3/14 NXT TV results: Powell’s review of Gallus vs. Pretty Deadly for the NXT Tag Titles, Wes Lee’s open challenge for the NXT North American Title, Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes contract signing for NXT Stand & Deliver, Apollo Crews vs. Dabba-Kato, Johnny Gargano appears

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live March 14, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] NXT opened with a recap of last week’s Roadblocked themed show. The highlight package concluded with footage of Roxanne Perez being taken away by ambulance… The broadcast team was Vic Joseph and Booker T, and Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

Johnny Gargano made his entrance dressed in non-wrestling attire. The fans serenaded him with “Johnny Wrestling” and “Welcome Back” chants. Gargano had the fans watch his back to avoid another Grayson Waller attack. Gargano said he was back in NXT to finish his story.

Gargano said the story ended with a cliffhanger 15 months ago. He said it felt like something was missing. He said the last time the NXT fans saw him was when Waller was standing over him. Gargano said he gave Waller a gift by waiting to see what Waller would do.

Gargano said the last person to take him out was Tommaso Ciampa, who went on to become one of the greatest NXT Champions of all-time. Gargano said Waller had two chances to become champion and he failed. Gargano said Waller blamed everyone but himself and disrespected the fans, the locker room, and NXT itself. Gargano said you don’t screw with a man’s home.

Joseph approached the ring with his phone and showed him footage of Grayson Waller watching the show from inside Gargano’s actual home. Gargano raced out of the ring and ran to the back…

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Wes Lee unloading his vehicle. Axiom showed up and said he was going to follow Lee everywhere because he wanted to accept the open challenge for the NXT North American Title. Lee said the match was eight hours away and asked Axiom what he would do until then. Lee asked if Axiom if he was hungry. Axiom said he could eat..

Pretty Deadly made their entrance for the NXT Tag Team Title match… [C]

Powell’s POV: It’s odd that the show didn’t open with an update on Perez given the serious nature of last week’s angle. Anyway, I’m filling in for John Moore tonight because he had a power outage in his area. I’ll also be hosting tonight’s NXT audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

Gargano was shown exiting the building while backstage interviewer McKenzie Mitchell followed him. Gargano hopped in his vehicle and drove away… The Gallus duo made their entrance…

1. “Gallus” Mark Coffey and Wolfgang vs. “Pretty Deadly” Elton Prince and Kit Wilson for the NXT Tag Team Titles. Alicia Taylor delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Coffey and Wolfgang cleared the challengers from the ring heading into an early picture-in-picture break. [C]

A graphic listed Sol Ruca vs. Zoey Stark in a qualifying match for the NXT Women’s Champion at Stand & Deliver.

Powell’s POV: Shawn Michaels issued the following statement via Twitter ahead of the show. “As of Friday Morning Roxanne Perez was discharged from the hospital. However after numerous tests Roxanne’s health is still in question. With Stand and Deliver in less than three weeks I have the obligation to announce we possibly have to crown a New NXT Women’s Champion. Starting tonight there will be a series of qualifying matches with the winners advancing to Stand and Deliver to compete to become the NXT Women’s Champion in a Ladder Match.” Michaels’ ruling has yet to be addressed during the television show, nor was it mentioned on the actual NXT Twitter page, but that’s what the qualifying match is for. Strange.

In the ring, Prince picked up a near fall on Coffey after hitting him with one of the tag team title belts. Pretty Deadly set up for a double team move, but Wolfgang pulled the top rope down, which caused Prince to tumble to ringside. Gallus hit their own finisher on Wilson and then Wolfgang pinned him…

“Gallus” Mark Coffey and Wolfgang defeated “Pretty Deadly” Elton Prince and Kit Wilson in 12:30 for the NXT Tag Team Titles.

Powell’s POV: The crowd was very quiet during the entrances, but they got invested as the match went on. I continue to see more in Pretty Deadly than I do in Gallus. I wonder if the Pretty Deadly duo will be WrestleMania call-ups.

