MLW Fusion results (11/9): Powell’s review of the Alex Kane and Jacob Fatu contract signing, Mr. Thomas and O’Shay Edwards vs. The Mane Event, MLW Featherweight Champ Janai Kai vs. Riley Krowe, Don King’s appearance

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 190)
Taped October 14, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Streamed November 9, 2023 on the MLW YouTube Page and FITE.TV

A video package on Alex Kane and Jacob Fatu opened the show… The Fusion opening video aired… Joe Dombrowski and Matt Striker checked in on commentary. Dombrowski announced Rickey Shane Page and Akira vs. 1 Called Manders and Matthew Justice in a ladder match for the MLW Fightland event that will be held on November 18 in Philadelphia… Ring announcer Stephen DeAngelis handled the introductions for the opening match…

1. Tracy Williams vs. Griffin McCoy. McCoy took offensive control and got cocky with some taunting kicks. Williams came back with a couple of chops. Williams went to the ropes and was cut off by McCoy, but Williams was able to DDT him on the top turnbuckle. Williams executed a dragon screw leg whip and then applied an STF. Griffin reached for the ropes, but Williams hooked his arm. McCoy was eventually able to reach the ropes to break the hold.

Both wrestlers traded strikes in the middle of the ring. Williams caught McCoy in an ankle lock. McCoy kicked his way free. The crowd rallied behind Williams with a “Let’s Go Hot Sauce” chant. Williams went for a piledriver, but the foot of McCoy hit the referee. While the referee was facing the other way, McCoy low-blowed Williams. McCoy followed up with a suplex and then threw a springboard kick that led to him getting the three count…

Griffin McCoy beat Tracy Williams.

Powell’s POV: This felt like an upset. I don’t know much about McCoy, but this was a solid match and it was a good win for him.

The broadcast team recapped Jacob Fatu stealing the car that Mister Saint Laurent gave Matt Cardona…

MSL checked in from an office desk and spoke about how Fatu added to his rap sheet by stealing the car. He asked if Fatu couldn’t fit his seventeen kids in his own car. MSL said the World Titan Federation would be unveiled. He said pro wrestling was invented because comic books got too expensive for virgins. He said he wants fans who drive expensive cars to attend sports entertainment shows at country clubs. MSL had the new (and very old school WWF looking) WTF logo appear on the screen heading into a commercial break… [C]

Dombrowski hyped Fusion on Thanksgiving for, well, Thanksgiving night… Entrances for the women’s match took place. Riley Krowe came out first and slapped hands with fans, and then Janai Kai and Salina de la Renta made their entrance while footage aired of Kai beating Delmi Exo to win the MLW Featherweight Championship at MLW Slaughterhouse…

2. MLW Featherweight Champion Janai Kai (w/Salina de la Renta) vs. Riley Krowe in a non-title match. Kai blasted Krowe with a kick to start the match. Kai took Krowe down and threw punches at her until the referee stopped the match…

MLW Featherweight Champion Janai Kai defeated Riley Krowe in a non-title match.

Kai and Salina went to the stage where Sam Laterna attempted to interview Kai. Salina took the mic and rudely dismissed Laterna. Salina gave what she said was a proper introduction for a champion. Kai took the mic and looked into the camera while saying, “Kick Demon”…

Powell’s POV: The match lasted a matter of seconds. I like the idea of showcasing the new champion as a dominant badass.

A brief Calling video aired with Rickey Shane Page, Akira, and Cannonball. Page did the talking while Akira shot him a look and then looked away…

Dombrowski and Striker spoke on the stage. Dombrowski pointed out that Akira didn’t seem to be buying into what Page was saying. MLW Tag Team Champions Page and Akira came out. Page told Dombrowski to keep his name out of his mouth. 1 Called Manders and Matthew Justice attacked Page and Akira…

Powell’s POV: Does this mean MLW is giving up on The Calling? I like Page and Akira as individuals and even as a tag team, but the faction concept does nothing for me. I suppose they may also be setting up the return of Raven to bring the faction back together.

Dombrowski hosted the MLW Fightland control center segment and ran through the lineup…

Rocky Romero was interviewed by Sam Laterna in front of the MLW backdrop. He spoke about teaming with Barbaro Cavernario to face Ichiban and Mascara Dorada at Fightland…

Don King checked in from his desk in Florida and said Bomaye is for the people. He added that Alex Kane is the power of this revolution and said he would show in his next title fight why he is the best champion in MLW history. King yelled “Bomaye” to end his brief appearance…

Powell’s POV: This felt like a pretty generic taped segment, as King didn’t even specify that Jacob Fatu will be

A brief Tiara James video aired… Rickey Shane Page vs. Jimmy Lloyd for the MLW National Openweight Championship was announced for the December 7 MLW One Shot event that will be held at New York’s Melrose Ballroom…

Tom Lawlor delivered a promo in front of an MLW backdrop. He said he’s sick of Bomaye Fight Club running their mouths. He said Thanksgiving night would be a Filthy Fusion. He said the World Titan Federation will feast on Bomaye Fight Club…

Dombrowski hyped Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas vs. Matt Cardona and Tom Lawlor for the Thanksgiving edition of Fusion… The Mane Event made their entrance… [C] The Bomaye Fight Club trio of Mr. Thomas, O’Shay Edwards, and J Boujii made their entrance…

3. Mr. Thomas and O’Shay Edwards (w/J Boujii) vs. “The Mane Event” Midas Black and Jay Lyon. Black held a ring and then Lyon dove through it and the ropes before hitting a suicide dive on both opponents at ringside. Back in the ring, Lyon covered Edwards for a one count. Edwards came back and powerbombed Black, and then Thomas performed a nice Sidewalk Slam on Lyon. Thomas powerbombed Black and pinned him clean…

Mr. Thomas and O’Shay Edwards defeated “The Mane Event” Midas Black and Jay Lyon.

Powell’s POV: A showcase for Thomas and Edwards. Thomas has been primarily featured as the cornerman of Alex Kane, so it’s wise to give him more in-ring credibility heading into the tag team match on Thanksgiving.

Mance Warner spoke with 1 Called Manders and drew on a white board while talking about Manders and Matthew Justice’s ladder match for the tag team titles. Rickey Shane Page and Akira showed up and fought them for a couple of seconds before they moved on to an ad from MLW’s sports gambling partner…

Court Bauer stood in front of the MLW backdrop and said Fightland is traditionally one of MLW’s biggest shows of the year. Bauer introduced Jacob Fatu and shook hands with him. Bauer introduced MLW Champion Alex Kane, who asked Fatu how he could show up to a press conference barefoot. Fatu tipped over a table. Bauer tried to stand between the two.

Matt Cardona showed up and also tried to stand between Kane and Fatu. Kane shoved Cardona, who backed into Kane. Fatu shoved Cardona into Kane. Kane took a swing at Cardona, who ducked it, and the punch hit Fatu instead. Kane and Fatu were quickly pulled apart by security and others. MSL was shown laughing. Dombrowski said Cardona sabotaged what was supposed to be a peaceful contract signing. The pull apart brawl continued to close the show…

Powell’s POV: I can’t help but feel like that whole altercation could have been avoided had Fatu just worn shoes to the contract signing. Kidding aside, the tension between Kane and Fatu was solid in pro wrestling’s latest contract signing gone wrong segment. It didn’t really feel like Cardona had some master plan because he just stood between the two, was shoved back and forth, and ducked a punch, but MSL’s taunting along with Dombrowski’s call told the story that his character wanted the press conference to fall apart. Overall, this was a solid show. The matches were fine for what they were, but the episode was most effective in terms of pushing the MLW Fightland premium live event.


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