5/11 Impact Wrestling TV results: Moore’s review of Steve Maclin vs. Rhino for the Impact World Championship, Taylor Wilde and KiLynn King vs. Deonna Purrazzo and Jordynne Grace for the Knockouts Tag Titles, Nick Aldis vs. Sheldon Jean, Masha Slamovich vs. Killer Kelly, Jason Hotch and John Skyler vs. Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Impact Wrestling TV
Taped in Chicago, Illinois at Cicero Stadium

Aired May 11, 2023 on AXS TV

Highlights from Trinity’s debut promo aired. The show then cut to a Rhino hype package to hype him up for him going after the World Title against Steve Maclin on this week’s Impact… Entrances for the opening match aired…

1. Masha Slamovich vs. Killer Kelly. Kelly crawled on the mat to play mind games with Masha. After a bit of an exchange, Masha took down Kelly with a lariat. Masha hit Kelly with a few smapmares. Kelly recovered, rolled up Masha and hit Masha with a PK. Kelly rallied with forearms and a Yakuza Kick in the corner. Kelly hit Masha with a Fisherman Suplex for a two count.

Masha blocked a PK and hit Kelly with Snake Eyes on the ring apron. Masha pummeled Kelly with boots and by slamming her into the buckle. Masha hit Kelly with a bottom buckle Face Wash kick. Masha put Kelly in the Camel Clutch while also biting her. The referee broke the hold due to the biting. Masha hit Kelly with a high kick and backfist combo.

Kelly broke a sleeper by slamming Kelly into the buckle. Kelly staggered Masha with a few headbutts, followed by a Dragon Suplex. Kelly hit Masha with a hesitation Dropkick and Bridged German for a two count. Masha hit Kelly with a slingshot Wrecking Ball. After Kelly kicked out Masha rolled through to hit Kelly with a Thrill of the Kill for a two count. Kelly escaped a snow plow and hit Masha with a throat punch.

Kelly got a two count after a Death Valley Driver. Kelly put Masha in the Killer clutch (arm trap Rear Naked Choke). Masha ran up the corner to press Kelly’s shoulders on the mat. Masha picked up the pinfall win while in the submission hold.

Masha Slamovich defeated Killer Kelly via pinfall in 8:44.

Kelly held on to the Killer Clutch after the match. Kelly made Masha pass out…

Kenny King met up with Sheldon Jean to psych him up for his upcoming match against Nick Aldis…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Both women need wins due to taking a lot of recent losses after good builds. Masha needs them more than Kelly at this point because she’s starting to lose steam after her hot debut streak. They protected Kelly with the fluky finish, but Masha is a higher priority at this point. I wouldn’t mind seeing Masha pick up a few quick wins over stepping stone opponents to remind viewers of her initial build.

Tom Hannifan plugged Impact’s upcoming tour in Australia…

After replaying Trinity’s debut entrance last week, Gia Miller interviewed Trinity. Gia told Trinity that she has an “open contract” to challenge anyone at Under Siege. Trinity said that the love that the Chicago crowd showed her really hyped her up. She said she’s not here to talk, but here to fight. The interview was interrupted by Jai Vidal, who took a selfie with Trinity and then left. Trinity asked Gia who was that? Gia said that was Jai and he works here…

Kenny King joined the commentary team for the next match…

2. Nick Aldis vs. Sheldon Jean. Aldis took down Jean with tackles. Jean rolled to ringside to regroup. Alids caught Jean at ringside with strikes. Aldis taunted King along the way. Jean raked Nick’s eyes and rammed him into the ringpost. Jean hit Aldis with a leg lariat for a two count. Jean grinded Nick’s face on the 2nd rope while also showboating to the crowd. Aldis rallied with punches and lariats.

Aldis hit Jean with a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Jean got to the top rope to prevent Aldis from diving. Aldis blocked a superplex and shoved Jean off the top rope. Aldis hit Jean with a elbow drop. Aldis made Jean tap out to a Texas Cloverleaf.

Nick Aldis defeated Sheldon Jean via submission in 3:30.

