Woe. Del Toro gave Trick and Melo superkicks. LWO gave Melo a double Tree of Woe Coast to Coast. Williams broke up Del Toro’s pin.

Wilde and Trick rolled to ringside after Wilde gave Trick a DDT. Del Toro and Wilde traded right hands while kneeling. Both men traded hands on their feet. Del Toro hit Melo with a missile dropkick. Wilde tagged in. Del Toro missed a Phoenix Splash and ate a Codebreaker from melo. Wilde shoved Melo off the top rope. Melo countered a dive into a Codebreaker on Wilde. Melo dumped Del Toro to ringside and tagged in Trick. Trick hit Wilde with a running Flash Knee for the victory.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes defeated The Latino World Order via pinfall in 12:33 to advance to the finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.

Vic Joseph reminded viewers that this wins Trick Williams will be pulling double duty on Sunday. Oba Femi showed up to put the boots to Del Toro and Wilde. Dragon Lee ran out to save his LWO associates. Oba fended all three men off and tossed Wilde into Del Toro. Oba Femi swatted Dragon Lee out of the air to be the only man standing tall…

John’s Thoughts: Great tag team match. The LWO have had one of the most effective callbacks to NXT in that all of their matches have been stellar. In fact, their current run seemed better then when they were in Legado Del Fantasma, because Del Toro and Wilde have been treated as cannon fodder for their leader for so long. I hope they are catching eyes and when they do go back to Smackdown presumably they get utilized as a serious threat. The former DJ Zima Ion in particular is doing some of his best work in recent memory. Good post match angle to make Oba Femi look strong taking down Dragon Lee and associates.

Ava was chatting with Ridge Holland backstage. Ava denied Ridge his request for a handicap match against Gallus. Lexis King showed up with a gift basket of his merch and pictures as a gift to Ava becoming GM. Lexis then told Ridge to brush aside so he can have a meeting with Ava about his 2024. Ava said he has a perfect match for Lexis. Lexis vs. Ridge Holland later in the show. Ava left Ridge Lexis’s gift basket. Holland gave it back to Lexis and said he’d see him later…

Earlier today, Tatum Paxley was looking lovingly at a picture of her and Lyra Valkyria in the ring and in the same clothes. Lyra showed up, talking about how she got all of Tatum’s many texts. Lyra asked why did Tatum attack Perez last week. Tatum said she thought Lyra wanted and and she wants to help Lyra fight her battles. Lyra continued to look flustered at Tatum not getting the hint…

Roxanne Perez made her entrance. Lyra Valkyria joined Vic and Booker on the commentary table. The show cut to picture-in-picture..[c]

The match started during the picture-in-picture…

2. Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley. Both women traded right hands. Tatum hit Perez with a enzuigiri and corner crossbody. Tatum hit Roxanne with a Butterfly Suplex. Tatum did Lyra’s pose and hit Perez with Lyra’s signature wrecking ball dropkick. Lyra continued to act peeved. Perez caught Tatum with a suicide dive when Tatum distracted herself glaring at Lyra. Tatum crotched Perez on the top rope. Perez hit Tatum with a armdrag, kick, and Pop Rocks for the victory.

Roxanne Perez defeated Tatum Paxley via pinfall in 2:19 of television time. 

Tatum tried to attack Perez after the match, but Perez saw it coming. Perez beat down Tatum. Lyra pulled Perez off for a standoff. Tatum was looking lovingly on the ground…

Ariana Grace was chatting with Wren Sinclair backstage. Grace called herself an inspirational leader. Fallon Henley showed up. Ariana said Wren shouldn’t sound like she’s from a ranch, and that Wren sounds like she came from a barn. Fallon told Ariana to not look down to Wren. Fallon then set up a match between herself and Ariana. Fallon left to see Ava to book the match…

Separate shots of Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice were shown heading to the ring…[c]

Vic Joseph plugged the Montez Ford and Bianca Belair reality series…

Entrances for the next match took place…

3. Elektra Lopez vs. Lola Vice. Elektra hit Lola with a spear. Lola came back by dumping Elektra to ringside. Elektra shoved Lola into the ringpost. Elektra caught Lola with a knee in the ring. Lola came back with rapid TKD kicks. Lola said she’s the real Latina. She hit Elektra with a hip attack in the corner for a two count. Lola hit Elektra with an axe kick. Elektra fought out of a cravate. Elektra reversed a kick into a small package for a two count. Elektra hit Lola with a modified Baldo Bomb.