Fallon Henley and a camouflage covered Josh Briggs were shown outside the office of Kiana James. Henley was going to pick the lock, but Briggs showed her that it was unlocked. Henley found a qualifying match contract for Stand & Deliver. They also found dates on a calendar with a man named Sebastian. They also found a card that thanked James for one of their dates. They took a photo of the card and left the room…

Michaels narrated his Tweets (see above)… Sol Ruca made her entrance for the first qualifier… [C]

Powell’s POV: So did Henley and Briggs know the camera crew was with them when they broke into the office or are we supposed to think they don’t see the cameras for some reason? Meanwhile, that Michaels announcement really should have been shown at the top of the show.

A physician addressed Roxanne Perez’s medical state coming out of last week’s injury angle. He said they were unable to determine what caused her to collapse last week and said that means he can’t provide an estimated date for her return to the ring…

A somber Joseph and Booker spoke at ringside. Booker said everything is touch and go and highs and lows… Zoey Stark make her entrance…

2. Zoey Stark vs. Sol Ruca in a qualifier for the ladder match for the NXT Women’s Championship match at Stand & Deliver. Stark got the better of Ruca for a stretch, but Ruca came back with a sequence that concluded with a powerslam for a near fall. Ruca sent Stark to ringside and then performed a top rope moonsault onto her. Ruca sent Stark back inside the ring. Ruca went for a springboard move, but Stark caught her and hit her knee lift finisher and then scored the pin…

Zoey Stark defeated Sol Ruca in 4:35 in a qualifier for the ladder match for the NXT Women’s Championship match at Stand & Deliver.

Powell’s POV: Stark going over is logical, as she’s polished and can hang in a ladder match, whereas Ruca is still a work in progress despite possessing major upside potential.

A Scrypts video package aired. He broke a bunch of pencils and crumpled up a lot of paper and seemed to indicate that he is focused on going after a wrestler (or something)…

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre made their entrance… [C] Kayden Carter and Katana Chance were in the ring, and then Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley made their entrance… Footage aired from last week of a frustrated Paxley telling Carter that Nile was busy celebrating with the Creed brothers…

3. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley for a shot at the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles at Stand & Deliver. At one point, Nile went for a tag, but Paxley dropped off the apron. Carter and Chance set up for their finisher on Dawn, but Fyre broke it up. Paxley kicked Nile and threw her back inside the ring. Dawn hit Nile with a Backstabber and then Fyre performed a Swanton on Nile before pinning her…

Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre defeated Kayden Carter & Katana Chance and Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley in a Triple Threat tag match at 4:10 to earn an NXT Women’s Tag Team Title match at Stand & Deliver.

Ilja Dragunov was shown walking backstage… [C]

Powell’s POV: The Triple Threat tag match just popped up out of nowhere, which is strange considering that it was for a title shot at Stand & Deliver. This show feels really chaotic and sloppy from a booking and formatting standpoint.

[Hour Two] Bron Breakker was standing backstage when Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo showed up and offered to take out Carmelo Hayes. Breakker conjured up a bunch of cliche mob movie style hits they could do. D’Angelo said he’s been watching too many movies. Breakker said he appreciated the offer and then passed before exiting. D’Angelo informed Lorenzo that they would be going after the NXT Tag Team Titles…

Ilja Dragunov made his entrance for an in-ring promo. He said his career has been life changing. He mentioned his wife and son and how they’ve had opportunities that they never felt were possible. Dragunov shifted his focus to JD McDonagh and said he needed to rid himself of the problem once and for all.

JD McDonagh made his entrance and spoke as he walked around the ringside area. McDonagh climbed onto the ring apron while saying that they seem destined to continue their feud for a long time. Dragunov said he would take out McDonagh next week. McDonagh entered the ring and went face to face with Dragunov.

McDonagh said he looked forward to their symphony of sadism and said it would be hard to watch, much like a scalpel in his eye. Dragunov avoided McDonaugh’s headbutt attempt. Both men fought to ringside and through an exit door…

Pretty Deadly were interviewed by Mitchell in the backstage area. Wilson said they didn’t need Stand & Deliver, but rather Stand & Deliver need Pretty Deadly. Wilson and Prince decided that they should host the Stand & Deliver event…

Wes Lee was shown walking backstage. He stopped and watched as referees pulled Dragunov and McDonagh apart. Lee said something to McDonagh, who pie-faced him. Lee threw punches at McDonagh and then a producer dismissed Lee… [C]

Powell’s POV: As much as I enjoy watching Dragunov and McDonagh wrestle, their verbal exchange was rough.

