06/01 Powell’s MLW Fusion audio review: El Hijo del Vikingo, Psycho Clown, and Rey Horus vs. John Hennigan, Sam Adonis, and Gringo Loco, “La Rebelion” Bestia 666 and Mecha Wolf vs. Abismo Negro Jr. and Black Taurus

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Jason Powell reviews the MLW Fusion show: El Hijo del Vikingo, Psycho Clown, and Rey Horus vs. John Hennigan, Sam Adonis, and Gringo Loco, “La Rebelion” Bestia 666 and Mecha Wolf vs. Abismo Negro Jr. and Black Taurus, and more (9:43)…

Click here for the June 1 MLW Fusion audio review.

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