King said that Aldis only won because Jean is no Kenny King. Rehwoldt and King agreed that Aldis needs to earn a chance to challenge King…

John’s Thoughts: Simple and effective enhancement match to reintroduce Nick Aldis to the Impact crowd. Good to see Jean work past the Windsor tapings and there’s potential there, especially with Jean’s reality TV background (meaning the guy does have experience being a entertainer that works in Kayfabe). Jean being pushed as Kenny’s protege makes sense due to their shared Reality background, but it can also lead to a natural feud once Jean is ready to become more than an enhancement dude. King, meanwhile, continues his role as Impact’s heel gatekeeper, and we should expect a good match between him and Nick Aldis very soon.

The show cut to Dirty Dango and Joe Hendry at their “detective room”. Hendry acted annoyed as Dango was acting like a kid and talking about making a pool party. Dango was wearing a “Let’s Get Weird” shirt (which was his catchphrase from his old game show NXT days as Dirty Curty). Johnny Swinger and Zicky Dice showed up. Hendry said Swinger and Dice are suspects for attacking Santino Marella. Hendry said they would have motive because after Swinger picked up his first win, Santino voided the win due to Dice tricking Santino.

Dice said that Hendry should be considered a suspect. Dice said Hendry’s motive would be Santino upstaging Hendry at the last PPV. Dango calmed everyone down. Dango challenged Swinger to a match. Swinger refused. Dango called Santino on speaker phone. Santino asked “who was this”.

Dango said “this is Dango, from wrestling”. Dango asked Santino to book him in a match against Swinger. Santino said he’s injured, but he’ll book the match as long as Dango stops calling him. Dango agreed. After Swinger and Dice left, Dango asked Hendry to attend his birthday party. Hendry asked what time? Dango said it doesn’t matter what time because he and Hendry will be the only ones at the party…[c]

The show cut to Part III of Gia Miller’s sit-down interview with “TNA Original” Frankie Kazarian. Gia picked up the interview talking about Kazarian’s return to Impact while under AEW contract, where Kazarian beat Mike Bailey for the X Division title and cashed in the title via Option C for a world title shot. Gia asked Kazarian if he still wants to go after the world title after a failed attempt last year.

Kazarian said if you’re not going for the world title, you don’t belong in pro wrestling. Kazarian said he saw a small window of opportunity last year when he challenged for the title, and he failed. He said that loss still eats at him and he’s still going after the world title til this day. Gia talked about Kazarian helping others since his return, like Mickie James, Rich Swann, Josh Alexander, Sami Callihan, and Tommy Dreamer.

Gia said him helping others makes it look like the world title isn’t his primary focus. Kazarian said the world title is always on his mind. Kazarian said he’s now “the veteran” of the locker room. He said he wants to lift everyone else up because “high tide lifts all ships”. Kazarian said he’s doing this for legacy. He said he wants to help the company that helped him when he was young. Kazarian said he wants to help Impact reach higher heights and that’s his legacy…

John’s Thoughts: Another effective sit-down interview between Gia Miller and Frankie Kazarian. This reminded me a bit of the old Michael Cole and Triple H interviews from “The Authority” days where the purpose of the sit-downs were to fill in storyline gaps with exposition, and those were effective just like this was. I wouldn’t mind seeing this sit-down format for different wrestlers in the future to provide more context to other characters.

Entrances for the next match took place. John Skyler and Jason Hotch cut a promo before the match with Skyler bringing a mic ringside. Skyler went for cheap heat by calling Chicago a dumpster fire. Skyler said Decay has less of a chance of beating The Good Hands than the Cubs are at winning a World Series, which is no chance…[c]

3. “Decay” Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus vs. “The Good Hands” John Skyler and Jason Hotch. Steve hit Skyler with a snapmare and neck twist. Taurus tagged in and gave Skyler a double leg drop to the lower body. Taurus hit Skyler with a Power Slam for a two count. Steve tagged in and was about to bite Skyler in the face, but Hotch blocked it after tagging in. The Good Hands traded quick tags to get double team moves on Steve.

