WWE Friday Night Smackdown results (10/27): Barnett’s review of the Roman Reigns and LA Knight contract signing for Crown Jewel, Bianca Belair and John Cena appear

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,263)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin at Fiserv Forum
Aired live October 27, 2023 on FS1

Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves referenced People Magazine breaking the news that John Cena will face Solo Sikoa at Crown Jewel to start the show. Roman Reigns music then played in the arena, and he headed to the ring with Paul Heyman in tow for the Unified Championship match contract signing. Before Roman could get halfway down to the ring, LA Knight interrupted him and walked past him without looking at him. Nick Aldis was already in the ring. 

The crowd chanted for LA Knight as he sat down at the head of the table. Heyman tried to move that table, and Knight told him not to move that table. He then told Roman that he doesn’t have all night and that it was time to sign that title way. Aldis welcomed everyone to the event, but was quickly shut down by Knight, who said we all know why we’re here, and that’s for this contract that says Roman will sign the title over to him. 

Knight signed the contract and handed it over to Roman. Reigns said “Hey idiot” and clarified that he wasn’t talking about Milwaukee. He questioned whether Knight had ever had a title match before, and concluded he had no idea what he was doing. Roman said he would go easy on him for his first time, nice and gentle. The first pen Roman used didn’t work, and Heyman made a performance out of getting another one. Roman signed and Aldis wished both men good luck before leaving the ring. 

Knight then got on the microphone and said he was at the head of the table and he should acknowledge him. He referenced his meteoric rise and that it was in fact his first time. Knight continued to talk trash and said he would do it his first time out, because while Roman was saying sufferin’ succotash and failing for years he’s out here run one telling everybody who’s game it is. Knight said it would happen so fast that Roman would be looking up at the lights and watching Knight walk out with his title, because there was nothing he could do to stop the gravy train. He then finished up with his catcphrase. 

Roman dumped the table on Knight’s head and then threw some punches. He sent Knight to ringside and brought a table back into the ring and set it up. Knight started to fight back, but Jimmy Uso jumped him from behind and Roman escaped. Knight put Jimmy through the table to close the segment. John Cena and Solo Sikoa were advertised for later, along with Bianca Belair. Santos Escobar and Carlito vs. The Street Profits are up next.

Carlito and Santos made their entrance in the arena…[c]

My Take: Knight disrespecting Roman repeatedly made sense for his character, and I think he did fine on the microphone. The segment protected him well and Roman didn’t go for the jugular verbally, which helped keep up the mystique. I’m guessing we get Jimmy vs. LA Knight later in the Main Event?

Rey Mysterio was shown backstage watching Carlito and Santos on the monitor. Logan Paul vs. Rey Mysterio was advertised for Crown Jewel. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins made their entrance with Bobby Lashley. Both Lashley and The Street Profits had new music. 

1. Santos Escobar and Carlito vs. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins “The Street Profits”: Dawkins and Escobar started the match. Both men ran the ropes and traded evasions. Carlito managed to grab an arm twist and made a tag out to Carlito. The Profits cut off Carlito initially, but he escaped and dumped both of them to the floor. Escobar teased a splash, but Carlito insisted on doing it himself and dove on both Dawkins and Ford on the floor…[c]

The Profits turned things around during the break and Ford worked over Escobar as the show returned. He applied a Camel Clutch. Escobar escaped briefly, but a distraction from Dawkins allowed Ford to land an enziguri. Dawkins tagged in and continued the assault, landing a splash and a kick in the corner. Santos flew out of the corner and landed a running knee that led to a hot tag to Carlito. 

He entered the match and landed some strikes to both Dawkins and Ford. He delivered a superkick to Dawkins and then a sit out powerbomb on Ford for a near fall. Carlito attempted a backstabber, but Ford avoided it and rolled him up for two. Carlito recovered and landed a neckbreaker. Backstage, Logan Paul was shown attacking Rey Mysterio. Carlito went to the back to check on Rey and Santos told him he’s got this. 

Escobar missed a blind tag from Dawkins and ran into the Revelation from Ford and Dawkins a moment later. Dawkins covered and got the win. 

