NXT TV results (1/2): Moore’s review of New Year’s Evil with Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams for the NXT Championship, Lyra Valkyria vs. Blair Davenport for the NXT Women’s Championship

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

NXT TV “New Year’s Evil”
Live from Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired January 2, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] A narrated intro package aired. No real skit this time, just highlights from the various feuds…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

Entrances for the women’s championship match took place…

John’s Thoughts: Are they setting up Tatum costing Lyra the title? I wouldn’t mind because it think Blair is more prime time ready. She’s main roster ready in fact.

1. Lyra Valkyria vs. Blair Davenport for the NXT Women’s Championship. Both women had a stalemate during the initial collar and elbow. Lyra then got the advantage with some initial aikido throws. Lyra then dominated the match with cravate variations. Eventually Davenport punched her way out gave Lyra a neck wrench, and hit Lyra in the back on the neck with a double stomp. Blair then gave Lyra some disrespectful shortarm stomps leading to a nearfall.

Blair worked on Lyra with methodical offense. Lyra used a stiff jawbreaker to escape a backback cravate. Lyra gave Davenport some stiff rapid strikes to rally back. Lyra hit Blair with a enzuigiri combination. Blair ducked a high cross body block. Lyra blocked a suplex with a Fisherman Suplex for a nearfall.

Vic Joseph had “Breaking News”. There was a graphic crawler that said Kelly Kincaid has a “medical update”, but wouldn’t say for who? Blair staggered Lyra on the top rope and hit her with a Falcon Arrow. Lyra quickly rolled to ringside to avoid a pin. Blair tossed Lyra into the barricade. Blair went for a Kamigoye, but Lyra dodged and Blair sent her knee hard into the announce table. Blair rollin’ on the ground like Peter Griffin selling a knee injury.

Blair went for a suplex, but her knee gave out. Blair tossed Lyra into the turnbuckle. Blair went for a double stomp, but she took most of the damage due to buckling her injured knee. Lyra hit a nice looking flow through Crescent Kick. Lyra hit Blair with a Michinoku Driver for the victory.

Lyra Valkyria defeated Blair Davenport via pinfall in 8:26 to retain the NXT Women’s Championship. 

Lola Vice ran out to try to cash in her Breakout Contract. Tatum Paxley flew in and beat down Lola Vice to save Lyra. Elektra ran in to attack Tatum. Lyra hit Lopez with a wrecking ball dropkick. Both groups had to be pulled apart…

John’s Thoughts: Nice and hard hitting title match. In fact, both women seemed to lay in those strikes harder than their usual matches. That was the best time I’ve seen Lyra execute that signature Crescent Kick because she had a running start which gave it more visual impact. I’m glad they didn’t go with Tatum costing Lyra the match and I think the Tatum stalker angle can lead to some fun character development for Lyra (who really needs it). It also might be a good ode to Trish Stratus and Mickie James.

Vic sent the show to Kelly Kincaid’s Breaking News. Kelly was standing in front of the WWE medical office. Kelly noted that WWE’s medical staff won’t clear Ilja Dragunov for the NXT Title match.

Entrances for the six person tag match took place. Dragon Lee is stuck out of the country due to visa issues. The mystery tag partner is Carlito “Carribean” Cool…

2. “The LWO” Carlito “Carribean” Cool, Cruz Del Toro, and Joaquin Wilde vs. “The No Quarter Catch Crew” Drew Gulak, Myles Borne, and Damon Kemp. Wilde and Del Toro swarmed Gulak with fast paced offense. Wilde took down Kemp and Gulak with a armdrag and dropkick. Borne clubbed Wilde in the back. Wilde hit all three opponents with an assisted superman dive (it was crazy). Wilde hit Gulak with a Missile Dropkick for a nearfall. Eventually the catch guys slowed things down and cut the ring in half on Wilde.

Myles dropkicked Wilde to assist Kemp in a German Suplex for a enarfall. The heels continued to use methodical offense to cut the ring in half. Wilde managed to use a judo roll to get the hot tag to Carlito. Carlito took down Myles and Kemp with lariats. Booker joked that Carlito’s apple was a foreign object. Everyone took turns trading signature moves. Kemp hit Carlito with a backbreaker to leave everyone lying. Wilde hit Gulak and Borne with a sick corkscrew moonsault at ringside. Kemp tried to pin carlito but Del Toro was the legal man. Carlito recovered and hit Kemp with a Backstabber. Del Toro hit Kemp with a Phoenix Splash for the win.

