NXT TV results (11/14): Moore’s review of Andre Chase and Duke Hudson vs. Tony D’Angelo Stacks for the NXT Tag Titles, Ridge Holland and Butch vs. OTM, Wes Lee vs. Baron Corbin

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live November 14, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] A teaser aired for this week’s tag title match. Interviewers caught up with Chase U with Andre Chase looking like he had little sleep. Chase told the interviewers that there maybe controversy in Chase U, but today will be business as usual with the tag title match…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary…

Entrances for the opening match took place. Someone off camera, not Alicia Taylor, handled the formal in ring championship introductions. Planted Chase U students looked sad at the Chase U controversy…

1. “Chase U” Andre Chase and Duke Hudson (w/Thea Hail, Jacy Jayne) vs. Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo for the NXT Tag Team Championships. Chase got a nearfall after a Magistral Cradle on Stacks. Chase countered Stack’s Maagistral for another rollup. Tony D tagged in and hit Chase with an Atomic Drop. Tony clocked both opponents with stiff punches. Hudson tagged in and hit Tony D with a Big Boot for a nearfall.

Chase dumped Tony to ringside. Hudson hit Stacks with a backdrop.  Tony D dumped both opponents to ringside.  Tony D gave Stacks a hip toss to ringside to dive on Chase U. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Hudson fought out of the corner and hit Stacks with a Uranage for a nearfall. Some Chase U “students” started to leave the arena. Stacks dumped Hudson to ringside and hit him with an elbow drop. Stacks got a nearfall on Hudson. Chase was distracted by the Chase U section clearing. Hudson managed to get the hot tag with a rally. Chase hit Stacks with a dropkick and hit Tony D with a swinging neckbreaker. Chase hit Stacks with a T Bone Suplex on top of Tony D.

Chase hit Stacks with a High Fly Flow for a nearfall. Stacks caught Chase with a superkick. Tony D hit Chase with a Bridged German after a Stacks diving uppercut. Hudson gave Tony D a pounce. Stacks rolled up Chase for a nearfall. Tony D blind tagged in. Hudson hit Stacks with a slingshot German Suplex. Tony D shoved Hudson into the steel stemps. Chase caught Tony D with a cannonball. Tony D gave Chase with a Superplex. Stacks hit Chase with a dive. Hudson broke up the pin.

Chase caught Hudson with a Russian Leg Sweep. Chase hit Tony D with the Chase U boots, with the student section refusing to join in. Tony D rolled up a distracted Chase for a nearfall. Tony D gave Chase a spinebuster. Tony D and Stacks hit Chase with a double team flapjack to give Stacks the win.

Channing Lorenzo and Tony D’Angelo defeated Andre Chase and Duke Hudson via pinfall in 13:54 to become the new NXT Tag Team Champions. 

The show cut to Lita cutting a selfie promo where she picked this week’s  Iron Survivor qualifying matches. Lita booked Roxanne Perez vs. Lash Legend and Trick Williams vs. Joe Coffey as the two qualifying matches on this week’s show…

The Meta Four were shown walking backstage…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A good and gritty tag team match. Ugly at points, but Tony D has that gritty kind of ugliness that adds to his matches. They were laying it on thick with the “controversy” thing. I don’t care too much about the story, but I’ll see where it goes as Chase U has won me over with their cheese sometimes. It’s also weird that there’s “controversy” but they won’t give clues as to what it’s regarding other than Chase acting sus a few times in recent weeks. Good on Chase during the match selling being distracted though.

Dominik Mysterio met up with Baron Corbin backstage. Corbin congratulated Dom on Judgement Day having a good night last night. Corbin talked about going after gold himself. Both men shared a fist bump with Dom saying he’d have Corbin’s back…

The Meta Four were in the ring for Noam Dar’s Supernova Sessions. Noam hyped up Lash Legend being in a Iron Survivor qualifying match. Noam also showed that his Heritage Cup was chained up behind plexiglass. He then introduced his guests, Alpha Academy. Noam asked his guests how it feels being close to the Heritage Cup. Chad Gable did his thank kyuu line. Gable said Noam is lucky to still be champion after facing Tozawa.

