Jon Moxley addresses CM Punk drama, claims he could have taken the AEW World Championship to WWE SummerSlam, says he’s never seen as much BS drama as there is in AEW yet also praises the company

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The following are the highlights of Jon Moxley’s appearance on “The Sessions with Renee Paquette” podcast that was released on March 28, 2023. Listen to the full podcast here.

-Moxley said he was not under contract the entire summer. He said he technically could have walked into SummerSlam with the AEW World Championship belt had he been so inclined. He said AEW extended his contract for the time that he missed while he was in rehab. Moxley said that was cool because he didn’t want to feel like he owed the company anything. Moxley said he didn’t sign initially because he wanted to see how he handled working in the wrestling business while he was sober.

-Moxley said the night “what’s his dick” [CM Punk] was talking about was in Minneapolis [August 10, 2022]. Moxley said he technically didn’t work for AEW and Tony Khan wasn’t his boss because he wasn’t under contract. Moxley said that if anything, he was bending over backwards for Khan “and this dude” by agreeing to put him over at the next pay-per-view.

-Moxley joked that the only time AEW was built around him led to the pandemic. “Does it get annoying sometimes to be like, ‘You know if you had just gone with me in the first place we wouldn’t be going through this again?'” It kind of does, but it’s all good. I don’t complain. I see the good in everything. I’m just having so much f—ing fun and life is so f—ing good right now that I don’t want any of this negative bullshit. What’s to f—ing complain about?”

-“I have never seen so much bullshit drama in one place in my entire f—ing life,” Moxley said of AEW. “I hate to say that. And I don’t know if it’s because of the age of social media, shit gets like blown out of proportion. Like one person types one stupid f—ing drunk tweet and all of a sudden it’s all anybody wants to talk about.”

-“Let me be clear, the vast majority of people there don’t cause any f—ing trouble… but they’re getting sucked down into this shit like everybody else, like into the muck. There’s plenty of people who just want to get better and perform and just f—ing do this job, man, it’s the best job in the world.”

-Moxley said he pushed for house shows. He said the idea is to give wrestlers reps, not to load up the shows with stars. He compared it to NXT’s coconut loop live events in Florida. Moxley said he likes working house shows and independent shows and compared them to musicians having jam sessions. Moxley said he was furious that he had to miss the OTT event, but it’s because he was advertised and it wasn’t a matter of not wanting to do house shows.

-Moxley spoke of his desire to make Cincinnati more of a pro wrestling hub. He praised Sami Callihan’s work as a promoter for the Revolver shows. Moxley said he’s a city boy, whereas Claudio Castagnoli lives in the woods outside of Orlando and has a compound with a gym.

-Paquette brought up how much Moxley bleeds during his matches and said it was upsetting to her when he jabbed Hangman Page’s head with a fork during the Texas Death Match. Moxley cracked that it made him very happy that it was upsetting to Paquette. Moxley said he loved everything with Page. Moxley said likes to experiment with things. “Sexually?” Paquette asked. Moxley responded, “That too,” which got a laugh out of Paquette.

-Moxley said he’s not into match formulas. He questioned why you can’t have a great three minute match. Moxley also said he wasn’t interested in doing another Stadium Stampede match. He said that if he was going to do that type of match, it would be done in one take in front of the arena. He said that led to Anarchy in the Arena. Moxley spoke about how MMA inspires his in-ring storytelling. Moxley spoke about creating his own “proprietary blend” in the ring. He told a story of New Japan Pro Wrestling booker Gedo liking his idea to challenge Lance Archer to a Texas Death Match. Moxley admitted he didn’t even know what the rules of the match were at the time, but he looked them up and put his own spin on things.

-Moxley said people who work with him enough know that everything is subject to change. He said they can plan thirty spots and once he gets out there he might change his mind. Moxley said he does his thinking outside the ring and then he doesn’t want to think once he’s actually in the ring.

Powell’s POV: Moxley never actually mentioned CM Punk by name. He didn’t really dispute Punk’s claim that Moxley refused to put him over in their three-minute match. Rather, Moxley explained that he was a free agent and didn’t need to do anything, including when he agreed to put over Punk at AEW Full Gear. Moxley also spoke about Blackpool Combat Club’s on-air issues with The Elite and hinted that they are not actually responsible for the storyline attack on The Young Bucks.


Readers Comments (6)

  1. Moxley is a modern day Vince Russo. The idiot who thinks he’s a genius.

    The absolute last wrestler I would want in my promotion.

  2. Moxley is awesome wrestler, wish he was still on WWE.

  3. Ryan O'Connell March 29, 2023 @ 9:50 am

    Gavin you are entitled to your opinion, but your argument becomes obsolete once you resort to name calling. I don’t know Jon, but I wouldn’t say he was an idiot. Try stepping a mile in his boots. Armchair wrestling expert is what you sound like. Also, you say that he’s the last wrestler you’d take in your promotion? You don’t like the guy, I get it. But I can think of a few wrestlers I wouldn’t do business with, based on attitude alone. Tessa Blanchard comes to mind.

  4. TheGreatestOne March 29, 2023 @ 2:34 pm

    Moxley continues to prove Vince right for letting him go. He’s a mediocre brawler with decent promos where he threatens to drink people’s blood and he looks as swollen and bloated as his did when he was wrestling drunk. His fascination with bleeding constantly, including house shows that aren’t taped, is bizarre. He should be an actual star, instead he’s happy to be king of the big budget indy.

  5. TheGreatestOne March 30, 2023 @ 8:50 pm

    Oh, and lets not gloss over the fact that this interview tells us that not only did TK force Punk to wrestle when he wasn’t medically cleared, but he made him lose to a guy who wasn’t even under contract.

    Total fucking clown show run by a socially incompetent coke hound.

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