The LWO defeated The No Quarter Catch Crew via pinfall in 8:35. 

Gulak berated Kemp and Borne and said once Charlie Dempsey gets back from All Japan, he’s going to take them to the den to toughen up. Carlito walked up to Drew and spat an apple in his face for not being cool…

John’s Thoughts: Nice match that exceeded non-existent match. These men all arrived to deliver a fun lucha vs. catch style match. This was the best match Wilde and Del Toro have had in a long while because usually they are tossed around as the cannon fodder guys for Rey and Santos. Joaquin Wilde flyin’ around like he was DJ Zima Ion. A lot of people may have speculated Andrade “Cien” Almas being the mystery partner, but my favorite was Carlito because it makes sense and you would want Almas to debut on Raw or Smackdown (presumably with Zelina Vega as a manager again). Another person who also low key shined here was Damon Kemp (brother of Gable Steveson). He’s good in the ring and a good talker. WWE must hope this rubs off on his Olympic gold medalist brother.

Kelly Kincaid interviewed Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes. Trick said he’s disappointed, but he wishes the best for Ilja so he can get Ilja at his best. Melo continued to say that Ilja was foolin’ them. Grayson Waller showed up to trash talk. Waller and Trick pointed out both being Iron Survivors. Waller joked that Melo is the sidekick this year. Melo said Trick needs a challenger tonight. Waller refused but Melo said that Trick will put his title shot on the line. Waller agreed and ran off. Trick wasn’t happy that his boy put the title shot on the line…[c]

Riley Osborne was sitting alone in the Chase University classroom. We could hear his thoughts as he was talking about being in the Breakout finals. He said he wanted to live up to past Europeans like Finn Balor, Drew McIntyre, Fit Finlay, and William Regal. He said he believes he can get the NXT title if he has the contract. He said he is an underdog against the larger Oba Femi, but he believes in himself and will add his name to the list of great European stars…

Vic Joseph noted that Trick Williams vs. Grayson Waller for the Iron Survivor contract was the new main event of the show…

Roxanne Perez got a televised entrance for the next match…[c]

3. Roxanne Perez vs. Ariana Grace. Grace took down Perez with an arm handle toss. Perez rallied back and hit Grace with a crossbody. Perez got a nearfall after a Jackknife Magistral. Grace took down Perez with a boot. Grace then hit Perez with a catapult into the 2nd rope. Perez got another two count off a rollup. Grace went into a methodical heel sequence. Grace gave a bow because half the fans were giving her favorable chants. Perez rallied back with flailing blows.

Perez hit Grace with right hands in the corner. Grace blocked the ten punches in the corner with an eye rake. Perez regained control and hit Grace with Pop Rocks for the win.

Roxanne Perez defeated Ariana Grace via pinfall in 5:09. 

Grace yelled at Perez that she has issues and needs help. This caused Perez to gangsta beatdown Grace. Perez put Grace in a Crossface. Referees pulled her off. Joseph noted that Perez had a sadistic smile. A referee told Alicia Taylor to reverse the decision due to Perez not giving up on her post match attack. Booker yelled “Dammit!”. The referees kept both women apart…

Ariana Grace defeated Roxanne Perez via referee’s reverse decision in 5:09 of match time 

John’s Thoughts: Short and sweet match to get both women more character development coming out. On Roxanne’s side, they are continuing their build of giving her more of a mean streak. The jury is still off if she can play the angry badass, but it sure beats her being the “representative of little girls” in WWE. Grace isn’t the most polished in the ring, but the daughter of Santino Marella continues to show good acting chops and heel antics. She also sold well here too.

Ava got out of HBK’s office. Ava said that it was a tough decision by Shawn, but Ilja’s health was more important. Kelly wondered why Ava has been relaying HBK’s orders. Ava told Kelly that a “Wiseman” (Paul Heyman) told her that as NXT continues to grow, Shawn might need a little help. Ava said she even offers her own ideas. Ava announced the Men’s Dusty Classic starting next week…

A Tiffany Stratton promo aired where she was talking trash about Fallon Henley…[c]

An ad aired for the Royal Rumble…

Blair was limping backstage selling her pains. Nikkita Lyons spooked Blair and noted that she could have jumped her like that. Nikkita said she’s showing Blair respect and wanting to take her out in the ring. Blair said in the ring Nikkita Lyons has no chance. Both women had to be pulled apart after an argument ensued (I think we even got an Oney Lorcan sighting)…

Entrances for the next match took place…

John’s Thoughts: When it was originally a one-sided stipulation, I thought it was obvious Tiffany was winning. I’d actually think it’ll be fun if Fallon wins here. Big win, fun skits, gives Tiffany something to do out of the title picture while also having meaningful TV time to supplement Fallon’s character development?

4. Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley where the loser either becomes a servant or farm hand. Henley womanhandled Tiffany around the ring and then even nailed Tiffany with a modified House Call Kick. Stratton tossed Henley into a ringpost. Stratton hit Henley with an innovative cartwheel seamlessly into an Alabama Slam on the ring apron. The show went to picture-in-picture. [c]

[Hour Two] Back from break, both women took each other out with stereo lariats. Both women traded fatigued forearms. Henley worked on Stratton in the corner with boots. Henley got a two count off a crossbody block. A tweet from Shawn Michaels was shown of HBK announcing a “Former NXT Champion” will show up to watch the main event.

Henley reversed an Alabama Slam into a Crucifix Bomb for a nearfall. Stratton hit Henley with a spinebuster for a nearfall. Stratton hit Henley with a Rolling Senton. Stratton missed a Prettiest Moonsault Ever attempt. Henley and Stratton took each other out over the top rope to ringside. Stratton went for a Fireman carry, but modified it into a Snake Eyes after Henley held on to the rope. Stratton went for a chair shot, but Henley kicked Stratton. While the referee was taking the chair away from Stratton, Henley flew in with a Shining Wizard for the victory.

Fallon Henley defeated Tiffany Stratton via pinfall in 9:04. Tiffany Stratton must now be a farm hand on Fallon’s farm. 

John’s Thoughts: As I noted before the match, when they changed it to a two-sided stipulation I thought that they can have some fun with the heel losing the servant stipulation. As long as Henley doesn’t come off as unlikable. Maybe they can go after the tag team titles as a reluctant tag team (can the winners of the Women’s Dusty end up reviving the defunct NXT Women’s Tag Titles? NXT actually has a deep roster that gets deeper which can support a tag division).

Baron Corbin confronted Bron Breakker backstage. Corbin talked about how he thinks he and Breakker would make a good team for the Dusty Classic. Bron said Corbin must be desparate coming to him. Corbin said Bron has an ego and no one wants to be his partner because he’s a smart, arrogant, a-hole. Corbin said they should tag because they are both a-holes. Breakker then started to accept the proposal. He said he’s going to lead the team with baldy behind him. Corbin yelled at Breakker for running out with a thick coat of tanner. Breakker then said he’d see Corbin next week.

An Oba Femi hype vignette. Oba said a “Oba” is a name given to those with power. He talked about how strength is expected in his home of Nigera. Corbin said Riley Osborne will crumble under his feet. He said after the tournament he will b the “Giant of NXT”…

Ridge Holland was backstage getting ready for a sitdown interview with Sarah Schreiber…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Two Nigerian Giants? I like Oba, but I gotta support my fellow weeb Omos (I always gave Omos extra weeb points for sneaking in a Rock Lee pose in his Brock Lesnar match at Mania).

An ad aired for the NXT Vengeance Day PLE…

Gigi Dolin was talking about new years with random developmental wrestlers. Cora Jade showed up and berated Gigi for sitting in her locker. Gigi sarcastically asked for forgiveness. Gigi noted that she was being disrespectful for what Cora did with Karmen Petrovic. Both women argued to end the segment…

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in on commentary and sent the show to the Ridge Holland sitdown interview with Sarah Schreiber. Sarah noted that Ridge returned to NXT for “redemption”. Sarah noted that Ridge talked about always being around mishaps in the ring. Holland said Sarah hit the nail on the head and it’s true that he’s surrounded by accidents, injuries, and mishaps in the ring. He talked about he was gaining momentum in his career where he was on Pat McAfee’s War Games team, but had to be pulled out to do a dislocated ankle and blown out knee.

He said he thought his career was over. He said his wife was pregnant with his twin boys at the time. He said he apologized to his wife for leaving her in Europe to support them and keep a roof over their heads. Sarah asked how exciting it was to recover and join the Brawling Brutes. He said he was excited to return, but the injury bug struck again when Ricochet busted his nose and he needed reconstructive surgery.