Noam said Tozawa came close. Tozawa interfered and pointed out that Meta Four interfered. Lash said they did nothing wrong. Otis got horny and said that Lash can say anything to him. Lash yelled for security. Noam said Otis was disgusting. Oro and Maxxine started to jaw at each other. This is when Gable cut in with the shoosh line. Gable talked about how Noam has had a long reign.

Noam cried and said that WWE had to run a tournament to get a challenger for his title. They said they have a challenger. Maxxine said this challenger has a huge appetite for destruction. Otis did hip thrusts. Noam  then tried to shut down the show. Gable then announced that he was challenging Noam next week. Noam tried to get a right hook in, but Gable ducked it to end the segment…[c]

John’s Thoughts: NXT hasn’t really done a great job with Super Nova Sessions yet as a talk show, but this was fine as it got the lovable Alpha Academy squad on the show. Weird moment with Otis being extra horny this week. It also felt like they were building up Otis to challenge Noam, only to switch to Gable. That said, Gable and Noam can go so the match next week should be really good.

Lash Legend was already in the ring from the last segment. Roxanne Perez got a televised entrance…

2. Roxanne Perez vs. Lash Legend (w/Noam Dar, Oro Mensah, Jakara Jackson) for a spot in the Iron Survivor Match at NXT Deadline. Lash missed a pump kick. Lash was rolled up with a crucifix for a nearfall. Perez rallied with chest chops. Lash reversed a Sunset Flip. Perez dumped Lash to ringside with a dropkick. The referee saw Jackson trip up Perez, leading to the referee ejecting Meta Four. Perez rolled up Lash for a nearfall.

Lash hit Perez with a pump kick. Lash hit Perez with a few body slams and an elbow drop. Perez tripped up Lash with a dropkick. Lash came back with a Torture Rack. Perez reversed the move into a Guillotine. Lash tackled Perez to the corner. Perez dumped Lash to ringside and hit her with a Suicide Dive. Perez hit Lash with a crossbody and wheelbarrow slam. Lash kicked out at two.

Lash hit Perez with a backbreaker. Perez dodged a backflip. Jakara Jackson ran back out which allowed Kiana James to hold Perez in the corner. Jackson hit Perez with a Yakuza Kick and power bomb for the win.

Lash Legend defetated Roxanne Perez via pinfall in 5:04 to qualify for the Iron Survivor match at NXT Deadline. 

The Meta Four celebrated with Lash in the ring…

John’s Thoughts: Lash is still very green, but she’s improved a lot since the days where they threw her in the ring with almost no TV experience. It was mostly because Roxanne is so small, but the former WNBA player looked very huge here. She’s definitely going to be special once she gets the in-ring down, since she has a great look and is good on the mic. I’m okay with Perez taking the loss as it’ll be good to elevate new talent in the Iron Survivor match. I still suspect one loser to find their way in the ring via WWE’s usual “second chance” thing that they use as a crutch to get who they want in multi-person matches.

Several wrestlers were shown hanging out in the lounge. Multiple tag teams talked about going after the title. Josh Briggs was distracted by his phone and looking concerned. Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza showed up to gloat. Tony D and Stacks entered with some random woman (who’s hamming it up with the Italian accent), celebrating their title win. Carrillo and Garza got in Tony D and Stack’s face. Eventually a brawl ensued between Enofe Blade and the Garza cousins…

Lyra Valkyria were watching film on Xia Lee with NXT coaches the prior night. Lyra then got a text where Xia Li invited Lyra to a “tea ceremony”. Lyra accepted…[c]

Vic hyped up ticket sales for WWE WrestleMania Weekend. Vic and Booker then checked in on commentary. Vic talked about Xia inviting Lyra to a “tea ceremony”. They then cut to a cinematic where Lyra and Xia met up for their tea ceremony. Xia told Lyra to put on the traditional Chinese jacket, which Lyra accepted.

Xia said at these tea ceremonies are where her ancestors met before combat. Xia and Lyra took a seat. Xia said she’s been trying to get noticed for the past few weeks. Xia loaded up the tea leaves and poured the hot water on top. She said that’s a metaphor to how their match will go. Xia said the tea needs to be brewed at the right temperature and if you brew the tea too long the leaves will break down and crumple. She said Lyra will break down next week and be consumed.

