2/22 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett’s live review of Tony Khan’s announcement, a Tag Team Battle Royale for a spot in the four-way AEW Tag Team Title match at AEW Revolution, Orange Cassidy vs. Wheeler Yuta for the AEW All-Atlantic Title, The Acclaimed vs. Big Bill and Lee Moriarty, Jon Moxley vs. Evil Uno, Saraya vs. Skye Blue

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 177)
Phoenix, Arizona at Footprint Center
Aired live February 22, 2023 on TBS

[Hour One] The show’s introductory video aired and Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone joined in at the commentary desk. Justin Roberts introduced the opening match as the All Atlantic Championship match between Orange Cassidy and Wheeler Yuta. Cassidy made his ring entrance first, and Wheeler followed. Footage was shown from last week of Yuta claiming he would take the championship from Cassidy… 

1. Orange Cassidy vs. Wheeler Yuta for the All Atlantic Championship: Cassidy landed a shoulder block out of the gate. He and Yuta traded rapid fire reversals and rollups for a couple of two counts a piece. Yuta rolled to the floor to gather himself, and then climbed back into the ring. Yuta dumped Cassidy to the mat and then applied a leg grapevine. They traded some holds on the mat once again until Cassidy attempted Yuta’s seatbelt pin for a near fall. 

Claudio Castagnoli walked out to ringside and looked upset. He slapped Yuta across the face and gave him a pep talk to motivate him. Yuta then got back in the ring and raked at the eyes of Cassidy before landing a lariat. Yuta then dove through the ropes and landed a shoulder block on Cassidy, who had retreated to the floor. He then tossed Cassidy over the timekeeper’s table, and gave Claudio a high five. Yuta tossed Cassidy into the ring post as Claudio walked to the back. 

Yuta entered the ring and landed a series of slaps and chops. Cassidy put his hands in his pockets and ignored the pain. Yuta landed more chops, but Cassidy managed to turn things around with a dropkick. He then smashed Yuta into the turnbuckle, and climbed to the top rope. Cassidy went for a flying nothing, and Yuta turned it into a modified Manhattan Drop. He then went to the top himself and landed a flying forearm. Yuta then sent Cassidy to the floor with a dropkick…[c]

After the break, Yuta bit Cassidy on the face in the corner, and then landed a running lariat. He then climbed to the top rope for a splash, but Cassidy moved out of the way and collected himself. He attempted an Orange Punch, but Yuta avoided it and landed a Brain Buster. He followed with an Angle Slam and covered for a near fall. Yuta grabbed Cassidy’s arms and stomped on his head. Cassidy fired back with upkicks, and then picked Yuta up in order to give him a hug. Yuta smashed him with a headbut and then hammer fists. 

Both men traded German Suplexes, and then Cassidy rolled up Yuta for a near fall. Yuta attempted a mouse trap pinfall and Cassidy managed to kick out. He then spit out his gum and it stuck to Cassidy’s forehead. Cassidy returned the favor and both men traded heavy forearm shots until they were dizzy. They then collided with a double clothesline and both men were down. Cassidy got to his feet first and attempted a Beach Break, but both men ended up on the apron in a struggle. 

Cassidy managed to dump Yuta with a back body drop on the apron, and then a diving DDT to the floor. He followed up with another DDT in the ring. Yuta fired back with a piledriver and covered for a close near fall. He then landed some elbows and went for a seatbelt. Both men traded seatbelt attempts back and forth until Yuta got a near fall. Cassidy landed an Orange Punch for a near fall, and then a Beach Break for the same. He then landed a second Orange Punch on a seated Yuta and got the win. 

Orange Cassidy defeated Wheeler Yuta at 17:28 to retain the AEW All-Atlantic Championship.

After the match, both men struggled to get to their feet. Cassidy was able to get to his feet and hold up his arm to celebrate his victory. He helped Yuta to his feet and offered him a hug. Claudio walked out and told Yuta to ignore him, and he left the ring to boos…

Backstage, Renee Paquette spoke to Adam Page and Evil Uno. She asked Uno how he prepared, and Page cut him off and said that you can’t. Uno retorted that Hangman had asked them not to get involved, and what he heard was that Dark Order isn’t on his level. He told Hangman that he didn’t want him to get involved tonight, because it was time for him to stand up for himself… 

In the arena, Ricky Starks made his entrance wearing a suit. He fired up the crowd…[c]

My Take: A very strong opening match. Yuta and Cassidy worked well together and showed off some impressive chemistry in this match. I’m surprised they didn’t save this one for the PPV, as it would have been a solid defense for Cassidy there and they could have spent more time telling a story heading into the match.