Elektra rallied with right hands and shortarm lariats. Elektra hit Lola with a swinging side slam. Elektra fought out of a submission. Lola caught Elektra with a hook kick for the victory.

Lola Vice defeated Elektra Lopez via pinfall in 3:28. 

Lola posed with her breakout contract in the ring…

John’s Thoughts: Short and decent match. Not the prettiest, but not a lot of fumblin. Elektra Lopez is showing improvement from her early NXT 2.o days. She’s definitely upgraded her look and looks really good. This is presumably her last match as we saw her make her Smackdown Debut recently. Interested to see what they do with Lola. She’s definitely not ready for a 10+ minute match and not ready to get put in the title picture. Oba Femi benefits from the men having a midcard title to cash in the contract for. NXT’s women’s division is deep enough. I thought they would attempt to go after the tag titles, but can we get maybe a women’s midcard title?

Dijak was shown backstage reviewing footage of his brawl with Joe Gacy. Joe Gacy showed up to meet Dijak in his interrogation room. Gacy sat down despite Dijak telling him not to. Dijak showed Gacy his nightstick. Dijak called Gacy a unhinged piece of trash and thought he would be taking the splinters out of his ass. Gacy said he got the splinters out and is here to tell Dijak that he can’t get rid of him. Gacy said no matter what Dijak does, he’ll keep coming back. Gacy then replayed what he said on Dijak’s cassette recorder. Dijak called Gacy a bitch. Dijak and Gacy then brawled…

Entrances for the next match took place…

4. Ridge Holland vs. Lexis King. Both men did some chain wrestling heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Holland was dominating King back from break. Lexis came back with a chop block. Ridge came back with a stiff lariat. Lexis put Ridge in the corner. Ridge fought out. Lexis came back with a whip and kick to the back for a two count. Lexis then put Ridge in a headlock. Ridge elbowed out. Lexis came back with a kick combo and neckbreaker for a two count. Lexis worked on Ridge with Yes kicks. Ridge got to his feet and hit Lexis with a series of Belly to Belly suplexes.

Lexis came back with a big boot. Ridge came back with a side Uranage. Lexis kicked Ridge in the shin. Ridge reversed Lexis’s finisher and gave him snakeeyes on the rope. Ridge came Lexis clinch knees. Joe Coffey ran out for the distraction. This allowed Lexis to hit Ridge with his finisher neckbreaker for the win.

Lexis King defeated Ridge Holland via pinfall in 9:38.

Gallus ran out and put the boots to ridge. Joe put Ridge’s leg on the standing chair. Joe then gave the chair a home run swing with another chair to pilmanize Ridge’s leg…

Andre Chase was shown looking sad. He said it was time to say goodbye to Chase University. Sad music played as Chase, Riley, and Hudson headed to the ring from backstage…[c]

Trick and Melo were chatting about their win in the locker room. Trick said he was surprised to see Melo at the Royal Rumble. Melo said he was surprised to see Trick at Smackdown. Trick thanked Melo for always lookin’ out. They then talked about facing Bron and Corbin. Melo told Trick not to let Ilja get in his head. Ilja said he knows all about Ilja, and later tonight he’ll settle things face to face. Ilja said Trick is about to find out tonight that Ilja is all about mind games, and Melo has had Trick’s back from the very beginning…

[Hour Two] Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, and Riley Osborne were in the ring wearing all black and looking somber. Chase had a Chase U towel. Chase talked about how people know him as hotheaded, but it’s just passion. He said he knew the power of what Chase University can have on the WWE Universe. Chase called Chase U an NXT success story (that’s true). He said even though you should only blame the closure of the university on his shoulders, but he’s proud that he got to share the power of the university with everyone.

Hudson said that Chase was a positive influence on his life. He said he was a different man when he joined, but he saw what Chase U could do for him. Hudson said when Chase gave him the title of MVP, that was the greatest day of his life. He said Chase U is so special for everyone that’s been a part of it. He said he feels it is important that everyone remembers Chase University in a positive light. He said he threatened, he means, asked students to put together a video package for Chase U.