The Good Hands did their finger hand shake. Steve broke up the shake by biting the fingers of the Good Hands. Steve got a window of opportunity after hitting Skyler with a Flatliner. Brian Myers appeared, slowly pacing to the ring. Taurus got the hot tag by hitting both opponents with Sling Blades. Taurus choke slammed Hotch on Skyler to get a two count. Steve hit Hotch with a Plancha.

Myers hit Steve with a lariat while the referee was distracted. Taurus dragged Myers to the apron by the hair. Myers escaped with a jawbreaker. The Good Hands hit Taurus with a Samoan Drop Blockbuster to give Skyler the pinfall over Taurus.

The Good Hands defeated Decay via pinfall in 5:09.

Myers hugged Hotch and Skyler after the match and posed with them at the top of the ramp…

John’s Thoughts: Even though Decay also rarely wins and this was a distraction finish, it was still a bit surprising to see The Good Hands pick up the win because they lose all their matches, even after a distraction. I’m intrigued to see where their association with Brian Myers goes because they set this up like they have a story in mind for them. I hope it’s going to lead to a serious push for all three men and not a repeat of “The Learning Tree” faction which Myers was the leader of about a year or two ago. This pairing makes sense given the years Brian Myers and Matt Cardona spent as “Good Hands” in OVW and WWE.

The Impact Flashback Match of the Week was Taylor Wilde and Sarita vs. Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky for the inaugural Knockouts Tag Team Championships back at TNA No Surrender 2009. Wilde picked up the win with a Bridged German and Springboard Dropkick combo, making Wilde and Sarita the first Knockouts Tag Team Champions…

John’s Thoughts: Smart to show Wilde as the first and current women’s tag team champion. The replay also reminded us of a time when Wilde was not a random witch cosplayer. Hey, maybe she can turn it around. I used to hate Isla Dawn’s LARPing Witch routine, but she made a ton of tweaks to make it one of my favorite acts in WWE. What makes Dawn’s current version work is she comes off as natural, where Wilde feels like she’s dressing up for Halloween (and I feel bad riffing on Wilde because she’s having a really strong in-ring resurgence by putting on good matches).

Steve Maclin was berating Champagne Singh and Shera backstage. He said it was their fault that he’s in a title defense tonight (well? If it were me, I’d put the blame on “Fearless” authority figure Scott D’Amore). Maclin said he was dissolving their business relationship. Singh told Shera that they can’t let this business relationship with the world champion end. Singh said he had a plan…[c]

Singh and Shera were putting the boots to Heath. The referees ran in to send Shera and Singh away. Rhino ran in to attack Heath’s attackers. A referee said that Rhino has to go now because his world title match is next. Rhino told the guards to take care of Heath because he’ll be back…

Entrances for the next match took place. Hannifan noted that Rhino was last Impact World Champion 17 years ago (when the title was branded the NWA World Championship). Dave Penzer handled the formal in-ring introductions for the World Championship match. Penzer even named the referee of the match…

4. Steve Maclin vs. Rhino for the Impact World Championship. Maclin soaked in heat to start the match. Rhino took down Maclin with a shoulder tackle and asked Maclin “who’s the man”. Maclin came back with methodical strikes. Rhino rallied with chops and corner moves. Rhino took down Maclin with a hip toss. Maclin rolled to ringside to avoid a Gore. Rhino picked up Maclin and crotched him on the barricade.

Maclin came back with a jawbreaker against the top rope and a chop block to the calf of Rhino. Maclin got a two count. Maclin gave Rhino a Banzai Drop to the injured calf. Maclin targeted Rhino’s injured left leg with strikes and submissions. Rehwoldt noted that Rhino is one of Scott D’Amore’s first students, so this would be a statement win for Maclin. Rhino rolled away from Maclin’s diving headbutt.

Both men traded right hands in the center of the ring. Rhino rallied with clotheslines. Rhino tackled Maclin in the gut. Rehwoldt noted that Rhino’s strikes were softer due to the leg injury. Rhino managed to hit Maclin with a Superplex. Maclin got to his feet first. Rhino pulled out a desperation spinebuster for a two count. Rhino went for a Gore, but his knee buckled. Maclin took down Rhino with a chop block. Maclin hit Rhino with a Gore for the victory.

