CM Punk claims Jon Moxley refused to lose to him, labels Chris Jericho a “liar and a stooge”

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

CM Punk took to Instagram to respond to a message board post made by reporter Dave Meltzer, which claimed that Punk sent a legal letter to AEW regarding his storyline feud with Jon Moxley. “I wasn’t cleared to come back to wrestle yet, “Punk wrote in a since deleted Instagram post. “The plan was to wrestle at the [pay-per-view]. I sat and listened to Moxley’s [Rocky III] idea. I explained how I’d never seen a Rocky movie.

“… and thought the idea sucked but if the boss wanted to do it whatever. He said he wouldn’t lose to me. I’d never experienced someone refusing to lose to me. I just laughed. I asked Tony [Khan] if this was what he wanted. He said yes. He’s the boss so I said okay but I’d need to be cleared first. They kept saying it could just be a squash so I didn’t need to be cleared. I scoffed at that. My health is more important. Dave Meltzer is a liar. [Chris] Jericho is a liar and a stooge. There were plans but plans always change but I’ll never put a company above my health ever again.”

Powell’s POV: As noted, Punk quickly deleted the post from Instagram, but not before a number of fans were able to document it. There’s been a lot of speculation about Punk potentially returning to AEW. If this post is any indication, I’d say there are still plenty of issues that need to be resolved before that will happen. On a lighter note, how has Punk lived 44 years without seeing a Rocky movie?!?


Readers Comments (3)

  1. Tony Kahn should step up and tell the locker room HE was the one who moved Colt NOT Punk. People keep throwing daggers at Punk. If I was him, I would be upset as well. Why are people so critical of Punk for giving his side of the story? If I was Jericho or the Elite, I would pray Punk doesn’t come back. He will kill them on the mic.

  2. Punk has had to take a lot of crap due to rumors that he had Colt fired (he never did). HE was a ratings draw. He was miles above everyone on the mic. It’s too bad he got injured twice. I understand why he is upset. People keep talking half truths about him. What is he supposed to do?

    If he comes back to AEW, Kahn needs to have a meeting with the locker room and tell the truth. The Elite and Jericho need to apolgoize to him for starting rumours and Punk needs to apologize. There are heaps of money to be made if he comes back.

  3. TheGreatestOne March 24, 2023 @ 2:18 am

    Tony Khan isn’t an adult, so he’ll never do the right thing. He’s a spoiled trust fund doofus with the social skills of a puddle. He will never tell the truth about anything that goes on as long as his dad’s money can buy him “friends” like the EVPs and Jericho.

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