Ricky soaked in the crowd chants, but then said he didn’t want to get yelled at for going over on time. He recalled his experiences with the JAS, and said it was obvious that Chris Jericho didn’t want a rematch against him, so he was going to move on from Chris Jericho. He pulled out a piece of paper and said it was an open contract for a match with him at AEW Revolution.

Shockingly, Judas played and Chris Jericho walked out by himself.  Jericho soaked in the crowd performance of Judas and accused him of trying to bait him into another match with him. He told him to take his win against him and cherish it and tuck it into bed at night because it would never happen again. Jericho wished him well with his open challenge and said he hoped it went well for him. Peter Avalon walked out to accept the challenge, but Jericho cut him down with a Judas Effect elbow. 

Jericho walked to the ring and said maybe he should accept the contact and embarrass his stupid ass at Revolution. Starks replied that he would have JAS come down and beat him up again, and asked why he couldn’t beat him up himself since he had so many legendary accomplishments alone. Jericho asked Starks if he thinks he can’t beat him one on one? Starks replied that he thought he could, making it obvious that he was trying to puff him up. 

Jericho said he would sign the contract and even add an addendum that JAS wouldn’t be banned from ringside, but unfortunately he doesn’t have a pen. Stark said he did, and handed Jericho a pen. Jericho grabbed the pen and scribbled a bunch on the paper and told Starks he was on at Revolution, and reminded him that nobody outsmarts The Ocho. Starks smiled as Jericho walked away… 

We then got a video package that summarized the teams that were participating in the Revolution Tag Team Battle Royal. Lee Moriarty and Bill Bill made their entrances with Stokely Hathaway. The Acclaimed then made their entrance with Billy Gunn. They told Bill he was sawft and told Lee Moriarty that his girlfriend liked it doggy style… 

2. Big Bill and Lee Moriarty (w/Stokley Hathaway) vs. “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens (w/Billy Gunn): Caster started things off with Moriarty. Big Bill got involved early with a kick to Caster’s back as he ran the ropes. Caster and Bowens landed a double team backbreaker a moment later for a two count…[c]

My Take: The Jericho and Starks promo was amusing in the sense that they are entertaining personalities, but nothing about the story or the program makes any sense and I can’t wait for it to be over.

Big Bill tagged in during the break and isolated Caster in the heel corner. The Gunn Brothers walked out and stood on the stage. Bill missed a lariat in the corner, and both Bowens and Moriarty tagged into the match. Bowens landed an over the top facebuster, and then a Samoan Drop of sorts with Moriarty landing on the mat face first. Big Bill jumped back into the ring and landed big shots to both Billy Gunn and Max Caster. 

The Gunns ran down and delivered a distraction, but didn’t touch anyone but Billy. Big Bill got run into the ring steps by Caster on the floor. Moriarty landed a DDT on Bowens, but only got a two count. He replied with The Arrival, and then tagged in Caster for the Mic Drop and a victory…

The Acclaimed defeated Big Bill and Lee Moriarty at 6:59

After the match, Tony Schiavone walked over to the stage for an interview with Christian Cage. 

Before the interview could begin, Jack Perry attacked Christian from behind. He took him down to the ground and then delivered a running elbow to the back of his head and neck. Perry walked back out with two chairs and dragged Christian on top of one of them. He then raised the other chair over his head, but he hesitated and Christian punched him in the plums. 