A video aired on the big screen. The video then turned into a Chase U highlight package which had clips of the various Chase University moments on NXT with inspiring music in the background. There was also a montage of Andre Chase’s Bob Knight-esque cursing rants. The package ended saying “Chase University… 2021 – 2024”. Chase said this situation has been a teachable moment. He said he’s looking forward to what his, Hudson’s, and Riley’s lives give them.

Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail made their entrance. Jacy said if you want something said you ask a man, and if you want something done you ask a woman. Jacy said she’s the first to admit that she didn’t think she would fit into Chase U, and she was a bit toxic. She said she ultimately found herself looking for friends. Jacy said she was inspired by how Chase brought light into duke’s life. Jacy said she also liked how she protected Thea.

Jacy said that gave her the thought that she could change. Jacy said she had to stand up and do something when the university got in trouble. Jacy said no matter what people think, she’s loyal to the people close to her. She said she had to look outside her comfort zone to find a solution. Jacy said we will not be saying goodbye to Chase University. Jacy introduced the 2024 ladies of Chase University calendar girls. A bunch of random female developmental wrestlers stood on the stage.

Jacy said the projected sales of the calendar won’t only get Chase U out of debt, but take them to the promised land. Jacy said on Sunday at Vengeance Day, the calendars will go on sell. Jacy said this calendar will launch them to the next decade. Andre jumped for joy and hugged Jacy. Chase said he had his doubts, but Jacy is now officially a part of Chase U. Vic Joseph was also super hyped. Booker asked how much the calendar costs?…

John’s Thoughts: Chase was actually right in his promo. Chase U is one of the surprising success stories to come out of NXT 2.0. Like Booker, I’m wondering if this is an actual merch thing they are putting out.

The show cut to an Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo, and Adriana Rizzo promo where they were outdoors. Tony D and Stacks talked about how Rizzo is tough and grew up with them. Tony D and Stacks talked about how they can always count on Rizzo for work and to crack someone in the mouth. Tony D hyped up how they are going to defeat OTM on Sunday in their six person tag…

Fallon Henley was doing bicep curls backstage. Brooks Jensen walked up to her and said her and Briggs are really doing good on their own. Jensen reminisced on celebrating after winning the NXT UK Tag Team titles with Briggs. Wren Sinclair showed up and told Fallon that her match is coming soon. Henley said they can talk later. After Fallon left,  Jensen looked disappointed…

Chase U were celebrating backstage. Andre thanked Jacy and told Jacy she saved not only the University, but saved his life. Lexis King showed up and hit on Thea and Jacy, asking them for a calendar. Riley Osborne got in Lexis’s face to stick up for the women. Lexis said no one likes Riley and walked off. Thea said she likes Riley. The camera then paned over to Dijak and Gacy still brawling…

Entrances for the next match took place. Grace’s attire was actually really beautiful and immaculate (all white with a pre-match giant cape and tiara)..

5. Ariana Grace vs. Fallon Henley (w/Wren Sinclair). Grace did a few judo rolls to escape a wristlock and posed for applause. Henley put Grace in an armbar. Henley hit Grace with a elbow and snapmare. Grace tried to tell Fallon to “look there”, but Henley didn’t bite and gave Grace a few armdrags. Henley tripped Grace with a baseball slide. Henley then gave Grace a House Call kick. Henley gave Grace her signature baseball slide into a right hook. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Grace had Henley in a cravate back from break. Grace and Henley traded right hands. Henley rolled up Grace for a two count. Grace took down Henley and put her back in a cravate. Sinclair tried to lead the crowd to fire up Henley. Henley no sold a few slams and got to her feet. Henley hit Grace with a kick combo and clotheslines.

Henley caught Grace with a back elbow and blockbuster. Grace went to retreat to ringside. Henley caught Grace with a right hand. Jakara Jackson ran out for a distraction. Lash Legend gave Henley a big boot. Legend tossed Henley back in the ring to give Grace the pinfall win.

Ariana Grace defeated Fallon Henley via pinfall in 8:39. 

John’s Thoughts: Decent match. Grace is continuing to show improvement in the ring. Where she is shining ahead of most of the developmental wrestlers in the character work. She is definitively her father’s daughter, WWE legend Santino Marella. Since WWE is doing business with TNA, I wouldn’t mind if they bring Santino back to WWE for a bit to do a program with her Daughter?