Tyler Bate was leading Thea Hail through a yoga workout while Duke Hudson stood behind them. Andre Chase showed up and asked if he could talk with Hudson (you know, because they couldn’t have just walked away instead). Chase sang the praises of Chase U and said that Hudson is now living and dying with every loss because he cares. Chase said it’s possible that Chase U has done more for Hudson than anything else in his life.

Ava, who was shown watching the conversation, removed her mask and placed it by Hudson after Chase had walked away. Ava smiled at Hudson and then walked off…

Grayson Waller was shown sitting in his car outside Gargano’s home. Waller was playing neighborhood watch and said he would make sure that Gargano didn’t leave his door unlocked…

A group of wrestlers were shown fighting backstage in hopes of getting the NXT North American Title shot. Wes Lee made his entrance. The brawl spilled into the arena area. Axiom entered the ring, but Scrypts flew into the picture and took him out. McDonagh entered the ring and clotheslined Lee. Dragunov showed up and fought with McDonagh. Lee performed a flip dive onto the pile of wrestlers at ringside…

Dragon Lee was interviewed by Mitchell on the backstage set. He said he came to be a great example for lucha libre. Lee said he would love it in NXT…

A video package focused on Apollo Crews and Dabba-Kato. Kato said the trust and loyalty is all gone and he’s more dangerous than ever. Both men said the other would pay… [C]

Jacy Jayne, who had her right arm in a sling, was interviewed by Mitchell. Jayne vented about Gigi Dolin and then claimed that she separated her shoulder just seconds into their match. Jayne said that if Dolin considers that a victory, then she’s even more pathetic than she thought she was. Jayne said she would be thinking of Dolin every second she’s away and vowed to break her heart and her face again…

Apollo Crews made his entrance. Dabba-Kato’s entrance followed. Once Kato got to ringside, Crews dove from the top rope onto him. Both men brawled at ringside. Kato eventually placed Crews on the apron and then chopped him. Once both men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell to start the match…

4. Apollo Crews vs. Dabba-Kato. Both men went right back to ringside and continued their brawl. They eventually returned to the ring. Kato used his boot to stomp the chest of Crews heading into a PIP break. [C]

Crews threw a series of kicks and then splashed Kato in the corner. Crews powered up Kato for a Death Valley Driver and then performed a top rope frog splash for a near fall. They went back to ringside. Kato slammed Crews onto the bottom half of the ring steps. Crews pulled himself up and beat the referee’s count by returning to the ring. Kato performed his a sit-out powerbomb and scored the pin…

Dabba-Kato beat Apollo Crews in 8:45.

Powell’s POV: An entertaining match with the right person going over at this stage in their feud. Crews looked good in defeat and now has a mountain to climb. I liked the little bit that I saw of Kato as Babatunde in Evolve, so I’m hoping that this reset will get his career back on track.

An NXT Anonymous video showed Shawn Michaels telling Wes Lee that he loved him, but the open challenges were chaotic and were killing them backstage. Lee spoke about how he wanted to prove himself. Lee said he wanted to face ten of the best at Stand & Deliver. Michaels told him he would meet him halfway by booking a five-way match and allowing Lee to select his four opponents. Michaels and Lee agreed to the match and then hugged…

Backstage, Kiana James left a phone message for Fallon Henley while Brooks Jensen was texting. James’s message questioned where James was and said she needed her partner. Jensen said he would go to ringside with James, who said she needed to be alone. Jensen thought she needed time alone, but she corrected him and said just for the match. Jensen leaned in for a kiss, but James had already walked away… [C]

5. Kiana James vs. Gigi Dolin in a qualifier for the ladder match for the NXT Women’s Championship match at Stand & Deliver. Both entrances were televised. James performed an early neckbreaker for a two count. Dolin came back with a series of kicks and a nice clothesline that resulted in a near fall. James rolled up Dolin for a two count. Dolin came right back with a finishing slam and got the three count.

Gigi Dolin defeated Kiana James in 2:45 in a qualifier for the ladder match for the NXT Women’s Championship match at Stand & Deliver.

After the match, James was selling in the ring when Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre pulled her to ringside and roughed her up. Brooks Jensen ran out, causing Dawn and Fyre to enter the ring…

Powell’s POV: With an NXT Tag Team Title match already announced, there wasn’t much mystery regarding the outcome of this match. That said, it was a good way to build momentum for Dolin coming out of her split with Jacy Jayne.