Christian then repeatedly slammed Perry’s head into the chair, and held out his arms in celebration. He then lifted up Perry’s head to reveal that he was bleeding, and then stood over him with his foot on his neck before referees ran him off…

The show cut abruptly to a video package for Samoa Joe and Wardlow. It showed the tail end of Wardlow’s video last week where he explained the connection between his father and his hair. Joe then commented that he did that to sever that connection and show that he was not a man to be trifled with…

In the arena, Saraya made her entrance. Skye Blue was already in the ring… 

3. Saraya (w/Toni Storm) vs. Skye Blue: Blue got some offense early, but Storm created a distraction and Saraya took over. She tossed Blue out to the floor and Storm stomped on her a bit. Saraya then tossed Blue into the barricade and then back into the ring. She then applied an arm and neck hold. Blue attempted a submission herself, but Saraya escaped and dumped her on her head for a near fall. 

After some back and forth, Blue dropped Saraya with a kick, but Storm prevented a pinfall by distracting the ref. Saraya then landed a thrust kick followed by Bull Nakano’s old Angelito Finisher for the win. 

Saraya defeated Skye Blue at 5:11

After the match, Toni Storm entered the ring and they started to beat down Blue. Jamie Hayter ran down to make the save, but Saraya and Toni ran to ringside and grabbed some spray paint and covered up a Hayter sign at ringside. As they ran up the ramp, Ruby Soho walked out and motioned for a title shot. Hayter nodded along…[c]

My Take: They sprinted through a couple of matches and segments there without a break. Christian and Jack Perry’s segment was effective. The Tag match was ok for what it was but I don’t know why it needed to be on this show. Saraya and Skye Blue was a bit rough at times but mostly fine. The referee was made to look like a moron again, and so the finish was pretty flat. I also question the commitment to the spray paint gimmick.

[Hour Two] The show was in a commercial break at the top of the second hour…

Justin Roberts welcomed Bryan Danielson down to the ring for an interview. He said it was great to be back in Phoenix. He got a strong “Yes” chant. Bryan said it sounds like the crowd wants him to win the AEW Championship at Revolution. He said he would do everything in his power to defeat MJF and win the title. Bryan then turned the attention to what MJF said last week about hating him. 

Bryan said he tried to break the arm of his friend, took a bounty out on him, and hospitalized his friend William Regal, and he hates him? MJF then walked out and said he might have all these schmucks twisted, but he knows who he really is. He claimed that everyone he ever loved tossed him away, until he met a girl that turned his world around. MJF claimed that he got on one knee and told this woman that he wanted to start a family and build a home with her, and she left him because he’s unlovable. 

MJF said the only thing he has now is the BBB, and it’s the only thing that stops him from grabbing a fistful of pills and calling it a day. In contrast, everybody loves Bryan, and when they see him they yell yes from the top of their lungs. MJF said worst of all, he has a family and two beautiful healthy kids and he takes it all for granted. He told Bryan that he’s had more concussions and head trauma than anyone in the history of the sport, until he was foaming from the mouth and having seizures. 

Bryan looked disgusted. MJF continued and said that every time he steps in the ring he spits in his face, because he takes for granted everything that he would kill for. He told Bryan that he’s addicted to the spotlight and just as bad as his drug addicted mentor William Regal. Max then attempted to address Bryan’s kids, at which point Bryan piped up and said he would kick his ass if he talked about his kids. Max addressed Birdie and said he was going to beat her Dad within an inch of his life and tear his arm from the socket. 

MJF continued and said that he would rain blows on her Dad and then give him a gift. MJF got in the ring and said that gift was early onset CT…..and Bryan punched him in the face. They had a brawl until referees and agents ran down to the ring to pull them apart. Eventually MJF rolled to ringside, but Bryan escaped his handlers and ran after him to land more elbows to the side of his head….[c]

My Take: That promo was all over the place in terms of subject matter, but it was an effective way to add a lot of personal beef between the two of them. I’m not certain how the TV audience will react to Max going that hard about CTE, Bryan’s head trauma, and his family, but those are the most sensitive buttons they could press. Seems like a weird road to go down if MJF is going to retain his championship, though.

A replay was shown of the previous segment, and Excalibur couldn’t even finish his voice over before the show cut to Tony Schiavone backstage with Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker. Hayter spoke about how she wanted a piece of both Ruby Soho and Saraya, and challenged both of them to a title match at Revolution… 

In the arena, all 10 tag teams for the Battle Royal were at ringside. The bell rang, and they stormed the ring. 

