1/11 MLW Zero Hour taping spoilers: Full results of upcoming MLW Fusion episodes (spoilers)

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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MLW Zero Hour television taping
North Richland Hills, Texas at NYTEX Sports Centre
Report by Sports Guys Talking Wrestling host Stew Myrick

Sold out show, good crowd.

Dark Match: Logan Creed beat Moonshine Mantell. Creed won with a powerbomb following an impressive chokeslam backbreaker.

Contra Unit came out to cut promo and was interrupted by Davey Boy Smith Jr and Brian Pillman Jr, who ran Contra out of ring.

1. Myron Reed (w/Kotto Brazil, Jordan Oliver) beat Drago to retain the MLW Middleweight Title. The crowd was behind Drago. Reed refused to “do lucha”. Reed won with finisher after Brazil low blowed Drago.

Filthy Tom Lawlor came out for commentary.

2. Marshall Von Erich beat MJF (w/Gino Medina, Alex Hammerstone). MJF cut a promo and said “another Von Erich goes six feet under.” Marshall won with Von Erich iron claw on MJF.

Filthy Tom Lawlor, who wore a Von Erich t-shirt, mocked the claw and cut a promo on the Von Erichs. Lawlor introduced Dominic Garrini as a new Team Filthy member.

3. Dominic Garrini beat Zenshi. There was an Injury spot where a medic entered the ring and checked on Zenshi for a possible shoulder injury. Garrini grabbed Zenshi and submitted him with an armbar. Postmatch, Lawlor declared that Team Filthy will show no mercy.

4. Erick Stevens beat Douglas James. Impressive match, Stevens worked heel towards end and got the win.

5. Alex Hammerstone defeated Aero Star to retain the MLW National Openweight Title. Konnan was out for commentary. Hammerstone won with a rollup after yanking Aero Star’s mask off.

6. Richard Holliday defeated Savio Vega.

7. Ross Von Erich beat Filthy Tom Lawlor by DQ. Ross won by DQ when Dominic Garrini attacked him Ross. Marshall Von Erich came out for the save, then Erick Stevens attacked the Von Erichs. Apparently, Stevens is now on Team Filthy. At one point in the postmatch activity, Lawlor got a Texas flag and started trashing it. A fan threw a garbage can into the ring. I was told he wasn’t a plant.

8. King Mo defeated Dr. Dax by submission. King Mo was representing American Top Team.

9. Gino Medina beat Septimo Dragon (w/Konnan). Richard Holliday was on commentary. Gino won with small package. Gino and Holliday beat up Septimo Dragon until Konnan made the save.

10. Puma King & Drago defeated Jordan Oliver & Kotto Brazil and Taurus & Low Rider in a Triple Threat tag match. Drago pinned Low Rider for the win.

11. Jacob Fatu defeated Brian Pillman Jr. to retain the MLW Heavyweight Championship. Injustice attacked Pillman during the match. Fatu hit back-to-back moonsaults on Pillman and got the win.

12. Low Ki beat Chandler Hopkins. Low Ki won via KO after and impressive showing by Hopkins. Low Ki shook Hopkins’ hand after the match.

13. Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich defeated MJF and Richard Holliday to retain the MLW Tag Titles. Dynasty attacked the Von Erichs before the bell. Towards the end of the match, Hammerstone came out, but was stopped by a chair to head from Mance Warner. The Von Erichs get the pin on MJF with Iron Claw/slam combo.

14. Davey Boy Smith Jr. beat Simon Gotch in a no ropes submission match. Davey Boy suplexeed Gotch and then knocked him out for the win.

15. Mance Warner defeated Jimmy Havoc in a barbed wire match. Warner won with a piledriver onto a barbed wire segment on top of a chair and a piece of a broken wooden door.

During the card, MLW announced that they will return to the NYTEX Sports Centre on May 2.

Overall, a good show, although the abundance of matches did seem to wear out the crowd.


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