Pictures were shown of Ridge enjoying life with his wife and two sons. Sarah said Ridge arrived in NXT and got a chance to show if he can hang with Ilja Dragunov. He asked Ridge “who was the Ridge Holland you want NXT to know?”. He said he respects Ilja honestly, but what happened happened. He said he meant no ill will. He said he’s a dad, husband, and friend. He said he understands loss very well and it’s not in his DNA to take someone out. He said he’s here to show everyone who Ridge Holland really is. Ridge said he’s going to run through everyone in the locker room to find redemption. Sarah closed out the interview…

John’s Thoughts: Okay, that wasn’t as tasteless as the angle from two weeks ago. In fact, I really liked that interview and Ridge Holland did a great job opening himself up and humanizing himself. I hope they don’t end up having him kayfabe “injure” a person or himself again, because that’s a fine line that can draw him real life heat (note that they didn’t bring up Big E or the other injuries around him because that would have been radioactive and has gotten him unnecessary cyberbullying). I want to root for the guy for redemption and this interview made him come off as a guy I want to see go from the bottom to success. They are walking a fine line though, so hopefully the execution doesn’t come off as “gimmicky” as it did two weeks ago.

Entrances for the next match took place. Before Riley Osborne’s entrance, Thea Hail ran up to him to say he’s going to watch her match in support. After Riley left, Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne fangirled over Thea getting a high five from Riley. Booker joked “Give her a cigarette'” (okay that popped me). Alicia Taylor handled the formal in-ring introductions for the tournament finals…

5. Oba Femi vs. Riley Osborne in the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament Finals. Oba put Riley on the top rope, but Riley fought out with kicks. Oba swatted Riley away off a dropkick. Riley hit Oba with a chop block and running face wash. Oba recovered and dumped Riley to ringside with a right hand. Oba turned Riley inside out with a nice blow to the chest. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from break, Riley fought his way out of a bear hug. Oba hit Riley with a backbreaker. Oba put Riley back in a bear hug. The Chase U section cheered on Riley. Riley escaped and gave Oba a few jawbreakers to escape the hug. Oba came back with a uppercut. Riley sidestepped Oba to send Oba into the ringpost. Oba blocked a Sunset Flip. Riley came back with a huracanrana. Riley knocked Oba off his feet with a kick and Corkscrew Standing Moonsault for a nearfall.

Riley and Oba traded right hands. Riley knocked Oba down with a high kick. Oba got to his feet to avoid a dive. Riley took down Oba with a standing dropkick. Oba got his knees up to block a Shooting Star. Oba hit Riley with Snake Eyes and a Boulder Toss. Oba hit Riley with a power bomb for the win.

Oba Femi defeated Riley Osborne via pinfall in 9:55 to win the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament.

John’s Thoughts: All aboard the Oba hype train! I knew this guy was special. He shows a lot of natural charisma, size, and beef. This was his first real match against a veteran and he looked great. Seriously, I think this guy can be one of the next big things. Riley was great as well, but we expected that as the ringer of the tournament. Riley showed how important it is for NXT to have veterans work with the NIL talent. Riley made Oba look good, and Oba kept up with Riley selling the hell out of his offense (better than watching NXT 2.0 where there was a lot of fumblin’ and bumblin’ by inexperienced wrestlers).

Lucien Price, Bronco Nima, and Scrypts cut a promo in front of a grafitti wall about comin’ from the streets and how they’re coming for the NXT Tag Team titles…

Kelly Kincaid interviewed Kiana James and Izzi Dame. James talked about how it was a right decision to associate with Izzi. Izzi talked about how she knocks down volleyballs and bitches. Kiana said she’s all about making money. She said she made a name for herself in 2023 and in 2024 everyone will know who Izzi Dame…

Trick Williams was still mad at Melo putting his title on the line. Melo said Trick needs difficult decisions like that as a championship contender. Trick said Melo is right, but it was still wrong. Melo said he’ll have Trick’s back at ringside. Trick said he wants Melo to respect that he wants to do this by himself…[c]

Vic hyped up WWE’s new years week which includes a few online shows…

Thea and Jacy were saddened at Riley losing. Thea said maybe she should text Riley or buy him a gift card. Duke Hudson and Andre Chase showed up and said that Riley did Chase U proud. Chase was back to looking disheveled. Chase told Duke to get ready to be in the Dusty cup. Jacy berated Duke and said that Riley should compete while Chase focuses on the debt. Jacy claimed to have a plan for them to get out of debt…

