NXT TV results (8/29): Moore’s review of Roxanne Perez vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Kiana James vs. Blair Davenport for a shot at the NXT Women’s Title, The Creeds vs. The Dyad in a cage match, Heritage Cup tournament matches

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live August 29, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] An “in memory of” graphic aired for the late Terry Funk and late Windham Rotunda (Bray Wyatt)…

Highlights from last week’s Heat Wave themed show aired…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

The Dyad were already in the steel cage. The Creed Brothers made their entrance. Before Brutus could enter the cage, he was jumped by random Schism cult members and carried to the back. For some reason, the referee rang the bell to start the match…

1. “The Creed Brothers” Julius Creed and Brutus Creed (w/Ivy Nile) vs. “The Dyad” Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid (w/Joe Gacy, Ava, unnamed cultists) in a Steel Cage Match for the Creeds’ NXT Careers. The Dyad had the two on one advantage on Julius for the start of the match. Julius rallied with Belly to Belly suplexes. Julius managed to hit both Dyad members with a double suplex. The Dyad came back with a double clothesline. Julius reversed a Catapult with a nice Lionsault. Julius put Reid in a Stretch Muffler and put Fowler in an ankle lock after.

While holding the ankle lock on Fowler. Julius hit Reid with a nice Tilt a Whirl Uranage. Reid recovered and broke the submission. The Dyad flapjacked Julius into the steel cage heading into the picture-in-picture.[c]

The Dyad maintained their numbers advantage over Julius.  Fallen bodies were shown being tossed out of the entrance. Brutus made his triumphant comeback by tossing around the unnamed cultists. Joe Gacy teased Brutus by dangling the cage key. Brutus chased Joe while barreling through the generic cultists. Brutus decided against the key, and ripped off the steel cage door with his hands. Brutus tossed around the Dyad with suplexes. Brutus beat up The Dyad by slamming them with the cage door.

Brutus press slammed Fowler into the steel cage. Julius recovered and helped Brutus toss Reid into the four cage edges. Fowler broke up a Doomsday Device attempt. The Dyad went back to tossing around The Creeds. Reid hit Brutus with a poetry in motion dropkick. The Creeds held back the steel door from being pressed on Brutus. The Creeds got to their feet and choked The Dyad with the cage door. Julius managed to put both Dyad members into an Electric Chair. Brutus hit both Dyad members with a Doomsday Brutus Ball. The Creeds hit both Dyad members with sliding lariats for the double pinfall win.

The Creed Brothers defeated The Dyad via pinfall in 13:55 to earn The Creeds’ their NXT careers back. 

John’s Thoughts: I get that they wanted to set up the spot where Brutus makes the triumphant comeback, but the setup was clunky as why would the referee call for the bell with just Julius in the ring? Wonky setup aside, the match was a blast. The Creeds continue to show their insane strength and agility. Props for the Dyad continuing to not phone it in with their foot already out of the WWE door. Brutus got to play the role of WCW Robocop and they had some creative usages of the steel cage door as a weapon.

A Roxanne Perez promo aired where she hyped up her participation in the women’s number one contender match later in the show…

Vic Joseph and Booker T introduced the Global Heritage Invitational from the ramp. The show cut to a tournament hype package. Group A consisted of Axiom, Tyler Bate, Charlie Dempsey, and Butch. Group B consisted of Duke Hudson, Joe Coffey, Akira Tozawa, and Nathan Frazer. The hype package laid out the round robin scoring system. The winner will face Noam Dar at the No Mercy PLE…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Nice looking field for the Global Invitational. Sir William Regal’s son representing The United States? I get that he was maybe born here, but it is funny because Regal is as English as it gets (Update: Everywhere I look up says Dempsey was born in Blackpool. Weird. This reminded me of Pacific Ocean Japan being a part of the All-Atlantic Championship). Good to see Butch and Tozawa get a chance to play serious roles again. Good to maybe see Joe Coffey in spotlight position too.

Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo, and Carmelo Hayes were hanging out in the backstage lounge and admiring each others’ title belts. The Street Profits showed up to greet all the champs. Melo left, saying he wants to wipe away the asterisk from his title reign. The Profits traded complements with Tony D and Stacks. Dana Brooke and Kelani Jordan brawled with Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez into the lounge. This excited the Profits…

The Meta Four were shown hanging out in their own viewing section (The old Toxic Attraction Lounge above the seats)…

2. Charlie Dempsey (w/Drew Gulak, Damon Kemp) vs. Butch in a Group A match in the Global Heritage Invitational. Dempsey dominated early on with the chain wrestling. Butch turned the tables with his usual joint manipulation. Dempsey turned the tables and stomped on Butch’s elbow. Butch recovered and gave Dempsey a lariat. Butch returned the favor with his own elbow stomp. Both men got to their feet and traded European Uppercuts. Dempsey countered Butch’s hand stomp into a Bridged German.

Dempsey blocked a Kimura Lock and hit Butch with a Wing Clipper Suplex. Dempsey put Butch in a reverse Muta Lock. Butch escaped by twisting Butch’s fingers. Dempsey chased Butch to the top rope. Butch landed on his feet from a superplex attempt. Butch hit Dempsey with the wishbone snap and Bitter End for the victory.

Butch (2 Points) defeated Charlie Dempsey (0 Points) via pinfall in 4:50. 

A scoring graphic aired with the updated round robin scores…

Ilja Dragunov was shown walking backstage…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Confused a bit as to why they aren’t going with rounds matches, as it would be a good way to acclimate viewers to the match type. That said these should also have a bit of a different dynamic with the 12 minute time limit. Good match between Regal’s son and the man who people see as Regal’s unofficial son. Queue the Spiderman meme. Dempsey gains by working with a veteran in Dunne. This also came off as Dempsey’s best match since coming over from NXT UK.

Ilja Dragunov was in the ring for a promo. He talked about how he shared the ring last week with a man who was proving himself. Ilja said Trick Williams impressed him. Ilja said Trick is not just an entertainer and is not a sidekick. Ilja then changed the subject and said he has his eyes set on the NXT Championship. Ilja was about to address Carmelo Hayes, but Noam Dar interrupted from their viewing section saying he wants to host an impromptu Supernova Sessions.

As usual, Noam hyped up himself. Noam said Ilja is sad and pathetic for begging Melo for a title match. Noam said he already has his ticket to California with the Heritage Invitational. Ilja said Noam is a lucky man because he always has people around him to hold on to his Heritage Cup. Ilja threatened to come up to the Meta Four section. Lash Legend said Noam ain’t scared of anybody. The Meta Four mocked Ilja for not having a championship like Noam.

Ilja threatened to attack Noam. Noam said he should hold his horses and they should make things official. Noam teased challenging Ilja. Oro Mensah stepped up and said he had Noam’s back. Oro and Ilja brawled a bit with Oro getting tossed out of the ring…

Von Wagner and Robert Stone were backstage for a promo. Von said Bron should be called “Blindside” instead of “Badass” because he had to blindside Von twice. Von said he gets that Bron is pissed after getting “Tabled”. Von said “Come Tuesday” he will take care of Bron in a no-DQ match next week…

Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice made their entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Someone give Von Wagner a “Come Toosday” shirt! I’m happy he’s leaning into his bad promo memes and using it as a term of endearment. The Ilja segment was fine. Looks like they’re setting up for Carmelo Hayes vs. Ilja Dragunov II with Melo constantly talking about how his last win was tainted due to the accidental belt shot.

Kelani Jordan and Dana Brooke had made their entrance during the break…

3. Dana Brooke and Kelani Jordan vs. Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice. Elektra quickly tagged out after eating Jordan’s dropkick. Lola blocked an armdrag and hit Jordan with a hip toss. Lopez tagged in and got a two count. Jordan got a two count off a sunset flip. Lopez came back with a throat punch and enzuigiri. Lopez got a two count after an elbow drop. Lopez hit Jordan with a spinning backfist. Jordan rolled up Lola for a nearfall.

