8/25 ROH Honor For All results: Matt Taven vs. Jay Lethal vs. Jeff Cobb vs. Kenny King in a Defy or Deny match, The Briscoes vs. The Rock & Roll Express for the ROH Tag Titles, Shane Taylor vs. Chase Owens for the ROH TV Title

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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Ring of Honor “Honor For All” on HonorClub and FITE.TV
Streamed live from Nashville, Tennessee at The Fairgrounds

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary. They announced that PCO was not medically cleared after suffering a nasty gash on his head the night before, so the ROH Six-Man Tag Title match was off and would be replaced by Marty Scurll and Brody King vs. Mark Haskins and Bandido in a tag team match. Riccaboni said the winning team would earn an ROH Tag Title shot at Death Before Dishonor.

1. “The Bouncers” Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas beat “Coast 2 Coast” LSG & Shaheem Ali and Okumura & Felino in a three-way tag match. The Bouncers hit Closing Time on Ali and then Milonas pinned him.

PCO headed to the ring. Security came out and tried to talk him down. PCO fought off security. PCO placed a security guard on a table on the floor and then performed a top rope swanton through the table. Flip Gordon came out to calm him down. PCO shoved Gordon to the ground, then calmed down once Gordon pointed to the Villain Enterprises logo on his t-shirt.

2. Dalton Castle and Joe Hendry beat Eli Isom and Cheeseburger. Before the match, Castle and Hendry argued about which one of them would face Isom, who took the mic and challenged them to a tag match. Hendry and Castle bickered during the match. Castle was going for his finisher when Hendry broke it up and hit a Codebreaker on Cheeseburger and then pinned him.

3. Angelina Love (w/Mandy Leon) beat Jenny Rose, Sumie Sakai, and Damaris Dawkins in a four-way. WOH Champion Kelly Klein sat in on commentary. Leon sprayed hairspray into the eyes of Sakai, then Love hit a Botox Injection on Dawkins and pinned her. Maria Manic came out and there was a teased confrontation with Klein, but Love hit Manic with the WOH Title belt. Manic chased The Allure duo to the back.

4. PJ Black beat Silas Young (w/Josh Woods). Young wanted Woods to help him cheat to win, but Woods didn’t go along with the “game plan”. Young said he would show Woods how to get the job done, then Black pinned him seconds later.

5. Rush defeated Vinny Marseglia. Both men were on the ropes and headbutted one another. Marseglia came up with a bloody nose and then took a superplex. Marseglia got a near fall off his Redrum finisher, but Rush got the win after hitting his Bullhorns finisher.

6. Shane Taylor beat Chase Owens to retain the ROH TV Title. Taylor won clean with his Welcome To The Land finisher.

7. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe defeated “Rock & Roll Express” Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson to retain the ROH Tag Titles. Jay performed a neckbreaker on Morton. Mark followed up with Froggy Bow and then tied up Gibson while Jay pinned Morton to win the match. Afterward, the teams shook hands and hugged while the fans cheered. The Briscoes left while telling Morton and Gibson to have the ring while the broadcast team put it over as an act of respect.

8. Mark Haskins and Bandido defeated Marty Scurll and Brody King. Bandido hit the 21 Plex on Scurll. Bandido took out King on the floor with a flip dive while Haskins forced Scurll to submit to the Sharpshooter. Riccaboni said Haskins and Bandido earned a shot at the ROH Tag Titles in Las Vegas.

9. Jeff Cobb defeated Matt Taven Jay Lethal, and Kenny King in a Defy or Deny elimination match. Taven was disqualified. As he argued with the referee, King hit Lethal with the ROH Title belt and pinned him moments later. The match came down to Cobb and King. Cobb hit a Tour of the Islands on King and pinned him to earn a future ROH Title shot.


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