Steve Maclin defeated Rhino via pinfall in 9:01.

Maclin tossed Rhino into the steel steps after the match. Maclin choked Rhino with a steel chair to the throat. Maclin hit Rhino’s injured leg with a steel chair on the steel steps. Hannifan called Maclin a “son of a bitch.” Maclin continued to jab at Rhino’s leg with the chair. Maclin wrapped the chair on Rhino’s injured leg.

Maclin grabbed a shovel. Referees ran out to stop Maclin but Maclin intimidated them with the shovel. Maclin then went to town on Rhino’s wrapped leg with the shovel. Security ran out to send Maclin to the back. Maclin posed on the ramp with the world title…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Impact had the tough task of making Rhino feel like a credible world title contender in the span of one week. While I don’t think they did, they did a decent job raising Rhino’s profile enough to make this a meaningful win for Maclin. I credit the commentary team and production team for reaching into Rhino’s history a bit. Not earth-shattering, but I think Rhino worked harder than he has recently in this match. Maclin winning with the Gore gave this match a good set piece. Now what Impact needs to do is continue to give Maclin dominant clean wins. They also need to make sure he keeps arms length distance from scrub characters like Champagne Singh. What was better than the match was Maclin’s post match attack, which was wonderful.

During the break, Scott D’Amore helped paramedics take Rhino to an ambulance. D’Amore assured Rhino that he’ll see him at the hospital. Maclin got in D’Amore’s face and told D’Amore that Rhino’s blood is on his hands. D’Amore got in Maclin’s face and said that Maclin’s match against PCO is now a No-DQ match. D’Amore called Maclin a son of a bitch.

Maclin was about to enter the Ambulance to attack Rhino more, but somehow PCO was there. Hannifan was even confused as to how PCO got there. PCO attacked Maclin. Maclin and Steve brawled a bit before Maclin ran off, leading to PCO yelling “MACLIN!”…

Joe Hendry made his entrance for one of his pre-match promos. Hendry talked about his nose being fractured from his last match. Hendry said that’s a career ending injury for some athletes. Hendry claimed that Michael Jordan called him and told him that it would be dangerous to cut a promo with an injured nose. Hendry said that Jordan may be a master of shoes, but this is Pro Wrestling.

He said he was still going to Chicago to hear the words “I believe”. Hendry introduced his buddy Dirty Dango…

5. Dirty Dango (w/Joe Hendry) vs. Johnny Swinger (w/Zicky Dice). Rehwoldt said that Johnny Swinger is a true underdog story. Swinger joked Dango with choke variations to start the match. Dango recovered after Swinger did a Flair Strut. Dango hit Swinger with a Falcon Arrow for the win.

Dirty Dango defeated Johnny Swinger via pinfall in 1:08.

John’s Thoughts: For some reason, even Dango seems bored of himself reliving his greatest hits. If he’s not going to revert to his serious Johnny Curtis character, can we at least get him reverting to his mildly entertaining Dirty Curty character? That was good for a few laughs at least.

The show cut to Deaner and The Design backstage. Deaner talked about how Sami Callihan is finding backup to fight The Design. Deaner said he doesn’t only have a family, but an army. The random hooded cultists surrounded The Design. Deaner’s promo was interrupted when two of the cultists revealed themselves as Sami Callihan and Rich Swann. Swann and Callihan fended off the cultists, Kon, and Angels. Security ran in to separate everyone. For some reason, they had loud and cheesy action music in the background…[c]

Tom Hannifan wished Mike Bailey luck as he competes in Japan in the Best of the Super Juniors Tournament in the A-Block…