Xia then poured the tea and asked Lyra to consume the tea. Lyra refused. Xia said if she doesn’t consume the tea she will show Lyra no mercy. Lyra then said may the best woman win. Both women shared a respectful bow. Lyra left with the title belt…

John’s Thoughts: I was about to say that Lyra was disrespectful for not accepting the tea, but I’ve seen enough movies where the babyfaces end up drinking poison, so I actually think it was smart (Temple of Doom was the movie that came to my mind). Xia is not a natural English speaker, but it looks like she has improved. The cinematic pre-tape also allows up to not see botched lines.

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes about Trick accidentally punching Melo last week. Trick said accidents happen and he would have accepted it if Melo punched him accidentally. Trick talked about Lexis King playing mind games. Melo said he has  Trick’s back in his upcoming match against Joe Coffey. Trick said he’s happy to have Melo back in his corner. Joe Coffey’s theme played to end the segment…

Gallus made their entrance…[c]

Kiana James was gloating in the locker room about kicking Roxanne Perez out of the Iron Survivor Match. Karmen Petrovic showed up. Ariana Grace yelled that Petrovic needs to apologize for knocking her down last week. Grace then acted like a beauty queen. Gigi Dolin challenged Grace to a fight…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Bron Breakker who bragged about beating Von Wagner. Dijak then showed up and said that Bron’s future seems uncertain. Dijak bragged about making it into Iron Survivor. Dijak said he actually hopes that Breakker makes it in because Breakker can’t break Dijak. Bron said that Dijak shouldn’t cross paths or else Dijak will be begging for “retribution”…

John’s Thoughts: Damn, Dijak can’t escape those old Retribution jabs.

[Hour Two] Trick and Melo made their entrance with doing his usual fun interludes…

3. Trick Williams (w/Carmelo Hayes) vs. Joe Coffey (w/Mark Coffey, Wolfgang) to qualify for the Iron Survivor Match at NXT Deadline. Joe and Trick had a Test of Strength to start the match. Trick flipped out of the corner and hit Joe with a series of body slams. Joe came back with a few shoulder tackles. Trick reversed a uppercut. Coffey got a low base to block a backslide. Trick caught Joe with a pop up right hand.

Gallus did their pose to block Trick at ringside. Trick floored Trick at ringside. Trick and Joe traded right hands. Joe got a takedown for a nearfall. Joe worked on Trick’s upper back with a knee and armbar. Trick rallied with right hands. Coffey used a lariat to dump Trick to ringside. The show cut to regular commercial.[c]

Trick and Joe traded hands. Joe hit Trick with a backbreaker and a handstand senton for a nearfall. Joe hit Trick with shortarm shoulder tackles. Trick came back with a backdrop. Joe flapjacked Trick. Trick hit a nice jumping neckbreaker. Trick and Joe traded Yay-Boo punches. Coffey dominated after a body slam for a nearfall. Trick hit Joe with a flying axe handle strike. Trick hit Joe with gut punches and an uppercut.

Trick hit Joe with a Booker T Crescent Kick. Joe blocked a Book End and punch Trick in the Throat. Trick hit Joe with a Bookend for a nearfall. Melo tripped up Wolfgang to cause Trick to accidently clear himself from the ring. Joe hit Trick with a few flying knife strikes and a German Suplex for a nearfall. Trick blocked the discus with a jumping knee for the victory.

Trick Williams defeated Joe Coffey via pinfall in 11:54 to qualify for the Iron Survivor Match at NXT Deadline. 

A replay aired of Carmelo Hayes accidentally almost costing Trick the match…

John’s Thoughts: A good match with NXT continuing to do a good job with the Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes potential breakup storyline. The trip spot continues to give Melo plausible deniability. I liked the finishing sequence as I really wasn’t sure who was winning  given all the moving pieces. Only thing I would have done different is not job out Joe Coffey here because they were just starting to heat him up. He loses way too often given that the guy can also wrestle strong main events.