An OTM promo aired where they were all shown walking down an alley in da hood. They all then sat down on garden chairs. Jaida Parker said people have always tried to put her in a box, only to know she don’t fit in it. Lucien Price said Jaida just looks different, walk different, hit different, and people don’t realize they don’t like different. Bronco Nima said they are all here to cause disruption.

Nima said they are going to show that OTM isn’t just a catchphrase, it’s a lifestyle. Jaida said she’s going to wipe the floor with the women’s locker room. She said they all came from nothing. Scrypts said you don’t play games with OTM. He said he’s played their game, but now it’s time for them all to play OTM’s…

The Meta Four made their entrance. Vic Joseph then told the camer to cut to backstage. The camera cut to Dijak beating up Joe Gacy on top of a truck container. Gacy fought back to prevent from being tossed over the top. Dijak got the advantage and kicked Gacy off the top of the truck…[c]

Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin were chatting backstage. Corbin told Breakker that he should have gave Breakker a heads up about getting in the royal rumble. Corbin said he thought the Wolf Dogs was better than that. Breakker said he thought Corbin hated the Wolf Dogs name. Corbin said it’s time to focus on now, Trick and Melo. Breakker said he’s going to spear Trick and Melo just like he just did to Jimmy Uso. Breakker wanted to lead a Wolf Dog chant but Corbin walked away. Corbin then ran back and dap’d it up with Breakker…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Joseph used his somber voice to recap a replay of Gacy getting thrown off the top of a truck…

Von Wagner made his entrance. Cash and Carter, Robert Stone’s two sons, were cheering in the front row…

Alicia Taylor did formal in ring introductions for the championship match…

6. Noam Dar (w/Oro Mensah, Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson) vs. Von Wagner (w/Robert Stone) in a rounds match for the NXT Heritage Cup.  Wagner manhandled the smaller Noam early on. Wagner ran through Noam with a shoulder tackle. Noam fought out of a test of strength. Wagner showed some agility escaping a wristlock. Wagner hit Noam with an armdrag.

Wagner took down Noam and worked on him with ground and pound. Wagner hit Dar with a Gutwrench Suplex. Stone’s kids led the crowd in a “Wagner” chant. Wagner hit Dar with a release F5. Vic Joseph noted that Wagner wasn’t showing urgency with the clock counting down. Wagner worked don Dar with ground and pound until the clock ran out. [end of Round 1]

The referee had to pull Wagner off Noam. Lash and Wagner then played tug o war with Noam’s prone body. Once the bell rang Wagner dumped Oro Mensah from the ring. Noam caught a distracted Von with a Nova Roller Leg Lariat for the pinfall [End of Round 2]

Noam Dar pinned Von Wagner 0:22 into Round 2 to go up 1-0.

Back from break, the crowd counted to 30 seconds for a Von delayed vertical suplex. Jakara and Lash grabbed at Von’s leg while Oro distracted the referee. Henley and Sinclair brawled with Lash and Jakara. Noam put Von in a heel hook to run out the clock. [end of Round 3]

Noam caught Von with a Yakuza Kick. Noam hit Von with a knockout blow for a two count. Noam worked on Von with overhead elbows while Von was on a knee. Vic noted that Von had skull damage and Noam was working on the temple of Von. Noam dumped Von to ringside. Noam caught Von with another Yakuza kick and then gave Von a dropkick to send Von’s leg into the steel steps.

Back in the ring, Von blocked a Nova Roller with a big boot. Von caught Noam with a jumping knee. Noam sent Von into the ring post. Noam rolled up Von with a jackknife pin for the victory.

Noam Dar defeated Von Wagner via pinfall 1:54 into Round 4 to retain the NXT Heritage Cup. 

Noam got in the faces of Stone’s kids. Von Wagner dragged Noam away. Oro Mensah tried to save Noam, but got caught by Von. Von power bombed Noam through the announce table. Von and Stone celebrated with Case and Carter…

John’s Thoughts: While it’s good to see Noam pick up a clean-ish win, I still can’t wait until they take the title off him. The Heritage Cup isn’t as bad as the 24/7 or Digital Media Championship in terms of branding, but I feel like Noam Dar and his sports entertainment approach is holding the cup hostage and preventing it from being established. I think it would be fine to have Noam as champ once the cup is established (like they did in UK), but they never truly started build from scratch when the transferred the cup to the US.