4. Rush and Preston Vance, “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin, “Best Friends” Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor, “Aussie Open” Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher, Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal, Matt Menard and Angelo Parker, John Silver and Alex Reynolds, Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo, The Butcher and The Blade, Aria Daivari and Tony Nese in a Tag Team Battle Royal for a Title Opportunity at Revolution: The match was mostly chaos early on. Tony Nese nearly eliminated Penta, but he managed to hold onto the rope and stay on the apron. Mark Briscoe ran down and took out Josh Woods and stared down Mark Sterling. Penta eliminated Tony Nese after a piledriver, and Arya Daivari was eliminated a moment later by being tossed onto Mark Sterling and Nese at ringside…[c]

My Take: Some weird production issues tonight. Excalibur had to talk over himself because his commentary was present in the replay when the show returned from commercial, and he spoke over Tony Schiavone for a few seconds after they abruptly cut to a backstage interview. I’m not sure why AEW can’t seem to iron out these problems.

The Butcher and The Blade eliminated both members of Aussie Open, along with Darius Martin of Top Flight. Blade was then quickly eliminated by John Silver. Butcher then eliminated Alex Reynolds with an overhead slam. Preston Vance was knocked out onto the apron by Penta and then quickly knocked to the floor. Rush then dumped Penta to the apron and eliminated him with a dropkick. Fenix then walked the ropes and landed a soccer kick that sent Rush off the apron and to the floor. 

Parker and Menard snuck into the match for the first time and attempted to eliminate the Best Fiends, but they held onto the bottom rope. Danhaused got into the ring and they tossed him to the floor. Danhausen cursed Parker and Menard, and they were immediately eliminated by Best Friends. Chuckie T was then immediately eliminated by Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal…[c]

Aussie Open vs. The Young Bucks was advertised for Rampage in a quick announcement.

In the ring, Butch sent Rey Fenix through the ropes, so he wasn’t eliminated. Butcher then dumped Dante Martin to the floor. Fenix entered the ring and dumped Butcher, and then Fenix was shown coming over the top rope. The cameras missed Jay Lethal sending him to the floor, but they showed a replay. The final three men were Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, and Trent Beretta. 

Both Jarrett and Lethal were sent to the apron by Trent. He landed a double dropkick, but Satnam Singh put a hand on their backs to prevent an elimination. They tried to dump Beretta a moment later, but Orange Cassidy came from under the ring to catch him on his shoulders to make the save. Danhausen and Cassidy chased Sonjay Dutt to the back. Lethal was eliminated by Beretta, but Jarrett landed a Stroke and sent him to the floor to claim the victory… 

Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal won the Battle Royal to earn a Tag Title Opportunity at 17:04

A House of Black promo aired where they said it was time for them to eradicate a problem that existed within the company. Brody King said the House would bring a firestorm that would purify the company, and build a new structure on top of the ashes. Buddy Matthews said they would like to discuss The Elite’s status as Trios Champions face to face on Rampage…[c]

My Take: Aussie Open were right there? At this point I assume Lethal and Jarrett are in possession of some kind of CIA Dossier on Tony Khan.

Backstage, Tony Khan was interviewed by Renee Paquette. Tony said his major announcement would be best made by one of the wrestlers that are involved. He then brought in Adam Cole, who said there was a new one-hour TV Series upcoming in March called AEW All Access. It will follow Dynamite on Wednesdays on TBS, and will feature more of the stories around the lives of AEW talent. Cole then made a second announcement, and said that he would make his in ring debut on the same night as the premiere of the All Access show. No specific date was announced…

Elsewhere, Lethal and Jarrett were with Dutt and Singh. The Gunn Brothers approached and said they should help each other take care of business before Revolution. Excalibur ran down some matches for Rampage and Dynamite, including Hook being reinstated. He then ran down the announced matches for Revolution…

In the arena, Jon Moxley made his entrance. The main event is up next…[c]

My Take: The AEW Reality Show announcement probably should have been a video package because Adam Cole being the face of it did not help generate a positive crowd response. I’m not sure what folks expected in the arena, but I think it was something other than another hour of reality content to watch every week. Tony Khan once again did not seem to blink the entire time he was on camera.