The Street Profits defeated Santos Escobar and Carlito in 11:18

After the match, Roman Reigns was shown backstage putting his hair back up. Paul Heyman showed Roman a custom WWE title that was made for the Green Bay Packers. Heyman said he was going to give it to LA Knight because it was the closest Knight for the Packers would get to a Championship. Jimmy Uso showed up and layed down on the couch. Roman asked him what he was doing out there, and he said he was running the play. Roman said he made the wrong play, and they had to get a handle on LA Knight tonight. He then told Paul Heyman to go and make the match…[c]

My Take: So Jimmy vs. LA Knight in the main event as expected. Something isn’t clicking with the LWO or the Street Profits right now. It’s not bad but it’s just not making for electric television.

Logan Paul ran into Kevin Owens backstage, and Owens smirked at him and he walked away. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller then walked up and got in Owens face about saying they have punchable faces. Owens said he could punch them both at the same time, and WWE officials walked up to keep them apart. Owens walked out of frame with Jamie Noble, and then popped back in a moment later to punch them both in the face. 

Elsewhere, Kayla Braxton interviewed Dragon Lee. He was interrupted immediately by Cedric Alexander, who challenged him to a match and said he reminded him of himself when he first arrived in WWE. Lee accepted, and said he would look forward to taking him to his limit and beyond. 

Shotzi made her entrance in the arena. Video was shown from earlier today where Shotzi and Chelsea Green had an argument backstage in the presence of Nick Aldis, and he made a match between them. They are up next…[c]

My Take: Lee vs. Alexander has a chance to be a strong work rate match, if you’re into that kind of thing.

Chelsea Green made her entrance with Piper Niven.

2. Chelsea Green (w/Piper Niven) vs. Shotzi: They went back and forth early on. Both women climbed the turnbuckle, and Chelsea dropped Shotzi back into the ring with a facebuster. Chelsea then landed a missile dropkick and did some taunting, but Shotzi rolled her up by surprise and got the win.

Shotzi defeated Chelsea Green at 3:38

John Cena is up next….[c]

My Take: Not much to that match. I guess it will pay off in NXT when Piper and Chelsea defend their championships there.

John Cena made his entrance in the arena. He said this what Smackdown looks and sounds like from a sold out Milwaukee Wisconsin. Cena said there’s a special energy and excitement in the building. He recalled 20 years ago when WWE wanted to fire him, and how he dug in and turned things around. Cena thanked the audience for giving him support and respect. He went on to say that he feels like he’s in danger of losing their support and respect at Crown Jewel, which prompted cheers from the crowd. 

Cena played the sympathy card hard, and got “You still got it” chants from the crowd. He asked what happened if he doesn’t? Cena said the data can’t be ignored, and if he loses again he’s in danger of losing “this” referencing his career. He framed Crown Jewel is a must see and a must win for him. Cena said now was the time to dig deep, knuckle up, and deliver. 

That prompted Paul Heyman, who gave a lengthy introduction and told Cena he was out there without hustle, only loyalty to the truth, and much respect. Heyman shook Cena’s hand and said they were sold out, and thanks for the house. He recalled drafting Cena to Smackdown from OVW 21 years ago, and he never let anyone down. Heyman said Roman Reigns proved he wasn’t the greatest of all time in the ring anymore, but he called John Cena the greatest in the history of wrestling at being a communicator. 

He continued and said that Cena has a relationship with fans that he could never have, and he’s been doing it for 100 years. Heyman said he could have done it forever like him, but that was before he pissed off the bloodline. He elaborated that Roman could break his ribs or sternum, but he could come back from that. But when Solo hits that spike, he can’t talk anymore, and his ability to communicate with the WWE Universe goes with it. Heyman said he might need to win at Crown Jewel, but it’s a match he can’t win. 

Solo Sikoa ran up from behind and took Cena down. He then landed a Uranage and a Samoan Spike to close the segment. 

Backstage, LA Knight said the Bloodline needs to pay attention to who they are pissing off. He then said he would take Jimmy Uso by the pigtails and ride him around the ring until he runs to tell his Tribal Chief who’s game it is. Dragon Lee made his entrance in the arena…[c]

My Take: I guess we’re supposed to forget about Cena talking about 350 Samoan Spike’s from Umaga between 2006-2007? Cena has really gone hard in the paint with the sympathy this time around, and it works on the live crowds but it’s pretty nauseating and cornball for this home viewer.

Cedric Alexander made his ring entrance after the break. We then got a video package that showcased Cedric’s WWE career highlights. 