Jordan hit Vice with a modified version of RVD’s leg whip. Brooke tagged in and pressured Lopez in the corner with rapid elbows. Brooke worked on Lopez with shortarm lariats. Brooke sandwiched both opponents in the corner and hit them with her flip into an elbow. Brooke hit Lopez with a Bulldog for a two count. Jordan hit Lopez with an assisted moonsault. Vice broke up the pin. Vice tossed Brooke into the steel steps. Vice tagged in. Lopez put Jordan on her shoulders so Vice could hit her with a High Hook Kick for the victory.

Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez defeated Kelani Jordan and Dana Brooke via pinfall in 4:01. 

Dana Brooke threw a fit at ringside…

Different shots were shown of Dijak and Eddy Thorpe were shown backstage as they were heading to the ring…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Lots of green in the ring. Lots of promise though. Jordan and Vice having the most upside. Lola Vice seems to have quite the following in the Performance Center crowd. I’m also hyped for her upside. So far, I’ve been impressed by her pretty looking kicks. Ol’ girl can scrap in real life, and so far her striking translates well to pro wrestling.

[Hour Two] Gigi Dolin cut a promo hyping up her participation in the number one contenders match…

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams were hanging out backstage. Trick said he just talked to the Street Profits. Melo cut him off and said it still bugs him how his last title defense feels tainted. Melo asked Trick if he thinks Melo can beat Ilja. Trick said he thinks so. Melo said it didn’t sound like Trick believes what he says. Melo stressed that he doesn’t need help to beat Ilja. After Melo left, Trick said “I don’t think you can, I know you can”…

Entrances for the next match took place. Dijak tried to jump Eddy during his entrance, but Eddy saw it coming and brawled Dijak to the ring…

3. Dijak vs. Eddy Thorpe. Eddy got a few nearfalls in. Dijak turned the tide with a sitout chokeslam for a two count. Eddy reversed a chokeslam into his own nearfall. Dijak hit Eddy with a superkick. Eddy blocked a cyclone kick with an enzuigiri. Both men took each other out with strikes. Dijak took off his belt and wrapped it around his fist. Eddy ducked a punch. Eddy took Dijak’s belt. Dijak got it back but also ate a kick to the gut. Eddy tossed Dijak into the ringpost and hit him with a high Plancha at ringside.

Dijak kicked Eddy into the announce table. Dijak tossed Eddy into Booker’s chair. Booker already away from the action. Dijak brought a chair into the ring. Eddy dodged a chair shot and gave Dijak a kick. Eddy blocked a Suicide Dive with a belt punch to the face. Dijak hit Eddy with a Cyclone Boot for the victory.

Dijak defeated Eddy Thrope via pinfall in 4:20.

Kiana James gave her promo to hype up the number one contenders match…

John’s Thoughts: Good preview match as to what both of these men were capable of. Eddy is being set up to get the big win in the end. I hope they give both of these men over ten minutes to show what they’re capable of.

Baron Corbin was yelling at a random production guy. Bron Breakker showed up and asked Corbin for a thank you. Corbin asked if it looked like he had to be saved. Bron said he’s going to end Von Wagner’s fairy tale. Bron threatened Corbin to not get involved in his  match next week. Corbin said he doesn’t even care about them. Bron said it will be Corbin’s “End of Days” if he gets involved. Corbin chuckled and told Bron to just not get put through a table by Von…

A Bray Wyatt tribute was advertised for after the break…[c]

The show cut to the latest cinematic focusing on Angel Garza, Humberto Carrillo, and their grandfather. Angel woke up and had random blood on his chest. After wiping it off, he opened the front door for Carrillo. The talked about how they both had a dream of their grandfather. Angel asked if he’s crazy, waking up with a claw mark on his chest. Carrillo said he had a claw mark on his chest too. A montage was shown of Angel’s grandfather.