The camera then panned to Tatum Paxley spooking Lyra Valkyria. Tatum told Lyra that as long as Lyra is champion all is right in the world…

In the locker room, Axiom asked Nathan Frazer to be his tag partner in the tag tournament. Brooks Jensen walked out of the locker room with his head hanging. Frazer started talking trash about the NXT tag team division. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade walked up behind him and told Frazer that they hope to show Frazer that experienced teams are better than random teams. Frazer berated Axiom again for not telling him someone was behind him when talking trash. Axiom and Frazer shook hands in agreement of their new tag team…

Tony D’Angelo, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, and the unnamed woman were interviewed in the parking lot. Tony and Stacks were about to cut a promo on OTM. The unnamed lady said before they talk trash, they need to introduce her to the world. Tony D and Stacks introduced her as Adriana Rizzo. Stacks opened their car trunk and Joe Gacy jumped out acting creepy and odd as usual…

Cora Jade vs. Gigi Dolin and the Dusty Cup were hyped for next week’s NXT…

Entrances for the main event took place. Vic reminded viewers that HBK teased a “Former NXT Champion” appearing to watch the main event. Vic jokingly shut up Booker T rambling by telling him to sing Trick’s theme song…

6. Trick Williams vs. Grayson Waller for Trick’s NXT Title Shot. Trick soaked in “Whoop dat Trick” chants. Waller clocked Trick in the face with a right hand. Trick got a two count off a few body slams. Trick rolled to ringside to avoid a cyclone kick. Trick tossed Waller into Vic and Booker. Trick soaked up chants. Waller caught Trick with a rolling elbow. Waller followed up with a baseball slide lariat.[c]

Back from break, Waller gave Trick a Vader Bomb into a stomp to the back of the neck. Waller tangled Trick in the Tree of Woe and put him in a Half Crab. Waller then put Trick in a half crab in the center of the ring. Waller got in Trick’s face and told Trick that he’s not at Waller’s or Melo’s level. This fired up Trick who threw hands and hit Waller with a flying lariat. Trick planted Waller with a flapjack.

Waller hit Trick with a rope jawbreaker. Trick reversed Waller’s finisher with a pop up hook punch for a nearfall. I couldn’t hear was the fans were singing, but a group fans were having fun clapping and singing like they were at Sunday church. Trick hit Waller with a Super Bookend. Waller got his feet on the bottom rope for the break. Waller hit Trick with a Rolling Flatliner version of his finisher for a nearfall.

Trick avoided a tightrope elbow drop and hit Waller with a neckbreaker. Carmelo Hayes ran out and argued a bit with Trick to distract him. Kevin Owens then showed up outta nowhere to give Waller a right hand while the ref was distracted by Melo and Trick. Trick hit Waller with a running Flash Knee for the victory.

Trick Williams defeated Grayson Waller via pinfall in 13:06 to retain his NXT Title Shot. 

Kevin Owens shrugged at ringside. Melo nodded in approval of Trick winning as NXT closed…

John’s Thoughts: While I feel like the show was taken down a bit due to the Ilja bait and switch (which is probably the PLE main event now), I felt like this was still solid and added more fuel to the fire of the Trick-Melo breakup story. Melo’s been clearly heelish without going fully heel as the world’s worst hype man, and he can still blame the benefit of the doubt from the Kevin Owens interference. I don’t even blame Trick for coming off as naïve and oblivious because they’ve built this as Trick holding on to every thread of hope that his homeboy isn’t playin’ him.

HBK loves his slow burns, and they are cooking this over the long term. Will we get the backstab at the next PLE? Would set up for the Trick-Melo match at Mania weekend. This week’s themed show felt a bit more like a normal NXT episode compared to past themed shows. It didn’t even feel “New years”. Not a problem though because it was a good weekly episode in exceling at what NXT does best, steady character development with some good wrestling sprinkled across. In fact, what shined this week was all the matches being pretty polished.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. I’m all for seeing Tiff Tiff playing the Garvin & Precious role on the ranch.

  2. Roxanne become AJ Lee 2.0 is beyond painful if that’s the route they’re going with her.

  3. It’s a shame the Ilja Dragunov was out of action. The Rock could have appeared and laid the smack down with more outdated jingoism, like he did on Raw. “The Rock’s gonna go mujahideen on your candy ass, comrade!” USA! USA!

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