Ilja Dragunov met up with Wes Lee backstage to welcome him back. Lee said their past feud is water under the bridge and he needed the rest. Ilja said he’ll be paying attention to Wes’s match against Corbin and hopes Wes leaves a piece of Dijak for him. Wes said Ilja needs to watch out because many people are coming after the NXT Championship. Ilja wondered if Wes was coming after the title. Wes said he has other things in mind. Ilja looked taken aback that Wes wasn’t coming after the title…

The Brawling Brutes made their entrance…[c]

Lexis King met up with Baron Corbin backstage. Corbin assumed Lexis attacked Trick, who didn’t clearly clarify if he did or not…

Out Tha Mud made their entrance…

4. “The Brawling Brutes” Butch and Ridge Holland vs. “Out Tha Mud” Lucien Price and Bronco Nima (w/Scrypts). Price took down Butch with a back elbow. Butch took down Price and dropkicked him to ringside. Butch and Holland hit OTM with stereo ten beats. Both escaped. Nima hit Holland with a chokeslam on the apron. Price floored Butch. Nima hit Butch with a running chest stomp. Scrypts got a cheap shot boot in on Butch to give Nima a nearfall. Price tagged in and hit Butch with a stiff lariat in the corner.

OTM used tags to cut the ring in half on Butch. Butch rallied with right hands. Nima hit Butch with a spinebuster. Holland and Price tagged in with Ridge having the hot tag momentum. Holland worked on Price with Stinger Splashes. Holland hit Price with a swinging backbreaker for a nearfall. Price caught Holland with a hook kick. Butch tagged in and hit Price with an enzuigiri. Price side slammed Butch on Holland. Nima suplexed Butch on Nima’s knee for a nearfall.

Butch grounded both opponents with kicks. Nima met Butch on the top rope and took the wishbone finger break spot. Nima blocked a Sunset Flip. Buth hit Scrypts and Price with a moonsault. Holland hit Nima with a Power Bomb. Butch and Holland hit Nima with an assisted DDT to give Butch the victory.

Butch and Ridge Holland defeated Bronco Nima and Lucien Price via pinfall in 5:50. 

Joe Gacy cut a  promo in a yard outdoors. He talked about how people keep putting him in boxes, but he just doesn’t fit in. He said he’s not obsessed with the spotlight, but he’s here now. Joe panned the camera to show he was on the Performance Center roof. He talked about how he’s unhinged now. He tossed the camera to the floor to end the segment…

Gigi Dolin made her entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts:  Is it just me, or does Burch’s current gear make him look like a walking can of Pabst Blue Ribbon? I kid. Anyways, A decent tag team match that surprisingly had the face team go over in dominant fashion. They were building up the match for weeks and I expected more of a back and forth. With Reggie at ringside, I thought they would give the heels a dirty win. I hope OTM doesn’t end up being a big man tag team that loses all the time. I really like their look and really think Scrypts is doing good with the repackage.

A tweet was shown of Lyra Valkyria tweeting about being ready for Xia Li…

Ariana Grace made her beauty queen entrance…

5. Gigi Dolin vs. Ariana Grace. Grace started out the match with an armdrag. Gigi hit Ariana with a crossbody for a nearfall. Grace hit Gigi some hook punches for a nearfall. Grace hit Gigi with a suplex for a nearfall. GIgi rolled up Grace for a nearfall. Gigi got a two count after a few rollup variations. Grace put Gigi in a cravate. Gigi rallied back with a high knee combination. Gigi hit Grace with a side legsweep for a nearfall.

Grace used a backslide, but was called out by the referee for putting her legs on the ropes. Gigi hit Grace with the Gigi Driver for the win.

Gigi Dolin defeated Ariana Grace via pinfall in 3:47. 

Grace put on her crown after the match and did a beauty queen wave…

A narrated promo package aired to chronicle the friendship of Robert Stone and Von Wagner. A picture noted that both men were signed to WWE on the same day. The narrator talked about how both men saw little success early in NXT, but came together.