Angel said that their grandfather is looking down and they need to start from scratch. Both men took a Los Lotharios shirt out of the drawer. Angel said he has grandfather’s father while Carrillo has his heart. They ripped up the Lotharios shirt. Carrillo said they are going to succeed “for him”. A graphic said that Garza and Carrillo are returning to NXT next week…

John’s Thoughts: Waking up with a random painted claw mark on the chests? What in the telenovela? I chuckled at Humberto seemingly calm after walking up bleeding while Angel tried to sell a bit of fear. They’ve spent a good amount of time with the repackage and I’m looking forward to Angel and Humberto taking things seriously again. Angel Garza in particular has the potential to be a top Hispanic star in WWE due to his promo ability. I hope they aren’t going to be wrestling with giant claw slashes on their chests. Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards tried that back in the day and it always looked weird.

The show cut to the announce team where they were saddened over the passings of Terry Funk and Windham Rotunda. A Bray Wyatt tribute video aired. After the video, the show cut back to the performance center ring where the crowd, Vic Joseph, and Booker T all had their cell phone lights turned on in the darkened room to represent the fireflies. The segment ended with the camera focusing on an empty rocking chair…[c]

Blair Davenport hyped up the number one contenders match…

Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio appeared on an instagram video. Rhea mocked Dragon for looking like Batman. Rhea said Dom is going to be the champion forever. Dom said he’ll defend the title at No Mercy  against the winner of a Dragon Lee vs. Mustafa Ali match. Dom volunteered to be the guest referee…

Entrances for the next match took place. The Meta Four were still at their VIP section. The Global Invitational rules graphic aired again…

4. Nathan Frazer vs. Joe Coffey (w/Mark Coffey, Wolfgang) in a Group B match of the Global Heritage Invitational. Joe manhandled Nathan a bit with his power advantage. Nathan used cartwheels to escape and reverse a wristhold in his favor. Joe gave Nathan a double jab to the gut. Joe slowed down Nathan with a body slam. Nathan came back with a leg lariat and side headlock takedown. Joe tossed Frazer off and gave Nathan a front suplex on the top rope.

Joe got a two count off Frazer. Frazer gave Joe a jawbreaker on the top buckle. Frazer dropkicked Coffey off the apron heading into commercial.[c]

Nathan turned the tide with a Moonsault into a reverse DDT. Nathan rallied with axe handles and a Final Cut. Frazer got a nearfall. Joe came back with a pop up European Uppercut and flying knife strike. Joe hit Frazer with a Bridged German Suplex for a two count. Frazer dumped Joe to ringside. Frazer hit Joe with an overshot Suicide Dive. Frazer hit Joe with a slingshot Frog Splash for a two count.

Joe crotched Frazer on the top rope. Joe landed on his feet during a German Suplex attempt. Frazer hit Joe with a superkick (Vic actually said the word “superkick” for the first time in months). Joe avoided a Phoenix Splash. Joe hit Nathan with a discus lariat for the clean win.

Joe Coffey (2 points) defeated Nathan Frazer (0 points) via pinfall in 10:12. 

John’s Thoughts: Good match and I’m really happy with the result. Joe Coffey has been a background player in the whole Tony D’Angelo jail storyline. Of the Gallus boys, he’s the best in the ring, best on the mic, and most charismatic. In NXT UK, Joe was always hanging around the main event picture, and had banger matches. Nathan Frazer is made in NXT. He can absorb the loss. Here’s hoping this tournament leads to Joe Coffey being elevated up the card.

The show cut to a Chase University skit. Thea Hail was absent from class. Andre noted that Duke Hudson was in the Global Heritage Invitational. Chase said he didn’t know that Hudson was Australian, he thought Duke was from New Zealand. Andre hyped up Duke and said he’ll bring the cup back to chase U. After Andre dismissed the class, Thea Hail showed up looking pouty. Duke wanted to take Thea to study hall, but Thea decided to go hang out with Jacy Jayne instead…

The NXT Anonymous camera peeked in on Fallon Henley and Miles Bourne having a conversation. Henley invited Miles to team up with Briggs and Jensen against Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey, and Damon Kemp…

Gigi Dolin and Roxanne Perez made their entrances…[c]

An instagram video from Wes Lee aired where he said he said he still has his sights on the NXT Championship…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Tyler Bate about his thoughts on Group A. Bate said Dempsey is already in the hole in points, which means he’s dangerous. Bate said Axiom is an immaculate performer. Bate talked about going way back with Butch (via British Strong Style) and Butch is his good friend and biggest rival. Bate then changed the subject by calling out Dabba Kato for a match next week. Bate said to make him the David to Dabba’s Golaith…