Ava berated Dijak and said she might have to give Dijak a suspension. Dijak asked for a no DQ match against Joe Gacy. Ava said Gacy can’t be in any condition to compete. Gacy crawled out of a garbage container and said he thinks a No DQ match will be fun. Ava granted Dijak his request…

Separate shots of Trick Williams and Ilja Dragunov were shown heading to the ring…[c]

Vic Joseph ran through the NXT Vengeance Day PLE advertised card…

[Overrun] Trick Williams was in the ring for the next segment with a mic in hand. He soaked in Whoop dat Trick chants. Trick talked about how he has a lot on his mind and he would like Ilja to meet him in the ring. NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov made his entrance in formal attire. Ilja said he likes the look on Trick’s face. Ilja said Trick is ready to fight on Sunday.

Ilja said so is he. He said he’s willing to fight for his life against WWE’s hottest rising star. Ilja said they will both whoop dat trick dat night. Trick refused a handshake. Trick said Ilja looks smarter than he looks. Trick said Ilja calls himself a Tzar and Tzars do anything to stay on top. Ilja said he thinks that Melo is clouding Trick’s judgment with false statements. Ilja said Trick needs to remind himself that their relationship is all about respect.

Trick said Ilja is trying to get the advantage and he may be playing Trick all this time. Ilja said his body was destroyed so much that he couldn’t be cleared at New Years Evil. Ilja said he destroied his body all of 2023 for everyone and this is how he’s speaking to Ilja? Trick said Ilja clearly forced him in a situation where he’ll be double booked. Ilja said he just tried to get Trick the biggest match on the biggest stage possible.

Ilja talked about how Trick and Melo are the reason that they tore through the Dusty Cup, and Trick needs to worry more about Melo. Ilja said Melo had his spotlight in the sun at the Rumble and now he needs Trick to take him to the top. Trick said he and Melo are winning the Dusty Classic and he’ll go toe to toe with Ilja to take the title. Ilja said Trick isn’t taking the title, especially when he can’t figure out who to trust.

Ilja talked about how their last feud made Trick more of a man then Melo ever did. Trick said to leave Melo out of this. Ilja said exactly, and it’s supposed to be about Trick. Ilja said he’s going to destroy everything Trick has built piece by piece on Sunday. Trick said no one, even a Mad Dragon, can’t destroy what Trick built. Trick said he’ll help Ilja out, this isn’t the same Trick Willy as last time.

Trick said this Trick Williams knows what is, and he’ll show the world his destiny. Ilja said he knows Trick will give everything. Ilja said Trick will ride history on Sunday, but not the history Trick wants. Trick said “may the best man win partnah!”. Trick and Ilja shook hands. Ilja pulled Trick for the same aggressive hug he gave Baron Corbin. Bron Breakker and Baron Corbon ran out to jump Trick and Ilja. Carmelo Hayes ran out. Trick and Melo dumped Bron and Baron to ringside.

The camera shot showed Trick looking conflicted between Melo and Ilja. Trick then went to jaw at Ilja. Melo was shown looking intense and shaking his head behind Trick. Vic closed the show, talking about Trick having to focus on two thing heading into Sunday at the PLE…

John’s Thoughts: Nothing too nuanced or special here, but NXT used this segment to make it clear what the writers what the viewers to focus on, Trick Williams’s dilemma. A dilemma focusing on two matches, and a dilemma on Melo’s trust. Melo is clearly acting shady, which is why they have to go with the Melo heel turn. I can’t see how they make Melo out to be the babyface all this time because if Melo has been shooting straight the whole time, it makes him look a bit like a doofus with how ineffective he’s been as Trick’s hype guy.

While this was a decent episode of NXT, I don’t feel like it was a pure go-home episode of NXT. Interesting too, because they aren’t backpacking off Rumble Weekend. Last week’s show felt more go-home than this with the contract signing to close. I’ll be by on Sunday with my live coverage of NXT Vengeance Day.



Readers Comments (2)

  1. Did you notice that the Chase U tribute video played the “Tell me a Lie” song which was the HBK tribute video when he lost his smile.

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