3. Cedric Alexander vs. Dragon Lee: Both men engaged in rapid fire mat reversals to start. The match spilled out to the apron, where Dragon Lee landed a nasty kick to the head, and Alexander responded with a uranage. Both men were down on the outside…[c]

Both men traded slaps to the chest. Dragon Lee landed a knee strike, but hit the ropes and ran into a Michinoku Driver from Alexander for a two count. Both men battled up to the top rope, and Lee tripped Alexander into a tree of woe and landed a double stomp. Lee followed up with a Liger Bomb and got a near fall of his own. 

Lee followed up with a knee to the spine and fired up the crowd. He then followed up with a standing sliced bread and got the win. 

Dragon Lee defeated Cedric Alexander at 8:19

After the match, both men shook hands and Alexander raised Lee’s hand. The announce team then threw to a video package that recapped last week’s Women’s Title Match in the Main Event, including the return of Bianca Belair. After the video, Bianca Belair made her entrance in the building. Damage Ctrl was shown watching her from the back…[c]

My Take: A solid match from Ced and Dragon Lee. I wouldn’t mind them having a series of matches, honestly, because if they can put on some real bangers together it would help them both build a connection with the crowds.

Bianca had a microphone and said she was excited to be back on Smackdown. She said while she was gone only one thing played in her mind over and over again, and she showed footage of Damage Ctrl attacking her knee with a chair a few months ago. Bianca said being taken out two weeks after getting cashed in on took something from her physically and mentally. She said she got physically stronger, but she just couldn’t shake it mentally. Bianca called herself consumed with vengeance, and that’s what got her out of bed training so she could come back to Smackdown. 

She said she had a plan that she took to Nick Aldis, and at Crown Jewel she would get her rematch for the WWE Women’s Championship. Along with that she’ll get a match with Bayley next week on Smackdown, and when she’s done with both of them her vengeance will be complete. 

Video was shown of LA Knight putting Jimmy Uso through a table earlier in the show. Jimmy Uso made his entrance, and their match is up next…[c]

My Take: A solid promo from Bianca, but the women’s division is so cold right now that the crowd didn’t seem that fired up about it. Hopefully things pick up starting next week.

Bayley vs. Bianca, and a weigh in for Logan Paul vs. Rey Mysterio was announced for Smackdown next week. LA Knight then made his entrance for the main event. 

4. LA Knight vs. Jimmy Uso: Knight took control early on and worked over Jimmy’s arm. Knight landed a sunset flip into a backbreaker. The action spilled to the apron, where Jimmy landed a snap suplex…[c]

Knight landed a sunset flip for a two count. Jimmy fired back with a right uppercut that put Knight on his back. He then placed LA Knight in the corner and landed a running hip attack. He lined up for a second one and taunted the crowd, but Knight popped out of the corner with a running lariat. Both men traded punches, but Jimmy managed to toss Knight into the corner shoulder first. 

The action spilled out to the floor, where Knight bounced Jimmy Uso off the announce table. He then tossed Jimmy back into the ring, but couldn’t capitalize from the top rope like he hoped. Jimmy Uso landed a Samoan Drop, and tried to get to the top rope. LA Knight intervened, but Jimmy shoved him back into the ring and landed an Uso Splash for a close near fall. 

Jimmy tried for a second one, but Knight pulled him off the top with a superplex. He then followed up with a BFT and got the win. 

LA Knight defeated Jimmy Uso at 13:23

After the match, Knight climbed the rope to celebrate. Roman attempted to attack him from behind, but Knight avoided the spear and landed the BFT. He talked trash to Roman Reigns as the show came to an end. 

My Take: A good closing match. There wasn’t a lot of suspense, but it served its purpose of continuing LA Knight’s positive momentum heading into Crown Jewel. Even if Knight doesn’t win the match, he’s been protected enough heading to the show that he’s gained something in the process. People see him as being on the main event level, and that opens some doors to more interesting programs on major events as we get closer to the Rumble and WrestleMania.


Readers Comments (4)

  1. That spot with Kevin Owens in the back had to be his idea. That was hilarious and perfect!

  2. Why is Cena being included in those crown jewel ads? Has he finally sold out? Is he going to make that trip to terrorist central for some blood money too?

  3. There’s 100 mma legends in Saudi Arabia literally rn. Get over it

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