Evil Uno made his entrance during the break… 

5. Jon Moxley vs. Evil Uno: The match started with a bum rush by Uno. He charged at Moxley and landed some quick strikes. Moxley quickly turned things around and stomped a mudhole in Uno in the corner. After some back and forth, Uno went after Moxley’s eyes and then knocked him off the apron to the floor. He then landed a somersault senton from the top rope to the floor, and landed some big chops. 

Moxley escaped into the ring and then rolled back out to the floor. Uno followed, and Moxley tore at his mask and then sent him hard into the ring steps. He then stomped on his head and drove it into the steps a second time. Uno came up bleeding underneath his mask and Moxley landed a series of crossfaces punches. Moxley taunted briefly, but Uno surprised him with back to back piledrivers for a near fall. 

Uno got to his feet, but Moxley quickly applied a choke. He transitioned to the bulldog choke, but Evil refused to give up as Uno bled heavily. Moxley then pulled him into a rear naked choke, and the referee called for the bell. 

Jon Moxley defeated Evil Uno at 6:24

After the match, Moxley refused to release the hold. The rest of Dark Order and Blackpool Combat Club ran down to start a brawl. Hangman Page was the last man out and darted at Moxley. He had a bit of barbed wire that he wrapped around his fist. He attacked Moxley with it, who ended up bleeding as much or more than Evil Uno. He was immediately a bloody mess. As Hangman attempted  Buckshot Lariat, a bloodied Moxley escaped from the ring and sat on the ramp as the show closed… 

My Take: I am completely over the weekly bloodbaths revolving around Jon Moxley. This wasn’t a bad match, but it didn’t feel like a Dynamite Main Event in terms of the usual quality expectations. I hope Hangman and Moxley have a solid go home promo next week rather than another match where everybody ends up bleeding like it’s a Tarantino film.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the February 22 edition

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Readers Comments (14)

  1. Whelp, we can see how this review is going to go…

  2. Show has been great so far

  3. So obvious this is the ROH tv show.

  4. I say this as a day one AEW fan….

    To hell with this.

    • What was your breaking point? I’m always interested in hearing from people who genuinely liked the product and lost interest (or when someone wasn’t a fan of a product and something came along that made them a fan).

  5. Enough already with the blood. Seriously

  6. Now does everybody see why Lesnar didn’t want to work with Moxley at WrestleMania years back. Honestly the guy needs a brain scan

  7. Tim I agree. Been supportive of AEW since day 1 but this is an end of WCW days style train wreck. Turned it off once Jarrett won.

  8. Garbage wrestling with a budget…Whoo Hoo.

  9. Well, Jason,it’s been building for a while. It feels like all titles beyond the world title are worthless. The TNT title especially feels useless. I just don’t care about the storyline with Hayter, Baker, Saraya, Storm and Soho and those are 5 people I like. I simply don’t care what happens next with them. Tonight it was Jarretts win, Uno in the main event (after years of being portrayed as a comedy guy and never a main eventer), and positioning the announcement of a reality show in the semi main event slot
    They don’t even have a launch date. It was a chore to watch Dynamite tonight. I haven’t given up yet, but I’m right there. I stopped watching wwe years ago and I’m not going back to that ever again. I’ll stick with impact or maybe try MLW.

  10. There was still much good (mjf mostly but some other things) but with it’s nonsensical booking and it’s crutches (this week, it was “the big announcement”, sometimes it’s forced casino references), it feels like the Monday Night RAW when I stopped watching (it’s a singles match, now it’s a tag match, because the singles match was a dq. I shouldn’t have even watched the singles match).

  11. THEGREATESTTHREE February 23, 2023 @ 3:51 am

    I once really enjoyed AEW and Chris Jericho. Can we start pushing younger stars please? I don’t need to see a 52 year old guy. With inverted tits every week

  12. Watched parts of this on DVR.


    the MJF promo. The Acclaimed are fun. Hell, I even watched the Yuta and Cassidy match and enjoyed it (and I am not a fan of Cassidy’s nonsense).


    Evil Uno in the main event with Moxley gushing blood, as always. A women’s match that has a convoluted story. Double J winning a match in 2023. And Chris Jericho feuding with an up-and-coming star, again.

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