Moose confronted Brian Myers backstage. Moose took exception to Myers helping The Good Hands because he and Myers are a tag team now. Myers said Moose doesn’t sound like a team player now. Moose claimed that he can be tag team and world champion at the same time. Myers said they can team at the same time as he mentors Hotch and Skyler. Moose left and The Good Hands showed up. Hotch thanked Myers for the chance to learn under Brian’s learning tree. Myers talked about being a “Good Hand” once. He said the key is that The Good Hands be coachable, which will lead to them being tag team champions. Hotch and Skyler liked that possibility…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in from the commentary table. They ran through the Under Siege lineup. The following segments were announced for next week: Trey Miguel vs. Laredo Kid in a non-title match and Moose, Eddie Edwards, and Frankie Kazarian vs. Alex Shelley, Jonathan Gresham, and Yuya Uemura. Rehwoldt sent the show to Kevin Kelly’s weekly New Japan on AXS plug…

Entrances for the next match took place…

6. “The Coven” Taylor Wilde and KiLynn King vs. Deonna Purrazzo and Jordynne Grace for the Impact Knockouts Tag Team Championships. King and Purrazzo started the match. Purrazzo took down King with a huracanrana and armdrag. Grace tagged in. The face team used double team offense on King. Grace got a two count after an assisted moonsault. Wilde tagged in and hit Grace with a double team roundhouse and elbow drop.

The Coven used quick tags to cut the ring in half on Grace. King kept a low center of gravity to block a Grace Driver. Grace tossed King in the corner and hit King with a meteora. Grace hit King with a Vader Bomb for a two count.[c]

The Coven cut the ring in half on Purrazzo. They dominated for a few minutes, making sure to stay refreshed with quick tags. Purrazzo got a window of opportunity by whipping her opponents against each other. Grace got the hot tag where she rallied with right hands. Grace hit Wilde with a body slam and hit King with a spinebuster. Grace hit Wilde with a Jackhammer for a two count.

Grace dumped The Coven to ringside. The Coven caught Grace off a Wrecking Ball attempt and gave her a backbreaker on the apron. King body slammed Wilde on Grace to give Wilde a two count. Grace flipped out of the corner and put Wilde on the top rope. Wilde blocked a Superplex. Grace hit Wilde with an uppercut and Kinniku Buster. King broke up the pin attempt.

Grace ran the ropes and accidentally knocked her tag partner off the apron. Wilde rolled up Grace for a two count. The Coven hit Grace with a Big Boot-Spinebuster combo to give Wilde the clean win over Grace.

“The Coven” Taylor Wilde and KyLynn King defeated Jordynne Grace and Deonna Purrazzo via pinfall in 10:28 of on-air time.

The tag team champions attacked Grace after the match. Trinity ran out for the save. Trinity hit Wilde with a Thesz Press. Trinity hit King with the Rear View (Leapfrog booty to face). Grace and Trinity shook hands. The show closed with Trinity dancing as the black lights turned on…

John’s Thoughts: A well worked main event to build some friction between the two babyface Knockouts Title challengers at Under Siege. Kudos to Impact again for trusting the women to anchor main event matches, while also not shoving it in your face that they are showcasing the women. I also like the tag team champions getting a clean win. It was always a Vince McMahon habit of having world title contenders always going over the tag team champions. As much as I don’t like Wilde’s goofy ass witch phase, they are a good team and credit to Impact for making them look strong.

No joke, I would argue that Impact has the best women’s division in all of pro wrestling (with NXT as the 2nd best). Paul Levesque (who has booked women well in the past) and Tony Khan should be taking notes. Don’t really treat them as “different”, just book women like you book the men, with simple and logical storytelling. Not lazy storytelling. Hey, Impact is even booking the men well these days too.

Good show this week. I liked that Steve Maclin got some of his heat back with that vicious attack (after weeks of clowning around with Champagne Singh and Shera). Jason Powell will be by later today with his weekly Impact Wrestling audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


Readers Comments (2)

  1. Uuumm..The Cubs did win a World Series-Thank You!

  2. I agree, the Knockouts Division has the best women’s division in all of pro wrestling with NXT being 2nd best. The Knockouts Division is consistently great every week, I can’t blame Trinity for going there. I hope to see Tessa Blanchard back in Impact soon and other WWE and AEW girls struggling to make it there.

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