The following segments were advertised for next week: Dragon Lee vs. Mustafa Ali with Dom Mysterio as guest referee, Bron Breakker vs. Von Wagner in a No-DQ match, and Tiffany Stratton defending the title against the winner of this week’s main event…

Kiana James and Blair Davenport made their entrances…

5. Gigi Dolin vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Blair Davenport vs. Kiana James for a shot at the NXT Women’s Championship. James and Dolin spilled to ringside while Perez squared off with Davenport. It then went on to all four women trading quick pins. Perez and Dolin traded forearms on the apron. Dolin hit Perez with a Uranage on the apron. James hit Dolin with a double stomp and hit Davenport with a Mero Sault from the barricade. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

[Overrun] All four women were trapped in a legscissors train. Perez escaped and went for a Boston Crab on everyone. Davenport got up and broke up the hold. Perez avoided a tackle. Davenport gave Perez a gamengiri. Davenport, Perez and James went to the top rope. Dolin hit everyone with a Tower of Doom power bomb. Dolin rallied with kicks on Davenport and James. Dolin hit Davenport with a dropkick against the bottom rope.

Davenport gave Dolin a drop toehold into the 2nd rope. Davenport and Dolin looked to hit their head hard against the ropes in those last two sequences. James dumped Dolin to ringside. Davenport and James caught Perez. Perez got up and hit James with a huracanrana. Perez hit Davenport and James with European Uppercuts. Perez gave James the ten punches in the corner.

Perez caught Davenport with a springboard crossbody. Davenport escaped Perez’s legsweep. Dolin caught Davenport with a STO. Perez hit Dolin with a neckbreaker. James broke up Perez’s pin. Perez went for Pop Rocks on James, but Davenport dropkicked her off the move. Davenport sent James into the ringpost. Dolin broke up Davenport’s pin after a front suplex.

Perez broke up Gigi’s pin on Blair after a Half an d half. Perez hit Gigi with a huracanrana at ringside. Perez hit Dolin with Pop Rocks, but at the same time ate a PK from Davenport. Davenport hit Perez with a double stomp. Perez recovered and hit Davenport with Pop Rocks. Davenport rolled to ringside. Gigi hit Perez with a high knee. Perez blocked the Gigi Driver attempt. James showed up outta nowhere to hit Perez with the 401K. James hit Gigi with the inverted Overdrive for the win.

Kiana James defeated Gigi Dolin, Roxanne Perez, and Blair Davenport via pinfall in 11:41 to earn a title shot at the NXT Women’s Championship. 

Kiana James faced off with Tiffany Stratton in the ring…

The show cut to Carmelo Hayes entering HBK’s office, closing the show by saying “we need to talk”…

John’s Thoughts: Strong effort from all the women to close the show. Only thing that had me a bit scared were a few of those bumps looked like they actually hurt. Kiana James to me is one of the most underrated women in all of WWE. Every time she’s given a chance in a upper card match she steals the show. She especially does well standing out in these multi-person matches. Interested to see how she does in the heel vs. heel matchup against Tiffany Stratton? I really liked the finish of the match too as it established two very cool looking finishers with the 401k and Inverted Overdrive.

Solid edition of NXT with the women delivering a strong main event (Tony Khan! Book the women like Heartbreak does. Or at least book the women like Scott D’Amore or Jeff Jarrett would). Joking aside, HBK as booker has always done the women justice leading to him in NXT and D’Amore in Impact having the two strongest women’s divisions in pro wrestling. Rest of the show was good too with the usual focus on character development. Strong opening match too with Brutus being able to live his dreams as WCW Robocop. Tournaments are an easy way to book a show with minimal effort, so they have that going for them positively with the Global Heritage thing.

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. I realize everyone has to love WWE, but I watched this episode, and they have become one step above NWA and one step below Impact. I remember the “black and yellow” NXT of old and THAT was a good show.

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