Johnny Gargano was shown arriving home in his car. Waller attacked Gargano before he could get to his doorway. Gargano got the better of it initially, but Waller through dirt in his eyes. Gargano threw a trashcan at Waller and the brawl continued. Candice LeRae walked out holding her baby and told them to stop. Waller was getting the better of it and stomped Gargano’s face onto the lawn. Waller told LeRae that her husband isn’t the same anymore. Waller walked away and then LeRae ran out with the baby to check on Gargano…

Powell’s POV: I’m not judging, but I’d like to think that my mother would have tried to avoid having toddler me watch my father get his ass kicked on our front lawn. By the way, I must have been mistaken earlier when I thought Waller was already inside the house.

The broadcast team ran through the Stand & Deliver lineup. The Pretty Deadly duo was officially listed as the hosts of the show…

Separate shots aired of Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes, who was accompanied by Trick Williams, walking backstage while Joseph hyped their contract signing segment… [C]

Brooks Jensen was tending to Kiana James in the backstage area when Fallon Henley and Josh Briggs showed up still dressed in their prowler outfits. James asked where Henley was during her match. Henley said she didn’t even know about the match. Jensen then informed her about the tag team title match at Stand & Deliver…

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams made their entrance. A contract signing table and two office chairs were set up inside the ring. NXT Champion Bron Breakker made his entrance. Joseph said only Finn Balor had a longer title reign than Breakker has as NXT Champion.

[Overrun] Breakker and Hayes sat down. Hayes wondered if someone was supposed to be there to host the signing. Breaker said they didn’t need anyone. Hayes agreed and said the faster they signed the sooner the countdown was on to a new champion. Breakker said he didn’t think it was going to be like any other contract signing, but Hayes was starting to change his mind.

“Pretty Deadly” Elton Prince and Kit Wilson made their entrance and said they are hosting Stand & Deliver, so they might as well host the contract signing. Hayes said he meant no disrespect, but he’s taking the title. Hayes also said he made the NXT North American Championship the A title when he held it. “Respectfully, at Stand & Deliver, you’re coming in second to me,” Hayes said.

Breakker said he disagreed with Hayes, who believed he was the A-Champion when he knew he just wasn’t read to be NXT Champion. Breakker spoke about wanting the best version of Hayes when they meet. Hayes said he wants the Breakker that runs through walls, won at WarGames, and made Tommaso Ciampa tap out.

Hayes said he couldn’t deny Breakker’s greatness because he’s unstoppable when he’s that guy. Hayes said it would be all the sweeter when Breakker gives him everything he has and it’s still not good enough. “I am Him,” Hayes said.

Breaker said he believes that Hayes is Him, but he has to show him that it’s not something you put on a t-shirt or use to play up your character. Breakker spoke about Hayes staying out late while he’s in early. Pretty Deadly interrupted for a moment. Breakker said it’s 18 months in the making and it has a chance to be the biggest NXT match in history. Hayes said it would be.

Hayes said it would be the youngest main event in WrestleMania weekend history. He said there were a lot of eyes on them and a lot of pressure, but it’s nothing new for him. Hayes said he will deliver and he just wants to make sure that Breakker will too. Hayes signed the contract and said he wouldn’t give an inch. Breakker signed the contract and said neither would he.

Breakker and Hayes walked in front of the table and shook hands. They started to leave the ring, but Pretty Deadly stopped them and said they needed drama. Both men removed their shirts and then picked up the Pretty Deadly duo and slammed them through the contract signing table. Breakker held up the title belt and then he and Hayes jawed at one another to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A good final segment with both men showing respect for one another while playing up the match in a way that made it feel special. I like that it wasn’t a typical contract signing with a big brawl between the two. Pretty Deadly didn’t add much aside from being there to be put through the table at the end. Will we get the obligatory champion and challenger joining forces in a tag team match against Pretty Deadly in a television match?

Overall, the first hour of the show was a chaotic mess. Things settled down during the second hour. I will have more to say about NXT in my same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of NXT by grading the show below.

NXT TV Poll: Grade the March 14 edition

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. I wonder if Jayce’s injury was why their Road Block match seemed to be cut a little short without much use of the stipulation.

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