The narrator then talked about how Von and Stone bonded over how Von was bullied as a kid for having skull surgery as a kid. They then cut to Bron Breakker “smashing” Von’s head leading to the road to recovery.  The package finished with Von putting Bron through a table…

The show cut to Von Wagner and Robert Stone liking the video package. Von was still selling the head injury. Stone invited Von Wagner to dinner at his home. Von said it was a deal as long as Stone’s wife makes that pasta with the little sausages, but to hold back on the asparagus…

Different shots of Wes Lee and Baron Corbin were shown…[c]

John’s Thoughts: As much as the Bron Breakker attempted murder story was unbelievable, it did lead to Robert Stone and Von Wagner elevating themselves as serious characters. I also like that they give him the mic for his bad but endearing promos.

An ad aired for this week’s Smackdown…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Eddy Thorpe asking about where he’s been the last few weeks. Eddy said he may have beat Dijak, but he was depleated physically and mentally. He said he’s back now and wants to show the WWE Hall of Famers that he’s ready to be in the Iron Survivor Match. Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey, and Miles Borne showed up to bully Eddy. This will probably lead to a match…

Andre Chase was swarmed by reporters who was avoiding questions. Jacy Jayne showed up with a car to drive Chase away…

An Iron Survivor rules video package aired. John Bradshaw Layfield will be picking next week’s Iron Survivor qualifyers…

Lyra Valkyria vs. Xia Li for the NXT Women’s Championship and Noam Dar vs. Chad Gable for the Heritage Cup was advertised for next week…

Wes Lee made his entrance. The commentators wondered if it was wise for Wes to take a break? Baron Corbin made his entrance…

6. Wes Lee vs. Baron Corbin. Wes used CQC to work on the taller Corbin. Corbin used his power to yank Wes to the ground. Corbin crumpled Wes with a right hand. Corbin worked on Wes with methodical offense. Wes came back with a hurcanrana. Wes got a one count after nailing Corbin with several dropkicks. Corbin got out of a headlock with a suplex. Wes avoided a running senton.

Wes hit Corbin with a Buzzsaw Kick for another one count. Wes did a few quick dodges. Wes hit Corbin with a knee and Pele Kick. Corbin reversed a Suicide Dive into a nice looking Deep Six. The show cut to picture-in-picture at the top of the hour[c]

[Overrun] Corbin had Wes in a Cravate back from break. Wes fought out and gave Corbin right hands to the gut. Corbin hit Wes with a shortarm clothesline. Corbin worked on Wes with overhead mounted forearms. Corbin then gave Wes elbows to the neck. The referee broke it up at ten punches. Wes sent Corbin into the ringpost with a dodge. Wes rallied back with right hands into a CQC combo.

Wes dumped Corbin to ringside with a Shotgun Dropkick. Wes hit Corbin with a dive to sent him into the announce table. Wes hit Corbin with a Tiger Feint Kick at ringside. Wes hit Corbin with a missile dropkick. Wes hit Corbin with a double stomp that didn’t fully connect. Corbin hit Wes with a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall.

Wes escaped a End of Days attempt. Wes draped Corbin with a Liger Kick. Corbin recovered first. Wes met Corbin on the top rope. Wes droped Corbin with a Gamengiri. Dom Mysterio ran out and ate a moonsault from Wes. Wes hit Dom with a CQC combo. Corbin hit Wes with End of Days for the win.

Baron Corbin defeated Wes Lee via pinfall in 10:28. 

Corbin attacked Wes after the bell with mounted punches. Ilja Dragunov ran out for the save, hitting Corbin with a German Suplex. Corbin then reversed a Torpedo Moscow with End of Days to leave Ilja lying. After some highlights, Ilja took the mic and said that Corbin will get his NXT TItle Match at Deadline. The show closed with Ilja’s theme playing…

John’s Thoughts: A good match with good selling by Wes. Wes gets the protected loss to set him off against Dom Mysterio again. WWE continues to do a solid job protecting Corbin’s End of Days which is one of the most protected finishers in all of wrestling. His match against Ilja should be a solid one.

Solid edition of NXT this week with a lot of stories being put in motion along with good matches via the Iron Survivor qualifyers. Having some wrestlers take long breaks like Wes makes it fresh when they return. Maybe WWE can experiment with mandatory time-off TV to see what effect it has on their overall storylines?



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